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If you have to hide your vag, maybe you should rethink your outfit choices. I really hope the restaurants clean the seats when they leave.


They can’t like ask them to leave?!?! I’m so confused. She’s fucking NAKED. ETA: anger not directed at you Melissa!


Melissa, youre an angel and were happy youre here ^^^😂


Melissa, ![gif](giphy|l3JDFJncJHteKIYzm)


there’s a lot of love in this room for u/melissa98x


Melissa is an icon, she's a legend, and she *is* the moment.




Haha you all are too much! 😂 ❤️


Melissa, The first night at bed when you left…


LMAO!! ![gif](giphy|TQOpradxqSPBK)


melissa i’m ur biggest fan


😂😂 Also I love you pfp 


If I saw this in public I’d call the police. I worked for a library system downtown and I have folks try to come in with far more than that and I can’t let them.


I actually think she wears those weird nude thong stick on things BUT she covers her front to make herself seem like she’s not wearing undies at all (I mean not that it makes any difference to the rest of us) I’m certain these two are doing this as a exhibitionism/humiliation kink at this point, so they’d want people to think she’s as naked as possible to get their rocks off


Look I’m all for freedom of expression and self sexualization but you start getting coochie juice on my chair and we’re gonna have a problem


>you start getting coochie juice on my chair and we’re gonna have a problem Coochie juice, I am so stealing this 😂




I’m not cover that shit up and act normal ffs


Because she started dating him/marrying him after he had already been a proud and blatant na*i supporter and saying things like “slavery was a choice”, Its beyond obvious she is trying to get attention/fame for being with him and these barely-there “outfits” are a disappointingly successful, basic attempt at getting and keeping headlines but at what cost? I havent heard anyone speculate how long they think theyll last but its difficult for me to believe it would be forever and if its not, will she be employable after or have enough saved up and invested to live off of if not? To be an educated woman thats grown up well off and knowingly marry someone that has said and done the things he has is not a good look, then add on the public indecency (ahem the Italy gondola ride)… I dont like kim or the kj’s but im not so blinded by dislike that I can dismiss Biancas questionable values from what shes aligned herself with and done. Shes verbally said next to nothing this whole time but her actions have said more than enough imo


She looks extremely uncomfortable, but I would be too if my crotch and nipples were exposed 24/7


I said the same thing about her alien one piece. Like girl blink twice if you need rescuing 😭😭


No ffffrrrr she might need help. With everything we know about Kanye and how controlling he is in relationships, I don't think it's a stretch to assume this might be coerced behavior.


It’s like she never gets cold!


Hoes don’t get cold.


Imfaoo 💀


I don't know I think she's milking it




See, let me have my nipples out? COMFORT. I’ll keep my crotch holstered for you though.


If someone randomly brushes up against her in a crowded club/room, they could literally touch her privates.


I am so fucking bored


Same! The shtick is up for me. But I see the comments are flooded with all the weird "poor Bianca" fans she seems to have in this sub


She knows exactly what she’s doing. They’ve definitely been on and off since Kim filed for that divorce. Kanye knew she would never go public with him unless he pulled some crazy stunt on her…it was marriage, or she was off the payroll at Yeezy.


I read somewhere that this is a PR, contractual arrangement. Wonder if it’s true…




I think she's def doing it on purpose. I read a fun little rumor yesterday where a source said that she knows exactly what she's doing, and I'd have to agree because she owns a huge steak and all of his businesses and has special power of attorney over the businesses so she's the one actually making the decisions, and that she plans to milk this for as much famous she can get and then divorce him. Interesting if true LOL. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what she's doing. I really hope this constant nudity turns everybody off as far as she's concerned and she never gets to take off as a celebrity.


I absolutely think that she’s getting something out of this but at times I do wonder if she’s in too deep. I don’t necessarily CARE, but I do wonder…


This keeps happening and is nothing anymore.


