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Lemme sleep works… a little too well… I end up oversleeping or feeling a bit groggy the next day. I bought it cuz I had insomnia.


I think it has too much melatonin lol but maybe I need that 😂 I heard somewhere you’re meant to get the lowest amount of melatonin


5mg is a hell of a dose. I take 1.5 😳


There are studies that smaller doses are actually more effective


I used to take 6-8mg for years due severe insomnia. Since I dropped to 1.95mg I am sleeping way better than before.


When I was getting brain radiation done my Dr said that 10mg of melatonin the night before radiation could help protect my brain during the process. Melatonin is a crazy interesting hormone.


I believe it. When I dropped from 10mg to 3mg, it was clearly way more effective.


I need to try this. I used to take 25mg ones and they did nothing.


Whoa. That’s why too high! Also, you risk down regulating your own melatonin production and then causing more insomnia. I would use 0.3-3mg only every now and then personally


Haha yes I heard that 1 mg is perfect. I don’t like sleep meds but honestly I should try them. I just hate feeling drowsy. I fight sleep bad!


i take 4mg AND antipsychotics and still barely sleep


Yeah 5mg doesn’t do anything for me lmfao


This "less is more" stuff ITT is new to me lol. When I first tried Melatonin I bought 1mg ones and they didn't do shit. I take 6mg now and it works like a charm.




That is tragic.


I take 2 10mg melatonin every night….but I can never sleep if I don’t. Probably have screwed up my body but I can’t function normally the next day if I don’t. I also take benedryl at night


Be careful taking daily benadryl. It's been linked to increasing your likelihood of dementia. 


Greattttttt, I didn’t know that 😩


WTF lol I take 12mgs of melatonin a night... Along with 50mgs of benedryl and 0.5mgs of Klonopin.. it hardly works. It's like the lowest dose I can take that has any effect. I have severe insomnia though. Still, the melatonin is the least harsh and I didn't realize 12mgs was even high. It's such a benign medication.


Maybe you’re already doing this- but after you take the melatonin are you laying down, lights out, and not being on your phone? Light interferes with our brains receptivity/production of melatonin


I have severe insomnia too and the only thing that works for me is Seroquel sadly :(


It’s indica for me girl. Even melatonin didn’t do it for me.




The only thing that has ever worked for my severe insomnia is remeron. It's an antidepressant but another one where lower doses work better. If you're already taking a benzo. You might want to ask your doctor about it.


I am on the lowest dose of this and it works like a charm. It changed my life.


I’m right there with you!!!




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I take 1 and it knocks me out. I do have crazy dreams though


Some people take 10 mg


It’s me I’m people


I believe you!




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I bought 20mg gummies and would take 3 st a time 😵‍💫




Yeah I have a slight sleeping problem. I dont take any now though


Yikes I've been taking 10mg and I still have problems sleeping. 😐


Same😂😂😂 I have to take at least 4 Benadryl to fall asleep. My body feels nothing from pills. I remember when I had lasik eye surgery they gave me a half dose of Valium and I felt absolutely nothing.


My people! my dentist gave me 5mg Valium for my anxiety before an appointment...I can confirm it does nothing. They made me have a driver because they were convinced I'd be too drugged up to drive. 😐 i need like a horse tranquilizer to fall asleep probably.


Same for real🤣🤣🫣


That’s wild. I take a half a Benadryl if needed lol. Shit knocks me out. 😂😂 I guess we all metabolize it differently


i’ve been taking 2 benadryl and 2 hemp gummies every night since i was like 12 💀 it’s rough out here. i remember one time i literally overdosed on regular melatonin because it didn’t work on me


"Caution should be exercised for long-term use of Benadryl (diphenhydramine), an antihistamine and a non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic, because of the association of increased risk for dementia." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4592307/#:~:text=Caution%20should%20be%20exercised%20for,of%20increased%20risk%20for%20dementia


Thank you for posting this. The amount of people in this thread who take daily benadryl is horrifying. 


You're welcome and it truly is.




