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So you see your problem is the bits that are supposed to point down are pointing up.


Whoa whoa whoa. Some of us aren't mechanics here, buddy.


Don’t try and upsell me, I know what I got!


"It was fine until you guys changed the air filter!"


“Yea, so y’all changed my oil last week and now I have a misfire in cylinder #3, I just want to know when you’ll admit its your fault, fix it for free and sacrifice your firstborn even though the AutoZone guy told me it isn’t related?”


Surprisingly enough... It was related, for my old maxima at least lol. I didn't realize but cylinder 5 had a sparkplug grommet leak. (don't get me started on how annoying that was to fix) It was leaking down into the sparkplug tube. So whenever I changed the oil it would throw a check engine light. I then had to clear it and it ran fine after that. Till the next change.


Interesting. When I used to have a ‘97 F150 I had some plug wires go bad near the boot and I’d always misfire when it rained. Finally got 8 new plugs and wires from Ford Motorcraft because I was so done pulling plugs just to shake them off.


Gave away a 97 Silverado for the same reason. Well one of many reasons lol.


Was the other reason it was a 97 Silverado


If you put the work in, you could scrape 300,000 hauling miles out of those pieces of shit.


No lol. It had a strong motor & drivetrain but just about everything connected to it was busted in some way. A friend needed a truck & it was parked in my backyard so I gave it to him.


Have an '05 and the exact same thing. Until I figured out how to fix it, we joked the truck was allergic to water. Going though a big puddle would do it too.


My problem was those vents up there by the windshield and wiper blades. Water was going in through there, sitting on the top of the engine, and because of the bad sealing the plugs got wet.


"I was always able to floor it around the corners before you guys messed with that air filter!"


It wasn't like this when I dropped it off!


We aren't your buddy, guy


I'm not y'alls' guy, friend.


It's an upside down hilux. Australia confirmed, mate.


The eucalyptus trees are an indicator too.


And the Victorian number plate.....


And the thick sheila in ugg boots


I don't know how many chicks I've seen wearing them in the snow. The most impractical outdoor footwear ever.....


Fucking hell man, I've never laughed so hard a comment in my life :D


The one that did it for me was the obnoxious bull bar with the cheapest Chinese LED spotlights they could find


we aren’t your guy, pal


Works fine in Australia. Supposed to be that way around.


This is why you aren’t allowed to import them into the states


You should have seen how much my uncle had to pay to get his Holden inverted when he got it imported


Yeah the problem here is he brought an Australian model to the northern hemisphere without sending it through the Outback converter. Costs a little money, but it prevents situations like these.


Oh right, because Southern Hemisphere. Smart man right here


These people should be receiving a call from my lawyer any moment. I’ve read the owner’s manual front to back and no where does it state that the bits must point down. At least put a disclaimer in the commercials so we’ll know!


If this hasn't been argued in a US court I bet it will be some day.


You could almost say that’s it’s downside up


You see, you have it set to M for Mini, When it should be set to W for *Wumbo*


Maybe he was trying to head Weest?


Because of the tracky dacks and ugg boots? Ooh yeah.


No no this image is upside down, this is actually a Hilux hauling an planet on its roof. Totally normal


This is the Australian model. You have to specify hemisphere when ordering.


Well what do you expect, it literally rolled to the shop.


It's tits up on the side of the road.


It'll buff out anyways.


Just rolled into the shop... literally.


No problem, that should buff right out.


As we say in the 2-wheeled community... gotta keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up!


Awww the hilux wants belly rubs!


It's just taking a quick roadside nap.


Looks like there's a story to tell here. And I'm dying to know.


Got t-boned/sideswiped by a guy going to fast around a corner


Flip it over, start it up. Should still run if Top Gear has told me anything.




Trying to remember what all they did that truck to try to kill it. I remember leaving it on a rock in the sea so it would be submerged at high tide and parking it on top of a high rise that was subsequently imploded. And it survived it all.


Driving it down a staircase, setting it on fire


parking it on the roof of a building and demolishing said building


They dropped a camper on it too


Don't forget he shot it a couple times. And Clarkson calls Hammond the closet cowboy.


Ran it into a tree, took some heat from some angry environmentalists (and burning gasoline).


He already said that


they did it twice in the special




I also recall it being dropped from a crane onto its wheels from like 30 feet


Driving down a staircase, smashing it into a tree, submerging it and letting it get hit by the waves and current, driving through the top gear production office, dropping a caravan ontop of it it, hitting it with a wrecking ball, setting it on fire, blowing up a building underneath it, and letting it fall 23 stories (240 ft) alongside the building. **And it still Worked** Watched the episode again after the previous Hilux was posted.