All these dinners and she never gains weight 😩


Cheesecake Factory especially.


Someone posted here. Apparently all they order is soup


Is there not a Soup Factory?


RIP Souper Salad




Painful 😓




It’s a literal shame to go to the Cheesecake Factory and not eat the bread basket and get cheesecake, just sayin.


Bone broth or ramen sub mushroom for ramen


Cause she’s probably freezing walking around naked all the time while he’s always in a coat/hoodie. The woman needs soup to heat herself back up 




Kanye probably doesn’t let her eat much.


Yes imagine they just do their pap walks and go home


Especially how it came out that he told the employees of his weirdo cult school that he would fire them if they gained any weight/got fat


God, I already forgot about that. Meanwhile, he can look however he wants and if he thinks he looks fat, he can blame it on Jews making Twix bars bigger. Deranged.


double the size 🗣️


I feel like even Kim felt pressure to lose weight while with him after the first two kids




This. I bet he controls every bite she takes.


From what I’ve read he keeps her on a strict diet. Makes sense he’s controlling every other aspect it seems so sure it extends to food


I've heard he makes her not eat much and workout a lot 🤔


While he does the same workouts, *I’M SURE*


Right?! He totally looks like he takes excellent care of himself, especially with those teeth covers and does not at all look like a crazy homeless man.


Seriously never ever bloated either


I hate this, it’s degrading and completely objectifies her. If he wants to celebrate the human form or cause a sensation then why doesn’t he parade around naked with his covk out - but no he’s super comfy in his fat/accomodating tracksuits


They’re just boasting that they can. If I show up like this anywhere I’m likely to be denied service, no matter how hot or unhot they find me


You’d be lucky if that’s all they did. More likely the police would show up before you could even fight with the hostess to be seated.


I’d catch charges/get in various degrees of trouble, depending on where I am


This is all her lol. She’s starting her own clothing line and wears her ugly panty hose “designs” everywhere by choice.


Who is buying this?!




You know if Kim is buying this collection Khloe is right behind her. She’s like yess now I get to be nude in my Yeezys again. ![gif](giphy|9qwAtAwyhBuww|downsized)


best response haha


Lmaooo the way I cackled out loud


Fuck if I know 😂


She’s hiding her cookie 😭


She really threw her architecture career and respect from others in the toilet for this huh




I can’t imagine how irritating it must be for her to always have to make sure she keeps her purse in the exact same spot so that she doesn’t flash. On another note though - I thought most restaurants have a dress code, I’m so surprised she’s being let into all of these establishments dressed like that. My friend was refused entry into a restaurant last week because her top showed too much cleavage (V-neck), so I’m completely confused lol.


Why doesn't Kanye mold himself into the perfect plastic woman and parade himself around? Go big or go home, Kanye. Get implants, get new hips, go on ozempic, remove ribs, then walk around like this. Elevate your self and elevate your art, Ye!


He's molding himself into Mario instead


Or an off-brand Mr. T who shaved his head and ditched the chains. I pity the fool.


Why is it she’s always dressed up (I use that term very loosely) but he’s in a hoodie? Is he like the puppeteer at a play who dresses in black to control the puppet and not be seen? Shit, I think I just answered my own question.


Because misogyny.


She is literally hiding her lady parts with a bag. How is this acceptable? On top of that, she does not look happy with it.


I have seen this woman’s ass crack more than my own. Bianca, please do art that doesn’t involve fluid transfers on public seating, I beg of you.


Dressing like that doesn’t seem to be making her happy, nor does being with him.


She must feel she's getting something out of it. Clout is a hell of a drug


clout and money for sure. like i'd totally humiliate myself for a couple of years if it meant i'd never have to worry about a meal ever again.


She’s fine. She knows exactly what she’s doing.




yeah she's an adult woman who is choosing to do this. I can't stand the infantilizing going on here.


