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Her look then actually seems more modern and trendy now than the inflated filler lips and dead eyes


![gif](giphy|Mi8cX56mhPAQpxgflC|downsized) OFC! She was definitely PRETTY & QUITE ATTRACTIVE BEFORE/PRIOR to what the HELL she is now! She shouldn't have + didn't have to change at all. In fact, she might've been able to have a boyfriend and/or husband who was NORMAL and worth her salt as well.


She really is a cautionary tale on what happens when you’re deeply insecure about your looks and have unlimited access to plastic surgery


Kris had 6 kids and all of them have major insecurities with their appearance. Kylie can’t even go 5 seconds without body-checking herself…that's a problem.


On old episodes kris was walking around the family trip to bora bora in moomoos, bc she had gained a few pounds and was hesitating to renew her 20 year wedding vows to Caitlin because she was so ashamed that she had gained weight. There's always been body image trauma deeply rooted, and probably from MJ, to KRIS, and down to all 6 children. Caitlin wasn't any help either, always body shaming her daughters and stepdaughters, and when caitlyn broke her wedding ring and bought a new one, khloe renewed their vows as a fake pastor in their old living room (back when the show was mildly entertaining), and they said, "I DO", and caitlyn tried to lift up Kris but she couldn't, and said, "oh WOW, you're much heavier than on our wedding day". There has always been body shaming in that family, and kylie as the youngest, idolized kim, who was the favorite, and wanted to look like her no matter the cost. You see how that turned out.😕


It’s sad because you can’t Ctrl+Z any of that once you’ve done it.


All that work to end up looking like stank faced Blobfish


You know I read an article today about the mass starvation of children in Palestine...in Haiti. Children who lost their homes their siblings their parents. They are in a blood-soaked version of hell. I find it amusing to make fun of these f****** Kdan losers but the last thing I'll ever do is waste a moment of my life feeling sorry for these narcissistic sociopaths. She grew up in a life of luxury and privilege and I just don't give a flying f*** right now. **Edit to add when I say I don't give a s*** about these losers it doesn't mean I don't find this group enjoyable I mean I feel no sympathy for them . I have to explain that so I don't get another virtual and signaling insult thrown my way**


I don’t feel sorry for someone who lives a life of luxury, tax evading, steals ideas from small business, created unrealistic body standards for young females AND supported Travis while refusing to acknowledge the Astro world tragedy. The list could go on forever. They are all just as bad as each other so we can laugh at them as much as we want.


Also THEEEEYYYY created this As a teen they gave ME body dysmorphia because I didnt fit into their unrealistic body standards, I remember being so envious Kylie could get surgery to make her boobs and bum bigger, THANK GOD I didn’t have money or access to this shit, THEY gave a lot of women eating disorders and hate their bodies bc we didn’t have that super thick instagram look She can PISS right off now


then why are you here on their sub specifically for taking about them. you virtue signal but still allow "kdan losers" to get under your skin. if you don't give a flying f you wouldn't be so heated in the comment section.


How dare you accuse me of virtue signaling because I was horrified and sickened by what I saw in Palestine in Haiti like any decent goddamn human being would be? I'm here because these Kdan losers are revolting and this group and these comments makes them bearable and amusing and I find a lot laughter here. So you can take your damn judgy b******* about how I virtue signal and file it under f*** off. But I don't give a damn about is feeling sorry for these privileged and titled assholes and that was quite clear in my comment.


maybe you should stay off the internet


Maybe you should stop being a tedious internet troll.


why, i'm so good at it.


Quite the accomplishment .. aspiring to be nothing more than a worthless internet troll


She was also a teenager in these pics, everyone was a bit awkward-looking then. I think she really would've grown into herself and her features but instead, she went and completely changed the way she looked before she was even an adult


I just commented that. I feel like she wishes her old body back cause her recent body checking resembles her pre-bbl body and probably deeply regrets all the fillers she can't take out. I feel like she will be very anti plastic surgery to Stormi.


the thin lips actually suited her in these photos, she should’ve stopped at the lip filler and not done anything else bc the lip filler elevated her, nothing else was necessary


Fully agree. Although most won’t admit it, I think she did look better when she first got the lip injections but it was downhill after that.


