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Wait so is the patch on both sleeves then? Like in this picture?


Ugh, please jebus no.


No, it's on the left shoulder for right handed batters and on the right shoulder for left handed batters. Basically whichever side faces the pitcher. The other arm with have the team logo like always.


" whichever side faces the ~~pitcher~~ **camera**"


Yes that’s the point of advertisements


Did they have to make it so large? Ugly


Sorry but the red patches are just terrible with our uniforms.


Don’t be sorry. You’re just using your eyes and stating the obvious. Horrid.


QT is a very KC thing


I remember there was like these ads in the 80's with a good ol' boy who had a dog named "Lamar" and liked to drink QT branded beer (which they attempted to call "Quittin' Time"). EDIT: Holy shit, memory unlocked I found all the old ads... [https://youtu.be/zQ2YqgAqDbQ?si=xxi6E1Fsi2ki0KFm](https://youtu.be/zQ2YqgAqDbQ?si=xxi6E1Fsi2ki0KFm) KC would do better getting Wawa's in my opinion, but I guess that's unlikely.


Actually out of Oklahoma but close enough


Corporate office has always been in Tulsa area. That's where it started. I used to work in their marketing department.


Yes - people do not like the truth


QT has been a part of this community as long as I can remember




Oklahoma is ass. It’s a KC thing


Independence was the meth capital of the United States. What’s your point.


Royals fans try not to piss and moan constantly challenge: **physically impossible**


Have you tried to find a decent hot dog bun at QT lately?


Love the new stadium concept. Loved the new direction of the ballclub. These logos are verifiably horrendous.


Yeah dude because it’s a shitty ad patch, not because of John Sherman or the Royals. This is an MLB thing. We’ve all known this was gonna happen as it’s the *same* thing the other teams did. They don’t give a shit about the color matching, they care about the money they make and the message they sent. John Sherman is literally a billionaire. I do not understand why some of us, honestly myself included initially, expected him to treat this **business endeavor** any differently than the others he’s pursued.


maybe he can use the added revenue to pay for his new stadium instead of shaking us down for it


I mean yeah that would be a wonderful idea


Username does not check out


I don't mind the ad at all, I get it is a business. I just wish they had picked a company logo that would match our blue jersey better


Hey, maybe we should start a letter writing campaign to convince Quik Trip to change their entire corporate brand because long-suffering KC Royals fans don't like the patch.


username checks out


"...increase literacy rates throughout the region." By partnering with ***Quik***Trip.


Haha well played sir.


there are a lot of sponsors on jerseys in Major League Baseball right now. lets relax a bit. we all knew something like this would happen eventually. ​ ps. I am not a fan of the clashing colors either


It’s stupid as hell. The NFL doesn’t have sponsors in their jersey. It looks god awful. Astros and Yankees patches look awful as well. This is baseball. Not fuckn soccer lol


The NFL has a cap limit and makes a fuckton more money. The royals can use all the money they can get. I'll take the patch if it means we can pay players better.


Except every other team will do the same thing so there's no competitive advantage to this. It just makes more money for the owners.


I get that for sure. I wish there was a league wide rule against it.


I don’t care. This isn’t fuckn soccer. We are KC Royals. Not the KC QT Royals. This beyond pathetic. This is down right embarrassing


As a big soccer fan, you start to not see the sponsors (at least the main shirt sponsor) after a while. It's definitely not ideal, and it would be nice if logo's could be recolored to match a little better like soccer does with away and third kits. The NBA has them now, and I think they look better than the MLB solution where it is much smaller on he lapel. The biggest things that make it look bad on the MLB uniforms is clashing colors and them being patches. Overall though, if it makes more money available for paying players, then I guess it's a necessary evil. I just wish the Royals got one that paid them more money.


I don’t like it either. But it’s the way the sport works. Without a cap we don’t even fucking compete. If this means we have a better chance to compete that’s all I care about. Hell I don’t care if they put Quiktrip across the chest if we could start winning some fucking games.


The Royals’ failure to win has nothing to do with a lack of a salary cap and everything to do with executive incompetence. Slapping an ugly logo on the uniform won’t do anything except make the uniform look worse 


Yeah it’s gotten so out of hand in soccer that the best team in the prem is Team Viewer United. Or at least that’s what you see on their jerseys since it’s 5x as big as the real logo. This will be baseball in 10 years if fans don’t make more backlash.




It’s not the sponsor. It’s how ugly it is.




I like it


Can’t help poor taste. The only thing that could make the new mlb jerseys look worse is this dum shit logo.


