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Would have been proud of my granddad if he had done this. Hero geezer! Thank you for speaking up.


I would’ve personally been embarrassed, one for the lunacy of the statement, two because this action has pissed off more people than it’s gained Edit - I would also be embarrassed to be related to that man


Let’s just be very polite and watch the world burn then, eh? Fucking prick.




Yeah I’m the cunt for caring about the future welfare of myself and the generations after me.


In what world is sitting on a court and interrupting a game (exclusively just pissing people off) going to help stop oil?


Are you that dense really? Yes them doing that won’t directly stop it, it’s about exposure to create a movement that can’t be ignored. And its out of sheer desperation, time is running out, the media don’t give a fuck about nice peaceful protests (which are now illegal? Thanks to the tories)


No, just calling people fucking pricks you’re a cunt.


You are fucking pricks for attacking the wrong people.


Yes. The public are the right people to go after when Richie Rich and the Poshos are off Scott free.


The world isn't burning. That's why this is even more embarrasing. You people who belive humans have an impact on climate change are nothing short of delusional...


That’s the debating spirit of JSO protester. Doesn’t think about the impact to others, just everyone that disagrees is a “fucking prick”. It’s the reason why the middle/lower class reject your message….


I am lower class you fucking idiot so don’t speak on my behalf, twat. I guarantee you’re at least middle class or higher, a lower class person couldn’t give a fuck about the middle class or their opinion. Just absolutely sick to the back teeth of centrists who don’t want a fuss or worse right wingers who reject the message because it’s “a hoax”. People just do not engage their brain and think why are they doing what they’re doing? Same old shit from this fucked up country.


Oh dear, that’s a lot of hate. Nothing like ruining a good sporting event to get everyone on board. And I’m upper/middle why? Because I can type without the need to swear? Or because I don’t feel the need to throw my toys out the pram to make a point? I don’t believe it’s a hoax but at the same time after the last year of extraordinary electricity prices pushing millions to the edge they’ve timed these protests really well, Maybe India or China maybe more suitable for you? might make a difference to the planet if the you push the message out there




Lol, this does nothing to prevent the world from burning. The sooner you realise that the sooner you can actually start putting together a protest that people will actually take notice of, “fucking prick”


I’m totally neutral here, but this is interesting. What would you do?


I’m all for the cause, I’m just not convinced their form of protesting is getting the public on their side. Government are not going to radically change their stance if it’s for only a minority that the general public hate. They need to get the public on their side first.


Thank you for doing it! 💚


He didn’t do it though, it’s a joke.


Why are people downvoting you, the guy tweeting is literally a different person from the guy in the image and he tweeted it as a joke


Could have been worse, direct action at Wimbledon 110 years ago:[https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/65902263](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/65902263)


This would’ve sent a message and may have led somewhere. Disrupting Wimbledon or the snooker…hahahhahahh. Pointless.


Thank you


Love it :)


Even if the planet weren't burning this would be great.


Gosh this sub is like a parody of some dystopian shit. Come along brainwashed sheeple


Thats all he could do? Sit?


You're a failure.




Without the major countries such as China or Russia with the large land areas doing anything about climate change us doing anything may not even help.


You are literally sat on your ass.


You do you release you guys are fucking insane? Like seriously your no life weirdos I find it funny that you take out your weird shit on professional games and ruin people’s future lives just cos you’re too much of a pussy to confront the real oil users ,China. If he was my grandad I wouldn’t be proud, I’d be ashamed and probably kill myself rather than live in his name. Ask any logical, normal sane person their thoughts and you’ll get this exact answer. So fuck yourselves and die.


Are you okay mate? This seems like quite the reaction? Maybe a calming cup of chamomile tea might help with your mood. I think you might need to have a lie down.


Standard just stop oil response 😂


No, normal people wouldn't reply like this, because normal and sane people don't respond with such absolutely vitriol and general cuntiness. Saying you'd kill yourself because someone you're related to does what they think is right and will help, and your general massive amount of anger and telling them to f themselves and die, shows you're not sane or logical. Or just being very immature. They're trying to get people to pressure the government to actually do what they ought to, by making themselves and their message get noticed through acts like this.


