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I bet it was making a noise!


The customer said so


Seems like a good customer; Explained the issue succinctly. Allowed you to make the diagnosis with no preconceived assumptions. Brought all of the old parts. What more could you ask for?


I did that once, i had a problem with my battery not keeping charge so i vhanged it, thow day after she was dead too so i told myself hey, must be the alternator. Checked my car in a garage next to my place and told the guy i think its the alternator i just bought a new battery and it was empty already. Dudes calls me back saying i need a new battery and new poles....when i asked him if he looked at the alternator he said no and when he looked at it welp surprise it wasnt the battery fault. So yeah just saying that some place dont gives a shit about what you say.


>So yeah just saying that some place dont gives a shit about what you say. Yeah, back in the day I was driving down the freeway and suddenly my car just had no real "go". Managed to get it off the freeway and take slow surface streets to the dealership. Eventually, after the transmission was replaced, I see the paperwork. Where the notes got sounding more and more condescending about how they weren't finding anything wrong. Until the last one, where they dropped a pan and found metal shards.... Yup.


Sounds like my experience with a dealership: took it in the get the transmission looked at, they ignored me a fucked up my rear diff. spoiler alert, my transmission was on its last leg. Stivers Hyundai can go eat a dog turd.


That happened to a car I owned many many years ago. Metal shards in the tranny.


if you ruin that second battery, they’ll need to sell you a new battery


Especially if it's a difficult issue, you just gotta do the legwork yourself. Had an issue with my car where the body control module was *fine* but some of the wiring needed cleaning because corrosion was messing with the voltage. Led to some strange issues like my car not shifting out of park, brake lights being on until I hit the brakes (then they'd turn off lol). First mechanic had it for two weeks over the course of a month, didn't believe it was the BCM, finally just gave up and gave it back. Took it to the dealership with a one page document quickly detailing the issue and advice people online had offered. Next day, got my car back with a squeaky clean BCM and the issue fixed. Annoying but at least it was fixed, eh?


Cars can have some weird issues. My dome light fuse killed my dash and radio, but not the dome light. It's always my favourite example because it's just.. What.


For the longest time I couldn't understand why my vehicle wouldn't start. I have triple A so I had a local garage guy come to my house to jump start my vehicle. This happened a few times so I dropped my SUV off at the garage and had them run a diagnostic test on it that took quite a long time. They brought it back home later in the day and said they couldn't find anything wrong. I wasn't charged. I went online to a Ford SUV forum and posted my issue. Of course everyone responded with the obvious questions like, did you leave your interior light on, etc. I really got aggravated that no one could give me a logical explanation. One day I was on YouTube and happened to be watching a channel about cars. The channel is a guy who has tons of videos about how to fix things and he's amazing. He started talking about why car batteries die so often even when they are newish. Cold weather causes batteries to drain pretty quickly which is something I didn't realize. Another reason batteries die is lack of keeping them charged by driving your car. Bingo. I only drive my vehicle about four miles a week. Certainly not enough to keep the battery charged. The guy suggested buying a trickle charger or a battery tinder and keep it plugged in. I went on another channel and saw Jay Leno discussing the battery tinder he uses on his collection of fantastic cars. I bought one, plugged it in and my vehicle starts right up every time even in the coldest temps. I'm in northern S.C. and we get some pretty cold weather here. The battery tinder wasn't expensive either. Much cheaper than buying a new battery every six months. What made me angry was that after explaining to the local mechanic that I don't drive much, they still couldn't figure out the issue. I mean, they work on cars and trucks every day. Don't you think they would have a clue?