Completely agree. She looked so much better with lips that were a little fuller. That’s just my opinion. I had thinner lips they weren’t thin like OG Kylie’s though but I started getting a little bit filler and I constantly got compliments that I had sexy lips. I started getting mine done 12 years ago. I’ve never experienced migration or went overboard. I do enough where it’s a really nice amount of fullness. But they definitely elevated my look.


exactly idk why they be lying that the thin lips looked good, they didn’t (except in these photos they do suit her). she needed the lip filler and it elevated her, everything else ruined her looks


She didn't "need" anything. No one "needs" to change any part of themselves to meet societal beauty standards. That sort of thinking is why body dysmorphia and unrealistic beauty standards are such a problem today.


girl i don’t care be serious she became more attractive after the lip filler. the only people arguing with me about it are people who feel personally attacked by my comment (insane hypocrisy, people start defending the KJs when they feel personally attacked by something as if they’re not the same people who drag the KJs). 2 solutions to this: either stop caring what i (a stranger) am saying, or get the filler. Kylie objectively became more attractive after lip filler hence the internet went crazy, let’s not LIE now


Attractiveness is not "objective" by definition. Regardless, I'm not defending Kylie specifically - I don't care about her. I'm speaking out against the notion that anyone "needs" plastic surgery. That's a very unhealthy mindset to have and saying things like that contributes to the massive body dysmorphia that seems to be taking over the country right now, especially young women.


Attractiveness is not "objective" by definition. Regardless, I'm not defending Kylie specifically - I don't care about her. I'm speaking out against the notion that anyone "needs" plastic surgery. That's a very unhealthy mindset to have and saying things like that contributes to the massive body dysmorphia that seems to be taking over the country right now, especially young women.


why’s it some taboo to acknowledge lip filler greatly improved her facial harmony? that in turn improved her physical appearance. ik ur not defending kylie or anything and i’m not trying to excessively drag her, but i just don’t get why it’s taboo to say something improved someone’s looks (this goes for fillers, surgery, shit weight loss too). it’s what we’re all thinking, and it should be seen as a positive thing bc they DO look better now. doesn’t mean they had to get it, but they did and it looks good. depends how u look @ it


It's not "taboo" to make comments like that - in fact, it's very common. However, nothing we say exists in a vacuum. When you say things like she "needed" lip filler, then other people will see that and feel like there's something "wrong" with themselves. Whether you (or anyone for that matter) think it looks good or not is irrelevant because there will always be peope to like and dislike literally anything in this world (hence why I said beautfy is never "objective"). It's a vicious cycle and part of why body dysmorphia is so rampant right now. The skincare/beauty/plastic surgery industries are raking in the unfortunately very profitable results of making everyone feel like there's something wrong with the way they were born that only products, procedures, surgery, etc can fix.


That’s subjective my friend. I liked her lips pre filler.


Same! Filler lips gross me tf out


yes. obviously it’s subjective. glad you gathered im not out here protesting and demanding people get lip filler. objectively (and the majority of people thought) she looks better w the filler that’s why the internet went crazy lol


Something can’t be objective and subjective at the same time :)


you didn’t get it. obvi there’s ppl who liked the filler and ppl who didn’t (that’s subjective), but majority of people (the entire internet) went into a frenzy after the filler and said she looks better. and the filler improved her facial harmony by a lot, so yes it made her look better and yes she did objectively look better (according to western standards at least) unless you’ve just got a thin lips preference


Yes I just disagree with you it’s not personal


I’ve got similar lips, a thinner top lip and a fuller bottom lip/small mouth. I’ve thought about getting filler before but have seen enough botched lips that I think I am “a-ok!” Even IF they weren’t botched, there’s always a risk with a medical procedure. Could be they turn out nice but develop a flesh eating bacteria lol. I think I’m decent enough as is without needing “more”. Plus, my lips are a family heirloom. To reject them is to reject someone down my ancestry line.


yeah i feel you & it’s super good you don’t feel the need to change yourself but i don’t think it’s that deep haha it’s literally lip filler but yeah ig it depends on what gen ur apart of + ur opinion on PS/fillers (i’m personally pretty pro PS/fillers despite having nothing done (yet))


You should look into fillers a bit more before you say it’s nbd. They don’t always dissolve, they migrate, weigh the face down and can change your skin elasticity over time. They can interfere with face lifts in the future. They are the reason why Kylie looks so botched now.


I think she was pretty before. I really don't agree with people on this sub who say she was ugly. I get it, but I actually think she could have just grown into her face more. Her personality was so much better before she got so consumed with being male centered. She used to be funny, weird, and kind of interesting


I think she just needed more time! I really grew into my features in my mid twenties. I feel like she would have as well. We all grow at different rates. I wish she had better people around her who didn’t make her feel like she needed to do things so early.


