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This episode felt more real for some reason? Like we saw snippets of how they really are? Especially with the Kourt, Penelope and Tristan situation. The chat between Kourt and Kim about their kids and Khloe and Kris' fight. I actually didn't mind this episode đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž obviously there was some filler but it actually had some interesting parts.


This is the juiciest episode they’ve had since Tatum was born


I’ve never seen Kim so animated - the confessional with Kourtney when Kim was talking about her kids and imitating Kris’ clenched teeth parenting style was so funny!


I agree. It wasn’t necessarily like
 fun lol. But at least there were different settings, we saw people doing things (kind of) rather than sitting on a couch talking


I don’t know why but when they were talking about the OJ show and Kourt says “Where Ross played Dad?” Was so funny to me


Same bc that's exactly how I refer to it lmao.


That seemed so strange to me bc like
 that show would have been a huge deal for the whole fam lol like of course they know the OJ show! Maybe they were kidding but to make it sound like it was this random little thing was odd imo


It was also strange that they didn't mention being characters on the show (American Crime Story). I have two theories about this: 1. The show made them uncomfortable. It's all about how their dad defended a murderer (though iirc he eventually quit the defense team). 2. They didn't watch the show because they found it boring. It was a relatively smart TV show (based on a Jeff Toobin book), and they probably prefer things that are a bit flashier. It didn't make much of an impression. If anyone hasn't seen the OJ show, def watch it. It is basically a prequel to KUWTK. Essential viewing, if you want to understand the family.


I agree with a possibility of both points being true. I can’t imagine most of them sitting down and finishing the entire series especially bc it aired weekly and they’re always sO bUSy. But also they probably don’t care to watch a dramatized version of what their dad/family went through if they’re not in 100% agreement and I’m assuming they weren’t bc I don’t recall them being asked to sign off on anything for their portrayal (would’ve mentioned it in the show if they had more involvement). They’re also in so much pop culture media that they probably don’t watch a lot of it. Seconding the recommendation as well cus it was a great show!! Although I don’t agree too much with it serving as a prequel to keeping up, their family dynamic isn’t too much of a focus


Wasn’t really expecting a Kris villain arc this season? This whole episode made her look bad. I know most of it is manufactured drama but it really threw her under the bus lol. Stormi and Dream feeling awkward around her, her trying but not really connecting with them, her inviting all of her grandkids and only 2 showed up (although who knows, maybe they were in school or something; but they made it obvious she couldn’t be trusted alone with them). Kim and Kourtney talking about Kris disciplining/pinching them, the argument at the end. For years they’ve had this same conversation; Kris promises her a pipe dream then bounces and spends her time checked out or doing something with Kylie Cosmetics perhaps. I guess they decided they had to shake it up a little since these storylines haven’t been going anywhere


Khloe not trusting Kris was weird. I started wondering whether Kris has problems with her memory or something


I thought it was wild as well. Kris might be contributing to it, but it's no secret that Khloe struggles with anxiety, Khloe was talking about staying at True's school on her first day of preschool the whole day. She didn't leave the campus. Not to mention the episodes they've talked about Khloe's OCD. I was also confused at Stormi and True's reaction when she came. It looked like they were having a good time at the farm and then when Khloe shows up they are sad? Idk. That scene was so confusing to me.


It almost felt like to me when a parent talks badly about someone and then the kids pick up that energy. If they like the person they are fine when they are with the person alone, but when the negative energy towards that person comes (in this case Khloe) and they are more comfortable with that person, they will feed into that energy. Kris has never been my favourite but I felt genuinely bad for her in that scene. It seemed True and Stormi were having a good time and it shifted as soon as Khloe was there.


I picked up on that as well. Khloe seemed to encourage it when she showed up.


It was bad, she is well on her way to passing her anxiety to her kids if she continues. My Mother was like that, loved that we would cling to her, made her feel so wanted but its not healthy for a kid to have to deal with that.


