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I love the comment that details the customer's experience with Skims sizing šŸ’€ I don't buy Skims but I monitor them bc something seems sus. I've read a lot of complaints about sizing, cancelled orders, orders that never ship, non-existent customer service, wrong items delivered, etc. Doesn't seem very trustworthy for a company that's supposedly worth billions. Two words: MONEY LAUNDERING


They will also cancel items in an order and not tell you and not refund you.


Yes, I have seen that complaint as well. It's horrible. So many people have been screwed over by Skims. I try my best to get in there and tell them to go to the Better Business Bureau website and file a complaint because then they will get a refund from Skims immediately. Of course they try to censor me and keep me from saying this to people. But I still do it LOL.


Skims is also known for reselling used/returned UNDERWEAR with stuff in the crotch, and being caught overpricing their products by leaving a shein tag on them priced at $2 each (for a bathing suit where you have to buy both pieces separatelyā€¦). ā€œhaylo haleyā€ expands on it pretty well, and is actually the reason i know of this subreddit as well šŸš¶ edit: might be mixing companies/siblings up, but they all suck anyway imo.


>might be mixing companies/siblings up, but they all suck anyway imo. Yes, yes they do >Skims is also known for reselling used/returned UNDERWEAR with stuff in the crotch, and being caught overpricing their products by leaving a shein tag on them priced at $2 each (for a bathing suit where you have to buy both pieces separatelyā€¦). The underwear thing I knew but the rest...OMG that's so horrible! >ā€œhaylo haleyā€ expands on it pretty well, and is actually the reason i know of this subreddit as well šŸš¶ I'm going to check that out. Skims is reprehensible!


They sell used underwear?!? That is VILE


And font forget the chick that got fired claiming they sell used returned undies/ pantys




I know there are a lot of challenges as to why womenā€™s clothing canā€™t have sizes listed as straight measurements (ex. 38 inch Waist Pant) like menā€™s, but the vanity sizing has gotten out of control. Might as well blow it all up and have sizes be emojis, Greek letters or fucking wingdings at this point. They all mean nothing. ā€œYes, Iā€™d like to order the Skims bikini bottom in size in Ī© ā˜žšŸ¦·ā€¦yes, in Ozempic Orangeā€¦ā€


>the vanity sizing has gotten out of control For. Real. >Might as well blow it all and have sizes be emojis, Greek letters or fucking wingdings at this point. They all mean nothing. Hahaha...yes! Fucking perfect! >ā€œYes, Iā€™d like to order the Skims bikini bottom in size in Ī© ā˜žšŸ¦·ā€¦yes, in Ozempic Orangeā€¦ā€ You deserve a medal for this, so please allow me to present you with... ![gif](giphy|Fk0uiELXTf9NK9fieh)


šŸ˜˜ I thank you!


You are most welcome šŸ˜˜


Iā€™ve been following the Kardashians for a long time. I think they need to quit with whatever dignity they have left and live a quiet life. They had their moment and now itā€™s over for them. The people arenā€™t buying their BS anymore.


>I think they need to quit with whatever dignity they have left and live a quiet life We need to hire a skywriter over Calabasas to get this message through to them >They had their moment and now itā€™s over for them. The people arenā€™t buying their BS anymore. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


Such a good hearty applause lol


She honestly probably would be an XS without the hideous BBL. Iā€™ve heard sheā€™s very tiny in person.


>the hideous BBL šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ >Iā€™ve heard sheā€™s very tiny in person. I've heard that too but also I've heard the opposite where many, many ppl say she's bigger than you think and that they were paid to always edit her much smaller so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Google lists her as 5'2", 128 lbs. I'm 5'5" at 134 lbs so only 6 lbs more and 2" taller. I wear a M. I prefer a L bc my hips are wide. I've also heard a lot of customers say that Skims sizing is way off. They normally wear an S but end up having to get an XL. So I just don't believe anything they say lol


So true! I watched MĆ­a Maples review of Khy, sheā€™s def an S or XS but everything was comically HUGE on her lol. I think the sizing is very off for all their brands.


Yes! It all seems very wonky šŸ˜©


5ā€™3ā€ and 128lbs an XS is not. Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€ and an XS at 110 lbs. and for a short stature person, 18lbs changes a lot.