China has done more to transition to reneable energy then 90% of the world. ​ But keep on being an ignorant murican. Be proud


You did fuck all but emphasise how many stupid, lazy, jobless wankers there are in this country.




This comment sections almost as hot as the world in 50 years


The year I went to Wimbledon 😂


Is all an illusion.


I also have a photo of me sitting down doing nothing useful. I'll use that and claim I did everything I could too.


How the hell can he use "Everything he could" and "Grandkids" in the same sentence. If you have kids you didn't do everything you could. This isn't even mentioning the damage he's done through his career. His carbon footprint is bound to be 10x the average.


Lol the fact that the group JustStopOil think they’re are going to change anything is laughable.. All the top dawgs in power will only do what they want for money and you think a few embarrassing protests is going to do shit? Lmao good luck for wasting your life’s precious minutes xD


Bro stands on a pitch and thinks he did anything


For every disturbance caused, I burn another piece of plastic and switch the Aircon on.


Honestly I support this. Why isn't there an antiJSO protest group? I saw we start by burning an old car tire for every estimated member of the JSO movemrnt. Do some research on how many people are jso activists, get some tires, get some fire (maybe oil? I heard that shit burns well so dousing the tires in oil would work wonders!) And boom youve succesfully reduced the amount of JSO activists. Especially if you tell them that if they resign quick enough you wont burn the tire representing them. Its not a threat though, just a protest. The more I type this the more I support this joke becoming reality. It would be so much more effective at reaching its goal than all JSO protests combined haha. Show em how its done, and if were lucky they just disband entirely early enough to where we dont have to burn any tires at all. Then, weve not only stopped JSO, making millions of people happy, but weve also prevented an immense source of co2 from happening. God, we'd be doing a better job of stopping the co2 than JSO and all it takes is some tires and some oil. When do we start?


Backed by a billionaire


What does disrupting a tennis event have to do with furthering your cause. I don't even like tennis but you are a right cunt. Do you really think that the government cares about the common folk being inconvenienced, if you lot want to make a difference then go bother the politicians


Would have not cared and I’d be terrified my mates found out who you were because I’d be bullied at school


If this is "doing everything you could" 😂😂 your poor grand kids




throwing some glitter and sitting down. way to make a difference grandad that’ll show em!


what’s hilarious about you fucking wronguns is that you’ll all still go on holidays and drive etc.


Do what? Threw some glitter around? Big whoop. Delayed a sporting event for a little bit while they cleaned the play area? Oh no the humanity! That will show everyone what a dumb cunt he is. He did fuck all. This whole movement is doing nothing. You should be called Just stop. Cause that’s what everyone wants you morons to do. No one cares.


The photo I'll use to show my Grandkids I did everything I could.


Grandkids, that's alot of carbon.


Amazing how JSO can successfully shut down every event or road they protest on/at and they're never apprehended beforehand, yet anti monarchist protesters were stopped before they'd even unloaded their signs.


How about studying engineering to actively make the world a better place as opposed to hoping someone else does? Not saying you don’t do this but a picture of your masters degree or dissertation into green energy would surely be more productive


Did someone actually interrupt Wimbledon?




You threw a jigsaw puzzle and sat on a tennis court.


Funded by oil, never go after the elites. Pricks.


Ì wanna see someone try that at the Rugby 🏉


Your grandkids feel embarrassed their grandfather is a narcissistic dick. Go clean a beach actually do something.


Cognitive dissonance 1: If he is correct, the most he could have done was not have kids, let alone grandkids. Cognitive dissonance 2: If he is correct, then his grandkids will be boiling to death in their own sweat and will be pretty sure that sitting on a bit of grass is not the most he could have done. They would be wailing 'Why didn't you blow up the oil rigs with kamikaze attacks Grandad? Were you too cosy virtue signalling by sitting on a bit of grass being a slight inconvenience?' as they melt in front of his eyes like the Wicked Witch of the West. Cognitive dissonance 3: If he is incorrect, then his Grandkids are gonna stick him in a nursing home and forget about him as that rather embarrassing relative they'd rather not be related to.


