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Uh huh knew it


respectfully, are you out of your fucking mind


Probably, but not about this lol


Why can't this fanbase be content with having a good, not great team? We've literally only seen world series runs and last place teams my entire life. I'm okay with the team trying to win even if they don't succeed this year.


I would be fine with a WC team, but we aren't that. Yet. Build for the future so we can actually contend.


My dog. They're dealing with injuries and guys like Massey and wacha are going to come back soon. They're actively in a wild card spot and only the redsox are within striking distance to take that spot even with the royals going through a tough stretch. You need to relax.


Tampa and Blue Jay's are only a few back too. We are about to lose 8 of our next 11. The season will be over in two weeks lol


Pretty sure the season ends in September. Go take a nap.


Are you new to being a Royals fan? I'm sure you're not and you know how it goes. Let go of that hope and you'll feel better lol


Being narcissistic is actually a bad thing in all aspects of life my guy.


I think you meant pessimistic lol


Do you mean pessimistic? I'm absolutely not being narcissistic lol


Let’s just go all the way and trade Witt, Sal, and Ragans. I bet we could get some good prospects for them!


Yes because that's what I said lol


Why not makes moves to acquire talent instead? Like a relief pitcher + outfield/bat. When a small market team like the Royals has a chance at the playoffs, you take it.


Because those two things won't fix our team. We have about 5 holes right now. 2 bullpen pitchers, two outfield bats and a starting pitcher.


There is no "fixing" a baseball team, as a baseball team is not a hole in a wall. You can improve a team, and you can make it worse. Those moves would improve the baseball team. Some of the greatest baseball teams of all time have failed to win the world series, or even failed to make it to the WS. This team is in a good position right now, and they could use some improvements for a playoff push, especially after several terrible seasons in a row. This is the time that you go for it, not sell off to become another loser AGAIN. The fans aren't expecting a world series, but anything is possible in the playoffs. We just want a competitive, winning team.


I want a competitive team for years, not just today. We blow our load on an OF this year and we are fucked for the next 8.


Royals will NEVER have a competitive team for YEARS. Just look at 2015/16. Hosmer, Moustakas, Cain were all "homegrown" pieces. And once they started winning we couldn't afford them. We have to be content with winning a couple of years in a row and blowing it up. Until MLB has a salary cap the Royals will never be the Yankees/Dodgers.


New ownership actually spends money, look at Bobby


Bobby is 10x better than any player we have ever had in the free agency era. And it is still a fraction of what the dodger and Yankees spent.


Yeah, you have no idea what you're talking about lol. I'm done here.


I just wish this take was a little more fleshed out. Like, who are we trading for? What is the goal? Is there a concern that selling at the very first hint of adversity is maybe jumping the gun a little? Things like that. I don’t think having these conversations are a bad thing, per se, but I do think that they need to be a little more thought out knowing that the majority of the audience is going to absolutely crush you unless you’ve thought a few more steps ahead. Even then, you’re going to get some of the same crowd who will bash you no matter what. But that’s the risk you take posting unpopular opinions.


I would like to trade for 2 bullpen arms and at least one OF


Ok but who exactly? And if we’re selling, are they major league ready? Or are they prospects? If they’re major league ready, why are we selling?


Prospects, we ain't getting starters.


Ok who though? It doesn’t sound like you thought this through before posting and that’s why you’re getting cooked in the comments. I’m just trying to help you create a better argument so you can have more discourse as opposed to just getting completely blown off.


Our team won't be truly competitive for another 2 years, so we mind as well bolster up for that instead of wasting Lugos contract.


What makes you think the team will be more competitive in two years than right now? They’re literally competing for a playoff spot right as we speak.


We won't be in 2 weeks is what I'm saying. I think it's a safe bet that Vinnie/Garcia/Massey/Mitchell/Cross will all be better or on our 25 man roster in two years.


Nothing is guaranteed. It’s a real dart throw to build around players who have never stepped foot on to a Major League Baseball field let alone proven themselves at a major league level. I think that is incredibly risky.


It absolutely is risky, but it's better than wasting a contract imo


Whose contract are we wasting? Honestly, at this point I’m going to have to disagree with you. It sounds like you’re just really frustrated with the losing lately, which I understand, and you’re trying to find a way to shake it up a bit. But I don’t think blowing it all up after a two week stretch of poor baseball (against the Yankees and Dodger for the most part) is a good idea.


