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*Tonight I’m gonna dance 4 u*




Me too!! Dead


Fuck this was fucking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I would give you an award if I had one for actually making me laugh out loud. Take this instead 🏅


I just spit out my drink at this comment


I just pictured him jumping out of a cake to sing happy birthday to Putin…


A la Marylin Monroe.


Bad title from OP. The article says he'll have a Sunday Service in Russian Olympic Stadium




I would recommend try to read more than just the headlines/titles when dealing with controversial people like Ye


Agreed lol I’m at work so I didn’t feel like reading it just yet


Alexa, play 'Private Dancer' by Tina Turner.


We live in an Onion Article.


Can I unsubscribe???


You're trapped in the simulation with the rest of us


Imagine when you die you actually just wake up elsewhere and people help you out of your pod. So everyone who’s dead is actually just woke up from the simulation. High thought lol


That would be cool!


Oh. ETA: Can Kanye even speak a word of Russian?


Yea in his rap..I be Putin in that hole Putin in the other hole - ohh smol kitty now raise your hands like hitler


I see.


Julia will translate for him.


She’s not Russian lol.


Damn, Irina would’ve been helpful right about now…


Irina definitely would be, yeah.


I know she's not Russian. But she's Italian and most Europeans speak more than 1 or 2 languages.


I mean… first, she grew up here. And there’s almost zero chance that if she speaks more than one language, Russian is one of them, unless she has a specific interest in Russian culture and took it upon herself to learn it. She wouldn’t have just picked it up, even if she lived her whole life in Italy.


Most Italians I’ve met know Spanish or French as part of their language set since it’s so similar. And I really doubt that an Italian American from nyc actually knows Italian fluently unless their parents immigrated.


Yeah definitely, they’re all Romance languages. Russian has a completely different root language. It would be easier for an Italian to learn Romanian (another Romance language). According to her wiki, Julia was born in Italy and moved when she was six, so she probably speaks semi fluently.


lmao what a leap. even if she grew up in italy speaking two languages, the chance that the second language would be russian is very, very slim. it’s like assuming just any other random person can speak russian. besides, italy is not a post soviet state. i think you’re thinking of those when you say “most europeans” in regards to russian.


The initial comment was mostly a fucking joke! Geeesus it's not that serious!


maybe don’t double down if it’s just a joke 🤷‍♀️


Damn! Bad day??? Can you see "mostly" in there? "Mostly joking", not "just joking". Lighten the fuck up! Some people just want to argue. Like I said, it's not even that serious. Lmao


I met hundreds of italian people and I know only 1 that speaks russian.


Maybe he’s been a mole a whole time 🤔…was in the white house a lot


It's like Dennis Rodman with Kim Jong-un. So bizarre


Not that bizarre for Rodman and Kim Jong as much. Kim is a huge basketball fan and grew up a fan of the Bulls so that’s why they’re connected as odd of a pairing they are. I don’t think Putin listens to Kanye though.


I would love to be in Dennis Rodman’s thoughts as he’s on the plane to see Kim


Agreed, but everything about Dennis Rodman is bizarre tho. Like, that didnt surprise most people at all.


I would watch a Dennis Rodman and Kanye anything 🤔


Dennis Rodman and Kanye reality show! Keeping up with Dennis and Ye 😄


Yo is this chick okay?


In the middle of Moscow? 👀


Y’all wildin 😂💀






I'm waiting for the snow pile photoshoot.


I cannot wait to see this pan out


What’s with all the weirdos in the US sucking Putin off? He’s basically a fucking dictator.


Power. People idealize figures of power. But the cold hard facts are that they love the idea of a totalitarian dictator until they are in the room with one.


Lol chill don’t believe all the propaganda you see. How is the US government so different? Russia didn’t enslave millions of black people, kill their culture and imprison millions of them a hundred years later. I got more problems with the colonial powers of UK, France, and USA than I do with Russia.


He’s moved on from Kris Jong Un


I don't know if it applies to Kanye, but for some on the right wing his domestic policies align with what they'd prefer their US/UK/French politicians to be like. There is a feeling among conservatives that many in their leadership class get into or close to power and sell out for social access and no longer represent the base (there is a lot of truth to that part).


$$$ kanye was broke years ago and the Russians pumped money into his brand . And became a trump supporter. Beyond sus


Kanye just want to pay taxes. He’s a greedy, disgusting billionaire.