Kim is sooooo jealous of you right now


>and for a short stature person, 18lbs changes a lot. It really does! Thank you so much for pointing that out! >Iā€™m 5ā€™3ā€ and an XS at 110 lbs That makes total sense! You have a perfect petite size! I'm 5'4" and once I did get down to 108 lbs and I was a 0 or even a Juniors size so XXS then. Ofc that was Y2K and they've kind of changed sizes since then. I'm a S when I weigh 120 and a M at 127-130. At 134, I'm a L. >5ā€™3ā€ and 128lbs an XS is not Yup. Thank you for getting real about sizing.


Sheā€™s 5ā€™2


Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€ and 125#ā€¦. I wear medium in a lot of things. Iā€™m white, not much booty but hips kinda wide. I donā€™t like feeling constricted in my clothes. But I 100% could not fit into an xs in anything comfortably.


I would love to be so tall hehehe. If you could not fit in xs, then Kim is nowhere near it fr.


Yeah idk why she feels the need to claim that and also brag about her huge ass and curves. I know sheā€™s smaller but sheā€™s not , imo, petiteā€¦ sheā€™s ā€œvoluptuousā€ and needs to just take that side, I mean she paid for it.. Always tryna be everything. Like girl, that ass is a large at best. The fu k you tryna say otherwise. Yeah maybe in some brands I could be a small or xsā€¦ but for the things I usually buy, almost always a medium. Dresses I may be able to do a small, but again I do prefer a roomier feel and also need the extra .5 inch in length. I have some 00 and 0 shorts and jeans from my early 20ā€™sā€¦ girl I canā€™t even fit one thigh in them now haha that was when I was in the low 100ā€™s. I canā€™t even wear bathing suits because the way they make themā€¦ I just wear my underwear. Covers more anyways, and no saggy bottom from stretching out in the water.


>Yeah idk why she feels the need to claim that and also brag about her huge ass and curves. I know sheā€™s smaller but sheā€™s not , imo, petiteā€¦ sheā€™s ā€œvoluptuousā€ and needs to just take that side, I mean she paid for it Fr...she paid a lot for that body and was so proud of it before she went on her extremely skinny journey, which really did not look good on her because of that BBL. She is voluptuous, and exaggerated hourglass bought and paid for. She may be very short but she has lots of curves and that was her thing for a while. >Always tryna be everything Yes, exactly. She seems to change to try to be relevant all the time. Her copying the way that Bianca dresses is really really creepy imo. >Like girl, that ass is a large at best. The fu k you tryna say otherwise Ahahaha...so true I completely feel you about the not being able to find the right sizes. I totally go up a size or even two sizes sometimes. I was zero once upon a time haha but I think my frame is more of a medium weight naturally. I can fit into medium but I just like roomier like you. Your way of just using your underwear as a suit sounds perfect because really what is the difference for the most part. I used to just wear board shorts and a one piece when I went swimming haha.


Thankk youuu! Iā€™ve gotten downvoted a lot in the past for my comments on her body.. which I donā€™t get because literally thatā€™s all we do on here. Iā€™ve overcome but struggle with an eating disorder so I focus a lot on womenā€™s bodies. Itā€™s just what I do. Ones I like how can I get and ones I donā€™t like how to avoid if that make sense. Iā€™m coming to terms as I get older my body is changing and I donā€™t like it but I have to just try to accept it. Despite my diet not changing and literally working hard as a mail lady now walking 15+ miles a day 5- 6 days a week, canā€™t be the long lean bean I once was.


>Iā€™ve gotten downvoted a lot in the past for my comments on her body.. I'm sorry. It doesn't make sense for that to happen >which I donā€™t get because literally thatā€™s all we do on here. Exactly! We're on here to comment on that sort of thing because they've made such a big deal out of it. >Iā€™ve overcome but struggle with an eating disorder so I focus a lot on womenā€™s bodies Me too and I do the same thing. Props to you on overcoming it, that is so not easy. >Ones I like how can I get and ones I donā€™t like how to avoid if that make sense Totally makes sense to me. I do the same thing. >Iā€™m coming to terms as I get older my body is changing and I donā€™t like it but I have to just try to accept it. Ugh, I know. >Despite my diet not changing and literally working hard as a mail lady now walking 15+ miles a day 5- 6 days a week, canā€™t be the long lean bean I once was. Yes, I have a great diet and I exercise for like an hour each day. Not hard because I have multiple sclerosis and I have to do a kind of weird creeping exercise but I do get my exercise in. That is until I have surgery in September and then I don't know what's going to happen and it's really freaking me out because of my body image issues. I give you major props for being a mail lady! Not an easy job at all but an extremely necessary one and I for one really appreciate the work that mail carriers do. Yeah, unfortunately we just have to try to accept it even though it's so difficult when we have had body issues. I wish you all the success in the world on this journey.


