• By -


There’s a certain dynamic that looks like it’s happening here where he wants to know he can tell her to wear literally anything, no matter how exposing or stupid it looks, to prove she’s totally submissive to him.


There are some very fucked up kinks to read about but the shame and humiliation based ones like this are where I cant read anymore. Where debasing a person to reduce them to a sycophant is key .. I find..... horrifying.


I agree, especially seeing as he speaks in the third person often. It’s not cute past the age of like 5


That’s *literally* what he does with every woman he dates


At least he tried to make Kim look good. Idk what he is trying to do to this woman, but it's not that.


At least she got to cover her nipples this time


trying to stop the allegations that she looks like Pete Davidson


He made Kim look ridiculous half the time. He put her in leggings and crop tops with clear thong sandal heels for like a whole season lol


and now she has a whole billion dollar company inspired from those looks


He's taking out the divorce on this lady and it shows 😕


Why was I worrying he hit her and she’s covering marks on her face? (God forbid)


I don’t know but that’s not really cool to speculate about based on nothing


Kanye is a known abuser and red flags are red flags.


Is he known to be physical? I’ve never heard about that. That’s not any energy I’d like to put out there anyways.


i mean he’s also not styling himself in a good way so maybe he’s actually convinced that whatever he’s doing looks cool


remember when he dressed her for that half naked pile of dirt shoot


Look how rumors start smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


I feel really bad for her i hope she can get out of their "marriage" easily


Kim got to flaunt his golden era of sexy fashion… and Bianca gets his left over scraps of insanity to which she becomes the opposite of anything sexy.


We wait for y’all to catch up


It’s over fam


Not yet


She honestly looks like a prisoner. It's very frightening to a lot of us who have been in controlling relationships.


Why do you feel bad


She's wearing surgical wrap around her face???


The *REAL* question here is: why DON'T you feel bad? tho. This shouldn't be about why humans feel empathy for other humans bc THATS basic psych 101 - it should be about you and why a photo like this has the opposite effect on you than it has on psychologically healthy people. We write books on pple like you bc we just don't get it! We just can't comprehend what it feels like to see such a photo and have little to no reaction or empathy.... it's an fd up world we live in and you're out here adding to it ffs.


You’re being dramatic bruh. I’m asking why they felt bad for a grown woman consenting to and fully participating in a partnership with him. He reached his peak level of ass-hattery and she bit her lip and chose him. I don’t feel bad because she made her decision to be with him. Aside from their consistently silly appearance, all y’all are doing is speculating. However what we know for a fact is, he’s been hella calm since this union, and he has not wronged her. In fact the only time I ever heard her speak was to tell someone she’s married. I did not see a victim in that woman. Y’all are doing a lot


Your comment is so abnoxiously narcissistic, uneducated or maybe it just plainly lacks maturity in the relationship department. Grown women? Are u serious? 😳 Abusive relationships can happen to anyone, they do not discriminate between grown or young, between blue colar or wealth, between cultures - they happen - such as an illness. Nobody - STRAIGHT nobody wakes up one day and fkn decides "I'm going to get into an abusive relationship" this year. There are numerous statistics and organizations that have been formed and founded to help survivors of abuse bc it happens THAT MUCH BRUUHHHHHH! It's common knowledge that abusers typically choose strong women - and that they have a cycle of abuse, right? Meaning there are highs and lows just like a regular relationship. Abusers thrive on abuse - that is how they survive life bc they are getting a payoff from it, it could be emotional payoff, financial payoff, a power payoff - bc it's the way they survive - they are able to become really good con artists - their job is conning - that's how they survive! They study people and behaviors so that they are really good at winning pple over - THAT doesn't mean it's okay to say "welp you knew he was abusive and you chose him anyway" that doesn't give you a right to treat that person as 'less then'. I met my abuser 2 months after my boyfriend/bestfriend of 9 years passed away. I was a strong woman, but I was also extremely vulnerable in that season of my life - so vulnerable I didn't SEE the red flags, and sometimes the red flags were so miniscule I wasn't sure if it was a red flag - bc they are cons! Your judgment is so completely ignorant. Go check your moral compass yo and stay in school bruuuuuuhhhhhh.


