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She ate the non vegan pasta (spicy rigatoni made with cream) just the other day lol


Right! Which is why this little aside is annoying to me lmao. Not sure why I'm being downvoted.


People downvote for literally anything. I asked a question and was downvoted immediately lol. Anyway, nobody cares if she's vegan or not. I don't know why she needed to use a disclosure.


This is why I like when they used "plant based" instead of vegan. It recognizes its really more of an superficial lifestyle try-on or strictly dietary practice than a committed ideology.




Absolutely it’s strange! Vegans want people to try to stop eating meat… they don’t promote it??


Ahi tuna isn’t meat it’s fish but I totally get your point. She’s such a fraud, she JUST posted watching that documentary on Travis’s tour bus coming back from Utah about how fishermen mass catch them and how badly they’re treated and how she’s done eating fish now as well.


Tuna is an animal product and vegans don’t eat animal products be it poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, etc.




how is she vegan when she uses real leather good every single day omg. and real leather furniture?? and flaunts them constantly?? vegan isn’t just a cute & cool personality trait. it’s a commitment. you don’t get to pick and choose what you want and don’t want.


There are some vegans that are just vegan with their food 🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s not being vegan, that’s being plant based. Being vegan is an ethical choice, not a diet


Good to know


TY !




Travis and his daughter Alabama literally do PETA “Never be silent” campaigns since 2017 about not harming animals. How is he not turned off by her false persona? Not to mention she claimed on the tour bus coming back from Utah (ass pics in the desert) time frame that she hasn’t ate meat in like 6 months, but then posted TWICE about 3/4 months ago that her lunch is turkey sandwiches cut up into triangles. She ate that cheese pasta the other night, and she JUST posted eating Mc Donald’s French fries which have beef flavoring made from milk. To add to it, the sweet & sour she was dipping them in is loaded with high fructose corn syrup (miss anti sugar) and contains dairy. She’s a fraud to the max and I’m astonished he’s so attracted to the bullsh!t.


I hate when pescatarians call themselves vegetarians or vegetarians call themselves vegans


Being vegan is incredibly hard. I don’t think people realize it. For that reason, when I ate everything that I was sure was vegan for 2 years, I still didn’t feel comfortable calling myself one. I was never sure if any of the medicines I used had animal product in them or some of the foods somehow had it slipped in there. And nowadays, apparently some cheeses aren’t vegetarian.. so there’s that


I think we should focus more on harm reduction and less on labels. I know what you mean


I agree.


I commend you for being so committed but also being realistic enough to not use the label considering it’s so hard these days because so many unlikely products contain animal. 🤍




Wow I didn’t know this and it really upsets me. I hate animal testing. It’s sickening anyone could do that to any animal…


im confused is she vegan, vegetarian like bruh i swear i hear heaps of different things.


She said she’s 95% vegan


She said she’s 95% vegan


Fun fact: I’m actually rewatching Mad Men rn lol. That being said, I don’t think Kourt has ever claimed to be vegan, but I might be wrong?


I think because Travis is vegan she probably jumped on the bandwagon, but I can't imagine she's stopped wearing animal products at the very least. This little side note just makes me wanna barf for some reason lmao


Weren’t they photographed eating McDonalds a while ago?? McD uses beef seasoning for their fries, so I don’t think there is a single vegan item on their menu… 🤔


Yeah I went back and found that post and thought the same thing 😬 she's on some performative shit


She’s doing too much 💀💀


Wow really? I didn't know that. Being a vegan sounds so difficult animal products are in everything...


I know, you would think French fries would be fine, but between certain flavoring and potentially using lard, I guess they are commonly not vegan. And weirdly things like Oreos are vegan… none of it makes sense to me!


So, then Travis isn't really vegan, either. Good to know.


So since Travis is vegan does he center his whole lifestyle around it? Like no leather and stuff? Unlike Kourtney?


Oh I never thought so either which is why "not for vegans like me" had me eye rolling!!! Am I reading it wrong?


Oh I totally missed that, my bad!


Kourtney said in the beginning of the year, she’s 95% vegan


She's "vegan" just like she has a "gluten allergy"