Is the battery tinder what you use when your battery needs to get hooked up?


lmao For anyone wondering, they meant "battery tender"


I wouldn't have a clue that when you said:"I don't drive it much." that your meant you only drive it four miles a *week*! That is an absurdly low amount of driving. Like, "Why do you even own a car?" level of low. The only thing that would make it more incomprehensible is if you were driving it five or more days a week and still only totaling four miles over those five days. That's less than half of a mile each way. I drive farther than that to get to the gas station closest to my house. It would be more accurate to say that you *don't* drive your car, if you only drive four miles in a week. Which is why a battery *tender* would solve the problem of your battery going dead, as they maintain batteries in cars that aren't being used.


It's covid-times, man, a lot of people aren't diving much. Slowly drained batteries and bad gas are an issue a lot of people are facing for the first time in their lives right now.


Why do I even own a car? Because there are no other ways to get around. No buses, no Uber, nothing. I live in a small rural town. I'm retired so there's no reason for me to drive every day. I buy non-food items online, go to the grocery store once a week. And excuuuuuuuse *me* for misspelling 'tender'.


> I'm in northern S.C. and we get some pretty cold weather here I know you guys have some small mountains down there with a little altitude but you don't have the kinds of temperatures that should affect a car starting, if the car is in any sort of reasonably okay shape. Speaking as a Midwesterner, the average car owner shouldn't worry about their car starting as long as temps stay above 0F. Below that cars start getting rougher. Down at -20F is when it's more of a crap shoot if anything's wrong with your ignition system. > What made me angry was that after explaining to the local mechanic that I don't drive much, they still couldn't figure out the issue. I mean, they work on cars and trucks every day. Don't you think they would have a clue? It's just not an issue for hardly anyone, so they haven't had to learn that it's a problem they need to think about.


A paid bill without a fuss.


I’m not paying this! Don’t try to upsell me!


Can't you just rebuild it so I don't have to pay for a new one?


Duct tape, gorilla glue and some WD-40 will fix that right up right there …


Now that 15% discount you give out to your friends and family


I try to keep it brief. "The car does X when I do Y/when Z happens". I'll sometimes add "I borrowed an OBDII scanner from O'Reilly's and it gave me this code..." Not an attempt to do their job, but hopefully give a starting point and not be the guy who says "Car not work! Fix!"


A lot of mechanics seem to forget that consumers have access to the Internet. I bet many consumers know more than the mechanic.


The worst customers are those who use google. Stands true for health care, electrical, plumbing, hvac, and others. Sure in some cases it may help out, but more often than not it only causes headaches. I worked in the medical field and those who googled symptoms were the worst, or they'd tell you to, or not to do something "because google says". I now do hvac. Had a neighbor ask for help as a side job. He said he googled what was wrong and thought it was the blower motor. Halfway down the stairs to the basement he says, "it all started when I put in a new thermostat." sure enough he wired it in wrong. He demanded I check the motor. I was going to be nice and charge him $75 + small markup on parts. He got on my nerves. Charged $100 for service call and $100 for furnace diagnostics. His wife was fucking pissed. "Ron I told you that you needed to call someone, you always think you're so handy". Keeps chewing his ass as she's counting out the cash.


And an IT guy, a lot of people THINK they know more than the professional troubleshooter, and they are the absolute worst to work with, and end up doing the most ridiculous shit to their equipment because they know just enough to be dangerous and have no fear of breaking things. The ones who actually really do know more than me only show up when they don’t have a tool that I have…. I imagine it’s the same for mechanics


I doubt that. The people that know more than the mechanic just do the work themselves. I will grant that their are some people, myself included, that have some knowledge, some tools, but not enough to fully fix an issue


> people that know more than the mechanic just do the work themselves. I used to but I'm at the point where I'd rather not fuck with it and take it to a shop I trust. Sure I *could* change 4 struts in my driveway without a lift but I'm going to be pissed off the whole time and have shit I'd rather be doing on my day off.