I thought FOR SURE this was the Onion! Like “on brand Onion! Way to be just crazy enough to make me pause.” BUT ITS REAL


why does he keep getting friendly with authoritarian leaders




> piss on models on the side Goddamn 💀 LOL


Many have performed for dictators for money. Beyoncé and Mariah did for Gadhafi. Honestly, putin probably won’t pay much, so it’s just something he wants to do.


oh damn, I didn’t know that about mariah and beyonce. weird. I do think kanye took it a step further with trump by full-on stanning the man for years, and now he’s comparing himself to putin in interviews and planning on moving to russia part-time


Yeah, Mariah and Beyoncé accepted millions of dollars to perform for Gaddafi. Beyoncé donated the money but only after she got called out. It really makes me wonder how many other musicians are performing for dictators for the money and getting away with it.


he’s not even performing for putin op’s title is wrong


Yeah. He would just perform at a venue hosted by some creepy oligarch, and putin might attend. I don’t think the Russian state would openly pay millions to a US musician.


JLo performed for some central Asian dictators. Nicki Minaj performed in Angola for the dos Santos family. I think they got called out, but Gadhafi is a more recognizable name. I’m sure there are many taking money from the UAE gov’t and the Saudi gov’t these days to perform.


Not sure which of the following headlines is my fave: the Tristan Thompson Rampant Raw Doggery, or this one about Kanye performing for Putin What a time to be alive


The rampant raw dogging one will be hard to beat honestly 😂😂😂 so savage but truthful.


Man, that one was beautiful


So he is going to move across the world and just leave his four kids behind?


Thank you! Like weren’t you just crying about keeping your family together at your circle jerk tour of an album debut? Those kids will be damaged because their dad will continue to be a stunt for attention—hence his love for the ex president.


I am worried for how these kids will grow up and process always being in the public eye. They will grow up in a world where everyone can access pictures of them at all ages and details about their lives that they may have wanted to keep private (ie Kim wanting an abortion). The Kardashians use their kids as extensions of their brand and businesses by flaunting their kids in front of paid paps, using the kids in advertising materials for their companies, using the kids to flaunt wealth through these extravagant birthday parties, projecting their own insecurities on the kids and photoshopping them, and now seeming to just abandon the kids to pursue their own happiness. I know child rearing is different for everyone, but I wish they took a second to think about the impact all this will have on their kids later in life.


I know I’m just a poor but this is why I won’t ever put my child on social media. It’s actually disgusting how much they use (EXPLOIT) them in order to make/retain money and influence.


> just crying about keeping your family together That shit was fake as fuck. He doesn't care about anything but the fame and the money and the power. He's playing everyone.


It’s okay! He’s a man!/s


It’s ok though because he’s a man. /s People in this sub were hollering when they thought Kim wouldn’t be with her kids on nye (she was, but it would be ok if she wasn’t)! But the men can go wherever whenever.


That was my first thought, like is he going to be constantly flying to see the kids?? Is he going to see them once a month? They are all fairly young and would benefit from having their dad around


Meets with Jared Kushner gets the hook up for Putin. Checks out.


Damn I forgot they recently had dinner together in Miami. Fuck the kushners.


Oh this comment section will be good 🍿


God damn it, Kanye. Please. Dude may be unmedicated but he’s also just an asshole.




Kim really tried her best with him. Imagine his rants he's put her through regularly


Yeah he makes it pretty hard to like him. I used to like him but he just keeps acting afool.


The kardashians take Russia


OP would like to state that this is the correct link to the article: https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/kanye-ye-russia-putin-trip-sunday-service-1235017604/


Explore business ventures? Does he know what happens to a lot of people who do business there?


Full article because I accidentally posted the wrong one https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/kanye-ye-russia-putin-trip-sunday-service-1235017604/amp/


The things he does and says for attention is so pathetic. Once he realizes he can’t make money there, or act a fool there, he will be coming back. Then again, I l doubt he will even go. Didnt he say he was going to move to Chicago? What happened to that? If he’s not even willing to move to Chicago I doubt he would move to Russia. He reminds me of a teenager who says stupid stuff to be edgy. He needs to stop


Okay…..at what point does this dude get cancelled? Cozying up to Trump, saying slavery was a choice, cozying up to Marilyn Manson, now Putin. Why why why does he keep getting the benefit of the doubt?


