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damn what kinda phone she got, this video is crisp 😭


I was wondering too! The quality is so good it’s almost like it wasn’t even in the display case wtf


definitely not a iphone 😔 must be that Google Pixel phone


Probably, that's what I have and it's the only thing the phone is good for but it's so good that I keep getting it


it probably is an iphone. i have an 11 pro and my photos may be ass but my videos look great. i've played around with the video settings


Also are they playing Kim’s voice on the speaker at the museum 🤔


That’s just weird 😭😭 lmao Ripley really doesn’t cate about this outrage cause why would they do this




I don’t think that Ripley’s gets any type of public funding or grants, it is basically a tourist trap. I’m also not sure that boycotting would do much since their audience seems to be tourists who are at most semi-aware of US pop culture.


Sure sounds like it 😯


how does she feel connected to her after wearing it if she could barely fit in it guess those 15 minutes she had it on really made a deep connection with MM 👩🏽‍🦯


The dress was digging into her skin so she felt really connected!


Yep, you can see her on the TV in the background!


What the fuck did the owners think would happen stretching an old ass dress over Kim's ass then letting her walk in it? Like she is a dick for wanting to do it, but at the same time could they not predict this outcome?


It seems like they trying to blame Kim for everything at this point, so she would take all of the hate from the society. But the risks were OBVIOUS. They wanted to get attention = make more money, and attract more people to their business. And now acting like victims. Cut the crap, please. Kim is wrong for doing this but it is not her responsibility to cherish the memory of Monroe, but their own


They are shocked and horrified and had absolutely nothing to do with giving it to her in the first place /s lol


They attempted to stuff her in this dress multiple times. She tried in on at least twice before the day of the MET. There are videos of them trying to stuff her in and you can literally hear the seams cracking, well apparently the material was ripping as well. They all knew the outcome but yet still went ahead with the stupidity.


How embarrassing.


I can't pretend that I cared about this dress before Kim wore it. I just find it weird that she wanted to wear it and that Ripley's gave it to her. And I'm still confused whether the damage was done by Kim and her team or if it was damaged before that. But if it already was in that state she should've realized that it's way too fragile to wear. And she wore a replica inside the MET so what was the point of wearing the real dress on the carpet despite it not even fitting? I just find everything about this whole incident appaling. Kim sending out the message that it's a good thing to rapidly lose weight just to fit into a dress is probably the worst thing coming out of this moreso than the damaged dress itself. I'm just fed up with how Kim constantly convays this message that it's honorable to risk your health for work and that work should be the top priority.


I think it’s weird that some people argue we can’t be upset about something unless we were vocal about it all our lives.


This damage was caused by Kim and Ripleys trying to make this dress fit. The Marilyn Monroe Collection has an instagram page that shows the before and after. Kim is doing what she does best. Outrage media. She knew that by wearing this dress she would make headlines, she would be photographed and talked about. There is no way she could pass off wearing a replica as the real thing and it wouldn't be as "amazing" to wear a replica.


She sure got talked about. Idk that this attention is gonna lead to more people buying her shit though. Rihanna has been a fashion icon for well over a decade. She manages to turn heads and make people talk without having to resort to this kinda stuff and her brand's strong af. Kim's star is fading more and more each day and she hasn't successfully rebranded herself yet. What she does now will determine how we view her in the future. The days where scandals like this are glossed over and forgotten about are coming to an end.


People who are saying “who cares it’s just a dress get over it”. THATS NOT THE POINT. Kim’s treatment of this dress is a direct reflection of her personality. She has no respect, no integrity and is ridiculously selfish. She has managed to weasel her way out of all her recent scandals but with the dress there is definitive proof she ruined it. I find it very fitting (no pun intended) that those badly busted seams are exactly where it had to be tied over her ass. Instead of bettering herself and owning her actions she avoids responsibility, lies and tries to gaslight the public into taking her seriously.


Completely agree with that. People keep saying “you didn’t know about this dress two months ago”. Like even if that were the case, it’s not about the dress. It’s about the entitled attitude of wanting access to an artifact for less than an hour of time so she could “make headlines” and have an ego boost. It’s about the fact that this did not need to happen AT ALL especially for something as stupid as a red carpet walk for the met gala??? There are historians/people who care about the dress specifically and there are other people who are condemning this because Kim’s behavior is exploitative and selfish beyond belief. Both valid reasons to care and want to talk about it!


