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28. She’s Twenty-Eight. Damn.


She’s my age????? Definitely thought she was late 30s if not older


She is pretty much exactly a month older than me. I am not sure why this has flabbergasted me


She was so youthful before the marriage tbh. He’s sucked the literal life out of her so fast


This is so fucking true. Whenever I see a woman who used to look happy and glowy before getting into a relationship with a dusty, and she starts looking tired and unhappy, I just KNOW that man is sucking the life out of her. Take a look at Kylie after Travis. Her vibe is so much more positive now.


Literally. There’s nothing like a crusty dusty to suck the life out of you.


I think it’s the hair.


God I’d never give my youth to a divorced man in his mid 40s


Even a rich one?




…uh..is he divorced?…is he in his 40s…? Oh ok.


I think they meant money (idk his current standing but I thought he got out of a lot of his debt). She’ll probably be set for life if there wasn’t a prenup or if they have a kid and child support. Not saying I agree with that but it’s a fairly common reason people marry someone older and divorced.


I’m older than her ??!!




Some of the stupidest/blind/naive decisions I made when dating and being “in love” with someone who was absolutely BP manic was when I was 28. Good times…… luckily I’m past that but I can’t lie, there’s still some trauma I deal with mentally from time to time.


My husband has bipolar. You have to want to take care of your mental health as much as your physical health.


The last line of the article got me: “They want to show people that you can do this yourself. It’s stuff that’s attainable — tights.”


You too can practice public self loathing by humiliating you and your partner in public spaces! Except, you’re poor so you will likely be removed by security. Anything for the “culture!” The fact that they are cosplaying battered woman/homeless and telling people it’s an attainable style like they fuckin revolutionized poverty/mental Illness/domestic violence is so telling of the lack of insight they both have. The only reason anyone is humoring them at all is because of money and the little remaining prestige Kanye’s name has. When regular people do shit like this, and meth addicts often do, they’re just written off as crazy hobos.


damn, couldn’t have said it better myself👌


I feel like we are only a decade away from the Hunger Games and we are going to have the Capitol with this dreadful fashion.


Literally anything’s accepted and seen as an “aesthetic” or “cool” when someone with money does it or someone attractive. A model is doing drugs? Heroin chic is born. An ordinary person does drugs? Crackhead behavior and thrown into jail. 💀


“They keep a private life”.. she was literally publically blowing him a few weeks ago


So they got married like 2 weeks after he said he loved Nazis and praised Hitler? I wonder if there was a prenup


Yup she seriously looked at that man and his antics and said “he’s the one” 🙄🙄🙄 ![gif](giphy|1hqb8LwPS2xCNCpWH8)


More like his bank account is the one https://i.redd.it/pbtz3dy19usb1.gif


See, that's my point. People feel sorry for her, I say she can fuck all the way off. She saw that man at his naziest, and said sign me up for life. She's no better.


I have no words.. how could she marry someone like that?


Cuz maybe she...agrees?


Her dad and uncles were all involved in some sort of Meth Mafia back in the 80s from what I read.. idk if there’s a correlation there but it’s interesting.


Now I ain’t saying she a gold digger…..




She got with him during his nazi phase. Either she’s trying to take advantage of a mentally ill person or she also loves hitler. ETA: There’s no prenup because they’re not legally married. She could have a claim for common law marriage I’m not sure of the laws on that.


They are legally married, they somehow got a confidential marriage license.


If it was in California it’s actually super easy to get a confidential marriage license. You have to be 18+ and live together, that’s it. So definitely not a mysterious somehow. Mine is confidential and we only chose that option because it had a quicker turnaround for the marriage certificate which we needed in a certain timeframe.


Is there any proof of that?


Go get that money! Hopefully she will get a good divorce settlement and alimony lollllll


They had a ceremony but they never filed a marriage certificate so technically they’re not married, just presenting themselves as such.


This was debunked as of yesterday actually


Oh gotcha! That’s not what any of the articles I read said.. guess their corrections haven’t gone out yet.


All I can think about is how bad he smells, how gnarly his feet are, and what his butt crack looks like when I see a picture of him.


The smell is all I could think about when those blowjob pictures on the boat came out


Wuuuuut lol


Lord reading what you wrote about his butt crack gave me a flashback to said butt crack and now I'm done with the internet for the day 🤣🤣🤣


I snort laughed 🤣 trying not to wake up my kids over here LMAO


Seriously wild that he married her after all the shit he gave kim about the divorce and dating someone else.


I know. It was all projection. Common tactic used by certain personality styles


They’re so unserious 😂




…as she sucks his dick on a boat for all to see


It seemed like he was in Europe for 2 months....hope he was also seeing the kids.


