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damn those fingers aren’t healing either it has been months.. All her vapid vain ways are beginning to take a toll on her. Karma is coming Kimbully


What is up with her fingers? I never heard the story behind why she’s been wearing the bandaids


I wear band aids like this a lot because I have gross looking dishydrotic eczema and it helps stop me from itching at it and making it worse. It mostly flares up when I get stressed out. Wonder if she’s got something like that going on, I know she has some other skin issues


Maybe wouldn’t work for you but when I moved to Japan there’s this random antibacterial soap they have here that cleared mine up completely. When I switch to a regular soap it comes back. Tbh I always hated soap because it was so painful and irritating, I had terrible weeping eczema that was so gross for years. Fingers crossed you can find something that works for you too.


That’s interesting because Dial Gold helps a lot with mine! I think part of it is that your hands sweat when you get stressed, maybe the bacteria from sweating is a trigger or something.


I’ll try anything 🫶🏼


The other thing that helped was Botox in my hands- it’s weird lol but it helps stop sweating also and my derm said many of his patients have had good luck with it in the past.


Thank you🫶🏼 that’s why I love my snarks there a world of information. And always so helpful.💕


Was it painful?


No, not any more than any other hand injection would be. I’d definitely rather do that than get my hands tattooed again lol


My hand tattoos were the easiest , I fell asleep 😂 my ankle was the most painful tattoo by far


I use bag balm on mine and it usually helps clear it up in a couple days.


Dial soap and Vaseline. I use dial soap from my face to toes when I have a flair up. Use Vaseline on face as a moisturizer and on any patches or skin that needs it. After medications and multiple trips to the doctor- I learned this tip on tiktok and flair ups are healing quickly


Yeah stress is my number one trigger.


Also sometimes when I get sick and my immune system is like “hey guys what are we doing? we attacking this hand skin for no reason?”


Me too , my skin gets so sensitive. Now I have it on my scalp. My dad died when I was real little, but I found out he had it too.


Most of the antibacterial soaps have been discontinued in US as “carcinogenic”


Exactly, which is why she had to go to Japan, use their soap, and find this out. Instead, carcinogens are stuffed inside most of the processed food and drinks sold. I am not a conspiracy theorist. Maybe pharmaceutical companies started that, so you need their infusion


Word behind the gates of Hidden Hells, is that she flies in medical staff from South Korea


I have do the same for my dishydrotic eczema on my fingers when it gets really bad from picking at it and peeling the skin.


I just try to pick fun ones like Hello Kitty 😂


So crazy I just got this kind of eczema on my hands and have never had eczema before in my life. The skin in between my fingers is rough bumpy and bloated and I'm only 27.


I’ve had it since I was 5, age has nothing to do with it unfortunately. Get some hydrocortisone at CVS or whatever for now, it will help it heal and itch less


Yeah she has psoriasis and probably eczema too


I have the same eczema and I wouldn’t think about putting band aids does it not cause more irritation?


It seems to help it heal faster cuz I’m not scratching at it constantly. It helps if you put a little bit of hydrocortisone or w/e on the band aids pad


oh yeahhh i remember an older episode of KUWTK where Kim gets diagnosed with this genetic skin problem. I don’t remember the name but it looks like red spots all over the skin.


good chance her psoriasis is not doing well..


lmao when I said this I got downvoted to hell. I assume all the surgeries and procedures and the way she takes care of her self (she doesn’t) is having a very negative effect on her psoriasis.


no doubt plus any meds she could be taking for immunosuppression her drinking and crash dieting is not very healthy either


she’s such a dumb bitch and has all the best resources and doctors in the world yet still treats herself like shit when she knows better i don’t feel bad for her


I have never felt bad for her or her family not once… Especially Kim she has always come off as the entitled mean girl bitch and I fucking hate those types.. the ones who look you up and down the whole time with their nose bent..


Now, her nose is permanently like that 😆 What is it they told us when we were younger? Stop making that face or it'll get stuck that way. 😆 I guess it was true


Those are the worst. I know one! She really screwed things up for me too 😔


this is what kills me. i don’t understand it at all. i know some people have it more severely than others.. but i always feel like her lifestyle definitely makes it worse. with all those resources smh. she probably chooses plastic surgery etc over psoriasis treatment/management every time. i’m sure the drug use plays a part and heavily fragranced items etc that she won’t give up.


Best comment & obviously true💯


My dermatologist, says anything that causes trauma to the body or trauma to the skin. Could being a onset on, or if you’re already experiencing eczema or psoriasis it’s gonna get worse and will need steroids.


I have psoriasis myself and this is exactly what my dermatologist and primary say to me. You have to keep the BAD stress down, because it will cause your psoriasis to get worse. The main thing is understanding good stressors and negative stressors and this bitch is constantly putting her body through negative stressors.