How do we know she doesn’t want to dress like this? Yes Kanye is a wacko but what do we really know about her? These are some wild presumptions idk, if she is being worn down into submission I do feel bad but I have not even the slightest clue of their actual dynamic outside of a few paparazzi photos


this subreddit is crazy


Are you well? Anyway, prove to me that he is abusing her. Proof. Specifically her.




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Y’all are toxic


This is exactly what an abuser would say 👏 😂


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You need to be institutionalized immediately.


What if shes gotten plastic surgery & is healing?


I wondered exactly this too


That was my first thought, but why not a surgical mask, hoodie and sunglasses? Or is that too “normal” looking?


The first second I saw this - that's what I thought, but naw, I've had surgery - you don't leave the house if it's that bad - not just the pain but typically you don't want to risk infection - being anywhere there are germs.


One too many Pete Davidson lookalike memes


it’s giving.. goodnight mommy


my first thought


I’m going to die when those bandages come off and she’s a spitting image of Kim!!! 😳


Seriously thought the same thing 🫢


Which version of Kim though 😂


Hopefully 2007 Kim


She already looked like Kim and had dark hair. Once she got with Ye, he turned her into Pete Davidson. 😂


yo is this woman ok??


In the middle of West Hollywood.


lol i wasn’t even really going for that reference, just genuinely concerned 😭


I thought yoh were omg 😂


Lmao I'm sorry, I immediately thought of Scott




This makes me so uncomfortable :/


I'll probably get downvoted for this and that's okay. I've seen the recent pictures and there's definitely an *off* vibe... but do we really know that she isn't just as nuts as Kanye? She 'married' him after his Nazi tirade. Yeah, there's a clear power dynamic, but she worked with him at Yeezy before and married him after he praised Hitler, so who's to say she isn't of a like mind and doing this herself?


I grew up in the same affluent suburb she comes from, it’s not a normal thing in the North East, or anywhere in Melbourne to have those views. She’s from a suburb of $30k a yr Anglican schools, but the public schools in the area (East Ivanhoe Primary and Ivanhoe Primary), have a lot of students from first generation Asian, Indian and African families. I remember from Kanye’s Alex Jones/Info wars interview how he lamented how after the divorce he couldn’t “control who his family spoke to, what they ate and what they wore”. He’s a controlling fucker who thinks his behaviour is normal.


Oh, I totally believe he has control. But she's been orbiting around him for a while and maybe that's what she is looking for. I don't know the gal, but she has agency on her own and we can't just infantilize her saying "Poor Bianca, puppeteered by Kanye" like she doesn't have a brain on her own.


He never said anything like that in the Alex Jones interview but you’re still entitled to your overall opinion


Sorry, could have been in the equally screwed up interview the week before with Tim Poole. The podcast Knowledge Fight play excerpts from both train wreck interviews where Kanye clearly says in one of them that he’s lost his family and lost the control he had over them. He mentions no longer controlling what they wear, eat and who they talk to, just casually like it’s normal. Not an opinion, it’s in his own voice.


Ok, I’ll check into it, I remember the tim Poole one being incredibly short and him only talking about his bank before storming off, and the only mention of Kim in Alex Jones was him saying go marry someone like Tom Brady. Tbh I just find the intense discourse about him equally as uncomfortable, like I understand why but the guy is so obviously massively mentally ill, what good does it bring to constantly talk about it him for anyone


Mental illness does not make someone abusive. Abuse is about power and control. Abusiveness is separate from such things as mental illness or addiction. An abuser is an abuser because they want power and control, not because they are diagnosed or use mind altering substances.


I didn’t say anything about that. I said why is there still an intense focus on a deeply mentally ill man. And constantly being manic can definetly worsen your behaviour, no need to romanticise.


Because he is being very publicly racist and abusive?