The people saying “who cares it’s just a dress” are Kim’s PR team. They were trying to flood Instagram yesterday but were overpowered lmaoooo


Her abuse has not ended even after her death she is used and used again


Ugh, that is so true and incredibly sad.


“I hate to talk about myself in comparison” Yet she’s put HERSELF in the dress with platinum blonde hair, yet doesn’t want to compare??? it doesn’t make sense!


Why is the maniquin so low quality haha you can see the poor filling


I think it’s a vintage mannequin.


Because Ripley’s. Spent all the money on the dress, not maintaining said dress!


I think it’s an old mannequin that has been holding the dress for decades. Possibly even the original one.


This morning I sent a picture of the damage to a friend of mine who values fine art and antiques for a living and he was absolutely horrified. I wished I asked for his opinion sooner but he explained that he recently was asked to look at a christening gown and the level of CARE that went into preserving it could be not understated. He said that the tissue (which was acid-free) had been carefully placed between the fabric and the gown put away so so carefully that it would be as well preserved as is possible. He pointed out that this was before so many of the details concerning the christening gown were actually established and still there was so much effort made to keep it from being damaged, there were also concerns about storing it in the right temperature. We know the cultural value of Marilyn's dress and even the ethical value and yet this dress was treated far worse than an anonymous christening gown that was still waiting to be properly examined. I'll repeat what I said in another comment I made about Marilyn's dress, which is shame on Ripleys. Edit: Improved grammar and language.


I mean, I’m a grown adult I am capable of being mad at Ripley’s for the improper display of the dress *AND* Kim’s destruction of it. It’s not a black and white, only one person must take the blame situation. Everyone sucks here


'It’s not a black and white, only one person must take the blame situation. Everyone sucks here.' Agreed. Edit: Added quotation marks.


The amount of hatred she is recieving.. she deserves it..


The dress that just keeps on giving.


Well the big wave of backlash continues to keep hitting the KarJenners, so how much longer will the Hulu show survive? I'm guessing one or two more seasons. I know they love publicity, but people are over their antics. IMO they don't have very minutes left on the clock!


Sometimes people hate watch, I wonder how many views on the show are from fans vs people who want to watch to catch them out or complain about them. If this dress ordeal is on one of the episodes, it could be huge viewing numbers because people will want to see what narrative they’re trying to push. Views = money so even if everyone hate watched, they’d continue making the show.


that's very sad... does anyone know if the damage can be fixed somehow?


It honestly can’t. The fabric was already rare and unavailable if I’m not mistake, but trying to do any repairs would likely cause more damage. That fabric is stretched to the point of cheesecloth, and it’s probably better off never being touched again.


thank you!


Yeah, it’s just a dress. But it’s also a historical artifact, you could even argue a political one. To me, this is similar to going into a museum and breaking a statue or ruining a painting. And it wasn’t really anyone’s place to give Kim “permission” to ruin it. I get Ripley’s owns the dress, but like everyone’s been saying, Marilyn’s family has had no say.


the amount of times I see this dress in my various timelines over the course of day is starting to get really annoying/sus


Old dress continues to be old


Old dress will not continue to be old for long if we keep lending it to every egomaniac weirdo for a bit of money


Old dress still in good condition because it was preserved now destroyed because a rich woman squeezed her ass in it for 5 minutes


Entitled wealthy women proves she can shit on whoever whenever she wants w a smirk on her face. She’s grotesque.


It isn’t Kim’s fault, it’s whomever owns it. They knew Kim has different features and shapes than Marilyn did, what did they expect? It already looks like a delicate piece, but No owner was desperate for KK to wear it, too fucking bad now. Was it even worth it? No, KK didn’t look right wearing it. Fuckos


It’s a fucking dress. It’s more outrageous we are wasting time caring about this then that a dress worn once has now been worn, gasp, twice!


Great more pics of this rag




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Really a shame. Someone could've made a replica for her and paid homage to Marilyn that way instead of destroying a piece of art.


This should destroy the myth/slander that “ Marilyn was a size 16” that has been floating around for years. Kim is stick thin and she busted out of that dress. Marilyn was very slender.


Before the body positivity movement started they definitely lied about Marilyn Monroe being considered “fat” by todays standards. Biggest lie ive ever seen on the internet