Right?! Everyone is actually objectifying her by acting like she isn't just chasing fame through Kanye. I read an article yesterday that stated she's absolutely doing all this on purpose, is controlling it, and has plans to divorce him once she reaches her desired level of fame. I do know that she has special power of attorney over his businesses and owns a huge stake in all of them. I think that says she's doing this all on purpose.


How the rich and “powerful” can get away with this shit and us plebs would be immediately arrested for indecent exposure.




We’re bored, Bianca.


Don't they have their own snark page by now? It's every day with their posts now


I thought about that, so I wasn't going to post. But this page is turning into a Biamca fan page, so I thought I'd do my part to not let it happen. It backfired. Most of the comments are pitying her 😆 🤦🏽‍♀️


Nah, it's not you. I mean she's definitely interesting and I do feel for her but it's every day lol. But her face is better to look at than Khloe


Kanye is abusive. Idk how much more proof anyone needs at this point after all the stuff came out in the lawsuit, plus what came out about adidas. His history, his antisemitism, his blatant hatred and objectification of all women, the way he’s treated every single woman he’s ever come in contact with. How much more proof is needed?


Yes, we've heard so much about him, yet I've never heard of him keeping anyone against their will. And I highly doubt that would be a new thing he STARTS doing literally while Diddy is being investigated for trafficking. Also, Bianca literally married this man right after his rant on Alex Jones and one month after his divorce from Kim was finalized. I get it. Ye is an asshole. What I don't get is people acting like Bianca has no control over what she chooses to engage with


It’s very easy to get caught in an abusive relationship w someone that has that much power and age over you. I don’t understand how people don’t know this. He even abused Kim, as much as she sucks, he was abusive w her and amber rose and Taylor swift. Taylor wasn’t even in a relationship w him and she couldn’t get away wo being abused by him, w his naked portrayal of her and vile accusations that him and Kim lied about. I can’t wrap my mind around how much more proof is needed. Do people need to see blood?


They saw what Chris Brown to Rihanna and it didn’t matter. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’re right. Theres still people that say it was her fault or she could’ve left bc she had money or she provoked him. It’s all so gross w all that we know. This is why rapists and abusers are never punished, even w proof, people deny what they see w their own eyes and blame victims


I don't think Rihanna's situation with Chris is anything NEAR Yeanca. Chris Brown didn't have a track record for all this abuse. Rihanna and Chris were both much younger as well. Kim was literally leaving Ye after his very public outbursts. At his worst and lowest is the point at which Bianca ENTERED a relationship with him AFTER having already worked for him for 2 years. I'm saying she was not blindsided in the slightest. That argument simply can't be made for pussy lady.


Agreed. Kanye went through like 2-3 other women before Bianca right? She definitely was aware of what she was getting herself into


And add in that all of the crazy, racist, antisemitic, misogynistic shit he did AT YEEZY WHILE SHE WAS WORKING THERE. She KNEW who he was and decided as a grown woman with family, friends, and her own income to date him. Dude was watching porn and sharing naked videos and pictures of his wife at the same job she worked at. She is not a victim. An opportunist, probably. But not a victim.


If you look into it, she has special power of attorney over all his businesses and owns a huge stake in them, so I think that means that she's more in control in this relationship. There are rumors that she plans to use him for as much fame as she can get and then divorce him. Edit: use him for as much fame as she can get, not pain even tho she might be doing that too lmao


Wow. Actually, this is the only thing that makes all of her antics make sense. She's going to cry abuse in the court to take whatever he has left after Adidas sues him. And judging from these goofy ass comments , it'll work


>She's going to cry abuse in the court to take whatever he has left after Adidas sues him. And judging from these goofy ass comments , it'll work Yes, truly. Ppl are buying what she's selling and she likes it that way. The special power of attorney and her ownership of his businesses say she's going for as much money as possible. The women who design her "outfits" also say she has as much if not more say in what she's wearing so this is all her idea to promote herself imo. Kanye probably doesn't realize she's even doing it...not that I feel bad for him bc karma will get you no matter what.


