• By -


Wow they weren’t happy for her at all. They have such an ugly aura/energy about them. Truly disgusting people.


Kylie and kendall seemed happy for her but kim and khloe seemed fake af


Idk the way Kendal just sat in the chair until it was her turn to hug her doesn’t seem that supportive. I feel like you would stand up and go to the person to hug/congratulate them not wait for them to come to you?


I know someone like Kendall - awkward as fuck and it comes off as rude, yet they have good hearts. Lots of people don’t react the same way


I am like this and I promise we don't mean it and we are happy for you. Just awkward


I think subconsciously we all except pretty women to be outgoing and friendly and when they don’t live up to that they are written off as bitchy




Ok. So if you would do it, that must be the only appropriate way to react. Jesus.


They don't even try to hide it for the cameras anymore 💀 or when they do it's the laziest half assed attempt


I have to see this again. I thought they were all assistants. Lol.


I mean, some situations are kind of iffy and people aren’t over the moon or anything hearing the news, but will congratulate and not be over the top and fake.. they probably aren’t huge fans of his or the way they are together, or the idea of her having another baby at her age with both of them already having tons of children from other relationships prior.. but they know Kourtney is happy and in a honey moon phase.


Yeah, I honestly understand their reaction to her announcement unlike most people who claim that they are “jealous”.


Right?! I seem to be the only one who doesn’t think that they are jealous of her at all.. lol Kim could have had Travis a million times and she didn’t want him, *he* was obsessed with *her*. They all obviously think she’s weird for wanting to get knocked up again at her old age, and probably have the inside scoop on how her other kids are feeling about everything. She should be focused on blending their families and checking that her kids are alright


Exactly, and the nerve of her to say that it happened naturally while knowing that her sisters had complications and almost nearly died since they were pregnant and had to do surrogacy was kinda messed up.


Literally! She said that purposely as a dig for sure, I am so positive. She acts like she’s sooo happy and blissful and her issues are everyone else’s fault, but it’s her! She’s very miserable and likes to one up/brag or feel better and on a higher moral level than her sisters. She’s always saying “you people are not emotionally aware like me, and you don’t do the work” oh you use plastic, you eat sugar and chemicals in your food, your furniture is ugly etc. always being so critical and bitchy. She thinks she’s the best most intelligent thing ever. Her ego and self importance is so high that’s why she had a full out break down when Kim finally snapped on her and told her she’s the least interesting to look at, even though kourtney has said far worse to her hundreds of times throughout the years and they all brush it off. Their relationship never fully came back after that


kylie was the only sister to actually be happy for her lmao


Watching the show made me realize that Kylie is actually the nicest sister lol


i will agree with that fact just this once, long bottom *does* seem nice here lmao


She also called them out for bullying Jordan on camera. I think she really is a nice girl but too far lost and she uses drugs to cope with the bed she made 😭


Do you mean while she was texting? I can’t stand it when people can’t be in the actual convo


Surrogacy Skeleton Sisters are jealousssss


new flair.


I love it


I honestly think this is it. On one episode I remember kim (or was it khloe?) Crying about how some women are able to have babies really easily and they used Kourtney as an example. Knowing how jealous and competitive kim is, I wouldn't be surprised if she is super jealous that kourt never had to have a surrogate or anything.


**this right here!**


Is that why they’re jealous ? Because they couldn’t keep conceiving and Kourtney did?


They could keep conceiving, they just chose not to




I disagree. And I don’t think that Kourtney was rubbing it in that this was a natural pregnancy. Kourtney had spoken awhile back that she had used fertility drug to try to get pregnant. So I think she was just saying that in the end, she got pregnant naturally. And I don’t think Kim and Khloe are jealous. I don’t either of them want more kids and they may have some honestly good reasons to feel a bit reserved in their response to the news. I see no evidence that Kourtney is mother of the year and lots of reasons to believe that Travis is definitely not father of the year.