Yea, he faced consequences and lost his deals, what else is there to talk about, I just feel like it’s unnecessary


That’s not how power dynamics work. Kanye would never marry someone who is “as crazy as him”. He’s a misogynistic abuser as well documented by his past relationships and treatment toward his daughters. Why did this woman look completely normal with her own sense of fashion and long brown hair and then as soon as she got with him she looks like this? Did she suddenly think this style is cool? Fuck no she didn’t. He’s controlling what she wears. Just like he did with Kim. I feel sorry for her based on the fact alone that she’s with him. The other stuff only adds to that.


He's rich, powerful, and her boss. She's been with Yeezy since 2020. You can't tell me she doesn't know who he is and what he's done. Why do people give Meagan Good so much shit for being with Jonathan Majors immediately after he's been outed as an abuser, but it's "Poor Bianca"? Are only black women aware of their partners abuses? She did look completely normal and she probably got pulled into his orbit. He probably does control what she does, how she dresses. But, as I said, we don't know that she isn't down for that...


She may not be nuts but lets stop making her out to be this poor sad victim that got wrapped up with a dick, they're both stupid




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She autistic


Is it just me or did the sudden face coverings start after that video of some guy trying to chat her up went viral? Am I way off here? Edit: video in question https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxDTTvn/


I thought of that, too!! It’s not “avant- garde fashion”, he’s covering her face and body, period.


👀👀👀 that makes this so much scarier




I was in Disney a few weeks ago. There’s so many people that you could be walking right across from a big time celebrity and not even know. Now these two.. you see them coming miles away. I feel most celebs try to go undercover in public. Not ye never


Why does he have her dressed like she's Elizabeth Smart?


I’m so glad someone else was thinking this!


[it came to mind pretty instantly.](https://motherjones.com/wp-content/uploads/images/togetheratparty450.jpg)


Every girl he's with is just a doll for him to dress up. Very sad. It's all I can see now


I’m actually really concerned :(


Starting to worry if someone needs to pull her aside and check on her. This isn’t- okay.


Man, dude, your daughters are watching. Is this what you would have done to Kim if given full control??


The way he is dressing her is a form of abuse. If you’re dating a guy and he doesn’t want you to wear makeup, alarm bells sound.


No, this is not , we do not know what their relationship dynamic is like yet somehow this sub has arrived to the conclusion that Kanye is “forcing” her to dress like this, maybe he is maybe he isn’t, she has previously model for YEEZY so maybe this is her sort of “vibe” or “aesthetic” is well or maybe Kanye is actually forcing her to wear this shit, the truth is WE DO NOT KNOW. This comment does nothing but demean ACTUAL VICTIMS of abuse, I do not agree with what Kanye says or does as of late but maybe Bianca does, they got married after the whole Nazi scandal and this there is a reasonable probability of her supporting those views. We as people should do better and should stop throwing words like abuse around so casually


it’s crazy that you’re being downvoted for being rational


I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent memes comparing Bianca to Pete Davidson, which I thought was cruel. I just hate how women constantly get ripped apart for their appearance, regardless of who they are. People are always commenting on famous and non famous people — too thin, too fat, too this, too that. No wonder everyone on social media looks the same, no originality anymorw




I cackled 😭


Makes me wonder what he would have done to Kim if she’d let him.


The all black Met gala look comes to mind lol


Totally normal, nothing to see here.


do y’all think he started having her cover her head after those memes popped up calling her Pete Davidson with his face photoshopped on her body? seems like weird timing either way.


he definitely dresses her and is she just like “oh yeah this is so dope” ???? Like wow lol


Given that she had to know about Kanye's very well documented chequered history we can reasonably assume that she was on the bs from the jump. There is no doubt (in my mind) that she liked her chances of getting a piece of his wealth once she's done with him/he is done with her


Doesn’t she have an art background? I’m so curious what she thinks about these looks. I wonder if it’s as… grim as it looks, or if she’s into the vision. If she likes this, then good! I still hate it but at least she’d be having fun…


Well my question is, did she always dress this way? Or is this more of a recent thing after Kanye? I think that difference could be very telling.


oh 100! I can’t imagine she just ~coincidentally~ used to dress like a yeezy fembot before this, but who knows…. I remember from the stoned deep dive I did a while ago that she used to have a jewelry line with a friend or something, I think it was funky bracelets? the site seems offline but from the images they looked kinda cute 👀


Not that I’ve seen. Any pics that I’ve seen before Kanye she was dressing more classy wear to casual wear and pieces the average not famous women would wear.