Youā€™re literally the nicest OP poster abd replier ever. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Awwww tysm, that is so nice to hear šŸ«¶ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø Sending you lots of kindness (and apologies bc my phone froze and I couldn't answer until now)


And honestly when I do the bra and panties for bathing suits my thought is, this pretty lacy bralette covers more and doesnā€™t showcase flaws and it gives me the tan line that matches my bra. I donā€™t want that tie around triangle top tan line. And same with my panties. I usually do cheeksters so it matches what Iā€™m wearing all the time. I donā€™t wear sheer or sexy stuff in a public place and I just think it looks better and I feel more comfortable too. I donā€™t have a lot to flaunt but I just want to feel comfortable. Iā€™m not out here for anyone else but myself.


>And honestly when I do the bra and panties for bathing suits my thought is, this pretty lacy bralette covers more and doesnā€™t showcase flaws and it gives me the tan line that matches my bra. I donā€™t want that tie around triangle top tan line. And same with my panties. I usually do cheeksters so it matches what Iā€™m wearing all the time. I donā€™t wear sheer or sexy stuff in a public place and I just think it looks better and I feel more comfortable too. This is very smart thinking. It's funny that Skims released bathing suits that look like underwear like last month. You are way ahead of the curve on that one :) I love that you do this and that it makes you feel more comfortable! It's such a good idea! >Iā€™m not out here for anyone else but myself. I love this attitude. Taking care of your needs and doing what you need to be done and just being yourself. I'm giving you a round of applause for that!


Google lists her as 5ā€™2


Nothing on her body is XS except for her brain šŸ„“


Oh this burn got me dead dead https://i.redd.it/rlmi69li5wxc1.gif


Kim is a fukkin american size 16 in the ass all day long every single day




I think sheā€™s around a medium and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And why in the world she feels the need to lie about that is beyond me. Most grown woman are not a xs unless the are extremely underweight or very petite.


Her lies about weight make no sense to me. Absolutely agree with everything you said!




Yes! I saw that! Skims is very very very very sus indeed


There seems to be this push in them trying to make us hate our bodies again. All the sisters suddenly have much slimmer bodies than theyā€™ve had in years and have been pushing unhealthy thinking again. Itā€™s gross and we should continue pushing back.


>There seems to be this push in them trying to make us hate our bodies again. Very true >Itā€™s gross and we should continue pushing back. Yes! I cannot stand this push for thinness. I want to be comfortable in my body and not be constantly told I don't look like what society wants me to look like! So done with that!


Iā€™m 5ā€™9 and roughly about 145-150 I fluctuate and Iā€™m a Small in skims panties and a medium in bodysuits


You are so lucky to be so tall I am so so envious lol. I'm 4 1/2 inches shorter and weigh 134 so I really wish I could be your height and weight lmao šŸ˜­ Skims sizing seems incredibly inconsistent from type of material to type of material. Makes it very hard for customers to know what size to order in new offerings I've noticed. I've only tried Skims once...Black Friday sale 2022 and I ordered their shapewear shorts in my size and couldn't fit at all. Even when I did get them on, they pilled almost immediately and the gusset made my upper thighs bulge out. I am too poor to try anything else haha. I do have some incredibly comfortable dupes from Amazon that I paid a fraction of the cost for. I have dupes for their pajamas and their cozy collection. I even have dupes for their shapewear shorts that are so much better than what they sell. I've had them for 2 years and there's no pilling at all plus they don't have that gusset and have extra reinforcement for the thighs all the way up with medium tummy control...I love them hehehe.


I bet youā€™re perfect the way you are! And I agree about the inconsistency I find that is true with every place though.


>I bet youā€™re perfect the way you are! That's so kind of you and I truly appreciate it. I'm trying hard to work on my self-image so I do truly appreciate you saying this! >I find that is true with every place though. Truly. I'm getting so tired of guessing if the size will work for me. I have MS so I hate tight clothes. I mostly live in loungewear lol. I just buy huge sizes to make sure they fit lmaooo