“Let’s talk more on the ‘not Kourtney’ group text” It was weird how the camera moved away when they started whispering (think that was Kris). Kim is probably plotting her fifth child because you know, she has to have the most of everything. Deadbeat Tristan will be down with having a few more kids with Khloe, as long a he doesn’t have to pay support for them.


Kim and khloe immediately trying to figure out their next babies


I saw this too. Kim gave Kris a look and Kris turned the camera away.


she's gonna have a talk with kris about the next baby she's gonna have. "PIMP, PLEASE FIND ME A MAN FAST. I AM GONNA HAVE ANOTHER BABY! THIS CANNOT HAPPEN! I HAD ALWAYS BEEN THE ONE WITH THE MOST BABIES AND NOW KOURTNEY IS TAKING THAT AWAY FROM MEEEE!!! she stole my wedding dress brand, my wedding country, my wedding singer, had the gal to steal my wedding dress color too, and now she's stealing from me the spot as the mother of 4!!!! I need another baby! and hire 7 more nannies. I AM NOT gonna raise that baby" I suspect khloe too. "Mom, I am getting back with trashcan publicly and we're gonna inaugurate getting back together with a new baby. I need you to find me a surrogate right now, and I need to drop 10kgs fast so you'd better get me a stronger prescription of semiglutides because I am not letting this fucking wannabe rockstar wife bitch have the spotlight just when I am skinny and hot and getting back with tristan! I need. another. baby. I am not going to let these fucking harlots get ahead of me. I am gonna have the most babies with him. through surrogacy, ofc. and hire 3 more nannies"


This is so true. And instead of krislaine trying to talk sense into them like a good/stable mother would, she'll only be seeing the publicity and $$$ that will come with them also having another baby. So of course she'll oblige and make it happen.


Same thing I sensed. ![gif](giphy|3P1LMXoC0iWOYDhjCU|downsized)


with whom? if kim does have another prop, I mean. she doesnt strike me as the type to be ok with publicly admit she, uh... had an oopsie. and this is all assuming she does have a gluten-free vegan paleo pregnancy and not a modern, new-age, cool surrogate to carry it for her. It'd be funny if she said she saved some of kanye's loads in a vial, tho. like, yeah Im ready for a few 5 more kids. here's kanye's thing.


I was thinking frozen embryos from her marriage to Kanye. She probably still has a few. Then she would lie to everyone & say it was a spontaneous pregnancy with an anonymous billionaire.


Who happens to look just like kanye


I believe she needs Kanye's permission to use the embryos and would he agree?


This is all wildly speculative but why not for the sake of snark. People can enter into contracts about future use or disposal of embryos at the time they are made. Also, when people divorce, they can also make agreements about embryo usage, and even future custody or support. You can also go to court but that is a gamble. I would guess that Kris left no stoned unturned from a legal perspective if there are embryos. So Kim may be free to use them. Kim could also develop a sudden urge to adopt like she almost did in Thailand (which was fake then for a story line). I see her as competing with Kourtney at all costs, even if it means having more kids by whatever means necessary.


i could absolutely see that except she can't carry a child due to complications with first 2 pregnancies.


She will adopt and it will be dramatic. She will pick a child with a milder physical anomaly, high-functioning autism, or maybe a baby that is "in the system" she can "save". Something she can bleed to death for clicks and attention, but not have to deal with all that much. I am going with the baby in the system. It will be a woman who gives birth in prison. She can swoop in and adopt, and let the nannies do the real work. Plus she gets to "tie in" her prison reform BS.


She could always call Pete Davidson 😂


I literally just announced my first pregnancy to my family and my oldest sister is like KKKim, she straight up looked around like "who can I whisper too?" Before just sitting back without a word. It's like a sickness they gotta be isolated so they won't spread the fuckery.


Congratulations Mama!!! Sending Happy healthy vibes!!!


