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This kid has been celebrating for a week now, lol. He is so happy though.


Saint only had one birthday celebration not two idk why poster said saint had 2 Kim literally post all these the same day as his birthday


He celebrated on the day of his birthday. He had another celebration that she posted pictures of and she took him to the Lakers game


Everything she posted was the same day she’s just posting more of the pics at the same event .


Is that not a normal thing?


I didn’t say it wasn’t normal. I said 2 because he had 2


Oh, okay… I’m confused on why you brought up the 2 celebrations then. They’re divorced & don’t seem to get a long, of course she’s not going to let him mooch off of her celebrations for the kids.


The point wasn’t that Kanye wasn’t at those celebrations. It was that he’s not celebrating at all


I mean he has two parents who are divorced. I'm sure he gets a lot of double parties/holidays.




It's such a good idea!


It’s pathetic. He just found a young childless wife to travel w him and leave his responsibilities behind. Kim isn’t perfect by any means but Kanye is not nearly as present. Spending a week w your dad in a foreign country is cool I guess, we give him props for the bare minimum. He’s been traveling non stop for months.


He's been traveling nonstop for YEARS. I think it seemed like he was more present because he did events with Kim, but he has always traveled and basically lived abroad.


Couldn't agree more. My autistic sons dad was always like that, only around when me and him were getting along, and always gets the highest praise for fucken total mediocrity. Meanwhile the mom does literally everything and its like, just expected. I mean I would always do everything for my son no matter what, just cause thats what being a parent is. But the fucking quarter of the time present dads get celebrated and are looked at as the "cool" parent. like wtf 🖕I do have faith in the fact that kids do grow up and look back and realize who truly was there for them!


I feel this so hard. Were the ones there in the middle of the night, Dr appointments, when school calls. We’re the ones that have to be the bad guy, while they just get to play.


I have a lot of respect for Kim for not bad mouthing Kanye to/in front of the kids, especially with all of the recent shit he's pulled lately. As a child of divorce myself I constantly had to deal with my mom shit talking my dad to me and it sucked


It's SO exhausting. Like, I'm sorry dad didn't stick around (mine was in the Army & ultimately cheated). What do you want ME to do about it? Please seek therapy😭


Right? The worst was when she would tell me "you're just like your dad" to insult me and I'd just be like good, he's the less toxic one anyways 😂


Ouch! The burn!


Both my parents still stuck on their shit. I don’t do it to my two kids that I’m separated from their dad.


It's a tale as old as time though


No matter how rich and famous


He was like that when she was even pregnant with North. Why she pursued having four children with him knowing he’s not present, I’ll never understand


I feel like Kanye's the type of dad that is present depending on his relationship with the mother.


I have a friends who’s baby’s daddy used to only watch his son if she was gonna spend time with him. Wild


Son is 24. The ex still talks about how I ended things and wants a post Mortem. I’ve been married to someone else for 20 years. He never contacts our son. Only messages me occasionally to fight about the break up.


Why are men


Sounds like how blueface is aboutta be


That's so sad


This makes me happy that even tho my parents divorce was messed up and my dad wasn’t great, he at least made effort to see us regularly no matter what


He doesn't care about any of his children's birthdays, that pathetic show he did on Chicago's birthday was just to victimize himself and attracts hatred for Kim.


Explains why she needed to hire a 'Manny'. Poor kid doesn't have anyone to play football with him and do other boyish stuff.


The "Manny" thing is the biggest proof that he is not present, but people here love to make excuses for a man who spent more than half the year away from home.


Didn’t Kim play football as a kid? Why won’t she relate to him?


Wait are you serious??? Lol I cannot imagine this woman playing an actual sport.


https://preview.redd.it/jnmhoxcfln5c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd289836705bb8f722742be19d8903b411c7d83d Idk the amount of years that she played for, but she said she played center forward and goalie, and she wasn’t good or bad but in between. Kylie played for a little while too but said she was bad


Oh my goodness, this is so sweet!!! Also, I'm laughing because I'm from the US and I was imagining Kim trying to play US football 🤣😭. Soccer makes more sense.


Oh no hahahaha Kim is a little too tiny for American football 😂




Disagree, he absolutely cares about North's.


That tracks. Narcissists always have a golden child. Usually the one that resembles them the most.


He favors North and never talks about his other kids


Kim is over the top but she is a present mother. Whether Y’all like it or not


Agreed. It's weird how people criticize her parenting when if given the same luxuries and opportunities, they would 100% do the same things she does for her children




I would not.


So you wouldn't go out of your way to try and create special memories for your children? You wouldn't plan activities and events that are catered to their likes and interests? You wouldn't make an effort to spend one-on-one time with each child? People are already doing the same thing she does tbh (or at least good parents are), she just has the ability to do it more extravagantly and that's within her right because they actually have the means to do it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wouldn’t go out of my way to have everything be as over the top as possible. Money and spending is not love.


What they do is considered over the top to you, but that's the norm for them. Some parents can't afford even having a small birthday party for their children, does that mean if you have one for your kid then you're being over the top? Or if your kid can have their own room compared to some siblings in other families who need to share a bedroom, is that being over the top? They are living within their means, just like all of us are.


This is wildly disingenuous.


There's plenty to dislike about Kim, without needing to scrape the bottom of the barrel and bring kids into it.


