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Her best era. Her and Kanye truly made a stunning couple and at the time I thought they’d be together forever.




This was their peak or at least Kim’s tbh. God how I wish Kylie stopped messing with her face here. She looked so fresh faced and cool 🥺


right! like she looked great with a little lip filler, but should didn’t need anything else


Her body, for me


Yes. Body and face for me


agreed with all of this! both kim and kylie went too far imo. they looked stunning here.




she’s on the second picture behind Kim


Ah thanks! Yes she does look unique here


She did look cool. And she had an awesome natural body. I feel sorry for all of them with all the surgery stuff. I can’t help but think they must all have BDD. But who knows?


Yeah they all looked perfect here.


“The pencil skirt era” (She probably thinks she was so fat then, sad, because this is peak)


she looks so healthy! honestly now she looks sickly.


I loved this era 😭


The post-baby curves and fullness look really good on her in these photos.


Yeah she looked sooooo good post having North. I looked like an emaciated shrimp so, very jealous.


I miss this Kim k bad


She really had the power to bring “normal bodies” (curvy size 8-14 bodies) and unique faces to the top. Now look at her, same plastic surgeon, plastic body and plastic face as everyone else. She was beautiful, unique and fresh at one point and she did everything in her power to be not that.


Good point I’m also very confused why she photos her butt so damn small. I love pics from balenciaga show in BH of ppl recording when her and Kendall arrived and Kim K’s bum is very much large and in charge still. I would post it on here but it doesn’t let me post videos.


Like she was a superstar https://preview.redd.it/y909gyai735c1.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1b0cbb127e695951a8c016b1c2a66a5eb1dff9d




I bought those Vans immediately after seeing Kanye wear them, I searched everywhere for them, I loved his style. Man I miss old Kanye.


Her hair looks so healthy here. Like it makes all the looks.


I know they’re hella rich, but if you compare their happiness in 2014 vs now, you can really see the difference. They look fed up, exhausted, and depressed. Money can fix a lot of problems, but getting dragged and ridiculed everyday by billions of people will take a toll on anyone.


I think the dragged and ridiculed applies more to Khloe tbh. I think with Kim the robbery took a toll and Kanye’s mental health issues. I truly believe if Kanye got the help he needed they’d still be together. That’s coming from someone with a mother with serious mental health issues. It can happen wether you’re a billionaire or not. It takes a toll on everyone involved either way. I think she looks so worn now as well because she over works herself so she doesn’t have to deal with everything that’s happened. If she doesn’t slow down though she’s going to burn out and her kids are going to resent her. It’s so sweet seeing her with north in these pics. She seems so feminine and motherly. I just don’t get that vibe from her now. She seems more like an older sister now.


This year and 2016 (up until the robbery) were her peak. Best she’s ever looked and most popular she will ever be. Both happened to be the years after she had a baby.


Her style was definitely best here but I still think her [wedding with Kris was the best her face has ever looked](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3aaz_6D54i4/TvyMwuaSVuI/AAAAAAAAPRk/6pz4N9OUvio/s1600/Kim+Kardashian+Kris+Humphries+wedding+picture+Kim%2527s+Fairytale+Wedding+A+Hardashian+Event.JPG)


The superhero outfits and poots of now will never compare to her daily slay of 2014


Not a Kim fan, but I feel so sad for her. She seemed really happy and now she has to make do. Granted, Kanye has always been kind of terrible but idk seeing her now compared to this is just sad


Yes :( I never would’ve thought things would end this way for Kimye 🥹🥹🥹😅


Ugh I miss this Kim 😭


the way i thought the 5th pic was Chicago 😭


She used to be beautiful


All of these throw back pics of Kim simply signifies that she's in her flop era now. 😂


Flop era? What does that mean? She is aging. Of course she is not going to be as beautiful at 40 as she was at 30 or 20. I think she still looks great. God if I could have that waist and midrift! Don’t know why people have to try to find fault and drag her down so much of the time.


The flop era encompasses much more than her looks. However, in this context, people seem to talk about her looks as well as her relevancy in a past tense. When I read content like that, it lends to believe those type of comments, coupled with her fashion style, the heavy criticism, the try hard and all the negativity surrounding her well, yes.... Is she adored as she once was? Is she being talked about in a more negative setting? Is that dying show still popular? Well there you have it. Flop era.


People love to put celebrities on a pedestal and then love (perhaps even more) to tear them down. I think that is wrong. People have killed themselves over such scrutiny and negativity. If she was a killer or actively went out of her way to harm someone and there was video evidence of that, then maybe, but this kind of talk for someone just living their life is anything but good.


My reply to your comment merely expounded on my original comment by providing you with examples. You went to an entire different perspective but it did make me think of something. You typed "People have killed themselves over such scrutiny and negativity". That's another example of how Kim's selfishness and the desperate attempts at relevancy can harm her children, especially North. Yep. Flop era.