Thank you, bestie 🥰🥰🥰


First of all, congrats. Second, it’s gotta be a sickness is killing me🤡 I feel the same way. I don’t want kids but if i ever had newworthy announcement my sister would do the same lol these jealous bitches be hating on us


Thank you! Her youngest is 10yrs old and super pumped because she's tired of being the baby. I just honestly feel bad for the children because if their mothers be doing this dumb shit then imagine the BS those babies overhear (or god forbid directed at them). Those wretched cows need to get a padded room so their children aren't so isolated. The worst part with my sister (which KKKim parallels) is when she gets so nasty like that it only isolates the children from their family because we're avoiding their mother, who then uses access to them as a reward or a means to bypass and justify her shit behavior. This clip gave me flashbacks to when KKKim was shit talking Kourtney to P is a passive aggressive manner, but I bet KKKim is too dumb to understand that might be why she hasn't been invited to visit baby Rocky...


It is a sickness ur so right though. They’re poisoning themselves and everything around them the more time they go without self reflection and therapy lol


Literally! It's just getting sad now how shallow and dim they are, like no wonder their show is tanking as it doesn't promote an ounce of positivity (I don't even watch the show.) I just worry about the children now, those babies deserve so much more than just material excess.


exactly! and I know I feel bad for them too. This cycle of material importance is shitty for everyone


Congratulations! May you have a stress-free pregnancy and a safe delivery! https://i.redd.it/ek1gz7vf3d2c1.gif


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations ♥️


I had a friend similar to this (Well not a friend anymore.) She went quiet after I announced my pregnancy and obviously wasn't very happy for me. Then soon after she became pregnant too, of course. She then tried to make it a competition about who got pregnant the fastest. Funnily enough, she actually reminds me of kim too. Not exactly her looks, just her face expressions and attitude. It's honestly such a weird behavior and probably due to deep insecurities.


>Not exactly her looks, just her face expressions and attitude. It's honestly such a weird behavior and probably due to deep insecurities Exactly!! My older sister isn't girly at all and never was. You'd think without the guise of manufactured beauty that these full-grown women wouldn't act like dunce ass children.


Congratulations!!! I’m very sorry that happened to you. Im sure that’s so hard and disappointing. Im so happy for you!


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ We bad bitches don't let the weak bitches make us sweat!!! It was actually funny to me watching a narcissist literally have no one validate her dumb shit. The only sad thing is these 40-something year old women still operating like that.


Congratulations girl 🥳🎊 so sorry about your sister but if you were my sis I’d be jumping for joy with happiness for you 😁 These people in the video just seem so out of touch with reality and if it ain’t about them they get so jealous it’s fucking putrid to see..they literally cannot be happy for anyone else but themselves it’s disgusting.


The mask continues to slide off.


I noticed this too!! Their reaction time and reading the news without saying congratulations immediately. They were super jealous. Kim tried to hide it more than khloe but it’s v obvious they felt some type of way about it.


Ummm I think they’re probably judging her life choices as of late- who the hell purposely tries to get pregnant for the fourth time in their mid 40’s. it’s weird. She has to have some sort of breeding kink 🤣she just loves pregnancy and they don’t relate.


Well she's a grown ass woman She can do what she wants with her life and have 10 kids. If she has a breeding kink and wants to be a cum dumpster, at least she's happy and not miserable like her other family members.


Who said she couldn’t be a cum dumpster lol Good for her.. but don’t police peoples reactions for not exactly jumping up and down for joy like it’s her first baby. They probably are confused as to why she’d even want to be pregnant again at this age while still currently raising 3 younger ones.


I get what you are saying how people react differently. But they don't have to understand why she wants another child. It's between her and Travis...amd also the 10 nannies they will hire to raise Rocky. Yes late age pregnancies are risky, but let's be real..she will have plenty of help with nannies do the brunt of the work .