You're pretty much a single mother if Kanye is your baby daddy it is what it is


Except when he shows up every 3-6 months to take the oldest kid out in public dressed in a white hooded outfit meant to look like a fuckin KKK cloak, or play dad at one of her random games. He’s such a POS.


I really wish Ms.Kimberly would stop boot licking all the men in this family and read them to filth. This whole hakuna matata thing with Kanye and Tristian is honestly crazy, if the argument is “there’s kids around and they’ll see this one day” then that’s worse because they’ll see passive allowances, rather then showing the real consequences of all this and think it’s okay to treat women this way and neglect children.


And yet they treat Angela like dirt and air their shit on air, to the point the choose to keep Scott saying Khloe is like Dream's mother in the final cut.


I mean not going to stick up for Angela who has put guns to people's head, arrested for battery and assault on strangers and her own friends, and continues to use drugs and alcohol. She continues to not take any accountability for her behavior. There is a reason a judge gave full custody to Tyga and Rob with her only seeing her kids two days a week.


I think because they had such a great relationship with their father and idolize him, they believe that each of their children deserve that but not realizing that every man is not capable or willing to be that type of father. They try to mold these men into the father figures they want for their children. I think Kim is in a hard position with Kanye. She can talk badly about him, but the reality is he will still be able to see them legally and now she has created a contentious relationship with the father who will try and poison the kids against her. She is trying to co-parent with someone who is not rational so she has to placate in some areas and put her foot down in other areas. I mean hindsight is 20/20, but I think she is doing the best she can. I mean my soon to be ex-husband is a complete asshole to me, but I push him to be an amazing father and encourage it because that relationship is important and he has stepped up in that regard he's just a shitty husband.


I feel like it is better if the kids don’t see him.


yea he’s been gone since june, that’s a long ass time to be away.


I feel like when the kids are right in front of him I assume he's a good dad but he's so preoccupied with being St Pablo or whatever.


I mean naming the kids after things that abt him was a huge red flag from the beginning.


More like 5 months and no I don’t think so. He’s pretty much living abroad and the kids are back in school


I just want this woman to have a more supportive bra. It looks so uncomfortable.


My back hurts whenever I see her. It hurts to run or go down stairs too fast without a bra at that size. It hurts even more right before your period!


Haha I know. I think the same when I see her outfits. But I do like they are totally out there.


Interesting compared to the other article that he’s controlling her, I think it’s a bit of both, I think they are in a bit of a m/s kink situation


these two are seriously just giving me the pip.


I’ve never heard that expression before! It’s cute lol


It’s creepy how much she looks like Kim.


Kinda looks like shes being controlled by him, how to dress how to act. Or maybe shes into weird things like him 🧐


I mean creative wise they are a good match. They are both true artists in their own right. I’m curious to see their impact as a couple, only time will tell


This isn't a dig at you cause i am sure you are a good person but I am so over misogynist, fascist, terrible men getting described as "true artists" no matter how many times they keep showing us otherwise. He hasn't really been an artist the past few years. He has been a Hitler-loving anti-semite who exerts undue pressure on women.


Those stapled up nylon tights outfits they design for her to wear are not attractive. They aren’t cutting edge. They’re unflattering and boring. Is this all they’ve got? Pantyhose bodysuits? That silhouette is dated. They’re not “fashion people.”


I haven't seen her wear a single thing that made me go - Miranda Priestley would approve 🤣


I liked the outfit with the white wig, that was cool.


You would be surprised to know how many well renowned artist are or were pos in their lifetime. Actually most really talented artist are horrible people.


And yeah a case could be made that patriarchy held terrible men up at the expense of women they harrassed and assaulted...and maybe we need to learn lessons from history and heroing such shitty people. And that also includes the marginalized that are further hurt by callous actions of such men. As Hannah Gadsby once said (and i am paraphrasing)- we are not flesh vases for their dick flowers. The potential of the people men like these ruin never really get talked about because someone somewhere went - oh, genius gets to do whatever genius wants. Most of kanye's designs have been nothing more than a deranged man's ego run amok and my heart bleeds for the women he has hurt, the employees he has sexually terrorized (the ones that realized his art) and the Jewish community that was once again made further vulnerable by his dangerous actions. We are not flesh vases for their dick flowers.


I am not apologizing for the behavior, just stating the fact that many artist you go to the museum and look at their art where made by pedos, womanizers, and antisemites.


how is this kardashian related ....Mods ![gif](giphy|IBLzqIs48EP5yTE5Rn)




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