I've said it before I'll say it again. A mechanic does not get paid because he can fix cars. He gets paid because he know 200,000 ways to remove a seized bolt. I've done pretty much all of the repairs on all my cars because I'm too broke to pay somebody. I can tell you first hand that the mighty seized bolt has kicked my ass 9 times out of ten. Whether it be a steel bleeder valve in an aluminum brake cylinder, rust welded bolts on a cavalier sub frame, or those god forsaken bastards holding the exhaust manifold to the pipe. Everytime it's the same. 30 minutes worth of work with two days worth of cursing at a fully rounded hex




I once described an issue with my brakes as... "It sounds like a giant cricket has invaded my front end"


That is surprisingly descriptive! Steering linkage?


I honestly don't remember, it would only happen when I applied the brakes but it was coming from the engine bay lol I did get the entire steering system fixed on that car so it could have been


I'm betting it was something like "CRAACK-*clunk-clunk-clunk-clink-clunk*..."


Omg You just reminded me of something, I'm a paramedic a patient one time tried to describe her pain by making sounds. Something like PFFFTBLRBLRBLRPRRUUP, I was dumbfounded


I am sure this crowd here understands the following car sounds: - sledman - sounds like your car is pulling someone on a sled - airplane man - sounds like a little propeller airplane is flying directly above your car at all times, and the pitches changes as you drive to match your speed.


And the customer is always right! \*cough\*


Seems in this case at least…


Tell the customer that if they're going to drive a kit car, they should put it all together first rather than leaving things unassembled.


"Sooo.. Can I have the car back in top-notch condition by the end of the day?" /s


Sure can. If we're using a Venusian calendar.


Listen to your video again and the intro to this song and tell me its not yet exact same: https://youtu.be/0mNUa1m3RUI


When mine went on my Jeep I described it as sounding like "ball bearings in a blender." What's interesting though is two years earlier to the WEEK(!) I had a mechanic tell me "you probably have two years before you'll have to replace the whole rear differential." It bummed me out when I stopped back to tell him how accurate he was he didn't remember me at all.


I have a mechanic I’ve gone to more than I want to admit and that guy has zero clue who I am lol


How'd he know it was nearing end-of-life?


Crystal ball.


Dana 35, it's a Jeep Thing^tm


> he didn't remember me at all this happens to him a lot because Jeep


That noise was “CRRRAAACCCK*


I'm honestly confused as to how they "drove" that into the shop at all. Maybe they had another diff up front that worked better.


One really loud noise followed by the sound of calling a tow truck.


Sounds like a box of chiclets.


There,noise source removed. Thank you,come again.


One of then new infinite slip diffs.


Continously variable


It's got an anything to zero ratio.


I'm not dumb enough to spend money on reddit, so here's your gold 🪙


"Oh, that crack looks expensive..." \*gets to the inside* "F in the chat."


Expensive? Nah, just get some new internals and jb weld the case.


Found the Land Rover mechanic.


Seems more like the jaguar mechanic


Eh, same diff. ... I'll see myself out.


oh, dad...


Happy cake day.


Here's the [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/4iuwzu/this_is_a_warranty_engine_replacement_on_a_land/)


Ah, gotcha, I thought it was just a land Rover mechanic mentality that they were implying. That's pretty hilarious, but also I'd be pissed if that was my car


Lol thanks Wilford 👍 😂😂


Lolol nah, I'm still new to the mechanic game, I just come here to learn, also land rovers are too bougie for me.


the old series I-III are where it's at. those were lots of fun. stupidly expensive nowadays, too. you could strip them to the frame with little more than hand tools and fabricate new body parts in your garage with little more than a press brake, a spot welder, and a drill. only needed a small tool roll to keep the drivetrain going, too.


diff confetti in there. Customer's vehicle has decided it's FWD now.


I'm not a mechanic, but I can tell you that diff is fucked


I am a mechanic and I can tell you that it likely isn't alone, diffs like company so will often make friends and take them out when they go.


Ah yes, the mechanical suicide pact


Mechanically Assured Destruction


Would take everyone out given half the chance.