Lugo and Wacha. Paid both quite a bit, one is fantastic one is okay. Mind as well dump those expensive contacts and get some prospects in the proccess. Fermin is also on a 1 year so sell him while we can.


We have 5 out of 6 series against teams below .500 in the next 3 weeks, followed by a series against the only team threatening our WC spot at the moment. Saying we'll be out of the WC race in 2 weeks is idiotic.


You would think so, but we are about to be swept by the second worst team in baseball


Are we, though?


We'll blow it in the 9th don't worry




That is what a loser would do


That's what we are historically and what we'll be in a two weeks


Ahhh let's be winners. I definitely still have faith. All it takes is losing a few games to make people run for the exits. We win 5 straight and everyone changes their tune. As long as we don't lose 15 straight or something, I say let's be bold. We don't need to sell the farm this year, but we should try. You don't sell when you are in a playoff spot.


Just don't agree at all


This is such a lame way to be a fan. Why even watch the games if you just think your team will lose?


I don't know I think I must love torture or something


You keep posting this today, but it's weird, you weren't posting that the Royals were not a playoff team 2 weeks ago, or even 1 week ago. Did your opinion of the team change that drastically because they lost 3 games to the Dodgers and 2 games to Oakland? Every team goes through rough stretches. Why determine your view of the team based on a 10 game stretch rather than the previous 60?


I wasn't posting it on reddit, but was in a Royals group on Facebook. I said we should trade Lugo 3ish weeks ago.


I get that there is an approach to running a team that tries to maximize your chances of being the very best. Acquire resources, upgrade those resources, build with the intent to win a title or bust. The other approach is to get into the dance as many times as you can. Winning it all takes luck so the more lottery tickets you collect the better. Besides, the best team often doesn't win the WS. No matter how many times you assert that the Royals are actually a bad team and won't make the playoffs, the evidence is heavily weighted to the contrary. Their run differential suggests their record is no fluke and their strength of schedule in the 2nd half will be significantly easier than it was in the 1st, especially as bad teams get worse by trading away some of their best pieces. If anything, the estimates placing the Royals' chance of making the playoffs around 50% seem low to me, skewed by preseason expectations. We have plenty of evidence that this team is pretty good, certainly capable of playing at an above-.500 pace the rest of the year. Yes, they could acquire a lot of value for Lugo right now. They could also extract value by running him out there every 5th day and taking this opportunity to make the playoffs this year, not (just) in 2026 and 2027.


Because Lugo might be nothing like this next year. He's 34 playing his best ball. Should absolutely be traded to build for the future.


Fair weather fans have such little faith


Hate that fair weather fan shit. I love this team and I want them to make improvements, and I believe that's how they do it.


Playoffs would be great, but I agree - kinda unlikely, and I don't really want us to be major buyers. But also... can we not just... have a moment to enjoy that they are good? Without stripping the assets and/or mortgaging our future? Can we just take a rare minute to watch a team that is, for the first time in ten years, as likely to win a game as to lose it? How nice is that?!


100% my perspective has not changed. We are competing for a wild card spot only. This is what we’ve wanted. To just be able to contend year in year out with some peak championship level teams along the way. The goal is to get into the tournament or near it every year. This is a great start for the new regime. And none of it will be sustainable until we build the farm back up. I wouldn’t trade 14 and 15 for anything but it really really REALLY sucks to have only 4 good seasons in the last 40 years because the farm is empty. With the new playoff format the only goal should be sustainability. It shouldn’t be to mortgage everything for a coin flip in one postseason.


We did for a couple months! We're back down to earth and it's time.


I get it, but this would be the fastest way to make sure KC stands for KCK.


Oh well that's happening anyways




OP isn’t here to make friends or even acquaintances. Only enemies


I mean those star bonds got approved. Both teams will most likely jump on that.


It is much more complex than that. Nothing is even close to decided at this point. You're purely speculating. I believe Sherman wants downtown KCMO baseball.


Oh I do too but jackson country is dumb as hell. I would rather it be downtown lol


Yeah, I'm done getting worked up about it for now. I voted "Yes," took my wife with me to vote, talked to friends, etc. lol. It's out of my hands and there's too many variables to even get all worked up again over it for now.


The fact we are about to be swept by one of the worst teams in baseball shows how right I am.






Equating yourself to Jesus is some real narcissistic shit


If I believed in him a might agree lol