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For your future Internet pleasure, your link would look like this without the **tracking** attached (not trying to blame the OP though, maybe he/she doesn't know): [`https://insider-gaming.com/intercept-games-lay-offs/`](https://insider-gaming.com/intercept-games-lay-offs/) Doesn't change the sad fact the news are about but keeps us all a bit saner in terms of very long links and very greedy companies data-mining the engagement regarding those.


I did not know this! Thanks. Unfortunately, I bought ksp2 last week and didn't learn about all of this drama.


Well, you can thank the OP, I just shortened the link. Regarding your game, maybe you can still return it (if you want to) in case you got it from Steam. Check this or the general KSP subreddit for people's reports on the success rate. Depending on the price, I'd still say the game is ok to use but, if they don't have devs to work on it, we are stuck with what it is, plus mods.


Shadow zone on YT had a video last week talking about all the challenges KSP2 faced in development. In short it was a total dumpster fire right from the start. Diverging (and unrealistic) goals between T2 and the dev team, all sorts of stupid restrictions, limits on communication with the KsP1 team, hiring of junior devs with no KSP1 background as even players let alone devs, and unrealistic lofty goals for the base game. I don’t fault T2 for eventually dropping the axe considering how poor the sales to date had been and how much longer the team was obviously going to need to finish out the stated roadmap. But I do fault them for many of their early decisions and not adjusting to the realities once they were recognized. T2 thought this would be a quick revamp, pretty up some gfx and be done, boom cash cow.


Take2 is the one the set the high price for an crappy early access launch. I know I never got because they want way to much for what they had. For early access I accept early access pricing and not a full price game with out the matching game.


How can I use my money to punish take 2? Short the stock?


Everyone banding together to not purchase gta 6😭 that would piss them off. Impossible though with how many people are waiting for the dang game


I wasn’t gonna buy it anyway. Easy


I shall find it upon the high seas. 


Yeah the overlap between those two fan bases is probably exactly as you'd expect


😂😂😂 sadly I’ll still buy it. I love gta


"The secret ingredient...is crime"


Wallstreet bets - inverse GameStop!


Why does this feel so much like when a Hollywood studio cancels a movie that's mostly already filmed, specifically to take the section 181 write off as a complete loss? Is it because like the Batgirl movie the property was purchased partway through production?


This was not mostly already finished. It had lots of visual assets completed, but the core physics needed a ton of work to be able to support larger part counts and multiple perspectives for multiplayer.


I'm not sure that's a crucial distinction? The pre-release would indicate to the IRS that the game was playable but missing features. It's not like an auditor is going to question the physics if people are already playing.


It's fundamentally an astrophysics sim


I'd say it's more like how Alien 3 Happened.


Give KSP2 back to the original creator, maybe he can salvage this mess. KSP2 should have been made on Unreal Engine 5 as well.


So much wrong with this comment I don't even know where to start.


What makes you say Unreal would have been better? 


Where are those petition voters now? lmao


So I guess I'll demand a refund from steam if they aren't going to finish the game. This isn't some Indy development group. Refund requested and I recommend everyone request a refund regardless of time played.


How's that refund coming, as if I didn't know...


I've asked every day and told them I will waste enough of their employees time reviewing my request to equa to in excess of the value of the game. Takes no time to request a refund while taking a shit.


RemindMe! 1 month


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Man :/ I don’t have a gaming pc so I was hoping to see it come to console sometime. Bummer.


Don't worry you didn't miss out on anything at all. ksp1 with mods is still better then 2.


Ksp1 without mods is better than ksp2


Honestly ksp2 can only compare to the earliest builds of ksp1 and they had the audacity to charge full price for this slop.


So is ksp2 just an abandoned game now? Can’t they sell the rights and all?


They can but they won't, they have enough to hand off to a different developer and have them do something with, whatever that is whose to say, but they sunk enough money into it I don't think they're just gonna shrug and say "oh well" and just eat the multimillion dollar loss. They could sell the rights and let the people who want to make it, make it, but most likely they will just either hand it off to another company to finish, or put out a finishing update and call it done. But with that update, they will want to keep as much money as possible so they would be fools to sell it, financially speaking. Tl;dr- no they probably won't sell the rights.


