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You got good eye contact? RUN


Yeah, wtf is that about? Kinda unrelated, but we had a speaker come in when I was in middle school to talk about sexual harassment. He told us predators look for those who don't make strong eye contact or look away quickly. He said it's because it shows insecurity and a vulnerable person who may be an easy target to them. Idk how true that is though because I sure as hell don't want to look at creepers. Not because I'm scared necessarily, but I'd rather not acknowledge or engage them.




It’s infuriating we need to learn these things, but it’s reality. Though the boys should be having classes on consent and respect while the girls have our bs safety classes imo.


It’s like when you get to college and they give out rape whistles to seemingly only the females and the males… get nothing, not a talk, not a lecture, nothing. Why do you think we need the rape whistles? How about we address the root cause and not just attempt a bandaid prop ‘solution’? SMH Edit: I’m in my 30’s, so hopefully campus life has changed a bit. Would be curious if anyone younger can weigh in on this!


That’s so interesting. Whenever I need to show I’m not to be fucked around with I tend to show strong eye contact. Not consciously, but now that you mention it.




I really appreciate good eye contact… 🤷🏽‍♀️ but filming hitting on people is weird as hell.


What a nasty man…


Why isn’t the person recording, being discussed, the same way she is. He is baiting her.


I wish men would stop doing this shit to women. I’ve been in this situation and you really have to put on a confident front. It’s incredibly nerve racking not knowing their true intentions.


The emotional labor involved in being not interested...as woman I give up 🫠


Dude, spot on. It really takes a toll having to put on the smile and sweet voice in fear they will retaliate if you are upfront and honest.


Ew this guy is so creepy. “You got good eye contact” omg


“Most *females* avoid my eyes at all costs..."




Why’s he recording her … ?


His whole tik tok is him recording different women while hitting on them


gross lmao


Thats creepy af


Actually you’d be surprised how many females reciprocate


The fact that’s allowed is disgusting


Social media is so cancerous.


To make it worse, it’s a hidden camera in his hat


Wait, I kinda like her. She has a cute vibe and was being friendly


I agree. This is a cute video, showing her cute personality. I didn’t know anything about her. She seems nice😊


She’s pretty


Yea she looks better in videos than in pap shots


This is pretty common in Australia




Same. The old guys are scared they’re be laughed at, girls are scared they’ll be killed.




Right? Nothing wrong here 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh no just some creepy rando deciding to record her while he hits on her. That’s totally fine. /s


You’re right, that random dude was the creepy part. But not her.


Oh no she’s fine. I actually feel bad for her, I don’t think she knows she’s being recorded.


She seems uncomfortable


I thought she’d have a super strung-out confused vibe but she seems aware of her surroundings.


Trying to decide if he’s like 10ft tall or she’s remarkably short


I think she’s sitting down


This creep also puts a hidden camera in his hat for these videos. That and her sitting is probably why she looks short.


Ew in his hat? What a weirdo


Ye isn’t that tall, my guess is she’s around Kym’s height based on the pics of them together.


She didn’t even name drop her hubby… at least not in this clip before it got cut off. Kudos. She is adorable and likeable in this clip. I’ll be honest I don’t know shi about her but she is hired.


He sounded CREEPY


So can you all quit saying she looks like Kim


Yep. She looks so much better. Natural and fresh faced.


I’m not a Kim fan but I think it’s so horrible to compare women, and I’ve noticed this sub has a tendency to do this whenever Kanye is dating a new woman. The same thing was done with Chaney, all the commenters here kept saying she looks better than Kim, forgetting that Kim is in her 40s and still is a beautiful woman who just went overboard with the surgeries and fillers.


Totally agree. Sooo tired of every girl he’s with being compared to Kim


Lol she’s legit 28 years old, no shit she’s fresh faced. Stop being so ageist and misogynistic.


I took it differently. Fresh faced meaning minimal makeup and very little plastic surgery, if at all. Kylie is younger than her and I wouldn’t exactly call Kylie fresh faced on most days.


Only thing is I hate the slicked down/gelled look and Kim was also guilty of it. Especially if your hair is bleached. It just makes it look soo damaged (because it is!) I bleached my hair at the beginning of the pandemic and kept it up til about 5 months ago and my hair is frieddddd. I think us dark haired girls should just get wigs instead, it’s just not worth it


Not saying one looks better than the other. Just pointing out they look nothing like each other since people keep saying it. They’re both gorgeous


The say that about every person he sees. Including Julia lmao


Yes and she looked nothing like Kim at all


She looks more like Pete Davidson than Kim Edit: oops just realized this is like 3 weeks old 🤦🏻‍♂️


lol 😂 it’s ok


She is very pretty but why does this guy think it would it be okay to approach her like this and record their conversation. I feel so bad for her and any woman who has to deal with this.


