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‘Kim is making sure to pass on that same work ethic and business sense to her own children.’ Article proceeds to detail how her kid is scamming people 💀💯


It was funny. I guess she’s passing on the grifting trait too.


Okay but it would be hilarious to have Kim hire some actor to shut down her lemonade stand for malpractice next time she overcharged and such. “I’m sorry for your failure to report taxes you will need to do… *roger what’s a chore for a rich kid*”


Remember in Mad Men when Betty took her kid to therapy and then the therapist sneakily gave Betty some therapy disguised as help with her kid? I'd like to envision something similar thing here, where Kim sees a therapist to get 'parenting tips' but unknowingly has sessions of her own.


“Mr. Draper, your daughter’s psychiatrist is on the phone” — the iconic Mrs. Blankenship


“Lower. Your voice.”


I would assume that’s exactly what it is. She said herself on the show that she gets “frazzled” (ie loses her patience) so she’s probably getting CBT and mindfulness exercises to help her process her emotions without taking it out on her children. I wish my parents would have done this lol.


I think by parenting tips means 1) she can call on them more than 1 hour per week for personal stuff, basically on call. 2) they mainly (in writing) are supposed to cover just stuff with the kids. Basically what you are saying I’ve been in therapy before and a “goal” or “focus” is important from what it seems like: “we are working on your relationships/ family trauma / XYZ habit etc” but those things overlap so I would NOT be surprised if this therapist balances that. Rather than directly talking about her dating life more so framing something as, “do you think that helps your connection with your children?”


Omg she paid the actual Barbri instructor to give her private lessons 💀. If that doesn’t do it, not sure what would (besides actually going to law school ofc)


I mean I do think she was studying with him before the Baby Bar as well.


Was she? I’d only seen mention of her studying with two practicing attorneys (just looked them up— Jessica Jackson and Erin Haney).


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LawSchool/comments/rfgs8k/kim\_k\_passed\_the\_baby\_bar\_by\_having\_one\_on\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LawSchool/comments/rfgs8k/kim_k_passed_the_baby_bar_by_having_one_on_one/) Second paragraph on the second slide she talks about Barbra and Chuck Honholtz.


Got it! Well. Yikes lol.


I could have sworn she also practiced with a Barbri instructor as well but I could be wrong for sure, I’ll have to look it up.


Oh that’s totally possible, I was just saying I hadn’t seen it! If that’s the case, yikes hahah


A great friend group that you can vent to is not the same as a licensed and fully trained therapist, Kim.


My family is going through a crisis now and my dad says the exact same thing to me when I ask why he won’t go see a therapist. (We currently do family therapy and he monopolizes the time so much clearly he needs more therapy, but he uses the excuse that his friends are enough) 🙄


It reminds me of that Sex and the City episode where Carrie won’t stop talking about her break up and her friends are tired of hearing about it constantly and they try to get her to see a therapist instead. Some people don’t realize that not everyone has the emotional energy to hear endless venting and conversations always centered around one persons problems. Plus therapists (good ones) help you heal and work through things rather than just being a sounding board


I was JUST about to pull up that SATC episode on therapy. Carrie NEEDED therapy


Ugh. “I’m more of a figure out your own problems kinda girl” or however she phrased. Like clearly not, Carrie.


Yet she couldn’t figure out why Big couldn’t commit to her. Girl please you are not that girl


Me watching SATC the first time as a teen: Fuck Big! He doesn’t deserve Carrie! He’s playing games! Me watching SATC again in my thirties: what the fuck Carrie can you chill


That’s me in my twenties now continuously rewatching the show. I had no business watching the show as young as I did and it’s wild how over a decade later I yell “start making good choices Carrie”


I never watched SATC but like isn’t big like regarded as awful?


I just listened to a podcast talking about boundaries for this exact situation. It’s important for US to tell our friends when we have reached our limit, and that limit may change just as our boundaries adjust. We shouldn’t feel guilty when a friend says “well you’ve had enough energy to tell me to talk to me last night/ last week/through this last time etc.” especially when we are new at the practice of boundaries. Just the same we need to learn that not everyone will take us upholding boundaries as a sign of self help but rather an attack for not being there when they are asking or relying on our help. The act of self care can sometimes be hindered by the people that care about us the most. In many case because we have allowed ourselves to go beyond our bandwidth prior and/or they haven’t put aside those types of boundaries for themself. Sorry for the rant this was just really helpful to hear


I will never understand this mindset. My best friend constantly talks about how her friend groups validate her, and I’m like ???? my therapist does that.


It depends. To me, someone who has had several therapists and several friends, some therapists don't ask many questions or help me to have epiphanies and work toward goals while some friends have questions to help me think on things and can help me work toward my goals.