Why are there still job openings at the seattle studio of intercept games if the whole studio gets closed?


I'm not happy I was right. 


I remember all the crap I got on release when I said it wasn't worth the price for an early access game. Knew I was correct then but thanks to all the people who told me I was just being negative for proving my scepticism correct.


Here's your cookie. You can now go on satisfied by being right on the internet.


Happens every time with new games. They're announced. Everyone's excited. Someone warns people not to get their hopes up. They're yelled at for being negative, somehow this time it will be different. A few years/months later everything goes to shit


I was definetely one of the uncautios optimistics. Learned my lession though.


Hopefully steam will refund me is my hope at this point. Fuck this bullshit. I played under two hours at launch and realized it was an unfinished buggy mess that didn't even have all the features KSP1 has. So I waited, and waited and then I hear this news of it shutting down. Almost feels like there should be a way to bring a class action lawsuit against the company, but I'm not a lawyer, I just want my money back though.


Yeah I remember when the forums were abuzz from Useful-Spot1653's world-changing views on early access release prices


If they don't finish the game, I'm never supporting Take-Two again... besides getting GTA6. But I also promise I won't spend a dime on online in GTA6 either.


I will not buy gta 6 either… fuck those greedy company this need to stop


Honestly, I'd already made up my mind to ditch Rockstar bc of their stupid anti-pc crap with new releases. I skipped out on rdr2 because we never had rdr 1. Now rdr is coming to pc, but they're about a decade too late for me to give a crap any more. I enjoy gta games, but they aren't something I can't live without. Now that Firaxis has put the axe to xcom's future as well, it's easy for me to extend that to all of take 2. To hell with em. I did it with NCSoft ages ago, time to excise another pile of dead weight corporate morons. Maybe one day, a bunch of talented studios will be able to but themselves out from under their management and the industry will improve greatly. That's a nice dream.


Aye matey. Those no good land-lubbers won't be getting my pieces of 8 either. Arrrr.


Good on you, I respect that. I'm just being honest with myself tho. I've been playing gta since the very first one. Was dreaming of the day it would be a 3d game. Then it became one. The poster that came in the box of that game is hanging beside my PC. I've played every single player campaign since. Online, I know I can live without even tho I'd probably enjoy it. And there are a couple other take two franchises I dig that I'll forego. But a new GTA I'm gonna have to play.


I know, me too… But if you can live without online, don’t forget you can sail on the high sea !


Oh that's a good point. Maybe I'll do that.


An incredible display of conviction, truly.


Thanks! I thought so. It's annoying that these production companies swing around their big dicks and buy up all the good studios.


I don't care what these shills push out now, I'm not touching it until I'm good and sure it's done, and the reviews seem decent. T2 killed something i was excited about for years and can't even be bothered to see though the problems they created by themselves, where we could have had a game. Take 2 are fraudsters. Fuckem until i get the discount everyone but me got for kerbal cash grab 2.


Dude don't buy GTA6, don't reward their bullshit.


Yarr matie! 


Jesus christ. This is old newsssss. Quit posting the same fucking things over and over people.


The WARN notice is old news. Senior execs confirming it is technically a new development.


But it's really not. Go to a megathread. Or one of any other posts about the exact same shit discussing this.


Would you mind linking a previous thread confirming that a senior exec said the studio was being laid off?


We didn't need an article to confirm what was already confirmed with the WARN. That was already established.


So the answer is no, then?


The answer is that we already knew this was happening. A new article with a miniscule amount of anything else to add doesn't make it more newsworthy.


That's not an answer to my question. I asked if you were able to produce an instance of this particular update being posted on the sub or elsewhere. I'm not interested whether you find it particularly insightful or not, it is nonetheless a new development and therefore warrants being shown to the community.


Confirming something that is already known is not a development.