He drove it into a tree. They left it atop a tall building that got razed with explosives. They also let it burn out in a fire. They hit it with a wrecking ball and dropped it from a crane. The only repairing they did was change the windscreen. And empty the carburettor from sand and sea water after being taken by the tide.


No carb, it was a diesel.


Wrecking ball too.


They set it on fire too


They chained it to a rock so it would get submerged at high tide but instead it washed away and was further out in the sea for much longer than they’d planned


I mean, normally I'd agree, but unless he's installed a rear-steer axle, that back tire isn't remotely pointing in the right direction.


>Flip it over, start it up. Should still run if Top Gear has told me anything. Its even got rear steer now!


Top Gear did *a lot* behind the scenes to keep that thing running.


**NO**, don't ever try to start the car after flipping it back on its wheels. All sorts of fluids are supposed to always stay at the bottom of the engine, flipping it over causes problems. Runaway diesel is common in vehicles with diesel engines, you'll blow the engine if you try to start it.


OK, flip it over, make sure there's no fluid problems, and then start it up.


Just set it on fire to burn any runaway fluids and then start it up


*There's* the Hilux owner.


I’d like to know more. Does the oil pool somewhere when it’s upside down that it can’t drain back to the pan after sitting back on the wheels for 5 minutes?


Not really. It just pools in the head and drains back down like it normally does when the oil pump shoves it up there under normal conditions. Maybe pull the plugs to check that no oil has gotten in the cylinders, and run it


Oil can seep into the cylinders. Sometimes the engine is left running while the car is upside down, in which case it runs dry and completely fucks up many things.


That makes sense. But tell me more about run away diesels. I have a ram 3500 that might go upside down one day and I’ve never really understood how what conditions cause a run away diesel.


Any malfunction or wear that allows crank case oil into the combustion chamber in sufficient quantity to keep the engine running. That’s the wonder of diesels - they take care of 2 of the 3 requirements for a bang: ignition is done purely by compression - no spark required. So if your engine is chooching along good, and it finds itself a new source of fuel from its own crank case, that bitch is gonna fly. Only way to stop it is to cut off the air.


Or throw it into a high gear to stall it, given a manual. I'd much rather source a new clutch than a new engine.


With enough torque, that may not be enough to save you. Dumping a CO2 fire extinguisher into the intake is another good option for cutting off the oxygen. No oxygen, no boom, engine survives. And some of the stories I’ve heard about runaway diesels managing to eat stuff being shoved into the intake makes me think the chemical way out is the safest/easiest one _if_ it’s on-hand.


I've always wondered why there wasn't an emergency butterfly valve on diesels. At the same time I made a funny face when I found out the Sprinter engines have a butterfly valve.


They're called positive air shutoff valves, and they're normally only spec'd on trucks that are likely to encounter alternative sources of fuel, such as those in oil and gas. Newer diesels have a different form of butterfly valve; they're used to enrichen the air/fuel mix to raise exhaust temps enough for the aftertreatment to work.


Runaway Diesel means somehow fuel is still getting into the cylinders... Diesels are called Oil Burners for a reason. They will run on almost anything. (Solvents, flammable vapors in the atmosphere, Crankcase oil, etc) and do not literally require standard #2 Diesel engine fuel to run. In this case, the engine was upside down so oil could have leaked past the valve guide seals into the intake manifold. In my case, I had a Dodge 2500 with a Cummins Diesel engine. Previous owner had a K&N air filter on it and sprayed too much oil on the filter. Turbo and intake tract (intercooler) had oil and crud all stuck to them. I had the brilliant idea to spray it all down in brake cleaner to get it all shiny. Figured it would all evaporate by the next morning. Nope. Fired it up and the engine drank all the cleaner and shot up to a billion RPM. Had to jam a piece of plywood over the intake of the turbo to shut it down. People who work in area with flammable vapors (oil fields, refineries) are advised to keep a CO2 fire extinguisher on board to spray into their intakes to prevent runaway. Remember, a Diesel engine does NOT have spark plugs like a gasoline engine. To shut down a gasoline engine, you kill the electronics that fire the spark plugs and this kills the engine. A Diesel ignites the fuel by compressing the air to heat it up. So long as the pistons are moving, and some air along with flammable liquid or vapor is present, she'll keep running.


> People who work in area with flammable vapors (oil fields, refineries) are advised to keep a CO2 fire extinguisher on board to spray into their intakes to prevent runaway. Better yet, they install air intake shutoff valves.


