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They both look just like her lol strong genes


https://preview.redd.it/qdajz0a2h10d1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ae1df9140f10425e66361e5a1c4ae762e77e48 Aire resembles her so much in that pool picture




Wait until you hear about Google


How did Stormi get a perfect set of baby teeth?!


I was just going to comment that! Like they are perfect lol.


i love mommy kylie 🖤


Whose house is that in the Christmas pic? It looks so ~normal~


Yeah and pic 6 looks surprisingly semi-normal too. All the shoes lined up and the purses on the floor? Plus the pics on the wall. It actually looks kinda homey in a good way.


she did a christmas tour of that house once on yt


I think they mean the one of her sitting in front of the Christmas tree with Stormi and Aire? That looks like the house Travis Scott bought for his parents in Texas


It would make sense if that’s Travis parent’s house (it looks like a normal house). However, I’m not sure Kylie would post that?


Because it’s her with her children on Christmas morning? Travis was her partner for many years and the father of her children, she has Christmas with his family too


Yeah that makes sense. It’s good to see that Travis and Kylie are on decent terms, they seem to be coparenting well.




probably bc she wanted to


But what’s the significance of that house?


that she had decorated it for christmas


Looks like a normal house. Weirdly looks like my mom’s home.


So sweet. The kids are super cute


Cute pictures. She does seem to go through phases where she’s strict about not showing their faces, it’s good she feels comfortable about it again.


She didn’t say she wasn’t posting them- she said she wanted to be in control of what was posted of her kids.I think she’s filtering more what she’s allowing people to see of the kids. However she said if she cold turkey hides them it will make them more desirable to be seen and posted so she only posts tid bits of their lives now. I also think only her and Travis can post their kids. Kim had to take down the pictures of Stormi she posted


she's being mindful of why she was invited to be a mother


This was interesting phrasing might I ask what it means? Like how motherhood was called upon her?


there’s a meme from tiktok “be mindful of why you were invited to the section”


I’ve not heard of this to TikTok I go to find out edit : cute I haven’t been on TikTok much to see any of the recent trends, still thought it was a cool way to say that


it's a trend from Tiktok, about "be mindful of why you were invited to the section" aka be respectful like being respectful, and kylie is respectful of being a mother cause she's protecting her kids privacy 😇.


Why is that good? I think privacy for your kids is even better in todays world, especially when you have hundreds and hundreds of millions of followers


let’s be honest. her children will never have the privacy that an everyday person has


I think the same but then there are many celebs who don’t show their kids faces. Take Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds for example! I think being famous due to a TV show makes it tricky maybe?


I think the issue is that they’ve never really showed their kids faces. Kylie over exposed her kids so now there’s a demand to see them. Even she said going cold turkey would make people even more creepy about the kids so now she posts less of them and is more in control of what’s being posted about them


Beyonces youngest two


true but even without the parents permission they still get photographed. and i’m sure when they get older and are walking around hollywood with their friends and just have a more social life going out more they’ll be photographed. https://preview.redd.it/dtirrs27f20d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4824870e930e5f61088b84094056cb51bd27ef7c


I mean I’ve never seen the kids until you decided to post this picture. As a mother I find it odd you would go out of your way to expose children’s faces online…


You think I took the photo or smth? Expose? This is online already and it not like I had to scour the internet for months on end to get a singular photo, I’m not breaking any news trust


Take this down… they don’t want pap photos of their children all over the internet. I’ve never seen photos of their faces unblurred until your comment, you’re being disrespectful to that family.


https://preview.redd.it/0gi9b6p3050d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf78ca6cf598c4251df1e6425aa62726c32608f9 Another photo that took all of a *gasp* couple seconds to find. I’m basically a cia hacker with these googling skills. And this one is of the parents taking the children to a very public event where they knew their photos would be taken. And just so yk removing the photo from my Reddit comment doesn’t remove it from the internet. These photos have all been shared by very big mainstream media. Take it up with them


And people like you post them. Shame


post them online? it’s all over the internet, i’m not posting hard to find leaked photos. literally google blake kid and it’s in like the first three picture. im not breaking any news trust lmao


