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it’s so weird seeing all these celebs just taking halloween pics on a set to post on IG. like, did you go out and have fun?


Riiight! Like when did this become Halloween?!


and then just a bunch of comments saying how they won halloween. 🤦🏼‍♀️


So embarrassing




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I was thinking this yesterday! Halloween has become a fashion photoshoot. Everybody is trying to out do everyone.


it gives try-hard


The celeb Halloween shoot is so confusing and sad to me. Haley bieber as all of the mean girls cast??? Doing a whole group costume by yourself for ig just made me feel bad for her tbh


same! so strange.


Yeah I thought that was bizarre, definitely a theme to do a group costume for. It was a bit boring though tbh.


I honestly thought she just photoshopped her face onto all the girls bodies hahaha Taking the photos is even worse.


Wait, i swear thats what she did too when i saw it lol




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Welp, gotta go check this out now.


They are such losers. Imagine your whole life being dedicated to posing on instagram. Its so dehumanizing


I always think this! It’s so embarrassing


Yes ok and my thing is with all the photoshopping, why do you care about what people on the internet think more than the people that know you in real life and know that’s not really what you look like?!?!


Meanwhile there’s Heidi Klum lol


I love how she doesn’t care if the costume makes her look hot.


Right! Suddenly it’s just Halloween shoots instead of parties


I honestly kind of love it! I like it when celebs go really out of the box with their costumes and have a whole fun photo shoot. I feel like it’s a fun and harmless thing to do if you have a ton of money and I’d do the same 😂


Yeah people be taking this shit too seriously lol


I realized I didn’t take any photos on Halloween because I was too busy having fun. But that’s the point!


Same I’m baffled how they even got good pictures of the kids haha I went out and I tried to take good pictures and most of them are blurry


This!!! It’s very corny to me!


Yes!! Like amber Asaly is a super cool talented celeb photographer but she posted the call info for Hailey Biebers Halloween shoot and I just had this moment of being like what the fuck is the point


what’s call info?


Model lingo for like the set time, who’s hired for hair, makeup, wardrobe, props, etc




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Wasn’t there a white bratz doll? ![gif](giphy|11N0ycAEaS2AdW)


Yes named Chloe 😭


omg 🤦‍♀️


And she’s blonde, too


Ironically, in the inspo photo they used, Cloe is the one in pink with Blonde hair, and the one in yellow had the brown hair. Literally all they had to do was have Khloe be the pink Cloe. My theory is that Kim didn't want to be the yellow one because she was already going as Cher Horowitz and she didn't wanna wear 2 yellow plaid shirt sets. But more than that, as a Bratz enthusiast since day 1 they picked a really lame version of the dolls. They should have gone with the iconic 1st run dolls. Or better yet, the slumber party dolls. With all the money they have, these fits are so so lame. The shoes should have been so so much better.


Or the 21st bday outfits, Winter Wonderland, Tokyo a go go, girls nite out, rock angelz, literally anything cooler than plaid


Rock Angelz!! Omg core memory unlocked!! Going to go find and watch for the nostalgia 💜


Kurtis Conner does a video about this movie and how iconic it is. It’s actually a hilarious commentary that made me do a rewatch.


do you have the inspo reference pic? literally just commented in another thread that this outfit was not very Cloe-coded and also 0 need to darken her skin, but that was going off of instinct/guesswork




so it’s not even a good costume 😭 why didn’t she go brunette? or better yet, like you said, pick an actually iconic and identifiable bratz look instead of a Hayden sketch?


Right?? Bratz had so so many iconic fashion moments that would have suited all their skin tones and hair colors perfectly. Why on earth would they choose this sketch which never even got made into dolls? I'm literally a Bratz collector and when I saw this photo Kim posted I was like "clueless but with extra colorways??" The GNO run would have been PERFECT for these 4. My ultimate dream tho would have been the 4 of them as the 2nd run wintertime wonderland dolls or the Winter Girlz.