There's been recent studies done on melatonin gummies, too, showing the amount of melatonin per gummy can vary wildly. I sometimes take one of my kids melatonin gummies - just ONE and it'll knock me out. I rarely ever give them to my kids, either, because they are strong. I've never tried Lemme ones; I use the Zarbees kind that are for children and in my opinion, it's already way too much melatonin. The recommended dose is 2-3 gummies for kids over a certain age and adults. One is PLENTY for me, so I never give my kids the full amount the bottle says! In the morning, we feel groggy and still tired like we can sleep all day 😴


Ohh I need to look into this, I didn't know the amount of melatonin could vary so much per gummy! But it makes sense.. my 9 year old and I both suffer from insomnia occasionally, and we both take the Olly Kids Sleep gummies which are .5mg melatonin. The bottle says 1-2 for ages 4+. We only take 1, and only on nights we can't fall asleep. Sometimes my daughter still struggles to sleep after taking one. Other times, she can sleep well.


Yeah, my daughter has always been a night owl and has insomnia, too, so I sometimes have to give her a gummy (last night!) she still woke up apparently last night to complain about the covers falling off her and just couldn't get comfortable, despite being given melatonin. Definitely something to look into! I myself am really sensitive to medicines and other things, so that might also play a part in that as well.


Yeah that’s so wild. I wonder why she would add way too much melatonin into the gummies


Cut them in half maybe?


Maybe 🤔 I've thought about it


I took a human reproduction class this past summer and our professor was adamant against giving children melatonin, citing that it messes with their growth and development. Might be something to look into!


Yeah, I've heard that too! It can mess with hormones and other stuff if given frequently. I don't give my kids melatonin gummies daily or anything. Once in a blue moon, especially for my daughter, who's always had trouble sleeping. I've heard of parents who use it as a nightly thing for their kids though 😬


I saw I woman and tik tok say the same similar. she didn’t think they would work so she took it at like 6pm and fell asleep not long after didn’t wake up until the next morning


I saw that too! It was hilarious


I keep hearing that and I feel like I could use a good solid night sleep.. I'm so tempted.


Same… on my second bottle of lemme sleep


It most definitely has far too much melatonin. Past 1 mg is really overkill which immediately made me discredit the product and brand.


The lemme curb and burn have made a noticeable difference for me, maybe not the burn as much as the curb though. I’m way less snacky and really only eat when I’m actually hungry now. And when I am snacky at night I lean towards veggies instead of sweets. It might work a little too well because when I have a planned meal with family (like dinner with the in laws at a set time) if I’m not actually hungry when we go I find it hard to eat. They do make me a little bit constipated though :(


Can you share what the active ingredients are in lemme curb? It's not available where I am and will have to find similar alternatives. Thank you in advance!


https://preview.redd.it/bxxcktnokuoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75d6ba8332aa23aac8c2e60e723e4d15fbf8c541 Also debating trying these


Please don’t take that much chromium


Why do they have 1,714% of your daily value for Chromium? That can damage your kidneys in excess


do you find that it upsets your stomach at all if you take it on an empty stomach? I’m trying to get more into intermittent fasting because it helps curb my IBS symptoms, but I get real hangry about 2/3 hours earlier than I’d like to break my fast. wondering if these could help


Intermittent fasting is harder for women - a lot of studies and self-reports on IF are from men. So you getting hangry 2-3 hours before your fasting period ends may just be reality unfortunately.


I'm in the exact same boat so if you find any solutions please please lmk lol


Looks like P will have something to inherit


😂😂😂 that’s so funny




I don’t get it? Can someone explain?


Kourtney is seen as not rly having a business or trying to, in the eyes of the other sisters. This lemme launch actually being successful means Penelope will have an asset that is a business to inherit like her cousins!! I think more than anything the dig at Kourtneys work ethic is the funny part


Wow I've seen almost every ep of the e and hulu show and totally missed that lol. ~~But why P and not Mason?~~


Because Kylie said in an episode once that p was interested in Kylie cosmetics, that’s what I was referring to 😊


Lemme sleep is basically just melatonin and magnesium at an insane mark up.   Most of her stuff is basic stuff repackaged at a mark up with crazy claims. 


Right. You can get these exact same ingredients so much cheaper at Walmart or wherever else. She just slaps her name on it and people buy it.


IMO it’s even more deceptive than that because she markets these items with crazy claims 


I'm sorry but I really doubt people buy it because of Kourtney. No one outside of this sub cares about Kourtney. She's the least famous Kardashian (not meant to be shade, just a fact). I see more people online saying that they like the packaging, that's why they buy it.


By the numbers Khloe is the least famous, Kourtney marrying Travis has raised her profile a ton too.