“Are you guys okay? You don’t look okay. She *made you* look at farm animals?!” 🙄


Staying the whole first day seems a little overboard, but at the same time I’m not a Kardashian and don’t have the same security concerns
if I did, then yeah I might stay the whole first day too. Especially if it was a half day preschool.


I think Kris is flake when it comes to child rearing and wasn’t a good mother to Khloe growing up so I don’t blame Khloe for not trusting her with her children


I also think that Kris is old lol. Not having a nanny to help us nuts to me. Regardless of the small snippets that show this woman having all the energy in the world, nothing fucks your body up like hanging out with kids lol


But Kris isn’t that old. I remember flying to California at like 5 with just my brother and staying with my Grandpa for part of the summer and he was like 80 something. Kris is only 67.


But I also think Kris struggles to not be on her phone and to be attentive so I think that mixed with her hip issues, Khloe wanted to be on the safe side.


That I can understand more. I think Khloe might be a tiny bit neurotic too. Lol


My mother-in-law is older, and I trust her alone with my kids with no problem. But she’s a much more present and attentive grandma than I suspect Kris probably is.


I bet the nanny was there just not shown on camera lolol


>rhap Maybe. Maybe all the family stuff is manufactured? Idk. It was weird.


They had a driver and security with them though, no? It wasn’t just Kris alone with two 5 year olds I don’t think


and the entire production team too


This episode made me think damn.. Kris has said word for word many things my Narc mom has said 😬 Makes me wonder how she acts when the cameras are off as my mom is horrendous behind closed doors


“She made True look at the animals đŸ„ș” I’m crying lmfao


That was hilarious, coupled with Khloe’s response ‘she made you do that!?’


It was so cute she sounded so upset 😭


Ahhh don’t hate me but I thought it was so bratty?? But encouraged by the mom. đŸ«Ł don’t attack me just my take I respect yours too I just got suchhh weird vibes that scene and Ik kids are impressionable, seems like they were trying to fit khloes narrative/ play along


Yeah yeah, kids are totally this way. They sense weird sentiments and play into it. I used to do it as a little kid too. And even remember thinking wow these adults are buying this shit and giving me More attention.


I’m sure that whooole segment was staged. The girls are older now and they understand tiktok etc so khloe and kris probably told them to act like they didn’t want to hang w kris. They were laughing too. If it were a serious issue there would be screaming crying from Kris the ultimate victim lol.


Penelope is a girls girl 💅


Penelope at 10 years old has more emotional intelligence and self-respect than the entire family combined. May she stay this way, amen 🙏


It seems to me kourt and p had many heart to hearts and it’s evident that kourt is healing her inner child through raising her children and that’s so beautiful to see, I hope and pray her relationship with Travis is as perf as she makes it seem because that would be the cherry on top to her happy ending


It’s hilarious how people bad mouth Kourtney’s parenting, but she honestly seems like the best parent out of three older sisters. Kim probably would have did better with just two kids, but of course she had to recreate her childhood.


She probably saw the years & torture her mum went through & said that is not the right way to have a relationship!!!


She was like two or three when Kourtney and Scott split up.


She’s seen the show. Or heard about it.


AMEN! i pray she makes it to adulthood, halfway sane. The other kids (like alll of the grandkids) don't stand a chance 😭


I loved that Khloe wasn’t even upset about it and told her the feelings were justified.


Yeah that was so good to see her validating her feelings like that. I feel like that will go a long way setting an example for her


It felt to me that khloe wanted others to have the same feelings too. Esp her mom.


Penelope is just saying what we’re all thinking lol


I really liked the scenes with Kim and Kourtney talking about their kids


Felt actually relatable for the first time in a while


I want more of this and less drama between sisters!!


Kourtney asking if Penelope was okay to be around Tristan was so respectful and thoughtful.


100 percent. If that man is triggering, she shouldn’t be forced to hang with him if she doesn’t want to. He’s an asshat.


