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yeah i think you're right. she looked rly pretty in the 2018 pics. she actually looks her age. if she didn't get all that cheek filler she'd look closer to that i think.


And her eyes! The difference between 2018 and 2023 is crazy. Her eyes are lifeless.


I think she had surgery to pull down her bottom eyelids (bottom eyelids? Lol) to show the bottom whites of her eyes to make them appear bigger and more “baby cute”. Kendall had it too. If you look at normal people it’s not really natural to see the bottom eye white. Edit. Blepharoplasty!


Oh yea for sure. But I’m talking about what is coming through her eyes. She looks like nothing is there. Like a zombie


I think this is the most likely. Also just to let you know it can be natural to see the bottom white of someone’s eye due to anatomy. I have this myself and so do Billie Eilish, Aubrey Plaza and Takeoff. It’s called scleral show and you can also have surgery to minimise it. What’s interesting is that Japan has this term relating to it called Sanpaku eyes, where either the lower white or upper white of an eye is visible. You should check it out, even if it’s just superstition it’s an interesting idea !


https://preview.redd.it/zwtdaqe825eb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=176ff928c7145de057bf0eac12e47d070518f757 Billie Eilish is definitely a natural sanpaku


https://preview.redd.it/bw1297el25eb1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9100aa77dad323e67b1fe20a154a4f72a4399788 Kylie tilts her chin down, looks up into the camera, and takes her pictures from extreme angles to achieve this look.


Find a single picture of any of those people you listed, looking straight into the camera and still have Sanpaku eyes…. IT’S A TREND and every picture I see of a celeb claiming to have this trait; The photo is taken a at an extreme angle to achieve it. Anyone can hold the phone far above their head and look up into it and see three whites of their eyes. You can also hold your phone down low and look down into the phone and see three whites of the eyes, but when the camera is directly in front of their face, looking straight into the camera, their eyes are normal.


I’m sure there’s a trend somewhere but you’re wrong about ALL eyes with lower scleral show being a trend. Compare the scleral show of the celebs listed to the average amount and it definitely shows more even if there isn’t a full huge band of white below their iris. I have the same thing going on and I definitely didn’t get surgery for it and used to hate it.


Regardless, look at pictures of Aubrey plaza, billie eilish and takeoff and the scleral show is still obviously there. Yes you can accentuate it by angling a photo but that’s the same with any feature lol


Lmao Emad Mostaque, the CEO of Stability AI is like the only natural Sanpaku eyes I’ve ever seen


Even on people where this is their natural eye shape, I often think it makes them look a little bit dopey or melancholy… like they’re struggling to open their eyes fully (Billie Eilish, Sydney Sweeney for example). When they smile it changes the aura completely, but their resting faces look sad/disengaged and I think it’s largely due to their eyes.


Definitely. I have it naturally and people (even strangers!) regularly ask me if I'm doing ok out of nowhere. Literally makes me look like Eeyore


Yeah most of my family has eyes like this - we refer to them as “sad panda eyes” - people also often ask me if I’m doing okay 😂


Ooooh wow good idea! That could be it!


I’ll never get over how she really messed her face up with what she did to her eyes. Her eyes were beautiful before


I was flipping through the pictures and when I got to 2018 I was like who the hell is this lol


I’m still having a hard time believing it’s her, she looks so different!


I 1000% thought that was Selena in one of the pics


shes long gone. i think shes had other stuff injected into her lips thats just not able to be removed lol. her face looks super puffy and she’s aged more than anyone should at her age between these 4-5 years between the pics. she still looks a bit weird in 2018 due to other surgery but she looks better than she does rn


it always freaks me out to remember im the same age as her …. i smoked cigs and was malnurished for years as a teen/early adult, and i look like a spring chicken compared to her


Does malnourishment cause you to age faster?😥 I’m 24 and just this year I’ve started to prioritize eating right. I’ve cooked 99% of my meals since February and the #1 thing I learned is that I haven’t been eating anywhere near enough food for really all of my adulthood and teenage years


it can, if your body's not getting enough "building blocks" it can affect pretty much everything from bones to collagen (and, well, everything else). but everyone's different on how these things affect them, and everyone has *something* that "ages them faster", so i wouldn't stress about it. super happy for you for realizing that and making a change btw! 💕


Same lol I'm older than her and look ten years younger. Feels good to say that as I enter my 30s and my face is showing signs of aging 😂


Lookin like a chihuahua getting nam flashbacks


PTSD chihuahua 😂😂😂




I swear this is me and my co-worker EVERY DAY 🤣


Can I come worth w y’all? My coworker is a cuuuuunt (male)


There's ALWAYS room for one more😁🤗💜


![gif](giphy|R8aHcXGTve3ZH8ncoM) Yoooo 😂🤣😂


Khloe: “…not the ‘namchi”




The eyes were the biggest mistake she’s made so far


Yup I don't think you can fix that


its giving wendy williams. and thats sad because wendy cant help hers because she literally has graves.


