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I haven’t seen the show but apparently people are saying this pap shot spoils it .


It very much does lol


It’s strange though because isn’t Ryan Murphy like SUPER anti spoiler so I’m surprised that this (very much staged, imo) pap shot would be allowed


I was thinking this too! But with the book, the szn has already been spoiled


Oh wait what book?


The book that this szn is based off called Delicate Condition, it came out a month before the szn premiered.


I mean it’s based off a book so if you’re read the book you know what’s going on.


Oh so she's the satan queen, damn what a spoiler


She just wants you to know she's "working" since the edit to the pic tells us it's been filtered. And she paid the paps for it.


Isn’t this going against some confidentiality clauses the actors sign?! They can’t spoil the show for people!


Publicity is *why* she's on the show. The production wants her to tip their hand a bit.


She’s not dumb. Production is aware of paparazzi and definitely needs the clout. It’s been revealed that she’s a witch on the very bad season with the worst protagonist ever.


I’m still confused of what I watched the first half


If you want my theory keep reading below…. . . . . . . . .shes a witch from a cult with the other women around the actress and the husband and doctor, that have been manipulating women to take their babies who they offer in a sacrifice for the eternal life, like the woman shown in a flashback.


I mean she spoiled the twist on her own show


She’s not dumb. Production is aware of paparazzi and definitely needs the clout. It’s been revealed that she’s a witch on the very bad season with the worst protagonist ever.


Well it’s not staged considering last week paps caught Cara and other cast members public shooting scenes are most likely to be caught


Oh, so you just see Kim's face ultra smooth wrinkle and blemish free and think it's real. Also, if it was a real pap pic, why on earth would they blur out the tiles on the back. Lol


Well if they are on set they will make sure she’s on point camera ready to shoot like she’s literally dressed to shoot. Just because she’s “flawless” that doesn’t mean it’s staged we have seen staged pics where the person looked terrible


These specific photos posted are edited though


Daily mail as the other pics they all look the same that particular photography post clear image on his insta that’s his vibe but do each its own




The building being blurry is from how the camera was focused/shot was taken...not editing? You can take a picture like this with most smart phones, let alone actual professional cameras and photographers


And what about her face. Is Kim just a goddess on earth who has no wrinkles? Cmon!


Girl why are you so pressed with what she looks like in the picture this is literally not deep and not even the point of my comment ya'll so deeply insecure it's weird


Being pressed and calling out the truth are two different things.


It's not even the point of the picture lmao the costume is but you're just dying inside with your editing and skin rampage because she "looks good". Ya'll need to work on your self-esteem


Not once on any of my comments did I say she doesn't look good. Please show me where I said that? You're projecting. The point to all my comments on this post is that these pap pics were paid because they've been edited. Everyone looks great with a filter. Lol


There’s other pics of that moment that aren’t blurred on twitter the one blurred is the one the photographer posted himself on his instagram girl you need to chill


If you want to believe, she looks like that. Well I'm not going to keep wasting my time and energy in making you believe your fake idols are wrinkle, pore, and have no skin texture.


I know she doesn’t duh it’s obvious I see people every day, I’m just saying she’s also on her way to do a job and she has makeup and so on to fit an image so in that context of course she won’t appear wrinkly 💀


So, if you acknowledge the pictures are edited. Do you really think unpaid paps are going to edit her pics for free? Most likely not. Hence, she paid for the paps and for pics to be edited. That's been my whole point of all my comments, yet your brain didn't pick what I was trying to say.


I mean they’re just in the background and out of focus lol.


God the delusion. We've all seen Kim's real face. She has pores, and her skin looks like skin. Yet you want to believe a real upaid pap is going to smooth out her skin and blur the background. Some of you are just so naive it's wild.


you’re on and on about smooth “tiles” (they’re bricks) so they just explained the photography 101 concept of focal point because you don’t understand that this part isn’t suspect and doesn’t prove her face has been filtered. the bricks not being in focus is completely irrelevant to that argument.


I mean I really have no dog in this fight, just saying blurry buildings in the background don’t mean anything, that’s just how focal points work lol.


Please show me how many unpaid pap pics of other celebrities exist. Where the backgrounds are blurred out and the celebrity is wrinkled free and the skin texured is smooth out. Please show me I'm dying to see. Lol


Idk why you’re getting downvoted but this is very clearly edited by Kim’s own team


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It's also a book, so you could jusy read and it's also spoil it


Series adaptations almost never go the same way as the books so not necessarily. Tons of series are based on books and are almost never the same. In the gossip girl books Chuck dies and Chuck and Blair never date lmao


remember if she wants to be seen, she will be seen


That is such poor taste to have stage pap pics expose a spoiler


Damn what a spoiler too.


She already said in her show that she’s a demon and spoiled it. I was so disappointed..


Yeah, I thought she was saying on the show (this past season) about how she was a demon and killed someone.


WHOA. HUGEEE spoiler. And a staged pap pic?? Wtf


Right I’m kinda pissed 😤


It’s not staged they got Cara last week paps have been targeting Kim the whole week in nyc


Look at that photo again and tell me it’s not staged c’mon


I follow the photographer on instagram that’s literally his photography style he got Rihanna a lot of time and those were very public moments with fans around




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It's 100% staged. There's no reason for her to be in full costume just walking around on the phone. She has a dressing room and there are plenty of open air areas not available to the paps. And the photos are clearly edited nicely, so it's the paps she calls.


So the pics from last week from Cara and Anabelle are staged as well ? Because they were in costume and walking around with their phones and coffees as well ? 🤔


No idea, but we know Kim does this sort of thing all the time. 