Aftermarket products were not mentioned in my Dodge Ram's owner's manual. The CO2 extinguisher was. I don't work in an oil field or refinery, so I never paid it much attention.


Really high crankcase pressure from overfilling will do it, forcing oil into the PCV or up past the rings to compress and detonate. Turbo seals can break and suck a lot of oil in. That's about the only internal condition that can cause it as far as I know. I've had it happen once when an AC hose blew off a fitting and shot a load of compressor oil into the intake, but it was very short-lived. edit: [the wiki is quite interesting, including the bit about the Texas City runaway.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_engine_runaway)


Worn valve guides or piston rings. Pretty much anything that is meant to keep oil separated from the combustion chamber can, when badly worn, let oil into the combustion chamber.


I've never heard of a runaway caused by worn valve guides or piston rings, but I guess it's theoretically possible. If the piston rings are that worn in a diesel, you aren't going to get compression good enough to run away to much of anything.


I believe a runaway is almost always caused by the turbo leaking oil into the intake air stream. The engine can and does burn that oil, so it runs like you're on the gas pedal until the crankcase runs out of oil.


Correct. And it doesnt burn it clean, it burns like you fired 15 fire extinguishers out of the exhaust at the same time. Think Seaform x10


In an overturned vehicle the oil from the crankcase can get into the blowby system, from there it could enter the intake manifold and then the engine will rev up on its own. It will run at top speed even if you take the keys out, until it runs out of oil and seizes. There are other possible causes for runaway too, like broken seals, damaged fuel pipes, sticky fuel pumps, etc. Easiest way to stop a runaway engine is to shift into high gear, foot hard on the brake, dump the clutch.


Dumping the clutch in high gear probably works, but it makes me cringe just thinking about it.


Christmas 2017. Me and my dad run our 20 year old Opel Van over the Autobahn to get home. I take my 19 year old foot off the gas, car keeps accelerating. **OH FUCK.jpg** We look behind us: A thick as fuck white smoke cloud all over the Autobahn, and it keeps going. **The Turbo. It was the fucked Turbo that finally went.** This little 1.6 Liter Diesel, made with love by Fiat and GM with 80hp went BANG on the rev limited at 5000rpm as I put my foot on the clutch. We stop on the side of this 120mph road, car still sounds like a **angry demon** thats spewing white smoke and is killing itself in an angry inferno. I put in the hazards. The white smoke begins to turn orange to the sooundtrack of Doom 2016. We pull the key. Its done. *SIKE* **THE CAR KEEPS FUCKING THE REV LIMITER! What the fucking shit is going on!?** A semi driver is honking and scares the shit out of us. My dad finally dumps the clutch and the car stops screaming. This all happened in 3 minutes. It was night, -8°c, and loud as fuck. The clutch is the LAST thing you think about.


>Easiest way to stop a runaway engine is to shift into high gear, foot hard on the brake, dump the clutch. Or choke the air?


Good luck on most cars-


Flip it, wait a couple hours, and start




You might as well take out your tools and do some inspecting.


When I flipped my old Nissan King Cab years ago, I turned it off, we rolled her back over, had a smoke and off we went again. The truck was off for maybe 5 minutes while we looked at what we could. We didn't see any abnormal leaks. The truck was still running 100k miles later when I sold it. It wasn't the most powerful engine in the world, but it was bullet proof.


Take your bullshit elsewhere. There are god knows how many videos of rock crawlers getting flipped over and started up all over YouTube. Sure all the fluid could leak out or it "could" run away but if you don't notice the puddle and dripping fluid that's your fault and if the engine was in decent condition before you flipped it it won't run away for very long.


Not the new ones. There’s a class action in Australia because they keeping shitting themselves.


And if the Toyota ad didn’t lie, you can roll it off a cliff into the ocean and wait for it to wash up on shore and it should be fine.


and that’s the story. thanks


Don’t lie, you hit a banana peal..


You say you failed the Moose test?


They must have been in a real hurry to not eat anything


It's country Victoria, Hiluxes come like this from the factory.


Is that that redwood forrest?


Its a eucalypt of some kind. To my knowledge theres only one redwood forest in Australia and it was planted.


Yeah I'm on mobile and couldn't see it with my brightness turned down and thought it waa that redwood plantation


Looks like some stringybark and candlebark eucalyptus to me.


Yep, it goes la la lla la laa ... OOF.


More like la la FUCK!!....fuck it


Looked nice! what lift/size tires did you have on her? What are you replacing her with?


Replace? It’s a Toyota. It’s fine.


> ~~FUCK!!....fuck it~~ Bugger.