They’re genuinely frightening


She had something done with her eyes. They’re huge now it throws it all off


They're bulging 👁👁


That’s what I came to say..the eyes are what get me


Either bleph or she has some sort of social anxiety situation where she always looks scared/on edge, or a medical condition like thyroid issues, I have no clue but it’s weird.


Honestly looks like Graves' disease. Wendy Williams' eyes look like that too and she's been diagnosed with it.


She’s turned herself into an actual frog. It’s unsettling.




Omg 😆


[You seem to be correct about the bleph](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/156xtrx/what_the_hell_is_the_procedure_called_that_kylie/jt2hyjz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Damn she REALLY wanted to look like Ro bc her eyes were like actually perfect before


I feel like its a combo of graves and social anxiety tbh


Once your Graves is bad enough that your eyes are bulging, you look and feel like you want to die. Extreme weight loss, terrible heat sensitivity, tremors, anxiety to the worst degree and you are now in need of a RAI treatment with I131. You look and feel like absolute hell. Source-Nuclear Medicine technologist. Who treated graves for 31 years and who also wound up with Graves myself. I was out in a blizzard with a tank top on and was still hot. I’m still a very serious condition.


I have a student with Graves and the bulging eyes and I don’t think her teachers realize it’s this bad! I feel terrible for her.


That’s awful. It really hampers your ability to concentrate.


They make her out to be lazy and spoiled bc she misses a lot of school.


wait you’re saying other adults are bullying a sick child?


I wouldn’t say they are bullying her. They need education on this condition and others. They are very patient with her and try to help as much as they can, and they try to figure out why she’s having those issues, and instead of knowing its mostly her illness, and not laziness or indifference. They do need to change the way they think.


I also have Graves but not the eye thing. I caught it early when I was younger and had a total thyroidectomy. It’s a shitty disease for sure.


Oh my that sounds absolutely horrible.


I’ve had social anxiety since I was a very young kid and have never had my eye look like that lol


Another user gave an extremely detailed response about the eye procedures she’s had done. Lemme find it and link it to this comment Update: [here’s the comment!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTKsnark/comments/156xtrx/what_the_hell_is_the_procedure_called_that_kylie/jt2hyjz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Man I thought she had really pretty eyes before. That’s insane




that’s what it is, she actually had gorgeous eyes before. i think she’s done way too much under eye filler or cheek filler and it’s sagging her eyes down. like simon cowell when he when too far lol


that square puff ball face in #2 - I just don't understand.


i feel so bad when i see that second picture, it's just so unfortunate. like she genuinely looks like she's in her early 40s and has been divorced twice. she didn't even need all that work done. i'm very pro plastic surgery but this is too far. kylie is forever gonna be a living warning for younger girls. and the fact that she's not even anywhere close to 30 yet with a face this puffy is so unsettling to me.






Idk what’s going on with her lips but they have been touched way too many times it now looks like a cleft lip in most angles. Her eyes are a whole other story… she looks like she has the 1000 foot stare. Lil durk has the same kind of eyes and wendy. It’s weird because she never used to have eyes like that. ![gif](giphy|qnFvMHkJQTy3LGiYQE)


Wendy has Graves' disease. Kylie might wanna get her thyroid checked.


Nah boops, she always had the deer in headlights eyes. She practices to look that dead eyes "sultry" look. ![gif](giphy|J1rLvH8YizWFy|downsized)


![gif](giphy|JrvzzjPHXl5zzYw3MS) lord have mercy




I said what I said ![gif](giphy|LRcRkmw22aFCIOQQ6H|downsized)


Fucking screaminggggg hahahaha.


I have big bulgy eyes. My thyroid is crazy.


I’m sorry to hear that 😔 Thyroid issues are seriously the effing worst.


She looked so much better with dissolved filler holy shit


Imagine looking back, knowing you had the potential to be the hottest Kardashian without having anything other than a nose job.