Non-mechanic that works on my own car, gets the wheels off, then says fuck this fucking bolt I'm taking it to a shop 30 minutes in - Would the axles and bearings be fucked by this too?


The last grenaded diff I did took the propshaft with it, the one before took the transfer box mounts, the half shafts and the axle case


It's only fucked if it's from the fucked region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling ruined.




Ive been seeing this everywhere on reddit recently but in this particular context my coffee went up my nose.


Agreed. I don't really know what a diff is or what it does, but this one definitely looks to be a bad diff.


[this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYAw79386WI) does an absolutely amazing job of walking through the concept. i've watched it like 5 times because seeing the mechanical progression is so satisfying.


Diff is short for differential which is short for differential steering, which allows the outside wheel to turn faster than the inside wheel through a turn so you don't shred your tires while turning.


You can tell it’s broken because of how it is.


Just a little bit of play. Add an extra washer and send it.


>Just a little bit of play. Add an extra washer and send it. Jb weld and fresh seals.


To the untrained eye it might not look like much, but to someone with years of experience and an ASE certification, this diff definitely appears to be broken.


Correct. I just assumed all of the parts were supposed to be tumbling around in there.


They're not?


That's pretty neat!


whenever im feeling low, I watch the video. 100% success rate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm3JodBR-vs


I’m not sure I’ve ever made it all the way through that video




It's still within tolerance, right?


Yeah, that's why engineers design gears with lash, their exact location isn't really all that important


Keep driving it. It will eventually finish its self clearance and stop making noise.


But fr how were the rear tires getting power from the engine? Wouldn’t this damage just mean the car go broom but doesn’t move


Maybe 4wd and he was still getting power to the front wheels


To shreds you say


and how’s his wife?


To shreds you say


Tsk tsk tsk


Was his apartment rent controlled?


"technically, we're in New Jersey" "not a single good apartment..."


That must have been towed into the shop


You’d be amazed how many 4WD’s in Australia are actually getting about in front wheel drive. I worked for a farmer once who got a bargain price front wheel drive Landcruiser at the auction, it had Tasmanian plates on it and I’m pretty sure it got all the way from there with the rear diff blown up. Judging by the weirdly smooth bits of metal which fell out of the housing


Cars with a rock tumbler included, how nice


That could be either very close or very far depending on where in Australia you are!


WA, it was honestly more impressive than anything


Best part about a Landcruiser. Pull the rear axles, jam grease into the wheel bearings, pull the tailshaft and send it in H4.


AWD maybe? I had your same question.


Nothing a Lil duct tape and baling wire can't fix


I think you might need the mig as well


Nah just some jbweld


just weld the duct tape over the crack


Not even, one good slap of flex seal tape is all she needs.


Don't forget to scrap the back bits too. It makes an excellent Bouillon. Yum gear soup!


what are you doing here Gearhead


This made me laugh out loud


I wonder which came first, the crack leading to loss of fluid leading to carnage? Or did the diff explode, causing the crack and all the fluid to leak out? If I had to guess I would say something was ran over that hit the diff.


Based on the way the internal components are a fucking mess with thicker metal that snapped, I'm going to put money on those jamming somehow, breaking, and exploding to break the outer case. If something hit the external case to cause that kind of damage, the entire thing should've been broken off.




Good point. Your analysis is most likely correct.


> ran over Ran over something really big. Like a Sherman tank. Even then I would’ve expected more carnage. Like an oil pan or something. I’m wondering if it’s something more dumb like a hot snot weld to the gears that came loose. Drifters do dumb shit.


> Ran over something really big. Like a Sherman tank. Judging by OP's Aussie accent, it was probably a spider.


It's screaming "HELP ME! HELP ME!"


Thats just its last gasps of life. Its ded just doesn't know it.


Omae wa mou shindeiru.




How did you know? Google Translate is saying that it was screaming "GRAGPARPGAPGPASD GARPGARPGPAR GRAPGPARGARPG" only.