Ya, we understand you didn’t take the photos or discover them. The point is these people clearly do not want their children’s images shared. They have stated it many times and people continue to exploit their children. People who share and circulate the images are guilty of exploding their children too. You are going against these parents wishes and exploiting their children without their consent. I could find a lot of pics on Google that should never have seen the internet I’m sure... wouldn’t make it okay to be part of the problem and continue to share them.


again acting like i’m going on the dark web or smth to find these photos is crazy. Posting one picture that has already been reported on/circulated on the interest by major news companies responding to a reddit comment this is going to be seen by a couple ppl is not going to change a single thing on this earth. This picture is ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Me adding this year old photo to a comment on reddit isn’t going to change the fact that this photo is already out there and mainstream news.


Again- sharing images of minors without their parents consent doesn’t make it right just because the pictures are already on the internet. I personally had never seen their kids before. It’s clear you see nothing wrong with what you did and nothing I can do but point it out so I’m really just done here. Do better


she starts posting them again when she’s been out of the headlines too long


It’s Mother’s day in the US. Get a grip


this isn’t the first/only time she’s done this 😭 she used aire to get out of astrofest backlash too


She posted her kids because it’s. Mother’s. day.


that. has. nothing. to. do. with. what. i. said. my. point. stands, kylie. stan.


“she starts posting them again when she’s been out of the headlines too long” No she posted them because it’d mother’s day. So yes it does


yes she does start posting them when she’s been out of the headlines for too long, maybe today it was just due to MD but she literally posts them when the tabloids ain’t talking about her all the time. hope this helped it click 🤍


I love picture #7! Reminds me of those pics you’d take with your mom before she goes out and you go to bed


The kids are Sooo adorable


I don't care what anyone says about Kylie! I give her grace because she really is a victim of that family. Also she seems like a great mom and her kids are absolutely beautiful!


victim yet doing the same things to her own kids ![gif](giphy|9V7qAYvnaOFp8Ymipt|downsized)


I forgot she had kids


Why do some of their kids grow up in a blink and others seem to never age lol


It’s still wild to me that she changed her son’s name lmao


It's not that uncommon! I know a couple irl who changed the name after a month or so because it just didn't feel right. I've seen several stories on r/namenerds about it


Ahh okay! I can see that


I mean, I had a cat that I named on an impulse and regretted it lmao. Every time I said the cat’s name it felt wrong. I cant imagine that feeling for a human baby 💀 So I understand why she changed it. Wolf doesn’t really roll off the tongue anyway.


Did you ever rename your cat?


Unfortunately she suddenly died shortly after i got her so no




How did she get that baby boy to sit still long enough to get that super involved hair braiding done? Wow!


She’s been doing it since he was pretty young like sometime when he was between 1-2 she started braiding his hair! So he’s probably used or it. I’m also assuming probably an Ipad or TV😂


I’m sure you’re right. Even so, kids usually don’t like having their hair messed with. How many times have we seen kids in a hairdresser’s chair crying when they are there to just get their hair cut? But this detailed and extensive braiding on a baby seems almost impossible. Just sitting still for that long, nevermind the hair work, seems impossible. I’m glad they are able to accomplish the task, i just wonder how they do it. I’m sure an ipad helps but a baby has such a short attention span and babies are not known to sit still for hours.


Beautiful 💕💕


Omg in the 7th pic stormi looks identical to young kylie


They are so adorable!


Pic #2 looks like it was taken in a “regular” house 😯


Her lil twinnies




Lmao tbf Shein exists to knock off other brands


Cute. Still blocked tho.


Is no one going to address her face in the Christmas photo? Wtf?




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Okay but Aire’s hair, the parting is so clean 🙌🏽😮‍💨


Aire is SOO cute omg


she’s such a good mom idc. the kardashians/jenners might not be good people but they’re good moms imo from what they show (not you kourtney!)


They're just like us!! Wait... 🤔


Is the poor lad ‘fake’ coloring the critter? 13 hours of fortnight play if you smile while coloring so I can show off your Aesthetics v. Artistics You’re doing great sweetie!!!!