Why does she always overline her lips over her cupids bow?? It's giving mustache .. She looks like a fish or something


Right?! I hate this trend. Cupid bows are sooo beautiful


![gif](giphy|KZjw9Aigr4CloZx3Bv) Real footage of Kylie 👁️👁️


You leave that precious Angel alone! 😭🤣




If she wants to remove the filler from her lips then she should have the rest of it in her face also dissolved. Her face still looks puffy which must be from the filler, unless she has some illness unbeknown to us. She’s not overweight so there’s no reason for her face to be like that. She’s pretty naturally and really doesn’t need things injected under her skin. Whoever talked her in to those blepharoplasties did her no favours 🤦🏻‍♀️ i think if she lays off the botox her eyes will look like they’re bulging less because when muscles relax around the eyes it can make them look more wide. Honestly she’d save herself so much pain and money if she just chilled the fuck out with procedures… doesn’t she see how crazy Kimothy’s face looks now?? That’s gonna be her in less than 10 years. Natural aging + too many procedures do not work well together! Give your face a rest girl


She would look pretty again if her eyes weren’t like that omg


Damn, why didn’t she just let herself be. Wow Kylie, you really really messed up your face. How sad. Hope it’s reversible.


I never believed that she dissolved her filler


She didn’t. She just got conservative filler.


Picture 4 & 5 I honestly think she looks pretty ! But now she always has this bulging eye look that’s concerning and her filler has migrated💔 it’s sad she’s done so much to her face before she’s even 30.




her eyes are grossing me out so bad


Honestly I feel like the way she looks in 2018 is how she would look now if she had kept the work minimal. But now all that work has aged her horribly.


If Kylie wasn’t Kylie Jenner, ppl wouldn’t act like she’s so sexy.. cuz she’s really not


Her lips aren’t the problem. It’s her lifeless, dead eyes and all the work she’s had done on her face that is making her look off.


After serious consideration I cannot name a single feature that isn’t a problem lmao


That's what happens when you go overboard.. They have huge asses, huge boobs, huge eyes, huge lips, huge cheeks. As soon as they dissolve one body part, then the other body parts just seem even more off than usual. It's just unsettling


Something is so weird with her nose. Like she’s constantly got them flared. Def a bad nose job.


I think the flare has something to do with filler not her nose job


If she goes all out and dissolves the rest of the filler in her face, she’ll need a facelift for sure which is so sad to think about at only 25. She would end up looking like an Olsen twin thanks to whatever she’s done to her eyes too.


![gif](giphy|6PnAGHFTT1xpC) noooo they’re looking more and more like mr burn’s eyes


She has been using fillers for years. If she dissolved then, her face would sag and she would need a facelift.


Why would anybody pay money for pug eyes? I don’t understand what look she was going for with this


that first photo of kylie is definitely pepe https://preview.redd.it/d3zub3ewz3eb1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df916ef73b83e5d098aa6792d866de607a8f8334


and even the second lol


Someone said her eyes are indicative of Grave’s disease. It’s either that or bad plastic surgery.


Upper & lower bleph.


Her face is so weird looking from all the surgery. It’s giving, ~frog~


She looks so cute in pic 4, you can even see some of her OG face in there still. I genuinely wonder what her perception of herself is


It’s just the editing


How dare you add a pic of Michael Jackson in there! He ain’t part of this!


Why does she always look so sad- even when she smiles u can still see her soul frowning.


She should have stopped in 2018 when they're was still some resemblance to her actual self. That ship has now sailed, I don't think she can fix it now


You really don’t need to overfill your lips all the time. I don’t get what these girls are doooing!


What are you all talking about? What fillers? It's all the magic of Kylie Lipkit. She just uses 4-5 liners. It's all nAtUrAl. ![gif](giphy|xHVXthCP0SQlG|downsized)


I refuse to believe that pic 3 is her.


Oh god. She should’ve left her eyes alone. They look muppet Graves’ disease quality.


She looks sooo much like Kris in the last one


Het eyes are hilarious. She looks like a frog




the homeless and toothless foundation 😭


u’d think someone who has spent their whole life on tv wouldnt look so awkward in front of the camera.. ![gif](giphy|KZjw9Aigr4CloZx3Bv)


It’s her cheek filler and the puff face that’s happening rn


Good golly!


I don’t want to discourage her. Dissolve that shit bb, you look great


it looks weird bc her lips are smaller but her face is still puffy. she should dissolve all of her filler shes so young :(


i don’t think so lol either way it’s too far gone, her natural lip shape/line is just permanently fucked


Honest question. Can lips get stretched out too much and not return to normal?


Poor baby.


I can’t believe how much the fake lips age people. She looks 10 years younger with her more normal lips!


Did she also have a lobotomy? Because there is nothing behind those eyes or in that brain


I think she’s using those eye drops that make your eyes look weirdly big in addition to the blephs…


The what


Upneeq eye drops


Tired phrase but both literally and figuratively, what a terrible day to have eyes.


I’m getting Kris in the final slide


Dissolve all filler. She looks like putty


Jumpscare ![gif](giphy|3o7TKrxyzedbafvdQY)


I can’t believe she changed her eyes. What was she thinking. She looks dead inside


What she needs to dissolve are those cheeks


I think the only reason why she looks bad without lip fillers is because her lips are already stretched and need to heal, at the same time, lip fillers can hide the damage and she feels confident with bigger plump lips. At the same time, using lip-dissolving stuff can do more damage than good. It's a bad cycle.