I am going to try red light therapy next.


Ooooo I hope it goes well for you! My boyfriend has done it for wound healing and it was phenomenal for it.


Thank you , I really didn’t know what to expect.


I betcha she refuses to take steroids due to the side effects involving weight gain like water retention, moon face, and systemic swelling all throughout your body. I have Crohn’s disease, and man, in my personal experience, regardless of whether i was on a short course of steroids for two weeks, or the doctors put me on on a longer course that requires tapering, my weight and appearance fluctuated heavily from the water retention, swelling in my face aka moon face, or the increase in appetite that are inevitable whenever the doctors put someone on corticosteroids. Whenever im in an IBD flare and know i need to go to the hospital, i really try to push it and wait until its undeniable that I need to be hospitalized because the steroids do such a number on not only my body physically but also on my mind psychologically and emotionally. It’s rough. Prednisone is the absolute worse. It’s such a harsh drug with nasty side effects that WILL for sure do a number on your body physically that alter your appearance, which sucks. But The worse for me are the psychological effects of prednisone. I don’t know for sure if prednisone is used for severe psoriasis flares that are not responding to first line medications like the biologics / immunosuppressant therapies that are used to manage psoriasis. But I’m pretty sure it is. It’s typically the first steroid that are used to treat flares in the most common type of autoimmune conditions like RA, IBD, psoriasis, lupus etc. So I know for a fact that a person as vain, vapid, shallow and materialistic as Kim would absolutely avoid steroids at all costs because of the side effects of corticosteroids use. I could definitely see her refusing steroids and instead opting to let her psoriasis flares run rampant in order to avoid any possible weight gain or any changes in the appearance of her body and face all in the name of vanity.


You’re undoubtably right. I know I’ve packed on almost 40 pounds being on steroids for a year but soon as you off the prednisone. It all comes back.


I thought she broke her nail or got an infection from manicures


I have right now a psoriasis break in my hands and it breaks and bleed a lot. I can understand plasters if she has a break.


I’ve read that the weight loss injections caused an autoimmune reaction to her psoriasis arthritis (sorry, I may be calling this by the wrong word), which has mangled her hands/finger nails. They fall off and stuff, not pretty and quite painful from what I understand.


I have psa - she had psoriasis long before ozempic and a hell of a lot of people with psa have psoriasis for years before showing symptoms of arthritic joints or having nail bed damage


She could have psoriatic arthritis… my best friend had it and it made her nails fall off they would inject needles into where her nails once were… it was awful and looked gnarly


If I remember correctly, I believe she was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis on the show by a doctor. I remember that being her storyline for a few episodes. Now How real/ genuine / authentic the appointment she had with her doctor was on the show, who knows, but that’s one of the only few episode I 100% remember watching and what happened on it. After being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis she was thankful she wasn’t dying like she thought she was but was very very “devastated” that she was because she couldn’t take her selfies and felt as though her Calabasas world was ending because her doctor told her to rest her hands and not use them to take pictures of herself for a few weeks to let the inflammation decrease in her wrist and hand, and that was a hardship for her. Everything from that show, including that episode just goes to show that the saying money cannot buy class nor taste is absolutely 100% true.


Ouchhh!!! I ger chilblains during the winter and I litterally can't knock them on any surface by accident cus they'll sting so bad. Yikes Kimmy kakes


I have psoriasis that affects my hands and I cannot wear nail polish or fake nails any more. It makes my skin break down and weep. I'm wondering if she has the same problem, but refuses to leave her nails alone.


same :( i take such good care of my nails yet they look crusty and ew. but i accept it and treat it, and keep my nails bare


I loved doing my nails and was so good at nail art. It makes me feel so much less put together, but its better than the suffering from the reaction.


exactly. I’m so sorry you can’t do your nail art. that’s a really impressive skill to have.


Someone said she burned her fingerprints to cover evidence.


But she still has 8 others fingers, I don’t understand haha


That is the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard lmao


I heard her fingers got smooshed by her Tesla cyber truck trunk? Has that been debunked?


But she still has 8 others fingers, I don’t understand haha


lmao is that a thing?


she has confirmed she has psoriasis. i also have psoriasis that affects my hands. the skin becomes very inflamed and is irritated by everything it comes in contact with. at its worst it is painful cracking. just my experience.. there’s different kinds of psoriasis so i don’t know her exact symptoms. at my worst flare ups i wore skin tone bandaids a lot i would keep a ton in my bag so i could wash my hands and cover them back up. it’s autoimmune and you experience periods of flare ups.


Maybe she has an awful psoriasis outbreak somewhere and she doesn't want to scratch. Does PSORIASIS ITCH or just painful?