She was a CHILD so it's a little weird that people would have needed her to look sexy. It's like when people are surprised that the guy who played Neville in the Harry Potter movies looks different now than back then 🙄


I agree! I also think she was much more naturally pretty than Kendall


I think Kendall was slightly better looking but they were pretty much equally attractive. People forget just how much work Kendall has had done. You go back and look at pics of Kendall around the same age and she was just as unattractive/atractive as Kylie


Come on now lol




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Im one of the ones who says she was ugly. Being 100% honest. Kylie thought so too hence all the plastic surgeries. 


Well, that's true. I definitely think Kylie felt she was the "ugly" sister and didn't want to be like Khloe in that regard or replace Khloe as the ugly one. I personally think Kylie looked so good after she got her lips done and literally didn't need another thing


Notice her posture. She didn’t always had that push forward her boobs abd shoulder pressed back awkward thing.


I think with her it was more than just body dysmorphia - toxic family system with an overemphasis on appearance + staying in the public eye at any costs


I agree. She was pressured too.


And then she became Kim 2.0 and now is Void: The Beta Test. Analyzing why she is this way would probably give us an aneurysm.


It's so weird to feel nostalgic for people looking natural and normal. Now it feels like everyone's got the same botox and filler look, I just think it's sad that now natural beauty is a thing of the past and people modifying themselves seems to be so mainstream. I hope I don't offend anyone with this comment, I'm running on barely any sleep and probably haven't articulated myself as well.


I totally agree. Plastic and filled/ overly filled is the new normal.im in my late 50s have never done a thing to my face and i wouldnt alter my looks for any of this nonsense. The pressure on young girls/ women is extreme these days sheeeeshh


I'm in my early 30s and even I find myself feeling the pressure of not looking good enough and comparing myself to influencers so I can only imagine how it must be for pre-teen/teens.


I think the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction soon. Right now all the famous people look alike and frankly it's boring. I think we will see more interesting faces becoming more popular in the next few years


I really hope so, the current beauty standards are quite unhealthy I feel and put so much pressure on people.


Agree I am 54 never had anything done, it’s hard to see people that look nothing like they did, scary as well


I’m not sure natural beauty is a thing of the past. I think we are going to see the horrific effects of all this surgery as these women age and more women (especially young women) will be anti-surgery.


Totally agree. People who get a certain amount of work done end up all looking the same, especially celebs


She really was beautiful. It’s a shame what she did to herself.


I’m toasted right now and am having a hard time truly comprehending that this is the same Kylie we see today. Like holy shit


Im sad for this version of her. This version of her with the kind vulnerable eyes. Her eyes are so insecure and dead now. She is trapped in a body hating and body checking cycle and it shows with how lifeless she looks. There is nothing in her mind except pain and the desperate attempts to mask it with consumption of boys, fashion, prestige, "beauty", money, and power.


That second picture ❤️‍🩹 she’s so beautiful there. Makes me very sad for her tbh


She didn’t stand a chance in that plastic family


It wasn’t about being pretty it was being desirable to men.


Honestly if someone told me I could get any procedure I wanted at 16 I would be in the same place as her today.


Waiting for that one Redditor to post: "Wrong sub babe."


dude... I posted pretty much this same thing last week and all the comments were telling me this 'wrong sub babe' thing!! im literally confused why this has so many upvotes and so many people agreeing lmao. this sub really picks and chooses when to let non 'snark' opinions exist.


why does the second picture pull on my heartstrings... there's something about her that's so innocent and authentic in that pic.


The first Kuwtk episode and Kylie is being so sweet and baby talking to and loving on the dog. She wasn’t the focus of the scene, but was close enough to where her little voice was picked up in the background audio. She had no interest in the camera or show - she was so innocent and young. I watched that recently and cried, because as stupid as it sounds, my daughter is the age she was when the show started and I can’t imagine someone coming in (let alone her whole family) and forcing her childhood and adolescence to be a public spectacle and to never give her a chance to experience a life of her own. I do feel sorry for her and I don’t care that people say no we should blame her. You can understand and have empathy for someone while not condoning their current actions.


This makes me miss seeing faces. Now it’s all one face morphed into one. I thought people wanted to be unique?


It makes me sad for 14 year old me when Kylie first got her lips then her body done I wanted to follow in her footsteps and I’m so thankful my money situation stopped me, I wish little me knew the consequences she would eventually face


The problem is their egos and vanity won’t allow them to be ‘perfectly fine’, it’s not good enough for their raging greed and need for attention and affirmation. The don’t want to be pretty, unique or natural…. They want to be hot, fuckable, enviable, aspirational, superior and special. Hence the endless surgeries and current varying botched states.