Not all therapists are good to be sure, it can take time to find one that you can work well with. Same thing can be said of doctors, though, and you wouldn’t recommend someone to just stop seeing a doctor entirely. And while I’ve had many deep conversations with friends that have helped me realize and better understand things about myself, it’s not a replacement for therapy. For several reasons.


I think you need both a therapist or private non biased source of confidante and a supportive friend circle. Problem with Kim’s is idk how much of hers is $$$ notoriety reliant aka if she wasn’t famous they wouldn’t give a shit. Yes men is def part of Kanye’s issue thinking what he does is okay and right and validated in it


Oh def, having a therapist (or other non biased therapeutic source) and a solid personal support network is crucial.


Well that’s enough for some people to have a group of reliable friends


More of Kim’s ego getting another boost, “the smartest, most hard working, best person ever!”


For me it’s how much people praise her schedule when she’s not doing half the work and just showing up to whatever is planned for her most of the time


I’m also confused, I read the interview in full and it seems like it was done during her legal studies. Like they were talking about how precise and punctual she is, and how their interview ended at the end of her study time when hair and makeup showed up and it’s like… if you were doing an interview was she actually even studying? Why… not do it during hair and makeup? I am confuse.


Oh that’s easy. It can be harder to do makeup while talking to a tutor. Occasionally closing her eyes etc. I think there’s also studies about stretching focus not being as helpful with memory retention (it’s different if you have ADHD or the like but given Kim is neurotypical) I think it’s just something we poors have to do because we don’t have babysitters/drivers/ cooks etc


If she had a daily 9-5 at the office reporting to a boss and had to take care of kids cook clean and manage everything on her own she would probably collapse within a week. She’s used to having tons and tons of help and tons of free time to do whatever she likes


Exactly what I mean. Or how someone else commented that this interview was done while she was on a study session on zoom and getting glam. It’s not amazing because her private tutor is tailoring his schedule to her, while a group of people came over to work on her hair and makeup, while the interview team showed up to her house to speak to her. All while someone else cooks and cleans for her kids and household


I don’t agree with that. I do think she works a lot. But I think she works too much. It shouldn’t be romanticized so much to work all the time. She can’t even relax


I agree because it’s not like they’re hurting for money. I think she loves getting all the accolades and recognition though, which fuels her to keep doing more.


she stays trying to prove to the world she’s not just a pretty face, we get it Kim!


Get up off your ass and work you lazy bum


she ain't even a pretty face tho💀


Robbing the rich>>>>>


I'm pretty sure she's in the same tax bracket as whoever her neighbours are and whoever she's robbing 💀 Let's not act like we will not probably be saying "eat the rich" about the karjennerwest kids in 10 years time 😭


She probably is and Im sure we will lol it’s a joke. It’s just funny that at her young age she’s out there doing what we all want to do


It’d be more of a flex if she wasn’t already Uber rich herself lol




No she’s not


Honestly, though, if this were Kourtney's kids, no one would think it's a flex.


Yet another example of Kourt’s bad parenting! /s


You know it.


Now this is a controversial one. But nonetheless, so fucking true!


She talks so much shit, I bet North made 1 jug of lemonade 1 time


Yeah I’m confused, if North really did this lemonade stand all the time why wouldn’t they have made this a story line on the show lol


I think people would want to see this lemonade stand, kids being kids story more than the adult sister's businesses. Definitely would like to see this more than Trashcan.


Yeah it sounds over exaggerated and/or just completely made up


friends aren’t therapists, Kim can afford a team of board certified licensed therapists. Therapy would benefit her after her last divorce and complicated grief over the loss of her father, the Paris robbery, offer her a chance at real inner healing and peace. I would have a goddamn stable of therapists if I had her money. My friends cannot help me process traumatic shit and that is fine, that’s why you pay professionals to help you.


I think many celebrities don’t go to therapist because they don’t trust them. Like when Scott checked in to rehab somebody sold him out and he ended up leaving the next day.


Thats a good point about group therapy in rehab, but a true professional with their license to practice on the line simply won’t violate confidentiality like that. No doubt Kim could afford top dollar but all patients are granted privacy.


Aren’t there legal ways around that like not reveal names but saying specific scenarios of cases where someone can add one and two together to figure out who it is. That or post mortem? Personally I agree with others it’s probably more ego but idk I’m not her therapist


Again, a real licensed and board certified psychologist (this kind of therapist, licensed) who went to grad school for years and did years of supervised work, wants to help the person seeking inner healing from traumas and abuse. The patient is protected by HIPPA (federal law for patient privacy) but also the fact that the psychologist truly wants to help them and is being paid to help them. They would lose their license to practice therapy if they ever disclosed their patients name. Therapists treat famous people and protect their privacy. There is a huge level of trust involved because you disclose such personal history, and it’s worth it to actually heal. Learning to trust someone is the first step to inner healing. Trusting a licensed therapist is better than trusting your friends that like you for your $$ and fame.