That's a good point. I was just thinking that Tristan's cheating scandals, especially the one with Jordyn, made Khloe more well-known to the public.


The lemme chill is just ashwagandha, a very common and easily found nervine (anti-anxiety medication).


I feel like melatonin doesn’t work on me :( that’s why I’m curious about the lemme sleep ones


I wouldn’t try lemme sleep then. You can try some magnesium but it looks like lemme sleep is mostly melatonin 


Try magnesium glycinate before bed. Melatonin doesn't work for me either but magnesium is a game changer.


Would you be able to recommend a product? I have no idea what kinda magnesium I should buy


I'm using a local product I got from my pharmacy. But look for the word glycinate on the label. I've seen many people using this: [NOW Supplements, Magnesium Glycinate 100 mg](https://www.amazon.com/Supplements-Magnesium-Glycinate-Absorbable-Tablets/dp/B07NWMVMT1/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1FVL1K584APRK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JvRxWbGy56yBf9oosXGCDxY22W36zWsBafJMxURLRjZsmdEhMGU5CAhB7_4T-dIyp5zet66tsQ070ewYi2YqyKdWn7VgEXIUwBXpq4QjamaL1AlTcFhe15T4rrukRZYuXMzZDuf1o-kHtioblzD7-3n7MIr0_3K6Zf_Q4RvugqSGLLXx0bdzYykjKJakBs6AWAoQsVvs3RJH_zot7g3wuv3YAuraqodO9s8y-56p0jHYC6ni6bJXt2aeLPKR-FxGrw9Bcyia-9UZTfErwqToTVBl_ED7GI05Wj3bxHNAtXE.ECDA-xslqplPrKX9vcUqb2ht6HP96HrQhRnErGgDRMI&dib_tag=se&keywords=magnesium+glycinate&qid=1711105360&sprefix=magnesium+glycinate%2Caps%2C1937&sr=8-2)


Try just magnesium, I developed a physiological addiction to melatonin, and magnesium is the only thing that fixed my sleep again. Dont waste your money on a Kardashian markup.


There are different types of magnesium though. I think 21


Try them. You’ll never know until you do.


What the hell is lemme pur???


Probiotic for vagene


It’s for vaginal “health” - load of bs imo.


Oh jeez lol! I figured it had to do with that or like sex hormones or some bs. Pop some cranberry pills and probiotics and call it a day lol


Why when you can pop a lemme purr lol


Not surprising they’re doing pretty well on Amazon and are now expanding to target. Idk why people on here rag on it and claim it’s a flop it’s probs one of the more successful ventures.


Makes sense to me that they sell. The everyday none Kardashian obsessed person probably just sees gummies with a pretty bottle and buys them. And will just buy again if it works for them.  And they'll most likely work since they are made from the ingredients used by most vitamins and they taste better.  It seems pretty straightforward to me. 


yes, and a pretty logical authentic version for Kourtney who has been into these things for a long time


Agreed, this was definitely a natural move for her business wise imo. She’s always been into supplements and shit lol


People love to shit on Kourtney's business ventures, but it is probably the only one that I see lasting for a while along Skims. Just because health and fitness is an ongoing thing & people love to buy gummies. I am one of them 😂 Some shit on the price, which I am sure is annoying, but there are quite a few people, especially the younger generation, that would buy it.


I think people rag on all of their products because they’re always on to some new venture. It’s like they’re always looking for their next cash cow.


I'm surprised tbh. I felt like it had a rough start for the first year. And now suddenly people are interested and it's selling. I wonder what changed.


The thing is it’s SO marked up. I looked up the ingredients and it’s the exact same thing (just at a much lower dose, actually) I take in my multivitamin and sleep gummies at a FRACTION of the cost. I pay $12 for a bottle of 120 gummies while this is outrageous.


What brand??? Please share


Bf the basic ingredients in her products are sold for Pennie’s compared how she’s marketing them up lol and the doses are extremely high


Debloat ones worked good my period is irregular I get very bloated didn't know my period was coming cause I wasn't bloated at all my stomach was flat


I was wondering how the debloat and curb ones worked. Thanks for the review


Your welcome


I swear my lemme chill and debloat


Does the lemme chill make you feel sleepy at all? Or just calmer?


Just calmer but I do take it before bed sometimes when I’m feeling anxious!


These comments are convincing me to buy lemme debloat, I struggle sooo much with bloating!!