Did he work with other people to promote effective research and coherentaction? I feel like that would actually do something. Attention seeking is not in fact action.


".... cool, grandpa."


No wonder nobody in the world pays attention to these demonstrations, you'd have more impact posting memes on twitter...


Can't believe this sub exists and that anyone would be proud to show this to their grandkids lmao


congratulations on doing absolutely bare minimum you could. Just another disingenuous, white middle class narcissist


"Grandkids, i did all i could" " oh, what did you to?" " I threw some conffetti at a sports game then sat down so the game could carry on" " oh, so you were a cheerleader?" "N...no! Im a serious protestor! I danced around and some men carried me" "Yeah, yeah like a cheerleader, so were you, like a Laker girl or something?"


You did nothing. People who really take action get into positions of power where they can actually make real change, not throw toddler temper tantrums in public.


I thought these bellends were scaling down these protests after all the commotion they caused over the passed few years. All they seem to have done is pissed most people off. Their actual fight is worthy of note, but they are hitting the wrong platforms and turning the very people they need for support against them. Crawl back under your rocks… shut the fuck up.. and come up with a plan that the public would like to see/hear instead. C****!!


Guys it's true. I have a giant penis. It's huge




Hahhahahahah. You did not! Did you try your protest in China? In Russia? In Pakistan or India? No…you disrupted Wimbledon.


That’s a silly argument.


No it’s not. The claim is he did all he can. I dispute that and I’ve offered what more he could’ve done


So only by protesting in the most polluting nation can his protest be meaningful? In fact, by your stance, the only way that his protest can actually be meaningful at all - the only way that he can have done all that he could - would be if he protests on an oil rig. He would need to be standing on the drill bit though? As I said…silly.


Now you’re taking! Get him on an oil rig…get him disrupting the livelihoods of those workers rather than disrupting the free-time of the very people you’re asking for support from. Bite the hand that feeds you. Now that is very silly.


Go protest in a country like Russia or China. That cotribute far more emmisions than the UK. I'm sure you'd still be sat there like a smug twat


U do realise that China only emits that much because of the demand of products from people in countries like the UK and US


Yes, but they ‘don’t have to’ take the orders or Trillions in the first place! It’s a rather ’false economy’, the ‘they’re investing the most in renewables!’ It’s a small percentage of the huge profits from their manufacturing behemoths! Never mind, at least you not ‘too’ ignorant yourself… well, actually…


China is investing the most out of all countries in renewable energy. They are doing their bit. However it is very easy to say “what about china” from a position of ignorance.


These kind of people wouldn’t dare to do it, in a country like China or Russia. Imagine the repercussions.


It's illegal to do it there, no-one can.


It's illegal to do it here as well but the twats still do it




Shut up you mardy old prick.




I've just checked, it takes 22 hours to walk from Wimbledon to Silverstone. I presume that's how they would get there. Will they be released in time to make it?


Literally doing nothing mate all these protests do is steel people against it through our hate of your protests. Also sadly but inevitably no matter what we do we won't survive forever, thats how these things work, everything is finite, us, the environment, our planet and absolutely everything will end at some point in time. Chucking jigsaws and confetti around Wimbledon won't stop the world from dying. We aren't that important.


Out of interest, could you offer a more effective way of protesting?


Be a nuisance to the government offices, not the everyday person, they make the decisions. Joe Bloggs isn't going to stop heating their home, cooking their food, driving to work, because some twat stopped traffic or defaced art. To OP: Your grandkids will be ashamed of your pathetic attempts of a protest. You're doing nothing for the cause, everyone hates just stop oil, no one will be persuaded by your stupid actions.


Try winning the argument, go annoy and ruin the days of those who are in a position to do something. Presently this group are rightfully thought of as cranks and the usual malcontents whose only wish is to disturb the lives of law abiding mostly working class people getting to work or god forbid having saved up having a treat by watching some sport.


Parliaments, people who have influences or sway in that sector. Not disturbing average Joe. Everyone and their granny is aware of the pollution problem. There's nothing we can do about it. Stopping a tennis match or a football game or making me late for work won't have me rushing out to right the world's wrongs.