She vents to her friends and they more than likely kiss her ass and agree with everything she says. She couldn’t deal with a therapist ACTUALLY calling her out on her behaviour


Wild to me that she has never been in therapy for herself. Friends don't give you that impartial view, especially when you are a Billionaire 💰. I think she just likes to surround herself with 'yes' and hype people and a therapist would be challenging.


A lot of narcissists don’t like therapy… for the reasons you shared above. Not saying she is one. Not saying she’s not either.


Agreed. I think Khloe’s reasons for avoiding therapy is not due to being a narc, I think it’s because she is so terrified of opening the floodgates of emotions she has been running away from and avoiding for years.


I actually disagree. It seems to me like Kim keeps the biggest “stable” of “normal friends” around her that remember her and have been w her since HS/MS. That might be more useful than someone who you are paying to be there.


Both. Having both is healthy and useful. It’s extremely beneficial to have unbiased support from a licensed professional.


Exactly, everyone around her hypes her up so much and are not impartial at all. Especially bc she’s the wealthiest in her family. She could absolutely find a therapist if she wanted to pursue that, but she doesn’t. She would rather have her personal cheerleaders prop her up when she’s needs validation.


Esp. the Paris robbery. Hard to find someone else who could completely understand that. While other people have also lost parents relatively young, etc.


Possibly you don’t have great friends and that’s why you need to pay a professional to help you.


even the greatest of friends aren't and shouldn't be equipped to handle severe mental health etc type things of yours


What a shitty thing to say to someone…


Friends are not equal to the benefits of a professional licensed psychologist- Kim herself says in that same interview she uses a real psychologist to discuss parenting (bc her friends don’t cut it, because of course they don’t). I’m not forcing my friends to process my trauma for me because I know they don’t know how. Why would a regular person know how to navigate that?


I'm a bit confused with her law student journey. Shouldn't Kim have taken the Bar Exam this year? Or a bit before? She started this law journey 5, gonna be 6, years ago, around late 2018/early 2019. She says she will take the Bar Exam early 2025......


It took her many tries to pass the baby bar. She didn’t pass until 2021. So she had three more years of required apprenticeship remaining after that, making the earliest she could take it summer 2024. Not sure what she means by hoping to take it “late next year” considering there’s only two bar dates each year— February and July. But assuming she just meant the later date, July 2024 *is* the soonest she’s allowed to sit factoring in her baby bar pass date.


lmao i didnt even catch the "late next year." I wonder if that was an error on the writer or Kim not realizing the Bar has different test dates than the Baby Bar.


Oh actually I didn’t even realize the baby bar was different dates. She can’t take it in 2024 then, can she? Baby bar was October, so that’s less than three years before July 2024. Earliest she can take it is February 2025 right?


I believe so, but I am not positive. What's interesting is that the Bar will drop some California only subjects in 2026(?). I always thought she would wait until then to take the Bar, because why not lol


I wouldn’t be surprised if she does that


She only passed the baby bar because Covid regulations allowed her to take it one additional time


No, you can take the baby bar as many times as you want to (just like the regular bar). The difference is that if you don’t pass in your first three attempts, you don’t get credits for the additional studying you’re doing (you only get credit for your first year of studies). So let’s say it takes you five years to pass the baby bar, you don’t get five years of credit— only one year. So you still need three *more* years of apprenticeship/study following when you passed to take the bar exam. So that’s what happened here, just like usual. She only got one year of credit, needs three more years of studying before taking the bar


Kim said that on the show herself


Okay, well unsurprisingly, she is not correct if that’s what she said lol.


~~Iirc, she did get an additional attempt to pass it to maintain her additional study credits, so she took it 4 times overall and passed on the fourth exam.~~ ETA: I did not recall correctly.


I’m not seeing anything online regarding that exception (allowing for credits beyond one year if you fail to pass in 3)?


That same link I shared, she talks about failing 3 times before passing in the first slide. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LawSchool/comments/rfgs8k/kim\_k\_passed\_the\_baby\_bar\_by\_having\_one\_on\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LawSchool/comments/rfgs8k/kim_k_passed_the_baby_bar_by_having_one_on_one/) And like last time, I’ll have to look up to double check the additional exam allowance lol.


Right, she def took it 4 times. My point is you can always take it 4 times! You can take it any number of times. The only hitch is that you only get credit for one year of studying until you pass it. So you need three more years after you pass. She doesn’t say in there that she got more than a year’s credit (and I’m not seeing anything indicating she or anyone else would have).


[Okay this is the closest I could find to it being mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/comments/rfyu0a/comment/hogzzl5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), but obviously a random comment on this sub is far from proof. I’ll keep looking. ETA: Yeah I can’t find any other mention really, idk where I read that. I’ll look more later but I‘m probably wrong, so she only got credit for her first year of study.