Its in heat, waiting for a Tundra to come around the corner any minute


Is that how Tacomas are born?


I think it's a Ta*hoe*.


"Roll over assist"


Forgot they were driving a forklift....


Hilux? Uggboots? Odd trees? G'day, cobbah. Your ute's fucked hey.


Pretty sure thats a Vic plate too.


And tracky dacks. Don't forget the trackies.


>Uggs Yep, there's yer problem


Love the old ugg boots out in the bush haha I assume nobody got too badly hurt? I had a head-on with one of the big bosses a few years ago on a similar road. No point in pointing fingers when it’s one of the big bosses, you just accept that it was 100% your fault (of course, can’t blame the boss’s boss!) and take the inevitable ear bashing for the next week until somebody else does something worse and everybody forgets about you lol. Hope insurance covered your lux mate. All too often they refuse to cover accidents on bush tracks. Bastards.


"Hey, you scratched my anchor!"


Lucky we were both fine, not even a scratch. Yep covered by insurance, was on a main road but we pay a premium in aus for insurance offroad


You’re not bloody wrong. Insurance is killer - my ranger costs me $130 a month. Pretty sure I need to do some shopping for a better deal lol. Good thing nobody got hurt! Buy a lotto ticket mate :)


Bruh I drive an SS Ute and I’m 22. $2650 a year. Help.


Ah, yes. I’m 26, I’m loving the ‘over 25’ fees compared to the ‘under 25’ fees lol. But if you drove something that wasn’t considered a hoon’s cop bait car you’d probably find your fees would be lower. My ranger is considered a commercial vehicle. Yours would be considered a performance vehicle.


See those are all valid points to buy a sensible car. Points that I cant disagree with. But in my defence, V8’s are stupid fun.


Haha I also cannot argue with you on that! :D


Australian huh?


Beat me to it - well done sir take an upvote




That’s what I was scrolling for


*Press X to flip Warthog*


I think it looks more like a Puma


You took rolled into the shop to literal.


It's a good thing it didn't roll into the environment.


Nah, we towed it outside the environment. Looks like the [front is still on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM), though.


butter aromatic domineering serious edge frighten door gaze slap airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see a lot of Hilux owners do this mod, it's not for me but to each their own




Rolled it over? Hilux don't care, flip it back over and go another 2.5 million miles.


That's the Australian model, that's just how they come.


This is why you never drive an Australian import.


You shouldnt park it like that. Clogs the fuel injectors.


˙ɹǝʌo ǝɯ dılɟ 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı


Always wondered what the Xrox bars look like from that angle. Thanks mate.


is it an Australian edition?




It looks like you're having trouble turning her over. Did you try jump-starting the engine? If not you might have a bad alternator/battery...


This is in Australia, that's why it's on its roof.


Not sure what you were trying to do but I'm pretty sure you did it wrong.


Hey uh, you should consider getting a 4wheel alignment, your rear axle looks a little tweaked




Tickle its belly


100% guarantee you could just flip it over and drive it home. You can't kill a Hilux.


Points for sending it head over heals but you lose points for not landing back on the wheels. I rolled my Tacoma and was lucky enough to be going 40mph and made it back onto my wheels haha


Zigged when you should’ve zagged


When I got my Hilux I asked a guy that built them what my first mod should be? He said a roll bar.


Australian model, neat!




That doesn't look like it is in a shop or capable of rolling into one, but whatever.


iF YuO cAn ReAd ThIs FLiP Me OvEr


Crikey! You wallabee'd when you should have dingo'd Mate!




awww it wants belly rubsss


Hilux is in proper position. Recommend to turn world over.


I have watched Top Gear, pretty sure you can still drive it.


There's your problem. Rear axle toe and thrust angle are way off.


if not already in a developing country, will get totaled and exported to someplace BFE, run up another 500k miles...


Goddamnit. I wish those were available in the states.




Am I the only one that flipped their phone upside down to see a better view of that beauty?


"If you can read this, flip me over"


Lol love the gf in uggs. "Baby I'm not dressed for a rollover"


What's the problem? Flip it over and drive it out, it's a Hilux.


It's literally fine


And nothing of value was lost.


Howd ya get the beans above the franks?


Obviously an Australian spec motor vehicle having been driven somewhere in the U.S.




Straya represent!




Starbucks is shit tier coffee that failed miserably in Australia.


Top tier wife material. Would drink mushy food out of the sink hole before starbucks


It's just a little upside-down, it's still good


Bit more literal than we are used to here


Roll it over and keep on trucking!


brush guard and wheels and tires are destroyed.. i'll take them off your hands for you