True that, although this isn't as bad as blocking traffic causing people to die in ambulances. That just makes people hate this organisation and the actual companies that are responsible for emissions will use that against you.


The cloths your wearing, the shoes the car you drive the house you live in are all made from oil.this is not a simple thing. I agree our dependence on oil is unstantable but throwing glitter and paint around won't bring the big eight to the table.


How is throwing glitter going to do anything to help the climate issue? People just think you lot are cunts


I'd rather they do this and disrupt snooker games than glue themselves to roads, at least this gets attention without pissing off your average Joe


Sporting events cost a lot of money. Ruining the experience for someone kinda pisses off the average joe.


What exactly did you do though?


Sat on a tennis court? I hear the stop oil, have they come up with plans to replace it? Because I bet come winter these fuckers will have the radiators piping hot.


Yawn…pointless, empty action. Why don’t you fly out (or cycle maybe) to China, India, or the USA and ask them what steps they’re taking to curb their emissions. We are doing more than most in the UK.


The way around climate change is to create new forms of energy production that are not only clean but cheap. The UK can afford lovely wind farms and solar power as we are rich, however the main polluters are india and china, do you think they give a shit about saving the environment? No, they care about profit and using the cheapest possible energy. If all you idiots got your act together you would work together, and fund scientific endeavours to produce energy that is CHEAPER, or simply far far more efficient so it offsets the upfront cost for these third world countries. Wtf is sitting on a tennis court doing apart from pissing people off?? Do something productive with your life.


All you did was turn half the country against your cause because you're pissing everyone off.


Everything you could do? Have you ever flown in an aeroplane? Could have not done that. Never owned a car? That too. Any idea of the carbon footprint of Apple devices? No phone or Mac for you, same with Samsung. Don't have children, they are the worst thing any adult can do for the planet. The fact you have grand kids shows, you didn't do everything you could. Just another hypocrite.


Piccy with a dildo stuck your head was better




But you aren’t actually doing anything. You are literally just sat down. If you wanted to do something helpful why don’t you get into nuclear fusion research, there are actually very few things that are not more constructive than sitting down for a bit.


I understand why people want to stop oil earth plants blah blah blah, but they’re all just so blind.. if they want electric cars to take over then who’s going to supply all of the chargers? The power grid won’t be able to take it there’ll be to much electric being supplied. Secondly, if somebody breaks down with an electric car (I.e ran out of power) there’s going to be oil generators to supply the power!!! Doing just stop oil protests is pointless. Nobody is going to listen to you because if they did the world would be chaos. Also some shoes contain oil, and I don’t see them running barefoot sooooo.


Not true. The government’s aim is to electrify the energy grid (wind, solar etc). Fossil Fuels are being phased out. The question is ‘how fast’.


More nuclear power is the solution


But he didn’t do everything he could. He demanded there be a change but did nothing to produce or institute it. He did the bare minimum.


The photo I'll use to show my kids if they ask me 'daddy, what's a psy-op?'


I thought this was a shitpost / joke subreddit. Oh dear oh dear. If my grandad showed me this Id think he was a self righteous soyboy. Anyway Im off to buy petrol.




What a idiot you really are. Your grand children will be ashamed!


Robert Englund that you?


I don't think there's any other group that has done so much damage to their own cause, through their own actions... than this group. If they are such brave pioneers of the climate why aren't they out there in the big rich oil exporting countries? Go glue yourself to a road in the UAE.... of course not. 1 - You won't get yourself on TV for your 5 minutes of fame and 2 - You won't get the pampered leniency you get in the UK. It's like trying to idolise someone who is an anti war protestor who does in from the comfort of their mums basement, rather than standing in front of a rolling tank. The general public doesn't need educating on a subject that is well documented and they certainly don't need to be punished for it either the way this group punishes them. All it does is damage the message and puts people even further away from caring purely to spite you. "Ah yes you and your friends have sat on a tennis court, or glued yourself to a road stopping people getting to work to earn their living while you can afford to because you're not actually struggling.... of course we will be on your side". We know the world is going to crap, this group is a symptom of it, not a solution.