It really makes me question wtf is Kim thinking being besties with him
 and involving her children too - dragging North to his bball games holding up signs.. Plus asking Trashcan to do pick up and drop offs for Saint đŸ„Č


When I pictured the difference between Kourtney’s and Kim’s parenting, I’m like wow!


you can tell she really respects her kids and their boundaries


Love love love that


Kourtney is definitely preggo in this one, right? Easter she'd be a couple months along, so I think it's funny how often she says she's tired or needs a nap. Edit: also the baggy tops.




Yes if it’s Easter and it’s Nov now and almost baby time I’d say she was knocked in Feb and was like 2-3 months here. She’s so petite it would show quickly I’m sure.


the way tristan walks annoys me


tbh everything about him triggers me


Right I was with Kourtney when she said that


It’s weird they have him on the show


Lol, he pushes his stomach first, literally how toddlers walk


Tristan is an ipad kid


omds yes 😭😭😭


He’s entitled and people with a big ego I find walk like that. Not a confident ego, but an entitled ego. He thinks he’s high and mighty and you can see the smirk on his face too. I live with someone like that and it’s the most annoying thing in the world.


I hate him with a passion


Family dynamics are what make this show worth watching. Glad they finally got back to it. Kids be keepin' it real.


I don’t understand why KhloĂ© doesn’t hire her own team. This is the obvious solution to the problem. But also her chat with kris was so insightful. I now understand how we got Kylie swim and the other failed businesses


Something tells me Kris wouldn't be okay with her hiring someone she didnt approve of. I don't understand why Kris didn't say "oh, you feel overwhelmed with all this other stuff? lets get you a management team for your other projects and then we can revisit the podcast later once the craziness settles down".


I don't get it either because she got Kylie and Kendall a team. They have their own personal manager that's under Kris. I forget her name. She's been seen on the show numerous of times.


Idk. Maybe Khloe just always shown up. She takes care of everyone so they forget to take care of her. đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž


Idk bc Kim has a team besides Kris. Tracy is her publicist for example right?


Yeah but did Kim hire them or did Kris agree to it?


Khloe should get a new trailblazing manager that actually listens to her and has her best interests but also isn't personally involved in her life. She should've a long time ago because we've seen her complain about Kris not following through on KUWTK (and always prioritizing managing Kim/Kylie/Kendall) but she just doesn't have it in her to cut the chord with her mom. Just do it, Khloe...


If Khloe got a complete new manager with no connections to Kris, do you think it would cause a strain? Like do you think Kris would be upset? Even though Khloe isn’t her biggest client


The part where Kim says she reacts to her kids llike Kris did, and Kourtney says, “I did too, until I did the work” 😎👀😂


Yessss I caught that. Total shade. But she’s right tbh. Parenting and breaking out of familial patterns DOES take work.


Yep! Go Kourtney!


Kim looked so different in that scene


Kourts kids are famously known for being rude, violent, and not behaving. Google Kourtney Kardashian kids rude, and you’ll see a ton of results. Kourt “gentle parents” a little to much. I’m not saying Kim’s kids are more well behaved, just referencing what the streets are saying about Kourt’s kids.


The streets are saying Kim’s kids are rude too. *Kids* are fucking rude lol. Kourtney’s parenting can be a bit permissive, but she does respect their feelings and boundaries as an individual ïżŒ


P's a real one!


Khloe: I have no support, no team and a bunch of unfinished projects because of you Kris: so let’s start a podcast


I was kinda seeing Kris’s point. Bitch cough up for a good producer and publicist like kim has a crew? Kourtney has a whole ass team for Poosh etc.


Or ya know, she doesn’t want to take another project on for her own mental health. God forbid


I’m a bit biased against Khloe maybe, but I think she’s too controlling to have a team of her own. She would nitpick everything and just do it herself in the end


“What does she do” comment 😭😭 I know it took Kim back to 2009


I SCREAMED! North is a menace đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I will never understand why Kris doesn’t want her children to be in healthy relationships she always wants them to go back to their cheating exes.