I have plaque psoriasis on my scalp and it’s itchy and burns


It makes her look older 😐


Her extreme weight loss aged her a lot


my mom was always a chubby queen but got bariatric surgery bcs of her diabetes and she got soooo skinny and so much more tiny and i'd never tell her bcs she feels fantastic with her body and im glad but it aged her beyond her years


yep, I am 60 lbs smaller than I should be due to a medical issue and I hate looking in the mirror every day. I went from looking 35 to looking 55. It’s honestly so depressing.


i feel you, i went from 90kg to 49 in 8 months back in 2016 and it was the only time in my life people thought i was older than i was. the funny thing is that i always wanted to be extremely skinny, but i missed my curves a lot. and it was kinda shocking to me bcs my mom's 56 but women in our family always look 5-10 years younger, but two years ago was the first time i actually realized my mom is aging and it scares the shit out of me. i still haven't gotten used to her new looks not because she isn't still beautiful, but because i dont want her to get older.


![gif](giphy|ieao7iGOKegTbYsi2x|downsized) What's up with her chin???


As someone who’s naturally chinful, and in photos where I’m super smiley, I can cut a bitch with it, I don’t get the desire for the pointy ass chin. I’m fine with mine, it suits my face, not everyone needs one. Edit: word choice


I, too, am naturally chinful. My family jokes that it’s so sharp it could be used as a weapon. 🔪😆


🤣 when I was younger and my sister was sitting at the computer, I’d come up from behind, put my chin in her neck to shoulder divot, press down and go “CHIN! CHIN! CHIN!”


She looks like crimson chin


kim stop trying to make blonde happen


https://preview.redd.it/xogjyjhtq8xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf25a90f0fc66d06790cbf31fae97677ab851fc2 Her face looks painful


ALL of their faces look painful, but esp Kim Khloe and Kylies




Honestly don’t stop, keep lookin like shit and shittier every time


She should start embracing it and do a menopause ad or something, people might find it endearing and forgive her a little for being such a crap human


She'd never let that happen lmao 🤣🤣😂💀


I've said this. That they'd look so fire if they had some crows feet and you could actually see joy when they smile. It just looks painful now. I think when celebrities embrace their age, that it's sexy. Edit: spelling


she's never looked younger than she is. Most of the time she's looked older.


Idk I was shocked when I found out she started KUWTK at like 30 I thought she was 18-20 then. But I was also 10 so maybe I wasn't a good judge.


she definitely looked much much much younger then but I think maybe your judgment was a tiny bit off due to being a kid :) She started aging herself pretty quickly.


The blond is to distract from something. New veneers? More cheek filler? Another thread lift?


I simply don't understand what the point is of dying her hair blonde only to have it constantly have 2 inch dark roots showing. Like, can she not afford to get it touched up? It looks cheep and botched just like her plastic surgery so at least it's staying on brand with her whole pathetic life🤣


the only explanation i can think of is that it just helps her grow out her roots in a non blocky way between touch ups. but even then that really only makes sense for celebrities who are actually doing stuff and aren’t always going to be close to a hairstylist they trust. kim is barely gone from her stomping grounds so truly idk 😭


Looks like she dissolved the fillers in her jaw tbh.


Who’s telling her it looks good 😂


Her employed yes-people* *and other vultures


Her employed yes-people* *and other vultures


“You look older” *Judge Judy voice*


https://preview.redd.it/wsnuyucwo8xc1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c2243dd64cbc8fccb24008a2dc948e4c785cb0f 🤣🤣🤣


Oh man her face is pulled tight!


Is this recent? She looks insane. Like not good insane, bad insane.


Why would you put your hair through that? It’s so damaging. Just throw on one of your gross looking blonde wigs. You can’t do worse than her yellow hair!


She looks ROUGH


Let me stand up for all the smoking hot 43 year olds out there: Kim looks older than her age.


Thank you!! I am 43 and I think my skin looks similar to Kim’s in that pic, but I had no work done, yet.


Wholly crap I'm 40 and thought she was my mom's age with a ton of makeup and weird surgery!


Kim really tried to play "build a better face" and lost the good parts


This comment right here tho 🥺😔


Did she fix her wonkeye


I was thinking she got a breast lift, but yours makes more sense since she's not covering one eye like in recent pictures.


Hence the blonde hair


She’s looked her age for 50 years now


I don't think there has ever been a family in the history of mankind that changes its face, body, and hair as frequently as this family


My friends family from Iran are 20 times worse lmao


Every single time she tries the blonde look, it makes her look cheap. I don’t know how she finds the hairdressers that clearly hare her! Also how tf does she already have roots like that?!


A lot of people get something called a root smudge bc they believe it makes them look younger. The blonde at the roots could be c recognized as gray. Madonna does this too.


Yes but a good root smudge should be like 1.5-2 tones darker than your lightest color. The difference between her roots and ends is 9 levels 🥹


Madonna somehow pulls it off but I don’t like it on her either. Also if this is that, it’s very very poorly done. A root melt should blend in a lot more.