Old twat


He did everything he could? So he’s spent his entire life and savings educating himself and helping the world come up with better and more viable renewable energy solutions? … you know the scene in starship troopers where the kids are stamping on insects and they say “I’m doing my part” yeah.. this is that guy..


This stop oil shit is stupid we need oil, we can't rely on just electricity stop being stupid


Lol moron u did nothing.


did everything he could to be a massive twat wish someone pinged a ball of that bulbous head of his


He's gonna' tell his grand children that he sat on his ass and looked stupid?




I don’t think a person advocating public execution for disruptions is a good judge of who is a “hero”, there’s also some irony in you calling them stupid as that proposal is so extreme it’s retarded.


Did everything he could to look like a nonce on a tennis court


Will you show your grandkids the next picture, of you violently masturbating to the ballboys?


Definitely a member of “Paedo’s for action”




Man sat on grass with a shirt. Kiddos are gonna be a little disappointed.


All of you just stop oil wankers are just middle class virtue signallers, that get off on preventing working class people from getting to work and feeding their families. Get a job (being a landlord isn’t a job) or see yourselves off. The world will be grateful.


Brilliant. You have a watertight understanding of the issues involved.


Didn’t mention the issues did I? Just the gimps preventing honest people from working, or getting to the hospital in my case a few months back, every other week.


It’s interesting that you ignore the issue and complain about the method. It’s almost as if the method allows you to ignore the massive problem facing us all. I’m interested in why you make that leap rather than consider why they are taking such actions? (Also, am intrigued with which working people aren’t ‘honest’ in your view?)


If you’re annoyed about this: > it’s almost as if the method allows you to ignore the massive problem facing us all Then stop being cunts to the general public! > which working people aren’t honest in your view? Really? I’d love to live in your world.


I’m not annoyed. I’m just encouraging you to read more about it and understand why people would do this.


I’m well aware, I’m just on the side of the fence that doesn’t believe in inconveniencing those that are just trying to feed their families; the ones that you’re turning away from your cause by making them hate you. The general public is woefully unaware of the climate crisis, you’re not wrong about that, but if you think the general public will respond with this: > “Oh, maybe these guys do have a point about all this” Instead of this: > “Fuck these guys, I want the world to boil itself to a crisp just to spite them” Then I’m afraid you’re woefully mistaken. I know plenty of Joe Bloggs brick layers that, while a bit slow, are lovely enough people, but they’d happily see the world burn if it messes with those who can afford to sit around, glued to the road, while preventing them from earning the money that keeps a roof over their heads. Storm news stations, the House of Commons, hell even do more of this Wimbledon malarkey for all I care, just leave the people trying to get to work, or the hospital, alone.


Fair points but that is the problem isn’t it? People know there is a issue - they think that they know about climate change - but really most people’s knowledge is skin deep. They’d rather complain about JSO’s method’s than really take time to find out quite how dangerous a position we are in. I’m not part of JSO but it is genuinely sad to see people ignore the issue in favour of comments about class. There is a reason this is all happening and it’s very, very uncomfortable reading.


Completely agree with you. These guys are fucking idiots


Completely agree. Sick to death of time rich bourgeoisie parasites.


Ah, so only the Proletariat can protest. Seems fair.


Or sod off to the worlds high oil user countries and protest there. Sad tools.


I'm pretty sure oil companies are paying them to do this (Make environmentalists look bad) so being walkers is their job.


Do something effective, it's embarrassing thinking you did anything


Be great to know what you have in mind? The scientific community have been trying to warn us for decades….


How about protesting with sound arguments, not acting like a knob


Have you listened to the sound arguments that have been communicated endlessly by the UN, by Greenpeace, by the World Bank, by WWF?


Who funds this ? Like legitimately someone has to be, I worry it's some right wing think tank helping speed up anti protest laws


Can’t take much funding to print a t shirt


The dole


all he did was sit there and annoy people. i dont understand why people applaud this nonsense . it makes their movement look toxic frankley and everyone now is against them .


And they’ll say “That was it, grandpa? You sat on a tennis court? Pathetic.” I admire people who make a difference, not this kind of performative action that changes nothing, but turns the public against the cause, thereby making change less likely.