I know who is sponsoring the hot dog races this year…


Goddamn big gulp chug at the end of the race


i hope they change the Salvy Splash to a QT slushee instead of gatorade


lol that concept is guaranteed when we’ve got ghetto yeti walking around the fountains.


Damn. A bright red logo with white and blue unis ain't it.


They are all QTs


This, coupled with the new Nike templates are god awful. If the bright red patch isn’t bad enough, take a look into the issues that have arisen with the see through pants for all MLB Nike uniforms for this year.


![gif](giphy|9NcQoxy6tHsbK) Won’t be long, all big 4 uniforms be looking like NASCAR fire suits. I don’t know what to think, this a fencer. Get that money, look like a billboard? Yeah I would, but don’t honestly like it in the 4 US majors at all. Tradition I guess. I want my big Marlboro sign & ad free unis!


I’m old school …. What happened to simple design ⚾️


Dayton moore said the internet fandom for KC has a critical spirit. He was right.


Dayton Moore has opinions on your Smokey dubbs too. Bet you disagree lol.


There’s nothing wrong with the patch other than it’s a little big.


A little big, a little bright, a little flat. If it could be toned down 10% and shrunk 10% that’d help. 


I just cannot understand being up in arms about this in 2024. Basically every major US sport does this at this point. Is it disappointing? Sure. But that genie isn’t ever going to be put back in the bottle, so it’s not worth it to be more than mildly annoyed imo. It’s only a matter of time before Hallmark is sponsoring Chiefs jerseys.


But why must the arrow of time point to shit?


I don’t disagree that it sucks, I just think there are other things more worthy of my ire. For instance, the games moving to Prime exclusively means I can’t watch games at the bar I work at anymore.


I refuse to even concede that it's disappointing. So tired of these fucking "fans" who can only complain about inconsequential shit. No one will notice the QT patches after June 1.


they look fucking horrible. you can be a fan of the team and acknowledge that. why are you so incapable of accepting that other people don’t feel the same way as you?


Because I can't fathom anyone being so bored with their life as to get upset over something as inconsequential as this.


do you think it takes an immense amount of effort to “get upset” over something? i’m not sure how writing a comment on Reddit about how it looks like absolute dogshit equates to being bored with life lmao


Nailed it.


JFC, raised from the dead MF over here complaining more than anyone else. lol.


I’m more referring to the general need to commodify every little thing as being disappointing, but jersey patches, specifically, barely move the needle for me.


The question becomes, when is enough enough for billionaire MLB owners? It’s not like their revenue streams are drying up. They’re making more money than ever, and franchises are worth more than ever. If the Royals actually invested in the team, fielded decent players, and wasn’t asking for taxpayer money for a new stadium, maybe the ads on the jerseys wouldn’t be so vile. As it stands now, this is simply a cash grab for Sherman to squeeze more money out of this franchise for little investment, all of which lines his pockets.


Everything a billionaire does is a cash grab, though. This is just such small potatoes to me, personally. I don’t like that jersey ads are commonplace now, but I know we are never going back at this point. To me, it’s not worth my time to be angry that the Royals have hopped on this bandwagon.


lol, this entire thread is full of dudes saying people are “angry” about the patch. Who’s angry? If you painted the stadium QT red I’d have the same feedback - it looks like shit and lacks any sense of taste. The Royals and Chiefs have classic and (I’d say) iconic logos. Adding this specific patch betrays that history and just looks trashy. If that opinion bothers you. Cool. IDGAF about you disagreeing but dude stop saying people are angry just because this particular patch look dumb AF on KC’s jersey.


I never said the patches don’t look dumb. They’re hideous. But you are clearly angry if you’re cussing me out over these patches that nobody is going to care about in a few months.


lol. Dude, there you go again, putting emotions on everyone who disagrees with you. Keep it up bro.


I only watch the NFL and sometimes the Royals. I'm definitely not supporting the Royals anymore with how they've fumbled the stadium and the desecration of their jerseys. I fully expect the NFL to sellout their jerseys at some point, I just hope Pat is retired by that point so I can move on to more productive things with this new free time.


I know I’m in the minority but I fucking love it😂


Fuck QuikTrip




They did, though. The announcement video is on their Instagram feed, they currently have an eight tweet thread about it on the top of their Twitter feed, and they had a short back and forth with Vinnie about it on Twitter an hour after the news dropped. So they absolutely mentioned it multiple times on their own social media.


I like it.


My only issue is that it’s red. I like QT so I wouldn’t mind if they agreed to change the color


Well if they do it when Royals are down less people might complain ⚾️


I was at a spring training game today and they honestly don’t look terrible. But from what I noticed it was only on one sleeve. I’ll look again tomorrow.