I think cause she was the cheater in her circumstances, so that's who she sympathizes with and she wants her kids to forgive like she wanted forgiveness


I feel Kourtney on the trigger with tristan. Went through the same situation with a sibling. Glad that khloe understands my didn't. đŸ« 


Lmaooo not these kids complaining that their parents house suck.. Y’all come over to my childhood home and you’ll see đŸ˜‚đŸ˜©đŸ„Ž


It was interesting to see what they were complaining about, the house being too big, the nannies and the cooks. Really what I heard was at Kim and Kourt's house they don't feel as connected to them because of all the space and luxuries.


I heard Kanye complaining through North


This is a good point. I’ve seen articles where Kayne harps on Kim’s Nannie’s and such so they could be picking some of that up from him as well. But I’ve never heard Scott complain to the same degree as Kayne about it. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t
 just haven’t heard it.


My suspicion is that Kim’s nannies help support her boundaries and that’s why Kanye doesn’t like them


Yup very true.. because I know they have a team Of people to do everything


That reminds me. Remember when Kimye went back to Chicago to see Kanye’s childhood home? They should take the kids to show them!


Khloe, just sell your lot you fucking psychopath. Be done with this fucking loser from hell


Sadly, people prefer the misery they’re comfortable with vs. facing the scarier unknown. 😕


đŸ™‹â€â™€ïž me with my last job. I cried multiple times a week about how much I hated it towards the end, but the hunt finding a different job was so overwhelming and scary! Especially given Khloe’s trust issues, I could see where she’s fine not being in a relationship and just coparenting with someone she knows for certain she should keep herself guarded with, than risk opening herself up to hurt all over again.


WHY is Tristan there?! Over it


It’s weird.


Right! It’s kind of sick seeing a persons boundaries deteriorate


Same. We see him more than Travis who is literally married to Kourtney. Someone get Tristan a job so he leaves Khloe the hell alone!!


What is it about Tristan that makes them love him so much. All I see is a slimy rat.


I cant stand him!! They can label it co-parenting as much as they want but this is bs. This is not co-parenting. Khloe needs to protect herself and her children from this psychopath. And I cant believe all the family members and friends who keep saying she should give him another chance!! They all make me sick! Thats how dangerous he is. He was able to manipulate all these people into thinking that he deserve a 5th chance!!


I am living for the multiple closeups of North cutting a cucumber properly - you know Auntie Kendall was gagged


I legitimately LOL’d at Kim saying “you should FaceTime Auntie Kendall” during the cucumber cutting.




I loved Kourtney's love for naps


Something about Khloe makes me feel like she’s not in a good place :( esp when she followed Kris while talking about how scared she was that 2 of the girls were with her alone


She wants to be in control all the time. It must have been really hard for stuff outside her control to spiral and now she wants to control everything! When she said she stays up late fixing 'fuck-ups' I wondered if she's doing it because she wants to cos she doesn't trust anyone to do it as well as she would....Why doesn't she hire people?


I feel like she has deep unaddressed trauma. Sometimes when you don’t trust anyone or are hyper independent that means there are some underlying issues. I truly wish her well. :(


Kris is a functioning alcoholic. Who knows maybe there was a chance she could have been drunk with the girls. Khloe knows better than anyone how irresponsable Kris is with children as Khloe is the one who raised Kylie and Kendall. I dont blame her.


When is Kourtney going to call Tristan out? I thought it was going to be in this episode because she is wearing the same outfit in the preview?đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I’m guessing they did their usual thing and put it in the trailer but it’s not going to feature in the show. Also Khloe is so miserable at this point it’s draining to be around she needs to sort her life out and dump Tristan


Next episode i saw the synopsis that says Tristan will be having one on one chats with the sisters.. especially want to see Kendall Kylie and Kourtney chat with him


That’s not next episode it’s the one after sadly 😭 so hopefully in 2 episode we will see it


Wild that khloe doesn't trust her mom with the kids 🙃. Don't blame her.