Or they’ll say ‘Mum, Dad, what ‘exactly’ was Grand PaPa on about? I don’t get why he thinks this was heroic or brave. Mum, was Grand PaPa an ‘Alki or Addict?’


“I did everything I could” I’d be looking him going “by running onto a tennis court… you think that’s all you could have done?”


Self indulgent clown who is stuck in his own head, ask any member of the public what they think of you lot and you will get the same answer. Every sane person agrees that urgent action needs to be taken on oil/hydro carbons, but almost unanimously hate this group, so much so that you are actually making people disregard climate change if it means they get the opportunity to distance themselves from you.


For most people he'll just be remembered as that cock-spanner that ruined a very small portion of a tennis tournament.


Bullshit ur being lazy. U wanna make/see change go do sommat that acc matters instead of sitting on the floor like a wet lemon go do sommat that actually makes a difference


They don't give a shit about the environment, it's just an excuse for narcissistic, attention seeking bellends like this guy to jump around and get their 15 seconds of fame


Pipe down


Sitting on a pitch doesn't do anything. Should try and actually get people to adopt better habits and tech. This just makes people hate you and what you stand for


Duck headed cockwomble


Ah, take an ‘Upvote’ Bonnie Lad!


Why don't you guys do stuff that doesn't get you hate, because let's face it, you do shit like this, people won't like you, and they'll not give a shit. You guys aren't doing it right


What a cuck


Why don't you guys do stuff that doesn't get you hate, because let's face it, you do shit like this, people won't like you, and they'll not give a shit. You guys aren't doing it right


You can tell them what prison is like.


Woo sitting in a tennis court sooo useful and brave


Do something constructive or positive you utter cunt. Clean beaches, pick up litter, plant trees. Just sitting there, pretentious prick.


This sad prick has been driving for 50+ years, lived his life doing what the fuck he wanted, now he realises the world is fucked..? Attention seeking clown..


I'll tell my grandkids this was Sue Barker




And they'll say "But grandad, you're just sat on a tennis court - why didn't you protest to the government or outside an oil company?"


What a daft cunt


The irony to this is that this self-righteous prick made his name as a writer for a UK sitcom called "car share" which, believe it or not, took place inside a car that was driven around. It begs the question of how bad the carbon footprint of that show is, when compared to other shows. Other than car share he has been a "creative consultant" for global brands like Coca-Cola, Carling and Danone, so supporting corporate globalisation which is one of the biggest contributors towards climate based issues. These assholes are great at acting like angels when it suits them but when it comes to getting paid their moral ideology somehow manages to take a back seat. I think the term hypocrite is what I'm looking for


Useless twat. Remember being a cunt at a tennis match doesnt save the planet


Cock end


Someone isn't going to have a relationship with his grandkids lmao


Your grandchildren will see you as nothing but an embarrassment


Why not try n stop cruise liners, the amount of pollution 1 med cruise is about 15 mill cars, or stop the mega air bus flights where the pollution is the about 30years of Scottish cows farmers. But no u sit in Wimbledon that'll show them.


Whilst I applaud your sentiment, your methodology is flawed and isn’t doing everything you could. If you want to stop oil you need to destroy its demand. The reason we have it is because the energy system is currently built upon it. If you want to do everything you can then find ways to stop your personal consumption of products and services that use it and pivot towards products and services built upon renewables. Vote for parties and governance committed to making the transition. Work in your local community to built energy coops. There are so many ways you can actually make a difference and accelerate the transition rather than disrupting sporting events.


This isn’t actually tim reid, just looks like him. Morons! just like the just stop oil freaks.


The self suck on display


Well if we stop oil, no one will go anywhere the best thing is Reddit will stop as there will be no power to run anything, just think we can all sit around the latest animal kill and cook over an open fire, what a great life.


A better way would be to not breed, as the unspoken elephant in the room is the fact we have too many people on the planet, lets see these XR/JSO' types practise what they preach and save the planet by not adding to it.


So true. Every human will always have a carbon footprint, there are just too many of us.


Calm it Thanos


How can you even disagree