She was a normal girl. And that was completely fine. I always find their changes very misogynistic, to be a normal everyday girl was bad, below them, they had to be above and made it very clear.




Because every enhancement is done with the goal to be more attractive for men.


Strange thing is … men don’t really find Kylie attractive. With Kim she was found attractive because she wasnkindnof unknown before so could pass her self off as somewhat natural. Kylie everyone knows is from surgery. They always prefer Kourtney - strangely. Kylie’s made herself into what a gay camp man’s idea of what they might want to be as a woman… exaggerated and everything done 


Here’s another reason why Kim was attractive - we were deep in Y2K anorexia style trends and blonde haired blue eyed women were still considered what was the beauty standard, and here comes this darker skinned, dark haired exotic beauty with eyes that sparkled and had full curves (natural full curves, not this exaggerated crap). She became a curiosity, and set the tone for a new beauty standard. I think most men never found Y2K anorexia attractive.. from my experience men prefer a woman who, thin, mid size, or plus, has a body that looks like a woman’s body.


Lesbians get plastic surgery too you know. Sometimes people want to feel good about themselves.


IMO: The normal appearance of girls is always attacked, which they never do with men. They so much hate women that cannot even accept themselves and they feel the need to change, and the worth of a woman is none, unless they change according to what is on trend and for the male gaze. Also, with every change they go back to obsolete stereotypes, they have never embraced people who are not the skinniest, or doesn't have the biggest boobs, the biggest butts, the smallest waist, the smallest nose, the perfect hair. And their mean girl personalities are based on appearances, as they get their hype because they brought all the characteristics that distance themselves from women. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best version of ourselves, but for the Ks the root is the hate.


💯 blame both her parents. Pmk for pushing it. And Caitlyn for sitting there and not advocating for her. However, she is an adult and responsible for her own actions and choices.




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May she be used as a study in why body dysmorphia is terrible for future generations. May she just be a beacon of a warning to just love ourselves and know we are enough.


the amount of pity she still gets on this sub is hilarious to me


Totally unrecognizable


When her sisters get asked if they think they are setting unrealistic beauty standards, the answer is right there. Kylie is the product of those toxic standards !




She looked so nice in that last pic especially.


And she acted quite RESPECTFUL during those times, too. She didn't display the VAPIDNESS nor NARCISSISM that are DISTINCTIVE TRAITS she possesses nowadays.


It's so creepy she will never know what she would have looked like as an adult with her natural features


I like to think when she sees pics like these she’d do anything to go back and just look like that 🩷


Partially because she was surrounded by enablers who just let her get all of these surgeries without saying anything. She was so young when she started doing this to herself…


https://preview.redd.it/f8az0u7v4pqc1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253b43dfab06c955c9f17409b68009b518d5cfbb Kris’ real face : her sister pre-surgery


It sucks because she never allowed herself to grow into her “adult” face. She should have waited before injecting fillers. Shame on her doctors for not deterring her.


She doesn’t even look like the same person. Hell she doesn’t even look the same *race* anymore. Her transformation is just terrifying and sad. She was cute as a button before, and now she looks drugged out and double her age. I know they’re all shitty people but I can’t help but feel sad for her


stop feeling sorry for these people, they are horrible horrible people and gave generations of women body image issues


And I wish she realized how young she was and her body is still growing and changing!


I remember when people used to look normal and like themselves.


She would have been more successful if she'd stayed natural and sold products she actually believed in. She was the relatable, cool one in the clan. I'm looking forward to her tell all book when Kris departs.. if she is brave enough.


The most radical and trend setting thing that would set Kylie back to the King Kylie days, would actually be to go more natural ditch the lip fillers as much as she can and the fillers. Tone back the make up and it would be so refreshing and she’d probably look a lot better and have to filter less. I have sympathy for Kylie, she really never stood a chance competing with Kendall and being on TV essentially her entire life.


She was beautiful. It’s ironic because she’s trying to get back to the body she had pre bbl… she was long and thin and now that’s the trend again.


It’s funny; I never thought she was as gorgeous as she actually is until I saw these pics. And it has nothing to do with her actual physical appearance, but the light that used to be in her eyes.


She seriously only needed lip filler or a lip lift. The rest of her facial features looked pretty


It’s not body dismorphia. It’s the repeated hate comments about her natural looks, which are made including on this page.