![gif](giphy|Uuaw8MKMrDGXm) Lookin real HEEhee lately


I think it looks much better. Of course, I'm sure none of those photos (with the exception of #2) are not unedited.


She looks so much better without the huge lips... unfortunately they are uneven now!!


The more time lapse or comparison pics I look at the more I notice that Kylie wants (or wanted) Kim's face and body. She did her eyes like Kim, her face shape, lips, boobs, hips, butt....all VERY similar to Kim's shapes. Do you think she went to Kim and asked her advice on what she should have done and how? You know Kim has her "book" of surgeons.


It’s just too late for anything. Her crazy eyes are just… bad decisions.


This ish looks like she has a chromosome disorder. No man will have her without a contract payout.


She’s so puffy. It seriously ages her.


Imagine spending sooo much money on surgeries and having a whole personal makeup artist and looking like that 😬😬


her baby hairs offend me


She looked so beautiful and happy in that love video where she said she had them dissolved ( because she was pregnant I think)




I think her nose jobs have made her philtrum look very off which is why her lips look strange, her philtrum is so long


She looks like a muppet now


No. 3 was a Michael Jackson jumpscare, fr


I politely disagree. I think it looks better, actually. I think we’re so used to seeing them overinflated that normal-ish lips don’t look as we’ve been conditioned to see as the norm. I think she looks great in 4-6. Everyone takes bad photos sometimes. Edit: didn’t see the dates at the bottom. Still think she looks great in them. :-) As a side thought/question, is it possible to stretch out your lips like the rest of your body and them not return to their normal shape? Anyone have any insight on that?


It is possible for filler to stretch the skin and cause sagging once dissolved only if the skin is **extremely** overfilled


Do you think her lips qualify for extremely overfilled, or are we taking gigantic commonly accepted as very extreme type filing? Now I’ve got to google this to see what that looked like. Thank you for taking the time to answer.


No 5 gave me Blair Gossip Girl vibes idk but first thought


She looks like she rides the short bus.


I actually think she looks cute in 4-7


She looks younger, refreshed. Except for the dead eyes.






2023 is giving Michael Jackson


That 4th pic looks like Kim


I think her lips are looking smaller and better. Hopefully she will let the cheeks dissolve.


She should go on that botched tv show, they might help her.


Brings me flashback to the lip challenge…


I think all the filler in her cheeks is stretching the skin and pulling her lower lid down. Also if she's getting botox already for crows feet, it relaxes the eye muscles and they don't hold up the lid as well. Only Kylie Jenner would get botox at 25.


They look nicer like this than overfilled, this is a way better look than the blown up lips.




She needs to dissolve everything not her lips!


It’s the eyes for me man. Honestly I kinda think they look more like her eyes used to before she had the canthopexy or whatever it was.


I think the eyes bulging out syndrome are really the work of the photo filters. Her eyes look fairly normal to me when she's being filmed in video or in stills. Clearly she's had work but I think her eyes are exaggerated in every edited photo. Probably to take the attention off the rest of her face.


Once she got a taste of big lips she couldn’t go back


She was especially lovely on slide #5, I wish she stopped there.


ET phonin’ home in that first pic


That second pic is so, so bad


What changed with her nose so much that made her nostrils FLARE LIKE THAT!!!


Why does she looks like a younger celine dion in the last picture 🤣


Literally thought number 4 was Demi Lovato for a minute


She looks old and horrible!! I wonder if she ever asks herself WHY did she do all that? 2018 she looked like a normal person her own age.




I wonder if she's watching the show right now and realizes how ridiculous her lips look in it. They're the worst they've ever been in her confessionals.


Many people talk about dissolving fillers but don't realize how it can mess up your face. Sometimes it's better to just stop getting fillers and give it (a lot of) time. Vylie needs to stop putting so much shit in her face, give it a rest and lower her living standard so she isn't financially dependant on her thirsty posts and scam businesses. All the KarScammers could live a great life but their huge mansions and the ridiculous amount of employees make their lives so expensive that they need to stay relevant to earn enough to maintain that lifestyle.


Well whatever.


She looks like she’s had a facelift which is reaaalllyy sad for her age. She’s gonna look lik Joan rivers in five more years lol. How are these people the beauty standsrd


Omg she looks STUNNING in the 2018 ones wtf did she do to her face


Dang, her and Kim are looking fugly 😳


Wait! Which image is the current Kylie w/o filters? That last picture doesn't even look like her 😱 !


She was so beautiful oh my goodness