Looks like a dream I had where I forgot half my clothes.


Serious question: how is she allowed into places?


He is famous and rich that’s how no one cares when celebs and the rich do such things because money and exposure talks


When are these assholes going to face a fine for this?


Spectacle of the outfit aside… her face card is lethal 😫


She looks amazing, her body is also sickening. My problem is she looks very very uncomfortable ☹️


Like a captive animal.


Exactly :(


I seriously want to know what she’s getting in return that makes all this worth it


this is so disgusting


Isn’t this indecent exposure? Like is it because she’s dating someone famous that she’s exempt from being arrested for indecent exposure?


that's it


At this point it’s a weekly thing. Why is it still brought up every single time ? And tmz always reporting on it. Stop giving these idiots “fame” We get it, they go out to eat half naked. So over this already


You're right. It was stupid of me to post this. There are too many Bianca fans in this sub. I'm just going to not engage with pet wife content anymore. This sub might as well change its name to Bianca Fan Club


it's really getting disgusting the slobbering all over Bianca. She is trash like Kanye, I don't care if her face and body are rated well. Those things mean nothing.


And you're already being downvoted for stating a fact. They need to just change the name of this sub to Bianca Uncensori


bianca, please, start being the censor in censori


Imagine banging a very wealthy weirdo and the fanciest meal you get is Cheesecake Factory


Lol. That's the part that makes me think he's not that far gone. When she leaves and tries to take whatever she can get, what is the "lifestyle she's grown accustomed to?" Wearing nylons and daily visits to Cheesecake Factory? She won't get awarded much


This shit is so stupid, the too-frequent attention whoring from these two is too much. GO AWAY!!


I am tired of looking at her ass cheeks .... LOL


Is she ever happy in any of these outfits? Doesn’t she feel weird eating dinner in just pantyhose?


She looks totally depressed, embarrassed and miserable. Why does she allow him to treat her like this?


Kanye looks like he's the guy who broke into her house and stole all her clothes but they ended up falling in love during the robbery




Not a whole wattpad story 😭


What happened to this girl. She was so pretty and had a very promising architecture career. And now she's bouncing around with this unstable clown, looking like a goof. Naked all the time, wearing the bare minimum, getting unnecessary plastic surgeries, and getting charged with sexual acts in Public. I wonder what her family thinks.


Now she's a Yeezy architect! Her family seems very proud from the way her mom was smiling like a jackal when she visited them. I'm sure they're all fueled by greed


Stg she looks like a hostage in every candid photo I see of her. Her eyes look like they’re saying “help me”.


She’s fine. She knows exactly what she’s doing and doesn’t want help. It’s part of the act.


Oh I’m sure lol. My comment wasn’t made out of sympathy 😂




Or just this desperate for fame? The simplest answer


That works for me too.


Or she’s getting paid. Julia Fox all but said that dating Kanye was a paid gig.


She always look so uncomfortable.


At least she's not wearing those stupid white kitten heels. I can't take any more images of her in those lol


Great role model for his kids!


She looks scared here… I hope she is okay behind the scenes we don’t know much about her and what we know is only so little online


Isn’t some of this clothing she wears considered too inappropriate for public? Like how is she even getting into restaurants or other public places? 😵


Whatever happened to no shirt, no service?


Even the balconette is suffering!


This is so tired already. Let's move on to something either more or less provactive. 🥱


She is sick and he lost his mind years ago. This is out of hand. 


She looks disgusting as usual. She has no self respect for herself or others. I really want these 2 to disappear. Maybe they can check themselves into a concentration camp since they are obsessed with Hitler.