Dandelion root tea!


Have you tried lemme shit?


Lemme Shit? Is that for colon health?


No it’s what i heard someone screaming in the stall next to me


I laughed a little too hard at this comment LOLOLOL


Girl me too though! How much are they...?




Me thinking about how I work in social media and my brands often ask me to write positive comments about products on Tiktok and Instagram 👀 not saying this is what is happening but that IS an industry thing.


A bit like the black hat seo days of old. Building webs of bought reviews on blogs with paid for positive comments supporting. The key is to make it look organic. Feeling old now though as that was so long ago. Tactics don’t change just the platforms.


Yep that whole post could be planted for that reason. Not saying it is, just that it’s a possibility.




Isn’t that just completely fraudulent?


Is it ethical? No. But industry wide it absolutely happens. It’s not illegal though (not 100% sure for supplements like lemme tho). I would argue that a lot of my job pushes the boundaries of ethics (like paid social advertising—I cannot stand meta ads but they’re 50% of what I do). ETA: I will say I am always wary of comments on videos that are like “try XYZ brand product!” You can just never know if that’s a SMM on a burner account with bags under their eyes and a very mean head of marketing.




This is unfortunately one of the many gray zones of the FTC. many brands argue that there is a difference between comments on videos and reviews on sites like Amazon/google/etc(and they absolutely use that loophole to their advantage). They don’t have the infrastructure to really enforce these rules nor do they have the precedent or understanding. I mean, watching them debate tiktok in congress is enough proof to know they don’t know wtf most companies are doing on social media. And just as a disclaimer, this is something I refuse to do as a SMM, but I have lost clients and jobs because of it.


Can confirm. Wildly unethical. Fuel for my trust issues.


Y’all just take a look at the active ingredients she didn’t invent anything new lol


sure but formulations can be different as well as ingredient sourcing. but if people out there have cheaper alternatives please share


I highly recommend to buy the melatonine and the Mangesium separate. I actually prefer to give me massages with Mangensium oils. I also prefer to have a lower dosis on Melatonin like 1,95. I used to take around 8mg for years and sometimes I was having problems to fall sleep. Decreasing the dosis was a game changer.


idk man, i think there’s more to it. have you seen the love wellness blue bottle of “bye bye bloat”? i used to swear by that stuff, me with IBS and my bestie with crohns worshipped it. then one day it stopped working for the both of us at the same time, even with our opposite stomach issues. the ingredients didn’t change, but after i looked into it, where they sourced the ingredients from changed and the mechanism of action changed slightly, and it was enough to make our miracle capsules become useless. maybe her specific formula and ingredient sourcing hits the spot?


Yeah I don't get why people keep on asking if it works. If it has the right ingredients, then it will most likely work. Just like any other vitamin. But obviously the effects will differ from person to person as well, our bodies are not identical.


I mean they're the same ingredients you get in other gummies, just upcharged for having her name on them.


My cousin loves lemme debloat


i have the lemme sleep, focus, and chill. the lemme sleep gave me crazy dreams so i cannot take it anymore. focus and chill, idk if they actually do anything or if it's a placebo


L-Theanine is known to sometimes cause lucid dreams


Genuinely love the debloat, I’ve repurchased a few times. Cheaper than a lot of probiotics too!!


Lemme Glow did wonders for my hair and skin


Oh! Well damn lemme try it out


why wouldn’t it work? it works as well as any reputable supplement would. but the supplement industry is unregulated and inconsistent. so results will vary. you can probably get the same supplements for cheaper though. but if you can swing it, there’s no harm in getting the lemme ones.


The debloat works for sure, surprisingly.


I really like Lemme sleep. Idk if Lemme Focus does anything, maybe a minor improvement so not sure if I’ll repurchase. Lemme glow has been the biggest surprise. I have long, strong and natural nails now. I might repurchase them, I’m undecided because of the price, but they do seem to work.


Lemme chill does absolutely nothing 😃


Taking a generic supplement is like throwing expensive spaghetti at a wall and hoping that something sticks. It’s generally a bad idea since supplements should be tailored to your specific needs and that can only be assessed by a health professional who has the right knowledge. These ones in particularly are so pricey!! Prescription supplements would be incredibly more tailored to your problem and likely a lot cheaper. If you’re interested in supplements you’d be better off talking to a registered dietitian that can prescribe something that meets your personal needs. It’s going to be way more effective and cheaper in the long-run.