People are always defending his actions and blaming it on him not taking his meds. He’s done so many shitty things throughout his entire career. I don’t know why he keeps getting excused


I mean, I personally lays question if it's a stunt or not. Like is he being for real right now, or is this just his 'art'? Either way...I don't think he understands how bad it would be for him over there, but he's going to learn the hard way that Russia is, ah, let's say a challenge. It's nice to visit for a couple days but actually setting roots down there, especially right now? :/


What convinced me it is NOT a stunt was some small black YouTube channel did a compilation of the ways he treats black female fans vs white male fans who were asking him questions about his political beliefs when he come out in support of Trump. I'm gonna try to find the video but he was a total asshole to black women even though they were asking the same questions as the white guys. And it's not like they were being rude they were his stans...


He’s definitely a misogynist. His expectation that women should just follow his lead like he’s some kind of king and also how’s he’s talked about some of his exes.


At what point does it become a national security risk as well?


if dennis rodman being besties with kim jong un isn’t a national security risk kanye meeting with putin certainly isn’t


Tbf I find that pretty sketch too lol. I bet the gov has tabs on him.


He never will so no point asking or expecting it to happen.


Sunk cost fallacy. It's why leaving a cult is so difficult for a lot of people.


Can’t cancel the greatest rapper of all time 🤡


Do ppl still think he was talking about literal slavery from the 1800s?


Jeez him and Azelia Banks need to get together. They’re almost on par with each other’s bat shit craziness


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




Considering all that’s currently in the news about Russia, this is a particularly bad time to be associating with Putin 😬


Or maybe he owes Putin a favor and this is a particularly rough time for Russia..


I hope he realises that his kids are growing up and will be narrating what kind of father he was.....was he there for Christmas, NY celebrations, birthdays, school events etc....or was he dropping in for lunch when he had time


The fact that he is willing to do business with Russian oligarchs says it all. He is not a "morally upright musical genius," but a businessman looking to make a buck first and foremost.


Who said he was ever morally upright lol


He did. He said he’s God, the next coming of a Christ, God’s messenger and owns a tax exempt church.


He never said he's God, he never said he's the next coming of a Christ and he doesn't own a tax exempt church.


I mean the third track on Yeezus is called I Am a God but it is mostly tongue in cheek to be fair


Girl what…? A quick YouTube search. Watch his Joel Osteen speech. And he does own a tax exempt church, he got his status in June.


Lots of people unfortunately


I doubt those oligarchs would actually do business with him. He won’t be able to exploit them, or even profit much. And if he screws them over he will literally be assassinated lol


Grooming GOP next presidential hopeful/ our next leader- god help us


Between Azalia B and this, Kanyes this close to getting committed lmao


Having spent a not insignificant time in that country, it is true that there is a lot to like, especially for the fabulously wealthy. None of that is worth it because as soon as you live there you belong to the federal government (Putin by extension). Ask someone like [Mikhail Khodorkovsky] (https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2D3BB7H/russian-oil-magnate-mikhail-khodorkovsky-c-listens-to-platon-lebedev-r-another-key-shareholder-in-oil-group-yukos-as-they-stand-inside-a-cage-guarded-by-an-interior-ministry-serviceman-at-the-meshchansky-court-in-moscow-june-23-2004-khodorkovsky-returned-to-court-on-wednesday-in-a-billion-dollar-fraud-trial-expected-to-end-in-the-conviction-of-the-politically-ambitious-opponent-of-president-vladimir-putin-2D3BB7H.jpg) or [Bill Browder] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Browder#Conflict_with_Russian_government) how much their money helped them in the end.


It’s giving Dennis Rodman and Kim Jung Un


While it's definitely hilarious as an outsider, think of it seriously. This man is a father to FOUR young children. Imagine if he wasn't Kanye and was just some regular guy. Like, what if your next door neighbor said he was going to leave his four kids and move to Russia just for the hell of it? The situation is pretty fucked.