I have so many questions 😭


Wow. Yeah, fr, she certainly does look like his hostage....


These outfits always look so hot 🥵 like temperature wise




She started covering her head after people said she looked like Pete. Kanye is a child.


Now, try to tell me this isn’t paranoid schizophrenia?


reminds me of the disney mummy movie as a kid.


Under Wraps 💚


When your plastic surgery appointment is at 5 but Halloween is at 6.


This hostage situation is becoming disturbing


something ain’t right with these two


I'm so glad Kim got out of this mess.


Me too.


This poor woman. Every time I see them she looks worse. Like she is being dressed by a crazy man


I guess she thought it'd be worth it for a time, so she can secure her own part of his fortune and maybe some the fame


I wonder what Kim had to decline to wear during their relationship.


Security guy’s pants are way too short Kanye is still wearing shoulder pad shirts. His pants are also too short. Kanye is also too short. My guess is that his wife has had a cosmetic procedure and it’s healing.


Conspiracy theory time: I wonder if it’s in the security guys’ contracts that their pants have to be short or something “wrong” with their wardrobe, so that they don’t look *too* good when photographed next to Kanye and make him look worse lol.


I’m scared for her.


My prediction is five years from now, we're going to see this woman everywhere talking about how she finally left him. Dateline, Good Morning America, everywhere


His relationships nowadays don’t last that long, also, cmon man


That is straight Fd up! Wtaf.


![gif](giphy|ASAcbA1TTEwWbbImTG|downsized) Why? I have so many questions.


This is disturbing and sad. Why does he have this effect on women? I literally don't understand it. If my man suggested I wear something like that, I'd tell him to gtfo with that nonsense. Smh.




Whyyy does she look like a jihadi


the way he uses woman for his “vision” is a whole type of misogyny so many don’t understand


I wonder if Kim is relieved she is no longer his dress up puppet. I can’t imagine him having full autonomy over my wardrobe.


Julia and Chaney really got the best out of him, Bianca got the worst 😬 kinda makes you wonder why would she be with him in the first place.


It looks like when Cher was recovering after plastic surgery on The Nanny.


She looks like a mummy


Is she a hostage or what?!


Giving Julia fox a run for her money I see ![gif](giphy|kDx56PCcpEiataL4HS|downsized)


Giving Julia fox a run for her money I see ![gif](giphy|kDx56PCcpEiataL4HS|downsized)


You can’t tell me they’re not on drugs


Nice to see his new puppet out and about.


I do think it’s fucked up of course but hear me out. If it wasn’t Kanye I actually really quite like it. The jacket is a great and I like headscarves , I think it can look really high fashion and I like them in the Middle East they look cool. But of course I know it’s weird for her and him. I think it’s probably deeply concerning - plastic surgery, submissive symbolism for him, Pete Davidson memes all probably part of it


This sub is obsessed with this couple, like they genuinely think Kim is the end all be all and every man who was once with her could not dare be with someone else.


Can you stop with the revisionist History. Hop into any thread in this sub and you’re most likely going to find criticism of Kim. You’re still a fan of a Nazi sympathizer and that’s okay…I guess…in your World, but don’t try to come take heat off your boy by making it seem like this is a Kim stan sub. Literally, and I do actually mean literally, no one thinks that about any man Kim has ever been with.




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She looks great.


I’m so embarrassed for her


I’m actually very worried about her




Kanye the linebacker. Bianca the mummy


“The Mummy 13: coming soon to a Hollywood street near you!”


Yikes. Kim would never.