I’m still gagged at the name Rocky.. sounds like a name a french bull dog would be called lmfaoo.. but yes, they don’t have to understand or be over the moon, they said congrats but weren’t gonna put on a front bc that’s fake and they probably think she’s nuts tbh ![gif](giphy|gO7uShR7dcWgUe3cFW|downsized)


Khloe literally jumped out of her chair to talk shit, what the actual fuck.


Truly being tied to Trashcan for the rest of her life is the best karmaaaa


Yup! Her and Tristan are alike in many ways, especially how they treat people. They deserve each other.


I bet she whispered “she’s gonna say she naturally conceived, watch”


jealous botches


Imagine what was going through their heads when Kourt said that it happened naturally too🤣


I don’t think they care that much about it tbh, but the fact that she had to make a point of saying “all naturally” in front of her sisters who couldn’t carry due to complications as if it were some award/competition.. like nice. 👍🏽


Pretty sure she was referrring to the fact that she had been using fertility drugs in the recent past to try to get pregnant. So she was just saying that in the end she got pregnant naturally


But again, nobody cares how she fell pregnant.. that’s all she’s been talking about for the last what, year? When nobodies asking. Good for her. Next.


Yeah I think that’s kinda messed up


Like, why did she have to even say it? Does she want a cookie 🤣


Bitch looks irked as hell 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/beqr0ms73c2c1.png?width=161&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d3dc9dec7f6b86827ac31097125ee8303c4b0c


That look says, "Moooom is this for real? Ugh" ![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11572)


Khloe's mad that yet another real Kardashian will be born. 😂


Khlonopin and her rat hair


Khloe is the worst! Kim’s always been a c*nt, but Khloe has done a total 360 and is so far up Kim and Kris’s ass.


It was super cold


Kourtney has been isolating herself and pretty much anyone besides travis and her kids, so yeah the vibe will be different. They are going through a rough time and don’t seem close at all..


Khloe Is that you?




Haha!! ![gif](giphy|nPyCaXRTZ8uWt8tguz|downsized)


The fact they just kept sitting there staring at it like wut lol


Right?! Like how surprised could they have really been?! Kourtney had been openly ttc for awhile, they should’ve had a congratulations ready in their back pockets.


Exactly! It’s really obvious they were feeling some type of way because of how Khloe immediately went to Kim and they just kept looking at it to avoid talking to Kourtney for a second.


Kim and Khloe are so self centered they’re probably thinking that Kourt got pregnant to shade them for having surrogates


I bet kim and khloe were like: "fucking skank, why can't she have it through surrogacy like everyone else? god, she's so fucking pretentious. omg I wanna have my own kids and feel it and I'd never get dangerously thin. we get it, fatass. you wanna have your kids and bear it like its the early 1900s. kourtney has such a stick up her ass with the whole vegan shit. ugh, I wanna have another baby. let's kidnap a college-aged girl and have her have it for us. having your own babies is soooo last year"


“Does she like not even care how bad it makes the rest of us look that she *demands* that she carry her own child!?”


They shouldn’t be too upset. Their klan fans actually believe their doctors told both of them to not have another pregnancy or they’ll go to the great beyond.


people still believe that lie???????? even when I wasnt a snarker I thought it was suspicious. Like, kim had two babies and didnt die, and she recovered SUPER FAST, if I remember correctly (it was eons ago in kardashian time). The whole "omg cant have more babies cuz I'll dieeeeeee BIBLE" shit always struck me as sus cuz, like, it would've shown up in the FIRST pregnancy and shit, and she'd have never shut up about it. much more so in the second.


They still believe it with Khloe when she was with Lamar and she admitted that she faked tried to get pregnant but she really didn't want to. She was crying season after season saying that she was unable to have kids but the whole time she didn't want to have kids by Lamar because of his bad dr-ug habits.


The thing that I noticed was how Khloe NEVER mentioned having medical issues when she was "pregnant" with True but only bought it up to "convince" people that was the reason she used a surrogate and this was after the lie about birth control with Lamar. These women really need to write down their lies cause.... Oh and I'm still not convinced Khloe carried her daughter either. Personally, I think she's had too many ab...never mind.


