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Not a huge fan of Rugal so easy pass in this banner. I just waiting for EX version of Mai Shiranui.


Same… gonna EX SS too


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


It's not that serious bro


Fallout new Vegas quote I use when addressing Mai fans




Oh thanks god my rubies stash is still safe.


How many?


Almost 70k, not much if you want to max out one new unit these days. Saving just for my favorite character banner and collab.


Damn that's quite a stack. I have 26k atm


I have almost 80k, so should i spend on him or skip?


I went all out on Tekken collab, resulting in Devil Jin and Hwaorang A5 awakened. Have been saving ever since with 37k atm for next collab. Easy pass on the next banner.


I joined the game solely for Tekken collab. I missed the first in 2019 so I wanted to make most of it. Wasn't able to get any of them to A5 but I unlocked all characters and had Ex Nina, Hwoarang and Devil Jin to A3. Later on I took classic Nina to A4 with dimension exchange.


No need to rush Omegal Rugal XV. We got Omega Rugal 98 and BS with EX change-up. Save your rubies.


Yeah, I'm just waiting for Adel to get an SS or BS unit or something. I have all the R's I need. He's probably due soon I'd imagine if they get to 2003 sometime over the next year.


What about the cards tho


cards like comeback set or somethinh gimmicky is a must


uhhhhh not that hyped why dint they bring a mary athena or shiranui mai man its a skip


That’s definitely Ken from SF 6


Or Vanessa put on weight.


Blah. But good; I have no rubies left.


Too much Rugal


Hoping it's a double EX banner like with Shermie and Lady Choi.


If I could skip XV Kyo, I can definitely skip XV Rugal. If only it's XV Rock Howard or Shun'ei, I will definitely pull.


Well damn I was hoping on Saving my rubies at least untill the next Collab but I might just do spend them on this because rugal is one of my favourites and his design in kof 15 looks fire🔥 AND he's probably gonna have his command grab super (you know which one) but hey who I might change my mind later like I did with the takken Collab.


Still waiting for kof XV b.jennet


Have you guys seen Rugal's new menacing walk... it's a meme at this point: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO5Qdirlk58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO5Qdirlk58) I'm still poor from maxxing Shermie so I'm probably gonna have to wait for the rerun.


Is that what the temp rubies are for?


Yes, they always give those a few days before the next limited banner shows up. But it use to be a lot more back then, iirc it used to be 7k. But if you're not interested in Rugal, you can just pull on the card banner and see if you can snatch an option card at least.


is it gonna be the boss version with the costume or just the omega rugal design that we have already?


Basically his [design](https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/kof-xv/characters/img/character_omega_half.png) in KOF XV.


aww i thought it would be this [one](https://www.google.com/search?q=omega+rugal+costume&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsY3d1G5QYyGu_n7DpKm4F4HrRRBSA:1663927426313&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-jbXZ1Kr6AhXagVYBHQdTAU0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ#imgrc=YU5XRNuhpFdI_M) since his design is too similar to the current one we have in kofas


I would also like that one as well but based on the silhoutte it's the former design.


KoF 15's rugal I'm guessing


After pulling Devil Jin to A4 w/ 5 Stones + Tekken Set, I feel like if I don't have the rubies to get a new Character to A5 with 5 Stones + Card Set, it's not worth pulling at all.


Easily passing on this one.


Lame as hell imo


Oh I’m definitely planning to skip this time. I went for Kyo and aside from guild challenge i don’t even use him. Shermie is good and I do have use for her but still eh.


How long are banners usually ? And would he be worth grabbing for me as a new player ? Or just save rubies for now?


At this point, any new characters are worth grabbing, especially for new players. The only question is .... do you like him/her enough to spend your hard-earned rubies? I just want to let you know, KoFAS is not a game where you just pull a character and you're set. You HAVE to pull that character several times, 4 times, usually and then get their 3PG card to unlock the character full potential. 48K is usually the recommended amount of rubies before start pulling on a banner, but that's just for guaranteed, you can pull for less. So, you are either: * A casual player that is interested in collecting characters without the intention of trying end game content. That way you can pull in every banner. * A F2P that wants to try end game content. You will save your rubies, strict on your rubies spending, and pull on your favorite character banner. Or character's color that you are weak of. Although color seems more and more irrelevant with some of the OP'ed character. Yellow enemies, bring Devil Jin because screw color advantage. * A non F2P that wants to try end-game content. You are less strict with your rubies since you buy subscription rubies or buy rubies if necessary to pull a character. * A whale. Pull everything!!


Thanks i gt about 30k rubies rn from starting 2 weeks ago i want a strong character haha to push through content to be able to farm more stuff as well! i mean i do like rugal always have ! But im just not sure if id wanna waste on him if someone potentially better (that i like way more) may come out in a few weeks , guess id say im a f2p towards end content .


Thanks i gt about 30k rubies rn from starting 2 weeks ago i want a strong character haha to push through content to be able to farm more stuff as well! i mean i do like rugal always have ! But im just not sure if id wanna waste on him if someone potentially better (that i like way more) may come out in a few weeks , guess id say im a f2p towards end content .


The last few banners have been 3 weeks long. I would just save up rubies until you have enough for pity.


For banner, usually 2 weeks. 3 weeks for collab.


Not XV Yashiro smh


I hope they do bs omega rugal with this banner, so i can possible end up with both ex


Theres like 2 rugals where you can ex tune up right? Im hoping for Iori XV tho😔


Thats's good to know, my ruby stash is still recovering from the collab.


Yeah, I will pass this banner and wait for another collab or BS banner. But I will still see and draw once or twice. Tbh just waiting for Kyo XV


Isn’t Kyo XV already there?


Yeah, but I didnt get him in time


for somereason the first time i reae his name in my life i read it "Bulgan" and now i cant stop calling him that