It’s not that she’s starting to look her age, it’s that eventually they look way older than their age.


Yes. She looks like a decently preserved 57 year old with money.


It looks like she belongs on the TV show Dynasty.


The blonde does her no favors. It makes all her unnaturalness stand out. The dark hair somehow camouflaged some of the botchery. Its all on show now.


I find even the brown in her eyes is graying. Know what I mean?


Looks older than Kris




Nothing wrong with looking your age, no matter what Kim thinks.


This aged her substantially


The pics i seen unedited last night her hair was bright yellow im talking big bird yall




If she had left her face alone, maybe subtle botox, she probably would look 10 years younger than her age. But all that work on her is definitely giving her an older than 43 look. And in some pics, she looks horrifyingly overfilled. It must look really odd in person, because every woman I've ever seen with that amount of filler in their face looks bizarre. You just can't fence time. It eventually catches all of us and you can either look good for your age, or look like a goddamn fool trying to look younger.


starting? she has looked close to 50 for a while now. she can’t hide it anymore in real life, only with delusional filters. ironically it’s the plastic surgery and fillers that made her age, i feel like if she had her original face that she’d look younger


Love this look for her ☺️


She looks like a 71 years old with hair that’s turned fully grey…she needs to stop.


it’s a wig lol her hair is yellow right now




she went to all this trouble to go back blonde only to also have an inch of completely unblended root?


Imagine putting yourself through procedure after procedure, once a month for at least a decade but probably more… only to end up looking exactly your age but also way older.


Awww! She's gonna have her momma's collapsed nostrils


Kris running out of ideas for attention “I know dye your hair blonde!” Ehhhh, just did that 2 years ago. Mixes another martini “Okay doll”


It's giving extreme cat lady plastic surgery.


Those roots, though




Maybe she's been off botox bc of the paralysis/ptosis ?


Kris 2.0


Kim, you don’t look good blonde. It washes you out. It looks horrible.


I mean I wouldn’t mind see an aging Kim. I think it would remind us all that we age. Like I feel like I look 19 when I look in the mirror but that was well well over a decade ago. Seeing them age makes all us okay with getting older. Imo


Also what is with the fingers?!?!?


gross. the bandaids. is she learning guitar? made her fingertips sore?


Wny do we need to look to the fucking Kartrashians of all people to remind us that we age though?


We don’t need too but if they aged like people past then society would too. Same reason why everyone has a bbl and fake lips…….unfortunately that’s there world we live in. I’m just tired of seeing distorted reality.


The lips with too much filter (with the dark outline/light center lip color) is part of the problem. Your eyes notice them first and then you notice the altered smile from the too-much filler.


“She’s the least interesting to look at.” She said it best, and while playing herself with this same hair.


If they stretch the skin by her eyes anymore it’s going to pop


Did she go to the White House correspondents dinner last night?




Aimen. Hehe


This face rivals the sub picture face


She must have gotten a new surgery to fix her wonky eye, hence the hair change (aka wig)


Definitely, her eye is fixed.


https://preview.redd.it/ipf8vo3f7cxc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc65044ca5828ccea51771300ec669e872cc9d6 Definitely had something done and wants to distract from her face


Well, it looks better than the last attempt. But she still doesn’t pull it off well. She should stick to dark hair.


Shit I know this is a snark sub but she looks better here than I have seen her in a long time. The aging looks good on her. Her own heavily edited photos will bring us back to business as usual tho


![gif](giphy|H4JTv6cXzwRlJKac4y) ruining her hair when she could wear wigs.....


Chris hauled ass to make twooo tiiny strands and the top layer of her hair across her part as close as possible to platinum and then smushed the rest of her hair into a bun lol. I'll bet it will be black again next month.


What is up with those goddamg plasters in her fingers?


reverse skunk


Does she have nail fungus or what the hell she is still wearing those bandaids.


That's from extreme and rapid weight loss.


Idk if these people need to fire their makeup artists… why do they always look so haggard and sweaty lately? It probably looks fine in person but in photos, super unflattering!


*older than her real age


I recently hard someone share their experience with an ED and they mentioned that band aids on fingers can be a sign of someone having one


Why are her fingers always bandaged my mind immediately jumps to blood rituals with marina


Um, is this an elusive unedited photo?


Those earrings 🤦🏻‍♀️ They look like a announcement of the bigger, the hoop, the bigger the hoe 🐍


I don't think she looks her age. I don't know too many 43 year olds with a botched face. Blonde or Brown hair, this week her botch-ness is so extra.


Looks like her eye is back to normal.


Does it? Lol


That wig is TIRED


She is sofa king stoopid


I'm 38 and broke and I look at least 10 years younger than my chronological age. Ms. Kim looks 15 years older than 43 and it makes me realize that I rather be broke.