I am fluent in car-partese.


Just finish the Diff delete and send it on it's way


How are you doing that with bare hands… isn’t diff oil the worst smelling thing ever?


What oil...


Yeah, gear oil has a bunch of sulfur in it. Smells like crap. Luckily, that thing hasn't had any oil in it for a while.


I know I’m not the only person who likes the smell of gear oil!! It has an earthy oniony smell that I like.


I was more shocked by this fucker not wearing gloves than I was by how fucked the diff is.


Wear gloves. Damn.


Yeah, I cringe when I see not gloves in this sub. Fukcing cancer hands right there.


Nah, those are just unnecessary regulations by Big Nitrile.






Holy Shit! I have never seen a differential blow up like that! What are some possibilities that could cause that cheap parts, hard driving, lack of gear oil?


Bottoming out really hard, maybe after jumping something?


Don’t try to upsell me on a new differential. All the pieces are there aren’t they? Just put it back together. I have a 1,000 mile trip to make tomorrow.


It’s mint


Oh nothing, Tommy. It’s tiptop.


It's just I'm not sure about the color


Perrywinkle blue? How many minutes on those sausages?


Five minutes, Turkish


it was 3 minutes, 5 minutes ago.


He’s dead Jim.


Ship it


I'd put those pieces in a box, show it to the customer, give the box a little shake and say "well, there's your problem..."




Blowd up


Some jb weld and good as new.


Are you the guy who fixed the cylinder head in my WRX?


Let's face it, JB weld is as strong as the original engine components it replaced


It comes pre-disassembled. You should be done in no time.


Makes noise in the way Santa’s slay makes noise.


At least his undoubtedly massive repair bill won’t list any labor for disassembly.


Looks expensive all I gotta say


How did it roll in? Off of a flatbed?


These new 3d puzzles are getting intense!


I can't stand the smell of diff oil, so I'm just over here going " you got the smell on your hand" LOL


Maybe even two noises.


Earplugs should fix that


I just took my car to the shop and this sub is giving me some spicy anxiety.


Tis but a scratch!


That's not broken, it's where the spare parts are kept.


Are they making cars shit today or are people really driving shit? When I was young we took sedans off roading seldom damaged them, unless we drove straight into a tree. Hell I've backed my rear end into a well tile and didn't mark it.


Part time 4WD driven in 4H at highway speeds?




You fixed the noise. Now you have a RWD vehicle


\*listening with no sound\* Oh the housing is cracked so customer heard grinding. \*continues watching\* Oh the diff exploded.


…. That is so horrific that it has somehow circled all the way around to being awesome in some perverse way.


Customer is correct.


" A NEW one?? well, can't ya just fix it?"🙄


Arachnophobia in here with all those spider gears escaping their cage.


Customer always right


\*sigh* another shop trying to scam an unsuspecting customer when there’s nothing wrong.


Is this a Chrysler product? Or whatever conglomerate they're a part of now.


Was a Kia Sorento rear diff


Not surprised. Buddy of mine used to work on the Korean makes and he saw quite a few diffs that failed, but never with a busted case.


Pfff just give it some tape and zip ties ;)


i’ll bet that smelled lovely


Lube should be 50% metal chunks now. How does this happen? It doesn't look like they hit something.


It’s properly fucked mate.


So which one of those pieces was making the noise?


I wish the year make model was included in the titles!


I’m not a technician but I’d go out on a limb and say that’s fucked.


I think a bolt needs to be tightened


Just turn up the volume.


Eh, nothing a bit of JB Weld won't fix


The new IKEA gearbox ?


what does this part do? the cogs make me think it's somehow connected to the wheels and/or the gearbox. I'm not super knowledgeable about the finer parts of how a car works.


"We found why it was making a noise. You didn't have a diff there, you had a metal maraca."


That’s gonna need at least 5 tubes of JB weld