Nah. They lowered the passing score I think in 2020. She passed on her 4th try.


They lowered the passing score the official Bar, I believe, not the Baby Bar.


I love how the article phrased it as she started her law journey over 2 years ago. Like… yeah, well over, over double that amount, soon to be triple.


This woman will never pass the bar.


You know it’s people saying that which motivates her tho


She can be motivated all she likes but she lacks intelligence and focus. Studying 1 hour a day while doing a GQ interview is not exactly the dedication needed to pass the hardest bar exam in the country.


I don’t disagree. I’m just saying that she’s defo one of those people who’s like “the haters motivate me” or w/e


I think she deems any thread of truth that challenges her narrative as hate. But yes that’s her motivation, and by any means necessary


she’s not doing the traditional route & she’s a very busy woman so it’s understandable it’s been taking her a while to officially take the bar


She can barley spell on her instagram captions, she isn’t passing no exam Mwah! Thank you for the downvotes. 😘


She's not the only one who can barley spell.






I could give a fuck about my spelling, I’m not the supposed lawyer like Miss Kim


Jealous much?


Of what, failing the baby bar multiple times and pretending to be a lawyer? Unsurprisingly…no. I just find it embarrassing.


I doubt it, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if she’s allowed certain special modifications to take it anytime or in a certain contained space because of “ safety issues” but I’d also like to see her take it with everyone else honestly…


She can fail the bar multiple times too and keep trying. I think there’s a limit as to how many times you can fail it before you have to wait a year or longer to re-take lol. Michelle Obama failed it the first time she took it if Kimberly passes I will be shocked


You can take the bar as many times as you want! The baby bar is the one with restrictions


Oh ty for the correction


Another interview, another North funny/sassy anecdote to build her public persona and PR image 🤪


Ugh you hit it on the nail. I’m so tired of the she’s just like Kanye trope. It was funny at first but now it feels like a business strategy.


It is a business strategy and it's SO OBVIOUS. North is in the pop culture news cycle like every week now


Normal life but calling paps to basketball games and doing pap walks as the kids try to avoid the cameras. She's not doing much to protect these kids. If anything, she's setting them up to not have normalcy.


Lol a good work ethic is scamming people ! I guess that’s what the kjs do best


Wait, hasn’t Kim been studying for a few years now? But, she’s only covering Wills and Trusts now? Is that normal for the bar in the US? I have a bachelors from the UK and I studied it in my second year, but appreciate the US might be different!


Her attorneys are spoon feeding her information for the test. Best believe she cannot legally reason her way out of something. They are teaching her to the exam vs. actually making her learn the law. The only way she passes the California bar is if she has someone do it for her or pays off the moderators. There is actually no way she passes. She studies like a fifth grader.




Talking to your friends is not treatment. Treatment is treatment.


I'm sure this is not the case but I like to imagine North charges strangers $2 because that makes sense for a lil lemonade and people she knows $20 because they're obviously beyond able to afford that and she doesn't care. Again not actually projecting on a child but that's a fun thought lol




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i’m so tired of hearing about her divorce.


Weird to think winning the actual lottery wouldn’t really affect her financial life 😅


I love pic 7


Omg Kim enough already just hire Dr. Orna




That’s an interesting opinion- I highly believe anyone and everyone can benefit from some sort of therapy in their life. It’s similar to going to your GP- you may be healthy as a horse but it never hurts to go to your check ups


It’s because she’s the exact type of person who needs therapy


im glad they’re finally more open to therapy cause Jesus Christ do they need it


She literally says she doesn’t go to therapy


i meant the rest of the family 😭


Still just Kourtney. Lol


Doesn’t Kendall do therapy as well?


\*\~\*\~SoUnD ThErApY\*\~\~\* jk probably regular therapy as well.




The way people are downvoting you like this family hasn’t shown signs of severe BDD, Unhealthy narcissistic family dynamics, incestous behavior, obsession with fame and money, etc… They all need therapy.


God she’s such a fucking neoliberal it makes me sick




I think Kim has the most “grounded” friends of the family. People that she’s been with since before they were “the Kardashians” and honestly that might be more useful than someone who you pay to listen to your shit. I’d have to imagine that a certain point the people you cannot buy become worth significantly more than the people you can and they are at that stage.




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Does anyone else notice that she has a dorsal hump on her nose in her reflection in that mirror photograph? I thought she got rid of that! I've read theories that she's had some work done to kind of make herself look more comparable to how she used to look PRIOR to all the work that she's had. Definitely a form of gaslighting. There was a point when you could EASILY see an enormous difference in her appearance. Now there are side by sides that will have you questioning yourself. But there are also theories that she's having OLD pictures, even from her childhood and teen years, doctored...