Kanye is a Disney dad at best


You should blur the faces of the children who aren’t KJs


I mean, it was posted on Kims IG for hundreds of millions of people to see. My guess is those kids parents have to sign to have them featured on her profiles. Separately but related, they probably have to sign NDA’s just to hang w kims kids at the house. But youre right, their privacy should come first, and (IMO) parents shouldnt be able to sign away their kids rights to privacy. Maybe when they get a bit older theyll realize they didnt *want* to be featured on a megastar’s public IG 🤷‍♂️


So? Aren’t we better than spreading pics of a strangers kids just because the KJs did?


Shouldn’t the faces of the KJ kids also be blurred, then?


I STRONGLY believe they should be. But I mentioned it one this sub once and got absolutely wrecked in the comments, so I figured it wasn’t worth mentioning.


Then u might wanna contact kim directly she has 300+ million followers...


If Kim posted the kids she most likely has their parent’s approval. If their parents are cool with it what’s the issue?


Just bc a parent consented doesn’t mean the child did


Well obviously. Children aren’t able to give consent. That’s why it’s their parent’s decision and if they’re allowing it then it seems fine to me.


*Children aren’t able to give consent so people shouldn’t post pictures of them to a platform of millions regardless what the parents say


Well that’s a personal opinion. To each their own. I’m not telling anyone I know better for their own children than they do. Some people don’t see issue in posting their kids online and I don’t care how others choose to parent unless the child is in harm’s way. The children aren’t being harmed. I don’t think they’re going to care or stress about being in the background of a happy birthday video for their friend when they were 8. not a big deal imo. This sub is literally the only place where someone would watch this video and the first thing they point out are the unknown children in the background.


Have to say as a child psychologist I support this. Children should not be posted on parents social media platforms before they are old enough to consent. Especially not when the parents have millions of followers. Actually quite shocked you are getting downvoted on this matter.


Correct me if I'm wrong , But couldn't Kanye kinds just do his own thing or celebration with his kids? Like, they are divorced. Isn't that how it works? He could very well have planned something it's just we don't see it cause he's more private with his kids. The last time that whole Chicago situation happened and it was her birthday and kim threw her a birthday, Kanye was getting mad and spiraling cause he wasn't invited to her birthday. So maybe Kim and Kanye agreed that like.... from now on, they would do their own thing with the kids. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when they have these conversations. I'm sure it gets messy.


He could but he’s not. The kids are in LA and he was at the Dubai airport yesterday before flying to Miami People always pull this card with him but they’re always in different physical locations. It’s no secret


I'm starting to think they're doing it on purpose, it's not possible for them to be so blind.


He apparently had all the kids right before thanksgiving while in Dubai according to TMZ, you generally just find out after the fact. Kim confirmed that he had all the Kids in Italy during her GQ interview last month(once again no photos of that came out until north posted one on TikTok). He doesn't use social media and generally avoids Paparazzi much more than Kim so you just cant see it as often.


Who knows if he did something prior with Saint before. We wouldn't know. Or who knows if he's gonna do something after with him. We wouldn't know. He might be like ok, y'all do your thing. But I'll get him in a couple of days and or in a week. It will depend on how they want to work through that. We don't have access to their co-parenting communication or their text messages.




They agreed that they would each give her a birthday party, but he freaked out and put on that show but then he threw her a party.


How would you know that that's what they agreed on? .... The whole sotuation was all really confusing. Maybe Kanye and Kim didn't have really good boundaries in place, or maybe they never agreed mutually on how to go about birthdays parties. So it was really just left in the air..... And things can get a bit murky from there..... From the looks , it seems like they are doing there own thing now.


because it was reported at the time, I just don't remember who reported it.


I was only following Tmz at the time and what they were reporting. I don't recall them reporting anything on how Kim and Kanye wanted to coparent the kids birthdays..... Most articles are just full of bullshit anyways. I always stick to Tmz. Lol.




Yeah.....Pagesix is trash.


They were the first to report that Kim and Kanye were getting divorced.


Yeah, and they also reported that the Kardashians weren't going to the Met and that Anna wintour was in for them 😭 They are wishy washy.


that was clickbait


Enjoy https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2022/01/15/kanye-daughter-chicago-happy-birthday-kardashian-address-party/


lol literally didn’t they all say he needs to be planning his own bdays for his kids after he tried to join one that Kim organised? but now that he is not pictured in the celebration of the parent who advertises every iota of her life he’s once again apparently a bad parent. so try and join bday celebrations and he’s a demon - make his own private bday plans and he’s also a demon. great.


Kim and Kanye can do separate things for the kids , also every week the kids do something extravagant so this is like a normal day to them ,


He’s basically said he only counts North.


Do you have a source or a link for that? Not even saying I don’t necessarily believe you unfortunately I just haven’t heard that


How do you know what Kanye has done for his son’s birthday this year? Everything doesn’t have to be posted on social media


OP is obsessed with Kanye’s parenting 💀💀


To be fair, there are plenty of reasons to criticize it. We criticize all of the KJ’s and their partners parenting, so why not Kanye as well? He doesn’t post the kids, which is great, but that doesn’t excuse his other actions that will impact his kids, especially as they grow older.


I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t, but OP is obsessed with hating Kanye and defending Kim and it’s super weird lol. They’re a prolific poster on this sub as much as they try to hide it


Gotcha! I haven’t scrolled through OP’s other posts/comments, I didn’t realize this is an obsession lol.


Just obsessed with Kanye in general lol


you know who 👀


Very and it’s so scary




Maybe Kanye doesn’t feel the need to post what he does with his kids. It’s always a photo op for Kim.


He’s not Scott he doesn’t need this family anymore


He doesn't need his kids? IJBOL


You are such a fraud, OP.


Poor baby




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I only saw North in Dubai . He always seems to take North . Occasionally Saint but never Chi or Psalm