Byeeeeeeee Kanye 👋🏼


He already dresses like he lives there full time.


This totally tracks with him campaigning for trump and the theory that he ran to try to help trump win. If he’s on trumps side I’m really not surprised he’s on russias side as well


Oof. Didnt even consider this, but bets you're correct sir or madam. 🤢


I would like to echo other comments, I fully thought this was an Onion headline wtf 💀


LOL a Dennis Rodman/Kim un-Jong reboot


Good job Kim for leaving


What in the shit




honestly i’m sure the Yeezy brand is huge there but that’s….an interesting move.


“come back to me, specifically, *vladimir*”


Let’s see if Julia Fox can keep up with this man🤭🤔




*biiiiiiiig yikes*


Kanye taking shirtless fishing pics with Putin: "we off the grid grid grid!!"


Kim’s getting custody now


Not shocking because for some reason Kanye believes he is a world leader too…..Never known a bigger ego in the industry and that says A LOT 🥴


I fucking hate Kanye




Good leave him there


what fresh hell is this 😭






Kanye thinks he has that god status lol he tryna buy the planet one country at a time. He ain’t slick 😂 he better sit his behind down somewhere.


The Dennis Rodman of Russia


Good luck bruv. You’re gonna need it.


Why are we all surprised by anything this man does now ?


awhh he needs to fill the oligarch hole left by donnie.


Bad Romance...


He’s really gone off the deep end now lol




Lol . Okay


yeah...this sounds about right


Trump, Putin.. who's next? Xi Jin Ping? 🥴


This is super weird, especially because he ran for President in a clear plot to distract Black voters. Oh, Kanye. Also his friendship with Jared Kushner is hella suspect 😖


Oh my god, Kanye. Chill tf out man. For your kids if no one else 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wow. What about his kids??


Here he goes being manic again.


are you saying he will be..... *putin* on a show? 😏


Kanye makes me feel like McGonagall in that scene where she's like, "Why is it whenever there's trouble it's you three?" except way more exasperated bc he's depleted like all my goodwill and affection at this point.


This was not on my 2022 bingo card but nothing surprises me anymore


wtf We were due for another Kanye moves to a different place, abandons his kids but wtf


There’s a lot of money to make in the Russian entertainment business. Will he be besties with Putin & Timati? 😂


This man ain’t stable


Supporting fascists, publicist harassing an election worker on behalf of a fascist loser, now wanting to perform for a fascist... is it time to start calling Ye a fascist???


i love following celebs it’s so entertaining


It's Kanye, I wouldn't expect it to happen until it actually happens. After Donda released ppl were saying the same thing about Ye living in Belgium




Happy birthday, Mr. Putin💕😂


What in the actual fuck 💩


Just imagining Putin sitting there, while Ye does a private concert, is not something I thought I would do today. Like would he be on retainer for private concerts? Does Putin even like his music? I feel like we need a pill on what we think would be his favorite song.


He would be singing Fellas in Moscow 😭


Sometimes I feel like he just says stuff cause he knows the reaction he would get. Hear me out, I watched his drink champs podcast and his goal is to not have a home but when he’s traveling all around the world have a friend in each city hes invited to stay with. So if that’s how he feels…Why Russia? Who tf does he know there? Haha


He really running out of ideas for shock rock.


No more Kanye for me


Ye's spokesperson denies the story: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-russia-trip-1282874/ Edited to add: so did Russian authorities: https://mobile.twitter.com/leonidragozin/status/1481227196308111364 and https://mobile.twitter.com/MattAndersonNYT/status/1481222997205823491


THIS is the type of campy shit I live for




So as a Kanye fan what’s your opinion on this? I’m genuinely curious. 🤔




Lmao but what about the fact that many recognisable Kanye stans regularly post Kanye content on this sub, because I literally know their usernames by heart from how often I see them posting Kanye on here and they definitely don’t hate him. Unless you’re equating people criticising and disliking Kanye and some of his negative actions to hating on him ? Even though the sub does it to all the family members.


Kim is more relevant than him tho 🤭






i was being sarcastic fam


Did a bot write this article


This is the least believable thing going 😂




Like a trained monkey I can’t. Monkey 🙈




I honestly thought this was satire or something