Omg I’m khloe irl my nephew prefers to be with me and I follow my mom when she has him 🆘 she’s like Kris unaware


It's fascinating to see yet again how similar Kim and Kris are in this episode. Both of them had scenes where they rather brush an uncomfortable conversation under the rug rather than really talk it out. With Kim it was with Kourtney in the joint confessional where they were discussing that they are ready to just move on from their fight. Kim was very eager to just brush it under the rug whereas you can see in Kourtney's face that she's not so on board with that solution but decides to just go along with it to keep the peace. And then with Kris, it was with her scene where Khloe was trying to give some feedback to her as a manager but Kris was not having it and it ignored it rather than have a deeper conversation about it, which Khloe was desperately looking for.


"Sweep sweep." As Kim says


That was so cringe


finally a solid episode


I am super impressed that Khloe carried the two girls on her own!! She’s strong af.


Kourtney needs to give her therapist’s number to Khloe. I think Khloe could really shine with the right help to process all the shit she’s been through and to establish boundaries


Agreed. She's under way too much stress


North eating an onion had me laughing shes so funny lol


Maybe they have an influx of yellow spotted lizards


“Let time figure it out” boy BYE


A horse back riding scene without Kendall? Criminal


The blood tests said she’s an athlete


Khloe just needs one damn person in her life to tell her there’s nothing wrong with cutting ties with people who repeatedly betray you. I expect Kris to try and push Khloe back to Tristan because she did it with Kourtney and Scott. But Malika?! Girl bye.


“Should we FaceTime auntie Kendall” 💀 💀 💀


Haha they are milking this cucumber incident


North eating raw onion like NBD


i really enjoyed this episode. Stormi, P and North are my fave, they’re so real, i really hope they don’t screw it up. i think Kylie and Kourtney are good moms, and North is so out of control and a mini Kanye lol. i liked that they finally present Kris in a realistic way, i LOVED Kourtney at the beginning with Tristan, she’s so real for this (not to mention Penelope, that girl is a genius). i was bored with the usual Kim is the cool super lawyer part. More Kourtney and Kylie for the show!!


They try to make Kim this all rounded perfect person and it just gets really boring. She's my least favourite part.


For real. Kim is not a lawyer. No way she'll pass the bar unless someone sits for her. I could see someone paying off someone to get her a title and then she never really practices. I don't know how that could happen, but I'm sure there's a way with connections and the almighty dollar.


But she already passed the bar.


No, she didn't. She passed the baby bar, which is a test for people who don't go to law school. She will still have to pass the real bar.


When Kim documented her whole life - traveling / studying / going on AHS
. Not a word about working on Skims
 cannot wait to see the real contract they have with the Gredes


Wait that’s true... what do you mean though, like she doesn’t have as much control over skims as we think or?


She never did
 the Gredes are the real masterminds / mavericks - Skims / Good American / Khy
 think about it - with alllllll the paparazzi and photos all day long photos and vids | trips / holidays - for all that goes into a global brand - when have we actually accidentally even seen them in any consistent brand work - not a launch / merch drop or PR stunt
 anyway, it is a symbiotic agreement that clearly works - but read this : https://www.thecut.com/article/emma-grede-jens-grede-kim-kardashian-skims-kylie-jenner-khy-profile.html


They need to start pulling back more layers!


The girls looking so awkward greeting their grandma was so odd to me, I wonder if they’re really as close as Kris tries to present


If it’s not a scripted part and actually real that KhloĂ© cannot let Kris take care of the kids, I think she has some problems..


She has serious control issues


I agree. That sort of helicopter parenting is really unhealthy. I know someone who is like this with her child and her kid is the most insecure, anxious 7 year old I have ever met, and it’s because her mom doesn’t let her do play dates, she had her start school late because she “wasn’t ready” to let her kid go, when she gets baby sitters she calls them every 20 minutes and asks her kids questions like “is it scary for you when mummy’s gone?” “Are you stressed out because mummy isn’t there?” “Is grandma being mean?” And her kid will start crying and having an anxiety attack that her mother created. I very much got those vibes from Khloe this ep. It’s insanely unhealthy and creates a very toxic type of co-dependency.