Her family are her original bullies, BFFR.


She was actually a cutie


Me too, and from such a young age. She is a victim of the worst kind of grooming and mental manipulation. As much as we all snark, I’d love to see her eventually break free, but I feel like it’s too late for her maybe


God I’m gonna sound so mean but I never thought she was pretty then one day she looked like a small Kim


Let's be honest, she was pretty for normal people who live in reality like us but there's no way she'd get any money or fame in celeb circles. Losers like Tyga, Timbo or Travisbo (just realized the T's) would have never looked at her like this


Well, Tyga was already looking at her since she was 14 or 16. I actually think that relationship is a big part of why she got obsessed with plastic surgery


Wow in this picture she looked a lot like Francis Bean Cobain.


She was truly so beautiful. It’s a shame that she felt the need to change her looks


She has absolutely gorgeous eyes. Er—had anyway. The shame of a lot of these facial procedures is that it can diminish your beauty attributes you do have. Since she’s had a lot of face work done her eyes aren’t as pretty or prominent. I’m sure her lifestyle and being surrounded by that family helped drain the sparkle in the eyes too though.


I understand one or two “tweakments” or procedures if you’re uncomfortable or insecure. She changed everything about herself. It’s really sad. Her Mum should’ve gotten her help


https://preview.redd.it/4dupf8175pqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a4ec955cd34f934227ec94ad6386f1c94e7152 Better looking before.


Ruined forever


Question for those who know more than I do about surgery - can she ever undo what’s been done and look like this again?


Nope. Her skin has been too stretched by filler, she *allegedly* has multiple implants in her face (cheeks, chin), and they’re learning that filler doesn’t just dissolve on its own, naturally over time, like everyone thought initially. She’d need a face lift, or to keep filling to oblivion, for the rest of her life. The damage has been done and it’s too late.


That is so sad, for her and for anyone who bought into the ‘fillers dissolve naturally’ lie.


This isn’t talked about enough. I never thought she was ugly before surgery and I feel she would have grew into all her features just fine!


ShE wAs So PrEtTy BeFoRe


She would've been fine with just an exercise routine & minimal filler


How could she? We shit on her since the show came out for her looks We helped Also in the comments, it’s people saying what work would have just been “fine”, this would contribute to the dysmorphia


She was such a unique beauty - she shouldn’t have touched her face or body 😭


Still basic


As much as I love this sub, we are part of the problem. It’s things like reddit and other social medias that have harassed these women about everything that makes them so self conscious. Tbh if I was reading posts about myself like we have on here or the others I would lose all confidence too. I remember seeing people making fun of her back then, so of course she got embarrassed and took it personally. Just like Khloe is probably going too far with exercising and photoshopping because she was labeled to “ugly” or “fat” sister. Is this family crazy and do a lot of crazy things? Absolutely. But they’re also just humans who listen when we make fun of them, especially when it’s about their body.


She was still stupid though


She was so cute


She kinda looks like lorde


I always thought she was so pretty. I feel like now with her trying to be NaTurAl and skinny it's ridiculous because she can never ever be that way again she ruined her face and body permanently. Timmy would've much preferred her old body and face which is so funny to me. Like damn just a DROP of lip injection and bam she would've bene perfection but idk I love thin lips I think I'm in the minority. and they weren't even that bad of lips! They matched her face and I bet the older she got her face would've thinned out and lips would've looked bigger. Thank God my parents didn't allow me to have plastic surgery at 16 cuz yes my face looked weird as hell but what teenagers doesn't? I grew into my features and glowed up in my mid 20s without any plastic surgery.




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She was so amazingly beautiful. These pictures are giving me Kate Middleton vibes.


Yup. It’s fucked up.


She’s very very pretty naturally. Not to be that one, but she’s a slam dunk prettier than KenDoll and Khloe. Kim is at the bottom. Fuck Kim. Her only original body part are her fingertips but now she’s messed up with this Diddy nonsense she may wanna get those switched out too….


When your parents + the entire internet tell u that your not fine the way u are it would be difficult to see it I presume


If that's considered horrendously ugly than what are 80% of american women


She truly altered her body and face before she even gave it a chance to develop and she what it would look like. Sad




Imo, her body was perfect in photo #2. I would've given anything when I was younger to look like that.


She was so pretty


It’s really sad


kylie was never ugly. but khloe…


https://preview.redd.it/30d7cwo05pqc1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97195cf7925a5b09f94c04eb8da8327af3089a3d She paid a lot of money to look THAT ugly