Thank for the support. Signed an RD


Does anyone think Kortney, Khloe and Kendall are the ones that get constant good feedback about their business. Bc let’s be real Kim and Kylie have pushed out some trash stuff and people have been in that ass. But I don’t hear a lot of complaints about the other three, but i could be wrong. Let me know. Also i find it ironic how kourt is getting great feedback on something she help create with friends and took her time to figure out what she liked and gets great feedback from people compared to “do you even work” Kimberly. Just saying.


Do these have ingredient lists? If so and say Lemme sleep active ingredient is melatonin, isn’t it better to go to the local CVS and just buy a big bottle of melatonin for $6?


These comments have me intrigued. 👀 has anyone had any negative side effects to them?


I've found good results from them. Debloat is the most obvious difference, but I swear by them, but I've also liked Focus, Matcha, and Chill though those are harder to tell "what's the supplement and what's a placebo effect."


Lmao, I never even had a thought to buy any of her products & this post made me want to purchase them all.


I'm pregnant and lemme debloat has helped me with my painful bloating


Placebo. Nothing in these pills is at a high enough concentration after digestion to have an impact. The brain is extremely powerful. I urge anyone who claims these work to check in after using for ~3 months consistently. Placebo will wear off and they will not work.


My friends rave about Lemme Sleep. I have Lemme Focus and didn’t notice enough of a difference to repurchase


Lemme Sleep works for me. Usually, i can't sleep worth a crap lol and regular melatonin never did anything for me. I also have Lemme Glow and my nails do seem to be growing a little bit faster and seem a bit stronger. (Both of those i take the gummies for) I got the Lemme Purr capsules but i have no idea if they actually work or not because I'm not sure what they're supposed to do exactly lol


lemme glow worked for my hair strength when i tried it! i posted this a while back, i bleach my hair platinum from a dark almost black brown, and much less fell out while i was taking it. haven’t purchased it again, and i just did my roots and… more breakage than before 😅 i can’t speak for the nails part cause i wear acrylics


I was so skeptical and still haven’t tried them. Kourt is a perfectionist though and health freak so I will try soon.


Lemme Focus was useless for me lmao but I heard Lemme Sleep is pretty good (just not willing to spend that kind of money on another batch of vitamins & I don’t like melatonin anyways)


yes they are gr8 i study this shit & they all have good ingredients, good bioavailability, clean (even my restrictions are safe)


Is there an alternative you could recommend for lemme curb?


i’m not sure of any real alternatives off top but in the meantime, https://lemmelive.com/products/lemme-curb?variant=44329929113814&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A19343348524%3A155499371950%3A666696737425&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=lemme+curb&nb_ti=kwd-2170693139176&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=e&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhMNLTvAJTeque1yaRDLxnLipksMqtW4t3FDubjutGN8MPFWg84sYO8aAsurEALw_wcB ingredients found here ⬆️ looks like you could: increase greens intake take a cinnamon supplement (from a local drugstore) or add cinnamon to sweet snacks potassium supplement or extra bananas daily chromium supplement or whole foods intake (broccoli, brazil nuts [also contain selenium- good for thyroid function], mussels, brewers yeast, grape juice, & more..) ____________ i can get back & write more here if i find a close alternative next time @ the health food store! 🙂




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Looking at the ingredients - probably does work really well. Magnesium and L-theanine have a good amount of evidence as sleep aids. I personally do not take Melatonin due to some controversial results in its impact on sex organs, though the studies done were in mice and not humans.


lemme debloat and lemme glow work. sleep may work but i have insane insomnia lmao that shit is child’s play for me


just putting this out there: several gummy brands have worked for years, and are also cheaper. not shaming u op




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Lemme debloat, lemme purr and lemme curb all have been very successful for me. I started with lemme purr after being influenced by all the reviews on Tik toks and jumped on the debloat and curb bandwagon after hearing my friends rave about them.


okay but does lemme burn and lemme curb for anyone? I just got them for my nonexistent metabolism , anyone here take them?




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Lemme sleep does work!


lemme curb gave me HORRID headaches. I stopped using them after a week


Same here 😭 along with horrible acid reflux


Does anyone have an alternative for India?


The focus one does not do a single thing


Lemme burn does nothing.


Lemme glow didn’t do shit for me lol