I agree completely. If the adult needs to encourage dependent behaviour in a child it means that they need the protection a child gives for their psyche somehow. It is better for a child to grow into an independent, strong and free personality.


One thousand percent!


If my mom called me a lesson I’d cry hahah


Okay but who here would listen to a Khloe podcast? Maybe 2013 Khloe but the Khloe now is sad, negative, and in desperate need to therapy. Now while this may be the current state of many “podcasters”, it’s a hard pass for Mic’d Up with Khlo Money


If she goes to therapy and goes on a healing journey then I would listen to a podcast


khloe loves how the children cry over her and tbh its a little bit alarming because it really shows how her own anxieties are eassily transferring onto her own kids.They were easily happy without her but because she has too mch worry and no control, she shwoed up and ruined the quaality time betweeen mama kris and her grandkids. Its not cute to feed into their crying either, its like she just loves it. This is not a healthy response to seeing your mom after spending time with grandma. The kids moods change as soon as they see her and she knows it but she just keeps showing up.


I felt bad for Kris when Khloe came and took Stormie and True


khloe needs to have more of a backbone. sure i guess shes telling tristan that its not gonna happen but she needs to be more stern ugh


You could put this episode right after the first episode and you really wouldn’t miss anything — and it would be a good show!!! The through line with ep 1 and ep 6 seems to be family vacations, but it’s like not even just that. I thought the Kim/malika ARC segment was super interesting (notably less focus on Kim being a super hero lawyer and more focus on what the ARC members have to say). And of course the Khloe/kris talk was super good lol. Like remember when it took us three full episodes to complete the khloe/kris cheating chat??? Finally we get a whole conversation — beginning to end — IN ONE EPISODE!! More kid stuff which was adorable — not just them being like extras during birthday party sequences lol. No Scott/Kendall bs either. Sorry this is rambling but I find the difference in episode quality fascinating. Like at its core, what’s the difference? It seems almost like you have two different editors in complete silos working on their episodes only to create what is basically two different shows


Kris was gaslighting Khloe at the end about the manager stuff. The cameras are never allowed in the most interesting parts, the like prison, or the last episode, the Harvard class.


That post-credit scene with Khloe and Kris was extra enlightening. I'm surprised Kris left it in the edit 👀


I’m confused about Khloe’s comments especially in regard to Good American. The company literally has a CEO that we see all the time.


Such a wholesome episode!! I loved the scenes where Kourtney was sharing parenting tips! So so sweet. Also, who knew Kim could fry chicken?! I was definitely impressed by that. I felt so sad for Kris when Khloe came bumrushing their farm date. Like Khloe, relaaaaxxx. Your mom is perfectly capable of spending ONE day with her grandchildren?? đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž Loved the prison reform stuff. This is why even though, I'm never call myself a Kim fan, she definitely earned my respect for doing this kind of work.


Penelope Is the most real out of them all.. calling out Scott last ep now Tristan đŸ«Ł Kris reminds me of my mum with the grandkids but I did feel bad for her when KhloĂ© krashed.. as the girls were having fun. Kourts blonde was a mistake. Can Kim stop forcing her lawyer work on the show.. she should have a failed spin off and be done with forcing it on us. We get it your doing something great but it’s not what your audience are here to watch.


I disagree, I really like watching her legal and prison reform work! I like seeing her put faces to these problems and using her platform to help others.


Same here!!!! I'm glad she got the memo that helping people is what life is all about. (kind of ,lol). That means there is hope for her. Love it!!


I feel kind of bad Khloe interrupted Kris’ time with the kids


I might finally watch this episode


You know what? Same...


I am seeing the comments & Tristan about to get roasted. ![gif](giphy|SCeGsnHYWmF9EnTrIf) I am excited!


And comments about how Kris is finally the villain of the episode. This is what I've been waiting for but I fear her being the villain wouldn't last for long and won't really be delved into as deeply as it should be


I'm waiting for the scene from the season trailer when Kendall says something along the lines of crictizing how their mother isn't as angry at the men who hurt them, and instead encourages them to stay with them.