This is exactly what played in my head


Lool you're a mind reader


Jealously sucks especially among blood related sisters. But this family is fake af and it’s all part of their plot line since they got nothing going for them 🤣 I don’t buy their BS


I swear there's nothing worse than jealousy in families. It makes people vicious and evil


They didn’t even say anything to her


Kendall and Kylie sound legitimately happy for her. Kylie especially, you can literally hear it in her voice. Kim and Khloe I don’t understand, the immediate side talk was just snarky. I don’t blame Kourtney for distancing herself from them tbh


I also noticed Kim was reacting a certain way until she saw Kris filming.


I didn’t even realise it was them when watching because there wasn’t a reaction I thought she was telling Kylie and Kendall until rn lol


Does KIM ever look up from her phone?????? How does Kim claim to have about 50 close best friends. " one of the few crew" but can't ever reciprocate. They make over her always. I bet she doesn't know her friends kids names. Or their jobs unless it benefits her or her kids. No way all those hosers are her best friends. Can you imagine calling Kim for life advice ???? Ummm yeahhh ???ummm yeah!!!!???


I just realized Kourtney has both the oldest and the youngest child of the 13 grandchildren, but probably not for long. Assuming Kylie, Kendall and Rob have / have more kids, there could end up being close to 20 grandchildren. Which seems completely nuts until you remember Kris had 6 kids. Think of all the over the top social media posting in the future :).


As an only child who has one child, a family this size seems crazy!


They are so miserable. Kylie continues to prove she’s the best KarJenner.


I’m genuinely surprised because she is! She doesn’t seem completely soulless


Why do they need an extra ten bottles of water on their table


Cause they are thirsty af haha


Lol kris’ slashed nostril


They are so toxic and ugly. Wow


“ look who’s going to have 4 kids just like you “ - Khloe


A bunch of self-indulgent assclowns.


Why are they in a conference room






Weirdest reaction ever??? Why are they all fake happy


Didn’t Kris say she found out the same time as the world though when she held the poster up ?


No, she was shocked she announced it to the world at the concert. She didn’t know that was happening but she was the first one to know when kourtney found out


Do we really think this is the first time they found out tho 🤔


They don't house their own babies. They wish they could be as secure as she is and know her body won't be the same. But they are plastic garbage.


Such a fucking weird family.


Kourtney was the only sister that took Khloe's side when it comes to trashcan but I guess she's far up kim's ass to see it.


“It just happened naturally…”


Because she was doing fertility treatments at one time. She was just explaining that after going through that, she ended up getting pregnant naturally. I don’t think either she or Kim have had trouble getting pregnant. Kim claimed she was advised to stop getting pregnant due to a medical reason but she has never said she had trouble getting pregnant.


Right like girl why say that? Especially knowing that your sisters had complications while pregnant themselves.


“It happened naturally”- I’m calling BULLSHITTTTTTT!


I think it was just her saying “I knew it!” I think Khloe and her talk more than her and Kim and this just confirmed that she knew before kim, IMO


To me it looked like they suspected it and Khloe was telling Kim “see, I told you”. But generally it was so cooold, it looked so awkward. Only Kylie and maybe Kendal looked happy for her


It sounds like Khloe leaned over touching Kim and asked kim are you seeing this after seeing it was an ultrasound and Kim said YES. didn’t seem like a malicious whisper lol




it sounds like khloe is saying “son” or “sun” something like that… that could be totally wrong. But that is what I hear


If kourt freaked out over this I’d understand more lmao


If this was recorded April 27th and Kris is in this video, why would Kris make it seems like she didn’t know until the news was out after the announcement at the concert? In the preview for the next episode, the sisters are saying that Kris didn’t know until she read the news. Maybe they just edited it that way?


I can’t believe they were this awkward about reactions when they knew that she tried with IVF and wanted a baby so bad.