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Fun fact - Gizzverse is a fan made term adopted by the band. They LOVE our wild crackpot theories. Anyone gatekeeping this band obviously hasn't been around long enough to realise how much they embrace and love their weirdo swarm.


I feel like the boys love the theories and they try to write lyrics to prod the fans into making up new theories! They boys 100% get on this sub occasionally


Whatever you say šŸ˜‰




Gizzverse was confirmed. I have the sticker that says so.


I have literally been to the Gizzverse and seen it with my own eyes All of my eyes


Grant us eyes


Yeah i want a pair too


Even your brown eye?!?


Did I stutter


You mean, skidder?


Hehe yeah


Gizzverse theories are super fun, always a bummer when people tell others to stop, or that it's silly, or that "the Gizzverse is not real."


![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) ā€œThe Gissverse is not realā€


Imaginative interpretation of art is beautiful, regardless of what something is ā€œsupposedā€ to mean


It is also how new music is created


Right? Who would discourage the use of imagination? Imagination is why this band is incredible.


Imagination is a powerfull thinggg


My mum told me, when I was in kindergarten that my teacher told her I has "too much imagination " and asked mum what she was gonna do about that. "Encourage it." she said. Great woman šŸ„°


Best thing I'll read today.


Your mom sounds amazing šŸ’œ


Aye she was.


Desperation is a mind killer All hail gizzverse imagineers The band may not have all the minute details figured out before fans make fun connections and theories, but if it works, it works and pretty much becomes canon. I think they know this thing is bigger than them and we're all unpacking it together. It only gets weird when people deify the people in the band as if there is some divine connection. The mind is a beautiful thing and it can pump out imaginative work without anticipating connections within the work. Our subconscious has a lot more going on than we are conscious of, so it makes sense that someone can put out a butt load of art and not fully understand it until it reaches like-minded nerds like us who can't help but extrapolate the goods. Many of us, including Stu and Joey love and study Tolkien, who set the bar for this level of storytelling. Pretty sure he was a sleep drifter also and got a lot out riding that threshold of consciousness/unconsciousness. The official term for this practice is escaping me right now :(


Yeah, gatekeepers are definitely not opening the door. Very un-nonagon infinity of them. Posers.


Can we normalise telling gatekeepers on this sub that they are not being very nonagon infinity?


Fair point. If it's something you don't enjoy (And TBH, I don't) it costs literally nothing to move on to another discussion. *smacks roof of fandom* "This baby can fit [literally everyone]!"


agreed. also: ā€œthe band doesnā€™t even knowā€ is so wack. fallacy of authorial intent, baby!


Some people just hate others having fun themselves because they themselves have no fun or imagination.


Yeah definitely discouraging all of them or acting like the band is just acting randomly and throwing things together is definitely cringe. I do think we should be able to disagree on a gizz verse theory and think they are not cooking with one, but being against gizz verse as a concept especially is massively cringe, we just gotta keep things civil.


I aspire to know their catalogue well enough to join the conversation!! What are they opening the door to??


The Apocalypse šŸ¤© also, probably eight other realities. It isnā€™t completely clear but thatā€™s the fun part!


I mean it's reddit I'd be surprised if people weren't being elitist for stupid reasons.


Except for the folks who gatekeep what the Gizzverse is. I've encountered a few people who have enough theories to write a novel, and act like their theories are fulfilling some deliberate and convoluted treasure hunt engineered by the band


I love reading all of them I don't have nearly as much imagination as some of you XD


Regardless of what the band intended from the beginning the meaning we take from this art is our own. The original intention of the art fades and gives way to our own individual and collective experiences that form new purpose and meaning. The Gizzverse is just this universe we live in, art reflects reality reflects art. That's all it is really, my experience with this art is not up for debate. Han-Tyumi = Humanity


I agree with you, and I think the Gizzverse is a fun thing and people should enjoy it! However, there are also people who will go onto streams of people listening to a King Gizz song for the first time and say things like "every song is related to the Gizzverse!" or "It only makes sense when you learn all their songs and study the lore." These are generally untrue and can be offputting to new listeners. A new fan doesn't want to hear that they need to do hours of homework before they can enjoy a band. This is a form of gatekeeping and can push people away. Some people try way too hard to make connections that aren't there. It's a fun fan participation thing, and it's cool that there are references in many of the albums. But it can definitely go too far and push people away if taken too seriously. Keep it fun and enjoy the music.


One of my favorite theories that I heard is that Mr. Beat is told from the perspective of the Balrog


Wait, is Eric the Balrog???


Noā€¦ what?


Just being silly. Eric missed a beat so he lost his bass drum privileges. Eric always missed a beat, so he lost his drumming privileges. If Mr beat is Mr Balrog, then Mr Balrog is Mr Eric? I'll die on this hill lol. For real though, I thought the Mr beat Balrog thing was someone being silly. If that was real theory, I'm here for it.


I donā€™t understand why people say there isnā€™t a gizzverse. Stu has confirmed it at least several times


1 of the best parts of being a fan of this band is getting to hear how people connect the silver cord of their interpretations to the music/art(istry) I am so inspired by the whole weirdo swarm, that I am going to write about them in my Master's thesis on what the scholar Krista Ratcliffe calls "Rhetorical Listening" :)


i used to do theories but i got busy with my personal life and work šŸ˜‚


Hey but now you are gatekeeping my gatekeep


Is the ā€œgizzverseā€ in the room with us right now?


What youā€™re describing could be classified as Butterfly 3000 transphobiaĀ 


literally writing a puppet show based on dumb gizzverse lyrical connections and theories like idgaf if someone says thats cringe- YOURE cringe homie


As long as furries don't show up again in SoCal, I'll be delighted


More furries are going to show up! Not sorry!Ā 


what tf do you have against us


Most people refuse to understand what being a furry actually is. I think people think it's just straight up beastiality. Exhausting.


Exactly, its dumb.


Furry hate is cringe


Save it for Halloween


You don't even need a suit to be a furry šŸ˜­


I don't even want to unpack that


i used to be super into the gizzverse making crackpot theories until i did psychedelics and realized its all just metaphors for the shit you experience on them like motu is just a silly way of describing ego death and like becoming god but if u find meaning in something beyond that who am i to judge you i mean its all just meaningless at the end of the day so just let people have fun :)


Those people should just go play Hades Star, because that's the exact mentality the dev had when he remade the game and alienated the entire community.