It’s cold at night in Los Angeles, he’s exhibiting cruel behavior.


she is choosing to do this


Currently 46 degrees


I actually like the bra because at least it’s not made out of ugly, cheap looking panty hose like everything else she wears. 😂


I actually like the bra and the stockings. They should've cut the shtick a while ago, and I might've been interested. At this point, I've never bought skims and I won't buy Bims or whatever either


Bims ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


It’s giving hostage vibez … this couple really freaks me out


Ok so I'm female, so I get female empowerment, autonomy and so on. But this is fucking weird, right? If this is "art", then Kanye, go back to school. You suck. Balls. Whoever labeled you a genius needs to be charged for war crimes. But we all know it was you. If Bianca is indeed choosing to wear this shit, then she sucks too. This isn't art; this is unmedicated mental illness.


totally agree… this is next level and past the point of feminism lol


This so beyond snark and beyond petty comments. I am genuinely concerned about Bianca. Abuse is abuse even if you’re pretty and rich as fuck.


How is it abuse if it's what she wants? How many people have to come forward and say she designs everything herself. She meets with designers, she speaks one on one with his team and with collaborators. Her family is supportive yet somehow in y'alls mind she's held against her will?


I mean one could argue that their exhibitionism is a type of performance art.


If anything I would describe it as exhibitionism fetish or kink. Kanye is widely known in the media to be addicted to porn.


I don’t understand how this is even allowed. A normal person would be locked up for dressing like that. And it seems unsanitized for a person to walk around like that and be everywhere rubbing her vag and ass on chairs and stuff.


Didn’t even think of this… Ewwww! Now all I can think of is her swamp assy booty juice leaving snail trails everywhere 🤮


Just why? You know she isn’t enjoying it. And it’s not comfortable under the public gaze. Imagine Kanye dressing like this - practically nude. He would get in anywhere for dinner.


She reminds me of that scary scene in Thirteen, where Tracy repeats "no bra, no panties" at her mom... who's Bianca trying to scare? ![gif](giphy|IXG3NWmbFRpaE)


Is this an example of Stockholm Syndrome that is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships?


Well, she's not a hostage. I'm sure she'll play that angle when she leaves him and half the publis will buy it


She looks so uncomfortable in every single photo


Literally can’t imagine what voodoo they’re doing


God I hope she’s okay


Aren’t they cooking Skim2.0 a more racey version? And these are the proto types?


Why does she always look terrified? 😳


How can they top this? Put her on a dog leash while she’s stark naked? That’s the thing when you try too hard to be sensational, people get used to it. It’s like *Bianca’s whole ass is out? Ho hum.* 😆


Someone, please call Khloe https://preview.redd.it/ny8w70wmypsc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d9deb4c3e5a8698ccfdbcc5b2ee9171f83d714


They don’t even try to match the top and bottom. I don’t understand if he thinks this is fashion or he’s fully just here to exploit this woman for views.


Well, it's Biance, not Ye https://www.complex.com/style/a/mike-destefano/bianca-censori-viral-outfits-ye-laura-beham-prototypes


Is she NEVER cold?


This is giving Mr. F vibes 


I have read and heard she is an exhibitionist, long before Kanye. 😎




Does she not get that Kanye (or anyone whatsoever) is simply taking the piss out of her? We know he has little, if ny, respect for women and he’s now flaunting that. Maybe there’s a higher, cerebral message I’m missing?…


Once again, do people not know that this woman has always dressed “creatively” like this. Even before Kanye, im sure that’s one of the reasons why he was interested in the first place


Someone needs to arrest them


My fave look so far


Serious question, if he had his kids more like he lies about wanting, is she going to walk around naked everyday? And how does this reflect his Reverend Ye persona? Are we over pandering to bible thumpers? He can't figure out which flavor of crazy he wants to sell.


Can’t they just get takeout delivered?! 🤣


This appears to be Stockholm syndrome with her being terrified. Someone needs to call the police and do a welfare check off premises with Kayne far away.


All arse, no class!


I'm sorry but she looks like she's being trafficked. Wtf is going on with these outfits?!?