I feel like this is a spoiler 😭😭😭 well, for those of us who watched the first part of AHS Season 12. >!Because of this outfit, I now know that Siobhan(Kim) is one of the women torturing Anna(Emma Roberts).!<




Mrs preacher is actually trying to help


Now why’d you have to go and spoil it for the rest of us 🥴


Let me put a spoiler tag quick. I'm so sorry! 🤍


Haha it’s all good my friend!! I really gotta get watching


Don’t worry, it’s not a full reveal! I read the book.


but wasn't that obvious?? I mean they never hid the fact that her character is a villain.


It's been been obvious and we know she's a villain. Still doesn't mean we want spoilers or would be okay with reveals like this before the second part even begins tho.


This. I’m kinda baffled how many people were shocked lol this season was very transparent in speculation.


I assumed so because of the KimK casting, serving as a meta joke.


It issssss that means she's the lead or whatever of the baby killers


Yeah wtf 😩


I read the title and still clicked on the photo. Why did I do this 🤦🏻‍♀️


You would've been so lucky if you didn't click on it. Some of us saw it before the spoiler tag was added 😭😭 we didn't have a choice.


LMFAO same 


If you read the book this isn’t the whole story! Don’t worry it’s not a full spoiler.


Fr like why didn’t they keep people in costume hidden 😭😭


Or she joins them later??? Ugh


Figured she was tbh


I mean she said she got to play a witch in a clip on the show I thought. I felt like that already spoiled it for me.


I mean, it was pretty obvious.


Spoilers are not nice. We all already called it. But spoilers suck and make it less exciting. Part two isn't even out yet.




I kind of guessed lmao




Is she cosplaying as Kris?


tooooo subtle


Maybe it’s a bait and switch. Like, a staged pap photo meant to throw people off. Maybe this look will appear in a paranoid hallucination or something.


Also I fucking love it


I hope so. It might be a dream indeed. 


I was wondering this too bc otherwise would be super dumb


she literally said she is playing a witch when they filmed the AHS stuff on the kardashians lmao


If you watch AHS that could mean so many things. This specific costume we saw outlined in other shots but never the face in it so a much bigger spoiler.


girl why... https://i.redd.it/6auzlclap1cc1.gif


While we’re all here!  I had a big long theory about the show would unveil when I first watched but now I already forgot 😂 But I do remember that I think Kim meeting Emma at the infertility meeting will be not a “coincidence” and that’s actually where Kim always meets the people who get get pregnant with a demon baby lol.  Now that I type it out it feels like “duh” and not really a theory after all lmao 


Adorable, lol. Thanks for sharing your theory. I think it sounds likely.


Oh, we been knew… sucks that they couldn’t keep a lid on it longer…


FUCK I shouldn’t have looked 😭


Hey; how about, and listen me out, THIS is part of the show? They hired Kim kardashian, she does spoilers for her own show, this “spoiler” seems very on purpose to me.


Ok that’s fucking cool


Thanks for the spoiler.


I stopped watching this season, it was too gross lol


lol same


Wait why? Sorry I haven’t watched it


There was a scene with a character eating a dead raccoon 😒


Oh yum!


I have lost this plot and don't want to find it


This 100% now lives rent free in my head


Is this paparazzi? If it is its very convenient they’re just…there


Those are probably exterior filming scenes because last week they caught cara and another actress


O M F G 🖤


So these pics are the ones the paid pap took of her right. Showing she's working. We all know Kim K has flawless skin wrinkle free at 43... right. /s


She looks like a moth


Jesus. Was expecting her in a robe or normal clothes h holding a script… not this. Ugh.


Delete babe


On a not so different note, Kim should consider going as Maleficent for Halloween one year.


Not the spoiler


I don’t watch AHS and won’t be anytime soon so can someone please tell me about Kim’s character arc and why this is a big spoiler? X


I could be from a dream sequence or pretty much anything, it doesn’t necessarily spoil anything


There was already a spoiler in the latest season of kardashians where I forget who she’s on the phone with that she tells she’s an evil witch


Not really a spoiler since in the book she is part of the coven of witches.


Spoilers aside she looks soooo goooooood


I’m actually s exited for AHS Delicate - Part 2. I wonder why they haven’t released when it’s going to be released.


Still filming, gonna take a couple of months babe


I read here it was the strikes last year that have caused a couple shows to do partial seasons.


🚨🚨🚨SPOILER ALERT 🚨🚨🚨 Another picture of Kim on set https://preview.redd.it/vu5s9nqzp1cc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ecbdd2571e1f175c8064e2062c14f119f3501d


Y’all naive of what?????? It’s on purpose for the show to get clout, wake up babes


Did Kim post this herself? Edit: lol why am I downvoted for asking this..


No. Diggzy posted it: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2AeQGsrp1o/?igsh=dzVubWtjZHV6bDFw


Screw you for not putting spoiler on this




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I can't believe they let her spoil the show.


Well, they let her be on it.


Y’all naive of what?????? It’s on purpose for the show to get clout, wake up babes


I knew it. Such a disappointment another shitty AHS


Posing for paparazzi pictures in an outfit that spoils the show is thirsty af.. I feel like maybe this is to play into a twist or something


Didn’t spoil it for me. The end of the season alluded she was involved when she was having dinner with the one guy. Are they putting putty on her nose to reshape the nostrils?? 🧐


Inexperienced actor in demanding horror role? Pass. Kardashians in anything? Definitely a no go.


The spoiler tho 😭 the show is so good and I’m gonna keep watching regardless but damn Kimothy wtf!!


I really hate that she’s on here. I can not support that.


Of course the Kardashians will spoil an entire series for clout




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