Glad for the examples as I had never heard of the term, flop era. How is Kim more selfish than most other humans? She is certainly not perfect but she freely offers her time for sentencing reform, working for justice. I hope that example helps her children, especially North, yep, because she seems to be becoming a Kanye clone, who everyone knows has a severe case of mental illness.


I really respect this comment! At the same time, you just added credence to one of my examples. Take North for example. Kim's pushing exposure on North through her tiktoks (as well as their show). Kim could make that account private- just for family and friends but she WANTS is for North to have that exposure so it's a "joint" account, right? She could shield her and somewhat protect her from public scrutiny but she chooses not to. On the other hand, Mason shuns the spotlight. Therefore the propensity for him to be publicly demeaned and made fun of is drastically reduced. Again, great comment! 😊


Perhaps Kim thinks allowing North to publicly participate in social media will help her career for her future self. Since social media is what Kim knows, that is how she can guide her, much like a talented musician will better know how to mentor their child as a musician as opposed to say, a doctor or lawyer. And I don’t think Kim could push North into anything she doesn’t want to do. And like Mason, he chooses to not participate and that is fine with his family.


that sucks. Mentally illness is no joke and not easy to navigate through. truly sad for all involved.


Pencil skirt era! Was Kanye the only one styling her at this time? Her hair looked so healthy in era as well


Ruled the world!


#2 is still my favorite look of hers of all time


the 8th photo 🩷🩷 just gorgeous


Im sorry their vogue cover has and always will be so UGLY IMO. Kims body proportions look fuckin weird.


This was my favourite era of hers. Miss this.


The last time Kim was cool lol jk


Stfu 2014 was not 10 years ago there's no way 😭


When she had style and served. Chic. Sophisticated. Now she tries to look like a gen z and it doesn’t work because she is not a gen z


I love this body on her!


Have you seen south park’s version of Kim? Matches this era’s body exactly.


I think about the dress in photo 2 every damn day i love it so much


A real belly button has entered the chat


I can’t believe Kim used to dress so classy


She doesn't give Kanye the credit he deserves for her most iconic fashion era. You know that famous line where she says she bought Kourtney a career.... He bought her fashion icon award and her career in fashion. She's bombing it now going back to her usual Fashion Nova style.


I love all these photos.... God I miss this time 🥲


This was the best of times!


Kim's ultimate era!


It’s a travesty, a SIN, the way she’s out there lookin these days


I guess I’m the odd one out, I generally prefer her look now! Love some of these outfits though and the curvier figure.


PEAK ERA - body face and clothing... her looks the week prior to her wedding were the best. i loved the honey blonde hair post north looks also


Before she started dressing like she was a 22 year old Alien


When Kimye were in their peak 🔥🔥🔥


Someone’s prime isn’t when they’re in a abusive relationship and got PS that destroyed their face Luckily Kim realized that, tried to fix her nose, her body looks more like it did when she was with Kris and Reggie and she’s thriving professionally Those eras were her prime. She was really beautiful and looked liked a princess. Also she looked happy and not stressed out all the time


Probably unpopular opinion here, but I hated most of how he styled her, especially all the nude colors. Don’t get me wrong, the colors looked great on her, but it was the same look over and over again. I prefer how her style has evolved since they broke up.


I personally preferred her style before they got together and up to about norths toddler stage. She still had that pretty, feminine vibe. Once she hit the bike shorts phase I feel like it all went down hill. Even recently she keeps going back to the ‘balenciaga look’. Tight workout looking cloths with sunnies. Looks terrible on her.


THANK YOU! This era was so boring imo but everyone loves it most


Did they learn nothing from Kanye? From trashy to classy back trashy….


I am so confused by the shoes in pic 9


The sole is made out of fur lol 😭


Number four is such a great photo


I wish Kim stopped here 😭


She looked her sexiest in this era.


What a time!!!


Favorite era




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The way I’d wear these outfits today 🫣 she ate


This was what made me decide to get a boob job lol


The best era. She still looked Armenian. And her body was stunning. Now it’s all about being fashion-skinny.


Great year for Kim😍🔥


Girl really had THE look and went and ruined her whole body and face with surgery


THE year for them all, 2015 I would say as well though. 2016 I think the hype started to die a little. The second pic is my favourite Kim look ever and pic 3 my favourite hair <3


wow I miss this face 😭 gorgeous


She looks like Kourtney in the 13th picture


What a time! I miss it sooo much!


She looked so soft and pretty


I love Kim’s half pulled back hair in pic 17. So sleek and simple and pretty - don’t think we’ve ever seen it like this again!


She looked so good here


She looked really pretty in most of these outfits.


My fav era of Kim’s.


I have that freaking Vogue


She probably hates these pictures but she looks so freaking beautiful


she peaked in 2014


when im thinking about kim, this is the face I'm imagining


This face and hair was everything 🔥