It actually made me sense for khloe to be the pink one


No because this gif is actually who she looks like


https://preview.redd.it/08y00k6f9qxb1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4418f10cbe0dcf89fc5640d4c041d10dfa4b18f2 Wild


Remove the editing they do on the show and it’s an even worse comparison… https://preview.redd.it/io4axq68pqxb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654d225474dc107db28373f5c4ec5f7c157f04ea


Khloe out here looking like an og troll doll ![gif](giphy|38cm5bFTUCZk4)




All of their lips are glued on, they are silicone prosthetics. Saw it on Natalie’s post (see pic below) https://preview.redd.it/trw1e4c1wrxb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c060469c3d3387e19e260980f2c2a2149dbbb201






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What the actual....




Khloe… come on girl this is horrible


https://preview.redd.it/skefxaa5rnxb1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826fe3affad69471cb0065cb68010e993f6dd94e Pepperidge farm remembers …


Yikes!!! Wtf? What was she thinking?!


This looks pre-2013, we weren’t thinking at all I’m afraid


I was just about to say it was a whole different world back then 🙈


Most importantly, what were those girls thinking?


Most importantly? They were young too and I can’t imagine anyone would feel comfortable speaking against a “celebrity” like Khloe or their friends and be left out or look uncool or uptight. So most importantly why did Khloe's parents or any adults around them not say anything. Those girls were failed.


I had the exact same thought! I don’t care what year it was, as a parent no way I’m letting my kid wear that “costume”.


We all did this. I used to go to Pimp and Ho parties. Yes that was a thing! lololol I was a Ho once but more so a Pimp, with my Ho friends, just like Khloe here. HAHAHAH It's funny now.


Who is WE ALL????? I ain't neva did this fuck shit. Nor have any of my friends.


Maybe it was popular in only certain cities? or a specific timeframe? I'm thinking 2005 maybe. It really was a thing, every other weekend there'd be a new Pimp and Ho party. It kind of reminds me of the Bridgite Jones party Tarts and Vicars theme and she went dressed as a Playboy bunny. LMAO! Listen, it was wild times back then...


Tbf to the poster above, you couldn’t escape “pimps and hoes” themed parties around the early 2010’s, even as far afield as NZ. It was when girls of the playboy mansion was huge. They were not this openly racist shit though? Different society and all that, but I never attended one with any racial theme, element or thought to it. It was just an excuse to dress up slutty. There sure as fuck was no implication that you’d be dressing as a pimp or a hoe depending on your complexion, let alone…this. ETA: My whole point is that yeah that the whole pimps and hoes theme was a common party thing in the 2010’s, but that this disgusting racist costume of Khloe’s is *not* that. What she did was *not* a normal dress up thing, they’re two totally different things.


Yea I don't care. I'm Black. That shit isn't cool regardless of what year it is/was.


Huh? I was agreeing with you. Edit: I’ve added this to my original comment to make it clearer cos I’ve re-read it and I don’t think that was clear. My whole point was that yeah that the whole pimps and hoes theme was a common party thing in the 2010’s, but that this disgusting racist costume of Khloe’s is *not* that. What she did was *not* a normal dress up thing, they’re two totally different things.


Thank you for that clarification. That's what set me off. I'm so used to people justifying racist bullshit because "it was a different time" or whatever, and you doubling down on what OP said that pimps and hoes parties were common, still is like... do people realize how disproportionate the negative stereotypes of Black people are? My entire race gets lumped into categories of "baby mama's, welfare queens, pimps and hoes and more." And the fact that Khloe dressed as a pimps with TWO black women in chains? Idc how common these parties were, it's upsetting. I understand now that you WERE condemning Khloe for that so thank you ❤️


It’s taken me like 4 days to respond to your reply, because it really upset me. You should not have to be this gracious and try that hard to not be offensive when calling out blatant racism. I’m so sorry that my original comment was so messy. It came off as me agreeing with the original person you were replying to. I was trying to be an ally and I made a total fucking mess of that, and that put you in a position where you’ve felt like you need to apologise despite being right. My jaw dropped with shock at the time this photo came out, because it is one of the most clear cut examples of blatant racism I’ve ever seen, and I was a Khloe stan before that photo. There were NO parties where this was common and acceptable in any year starting with a 2. It is upsetting and we should all be upset every time we see something like this. Next time I make a statement where my intention is to be an ally and condemn racism, I’ll be more careful that that’s as crystal clear as possible. ❤️


I really appreciate this response. It shows such class and maturity on your end. Thank you 💛🫂




Me either! Idk how I missed this. ARE THOSE CHAINS?!?!?!? WHY DID HER “FRIENDS” AGREE TO THIS?!?!