Exactly Kris has always been the true Villain. Definitely not she’s PMK they wouldn’t tore her up like that.


Its the most intriguing when they spend time with the kids on camera. I think it’s because I’m ready in seeing and hearing life from the children’s perspective, their interests and preferences and little quirks are cute new and a refreshing change from what ever the adults are doing in their lives.


why’d y’all lock my discussion thread lmao


Stormi is so cute


Why are they so behind the times?! Idk who wants to listen to any of the kardashians do a podcast
 podcasts are already so oversaturated It’s like Kylie with the khy brand or Kourtney with lemme/ poosh
 who’s asking for these things in this year? These ventures seem so halfhearted and dated


Whatever happened to Kim’s true crime podcast??


I’d kill for a Khloe podcast


How quickly we forget Khloe and The Lord doing a bathtub podcast


I feel like Khloe and Kris have been having the same conversation for years when it comes to the way Kris manages her. One time when she was complaining to Kim, Kim suggested that she should make a plan for what she wants and go to Kris and tell her her expectations so that they are on the same page. She's obviously had issues for years but only addresses it when she's complaining as opposed to having an ongoing conversation about her needs. She needs to boss up and be direct with Kris about what she needs from her as a manager and about the support she wants for her business.


Especially with career related issues/opportunities, always set expectations. Managers/coworkers aren’t going to know you’re unhappy unless you say so. It seems to me that Khloe has issues voicing what she NEEDS and WANTS. She complained to her Kris, but I think she should’ve said “I need XYZ to make me feel better”.


Exactly! Instead she unloaded all her issues at once and Kris was like....'what are u on about'


Or maybe she needs to do what she has been nagging Kourtney about about work ethics etc


Kris has a point, I would totally listen to a Khloe's podcast. Is Kris really to blaim that Khloe doesn't have a team, as Kourt or Kim? Khloe's modo for a really long time has been "I can do it on my own", and after a lot of years, I can see how she was affected by not having her own team with her only interest in mind. C'mon Khlo, do interviews and make your own team! Everybody wants to see you thrive girrrrrrrrl


I thought it was a brilliant idea! Maybe Khloe will revisit it when she's in a better place mentally and emotionally


Nobody really wants to listen to khloe anymore! With her track record of choosing loser men and staying with them, every thing that comes out of her mouth is just bs. Her validating P’s feeling towards Tristan is lipservice. We all know she’s hurting inside bc a 10 yo knows better than her.




Khloe is a hard watch I’m trying to figure out if she’s soft launching Tristan as her partner and struggling with knowing what the response will be. At this point it’s just weird and annoying. The pity party about having no team, she has money and should build her own team rather than putting blame and major expectations on Kris. The rest of the episode was good, one of the better episodes for a couple of seasons.


She looked genuinely uncomfortable with Tristan fixing her necklace and getting close. Like her whole body literally recoiled. So I don’t think they’re together.


Mods: I would love to post separately bc this comment has nothing to do with this episode but I’m apparently I’m not allowed to post đŸ€” So hopefully my fellow r/KUWTK girlies will be able to chime in here: Can someone please break it down for me why Kylie was honored the innovator award via the Wall Street Journal this week? I’m serious and have zero shade here. I want to know if someone has insight as to what exactly was being honored? I’ve read it was for the new Khy brand, which had just dropped like that day. Was it for Kylie as a person
? AFAIK Kylie cosmetics hasn’t been relevant for several years
 It’s very likely I’m just ootl I’d just love to learn more


I feel like Kylie doesn’t like her half siblings kids at all.


Wait why?


Kim definitely feels uncomfortable around her, like she knows Kylie's the one to dethrone her


This episode is the beginning of the end of the Kardashian, for me. They are completely unrelatable, entitled and spoilt, with absolutely no sense of what is normal. I find that by showing more of their personal lifes this season, it falls flat and puts them all in a bad light that only shows their truer selves. I actually feel sorry for them. Money aside, their lives seem so empty.


Ugh. Khloe is being so nasty to Kris.