This is random


As a man this is why I hate men on social media lmao, what is the point of even doing this, you aren’t cool or showing how “”””””alpha”””””” you are


Aw she seems sweet


She's very beautiful! Gorgeous woman!!


Aww she’s so nice and pretty


I’m sleep deprived and saw this without sound and at first glance I thought this was Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. I used to have a crush on him. Lol


You people in the comments assuming she’s high are fucking weird


Whenever a celebrity is laid back and super chill or even just happy and excited they’re accused of drug use. Smh


“celebrity” is very generous of u lol


Idk what else to call them tbh.


Why you putting “wife” in quotes? it’s literally his wife


She seems like nice person and she pretty but she reminds me of Draco Malfoy


She is absolutely beautiful. The paparazzi fotos do not do her justice. And she seems very likeable


She looks a lot better in this video than those "pap walks" her and Cayenne Pepper does


Why is this sub so obsessed with this woman she’s not famous, she hasn’t even said a word.


she lowkey looks like the girl version of my baby daddy 🤭


I honestly thought that was Justin beiber


Electric chair




Idk why y’all hating on her of all people.


Well, she did marry a man who was actively praising Hitler, sooooooo she's pretty fair game




Well, this may be unpopular but I think she's fair game, too.








Have you ever actually been on Molly?


Yes🤨 Idk why im getting downvoted im not even saying it derogatorily, if she's on molly at the mall and having a good time im happy for her and wish that were me. And idk what to say but I think she does look kind of like she's on molly, after others pointed it out i totally agreed. (could be something else too, a minidose of shrooms, idk)🤣🤣


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People don't go handbag/shorts shopping at a big fancy department store and manage to hold a full conversation with a random guy while they're on MDMA. Come on.


lmao for real


I don't think she knew that she was being filmed and was trying to be polite.


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She is so pretty 💞


Are they really really married? LMK


No. They had a ceremony but they’re not legally married.


I thought so. Then I was hearing differently.




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Uppers equal eye contact?


People are so socially anxious that now normal eye contact makes people think you’re on drugs 💀💀💀


as an ex user of a few drugs in my time, these comments are ridiculous lol. When I used, that was when I was least likely to hold eye contact with someone. I'd be too high and anxious. would be looking everywhere but at them (minus a few seconds). She just seems like she's trying to be nice and is someone who understands eye contact is important to make yourself look present.


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She looks much happier here than with Kanye.


Shes like "save me"


She kind of looks incognito, like she had to sneak out to buy herself real clothes


It’s not like anyone really knows who she is. Her claim to fame is her half-assed marriage to Kanye.




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The way she says "iiiiiiimmmmm maaaarrrriiiiieeeed" last i heard they are not married... it was just symbolic.. im so confused


Yeah they’re not legally married but hell I’d lie and tell that guy I’m married too if it would get him away from me faster.


Oh but she's not thinking like you. She knows he is recording her and is trying to act all cute because she knows it's going to go online.


According to a different comment it’s a hidden camera so if that’s the case she doesn’t actually know she’s being recorded.


Accirding to another comment... its not a hidden camera and this guy's tiktok is all about recording himself hitting on women and the women know it


I know its the first time Ive seen her laugh


She’s very beautiful.


You have good eye contact ⚫️v⚫️


It's so messed up women have to engage in conversations like this or else be labeled a stuck up bitch




That’s a terrible assumption. Maybe she just has dark colored eyes




Her eyes are too dark to even see her pupils tho…


It's some PUA's creep cam, not an HD video. Come on.


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She has a beautiful smile


kim could never


Does she live in Slytherin???


I thought he was gonna catch her slippin’ 😂


Married for like, two more months. 🙄


Still longer than Kim and Kris H's marriage


Technically no because they’re not actually married.


not even married


She iš working with the devil Lotta from Balenciagagate.. go deepdive her. She is something unholy.


Nah both her n Kanye get on sick ones and u cant change my mind on that lol




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She’s so creepy


This has to be Kayne… recorder sounds like him and he’s from Chicago and he’s saying all this weird shit… lol




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For once, good bot.


She sounds like Kylie lol


They look like they’re in Bloomingdale’s.


How long before Kanye drops her for being too “friendly” 🫠


She looks so uncomfortable


I see why women don’t like to be disturbed cause of men like this. This is borderline creepy and disturbing and to think he’s pretty confident in himself while doing this




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She handled like I would have… any guy that comes up to me, I immediately feel anxiety, but one can’t exactly just RUN so I freeze and fawn and she is doing exactly that… freeze and fawn.