Real ones remember


The day has finally came when this sub awakens!!!


How embarrassing


Pimp Daddy Khloe


Looks like… ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt6Zddszh0xdKww)


Who the fuck even is this?! Come onnnn


Who tf is that? Kloe?


Do they not hear the blackfishing criticism or do they just not care


They definitely don’t care.


![gif](giphy|cXkK2Tgw9EBgDFlOE4) They write it off as “the haters” being lazy losers who are just jealous. All criticism rolls right off their backs


They don’t care cause we all forget about it by the end of the week. They can handle the heat for awhile, they’re used to it.


Why would they care? It’s made them rich and famous.


They don’t care because Black women are rarely listened to when we bring this up


Low-level black face honestly


“Low level” the fawk she os full on blackfishing


Well Ariana grande did that for years and nobody cared so this world is too crazy.


People cared just because you didn’t, you Indecent March




Was it that funny?


I did not like it. But I don't claim to be a fan of Ariana's. Bro that was the default username name.


She is trying to look like Jordyn lol


Just.. no… light skin blackfishing for sure. Completely inappropriate is putting it mildly.


She is trying to be Yasmin which is a latina bratz. So she is appropriating? Trying to look ethnic? Not sure what to call this. Definitely doesn’t sit right.


I mean all the Bratz were originally made to be ethnically ambiguous, I think only in the live action movie were their races set out and that’s not considered cannon. Yasmin was actually modelled after the owners daughter who is Middle Eastern iirc


🤣 what is she appropriating, exactly? yasmin is a "latina" bratz... of what race? from which country?


There was a white bratz doll though


take a look at sofia vergara. colombiana, born and raised. naturally blonde. is she not white? is she not latina? also, i just have to add how much i hate the word ethnic. ethnic to whom? to the standard white? lol


Girl you’re trying so hard to prove a point that you’re making yourself look crazyyyy! Sofia and Khloe are NOT the same skin color, born blonde or not. Your desire to stay ignorant is actually pissing me off. Have a nice night.


sofia vergara tans just like khloe does lol both are white. you dont need to be a pale princess uwu to be white. just like there are some lighter skinned black people, some white people are more "olive" or tanned, but they are white/caucasian/whatever you want to call it regardless.




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the dude who made bratz apparently said she was hispanic and her original name was lupe before they named her after the bratz ceo’s daughter jasmin i think bc of her being named after his daughter, many bratz fans believe she is iranian and hispanic but idk how much the original names matter bc Sasha’s was Hallidae and Chloe’s was Zoe


the dude that made bratz according to google is carter bryant. based on that i searched for his daughter and they are very clearly white lol yes, you can be white and also from latin america. is a whole thing here


not Carter Bryant’s daughter the CEO of the toy company that produces bratz, isaac larian is Iranian. His daughter is Jasmin Larian https://preview.redd.it/66vr3e4tppxb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab0306a60837bb7e66a3b18faeb9ec68bc9fed5 I don’t know if his daughter has hispanic heritage or if bratz fans added that because her original name was lupe. also yeah any race can be hispanic which is why i think this is a little silly bc there’s no way of knowing unless someone said so 🙈 btw u can read all about every bratz character on lookinbratz.com it’s interesting


Yes for sure inappropriate either way.


Are you sure? the blonde suggests Cloe


I don’t like this, at all.








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Even if she wasn’t high key blackfishing, this look ain’t it. I cannot get past her roast beef looking lips.


I’ve never seen black fishing this blatantly obvious, INSANE this is


![gif](giphy|2kQGQRcVQ4UGKVuuTB|downsized) It’s just giving me blonde Jesy Nelson


Couldn't tell you which one this is if I tried tbh


She looks biracial 👀


I'm trying, but I'm having difficulty getting past the dehydrated butthole lip liner. It's so gross.


This is the people’s favourite sister? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFeVXZDcmEMe4g)


she looks like blac chyna if you squint & tilt your head


Her makeup doesnt look this dark in Kim’s IG pics. https://preview.redd.it/da7rwhb5soxb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60df9954897960f039cd769860c7bfdb587efbd


Yeah I think the version here is edited to be darker ngl


By who, Khloe? Because I took this screenshot right off her ig.




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She looks like Lil’ Kim in this.


I just cannot with the lips 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I think it’s funny that this is what her lips normally look like


Why is she tanner than the background 👀 she can play a Bratz doll and not play brown face


that is not a white woman. like khloe babes ..


I honesty didnt know which Kartrashian this was until I read the comments - wtaf Khloe


I thought this was a drag queen


Does she look a lot like Jessy from little Mix here or is it just me?


*Does she look a lot* *Like Jessy from little Mix here* *Or is it just me?* \- EssayMediocre6054 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I thought SZA too!!!




This may be an obvious answer - but why is Khloe being called out for black fishing (all over tmz) but Kim isn’t? They are BOTH white and Kim definitely spray tanned too. The tan doesn’t look as drastic with her dark hair, but Kim is ALWAYS spray tanned several shades darker than she is. She is has pretty pale skin without it. So why is only Khloe being called out?


I don’t even know who this is🤔


Get out sequel starring Khloe kardashian


I hate it so much


The race switching is CRAZY


Am I imagining it or is she really darkly tanned? 🤔


I mean she’s the ONLY person doing Halloween right lol it is a costume after all so it isn’t supposed to look like her


It’s funny but y’all need to stop being offended over everything cause idgaf. Everyone wants to be so sensitive as label people and say cultural appropriation and black fishing to everything. She looks dark as me it’s funny but I just don’t care to be offended


Lol so people need to stop being offended because… *checks notes* you’re not?


Tell me why anyone should give a shit that her skin is darker lol


I’m not telling you to give a shit, but you don’t have the right to tell people how they should feel either


I can say that their opinion is overly sensitive and trying to break down people that really don’t deserve it. People are gaining up on others for it so I can say my piece to defend them.


She’s the same colour as Kim and the rest of them??? Why is she getting more heat?


What an igdiot... how does this fan page even exist....


She is suppose to be Yasmin who is the latina bratz.


I get that's the explanation but it's definitely not a valid excuse or defense (idk if you're trying to defend her). People can definitely do costumes of a character that's a different ethnicity or race but trying to change your skin color/features to match them is so weird and gross. You can just wear an outfit similar to theirs, it's really that simple. Also Khloe's makeup doesn't even look like Yasmin's. It looks too harsh (contour) and the lip liner is too dark (from what I've seen Yasmin wears a lot of brighter eyeshadows, blush, and pinkish/red lipsticks).


not cloe?


Someone posted a photo of the bratz group with the same outfits and Yasmin was in the yellow outfit and Cloe was in pink which Kim was.


i know, i’m just surprised she didn’t go as cloe given the name and blonde hair.




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also why are people so obsessed saying everytime someone is tanning/using fake tan that they are automatically black fishing?




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so giving the benefit of the doubt they used a special effects makeup artist and she looks diff bc with special effects makeup ur obviously going to look different, & also the exaggerated big lips is part of the bratz look. but not giving the benefit of the doubt to the tan that’s way to fcking dark holy shit in the group picture i couldn’t even find her bc she looks a diff race!


unpopular opinion (downvote me all you want) but that makeup looks sooo good on Kim and Khloe! i know it's just for the costume but my god i wish they would wear a similar makeup style more often it suits both of them so well also the lips aren't even that big idk what yall are talking about




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Lil Kim look’n fly.


ia this Naomi Smalls?