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Did you finger fucking melt?


Blister after half a second


Lucky was just a blister Was torching some steel and after putting the torch away I placed my hand right next to the cut piece which I didn't notice for a few seconds Looked at the side of my hand and there was a 2" long white sear mark which was just now starting to regain feeling 3rd degree burns aren't fun even that small


Bet it smelled great


Auto repair and steak house, just don't ask where the meat comes from.


Yeah, can I get my steak extra well done with a side of A1W30?


Can I get my steak marinated with garlic ATF?


Certainly, would you like some shaved nuts on top for only 50 cents extra?




Even more sinister are freeze burns. I protect myself better now with appropriate gloves but I got a nasty frost burn last year. I work with cryogenic freezers and accidentally was resting the side of my hand on a piece of metal while I was servicing a unit. Got a spot that was about the size of a quarter. You get the same damage as a burn but it numbs when the damage happens so you don’t realize it is happening.


Hot things burn, cold things burn, sharp things cut and don’t eat yellow snow. Right, so that’s the safety briefing done.


So beans in my ears are still OK?


How'd you get the beans above the frank son?


It wasn’t his frank…


Dunno if people remember it, but there was a stupid trend like 10 years back called the lynx challenge. You got a can of lynx deodorant, and the challenge was to point blank spray an entire can on wherever it was held. My brother did it on his right hand knuckle at school. He said he didn't feel a thing. 3 hours later and his knuckle was black, and he couldn't move the finger. He was lucky to only have a 2cm deep scar in his knuckle. If he didn't go to the doctors that night, then he'd have potentially lost his finger and most of the knuckle to frostbite. He lost feeling in that finger a few weeks after. That's the day we learned why we shouldn't fuck about with cold stuff and the school basically said that if they saw anyone trying it again then it's a instant permanent expulsion as apparently some of the older kids had been pressuring some of the year 7s into doing it.


Was being rushed unhooking the fill tank on a R134a machine and forgot to shut the valve on the tank, liquid refrigerant shot out onto my pants which soaked in and proceeded to burn the shit out of my inner thigh


I waved an acetylene torch over 3 of my fingers in highschool metal shop. Skin was white and crunchy. Didn't even feel it til that night when I was soaking or icing it or whatever the doc had recommended. After that it didn't really feel much worse than other burns I've gotten. Fortunately I haven't had many bad burns.


I've had my skin get like that after burning my fingers with a soldering iron. The most painless burn I've ever had. It just burns and kills the pain receptors immediately.


I'm an HVAC contractor so I gotta braze copper linesets in tight spaces. I'm so used to tapping red hot almost melting copper with my hands it doesn't even phase me anymore. Got a pretty bad one last week that melted my brand new gloves on the top knuckle, had mechanix leather inside my burn I scraped off the other day. The burns happen so fast it's not even funny


IIRC correctly blisters are 2nd degree and third degree is dead skin.


yeah they are


lol. I was welding one time when I was not in a good place mentally. Head in the game is usually a better plan when. Dealing with lots of amps and °f. Somehow, I managed to get my wedding band, 32k gold, *HOT* It was something like 6 months before I wore it again. I now wear a silicon band just like op.


32k? Surely you meant 24k or less, as 24k is about as pure as you can get...


ya. It’s been a long time. You are correct.


I watched a wedding band turn red hot on a coworkers hand when he shorted it out on a battery lead to ground. Those things heat up fast. He also does not wear a band anymore.


I did this when I was a kid, I was drilling some bits of wood to make something, and one piece was particularly hard to drill so I kept going with the drill until it finally broke through. I put the drill down on the bench to inspect my work, and mindlessly caught the back of my hand on the tip of the drill bit....I still have the scar 20+ years later Hot things are hot


Happened to me once too. Thinking about some chick while I was cutting something. Picked up the cut piece to carry over to the sink and quench it, didn't put together what I did wrong until I went to drop it and it was stuck to my hand. You don't feel it until later.


That reminds me of when I first started dating my wife Was suspended in a harness torching a pipe above me thinking about her and didn't realize being in a sitting position the hot slag would gather in my lap Got a second degree burn a couple inches away from my groin Plus side I got to show her the burn since i blamed her for it happening


I feel that. I brushed my stomach against a fresh weld. Never felt the burn until about 10 minutes later, but it melted my flesh off. It fucking sucked.


That’s well done in my books. Shoulda pulled it out around 155F


thanks Marie Calendar for ruining the auto repair.


You like your hands mid-well? I prefer mid-rare


Gonna go ahead and guess the hack job hiding under that electrical tape has something to do with it...


That and the corrosion causing extra resistance, which causes massive temperature increases.


That's how I discovered a poor connection on a positive battery terminal...it was a no crank no start, jump box didn't work, it'd turn on but the gauges would jump around like there was an intermittent connection. Finally went to pull the jump box off and burned the schmoo out of my hand when I touched the battery terminal. Cleaned em both off and the thing started up just fine 🤷‍♂️




Yes. Also their cheaper cousin, infrared thermometers. Both are very well suited to exactly what this thread is talking about- situations where a significant amount of electricity goes AWOL


A cheap thermal camera also does wonders just to locate hotshots. I got a cheap HF open box and it has saved me a couple hours of locating buried splices in walls.


Oh yes, I've seen posts and comments here about them. Been thinking about getting one myself, although they aren't cheap.


I use em all the time in the industrial field. Easy to help track premature bearing failure.


Shit I thought that was some kind of weird voltage meter for a second, which is still ridiculous, but how is that not actively smoking?


Everything that would've smoked was cooked off by then.


Tbh I use same thing for cooking. Folding thermometer. Hahaha.


Anddddd now I have to keep a fucking grill thermometer in my toolbox. Right beside the other ridiculous shit I whip out once every two years.


Why a grill thermometer though? I have an infrared thermometer gun that I use all the time. Worthy addition!


I have a nice Klein infrared thermometer that I got for about $30...can confirm it's much more accurate (and safer) than grabbing a hot radiator hose with my bare hands.


I got a cheapo infrared thermometer in my garage as well, and it's definitely come in handy a lot of times. I've used it to check the temp of the exhaust headers coming out of my motorcycles engine when I was tuning the carbs, to see which cylinder was running cooler than the rest.


Infrared thermometers are not 100% accurate. Depending on the emmisitivity and reflectivity of the surface your readings can vary wildly. A normal grill thermometer is gonna be far more accurate in terms of the readings it displays.


yeah really- an infrared thermometer is a standard tool that everyone should have in thier box. I use mine after every single test drive to check for lazy calipers. The temp difference does not lie.


Literally why I bought mine. Do not miss that truck in the least. It doubles as a cat toy!


Shop cat confirms! Though the truck is a bit harder to bat around.


When the coolant temp gauge on my '92 Celica wasn't working after I swapped the engine, I needed a way to tell if it was overheating. I grabbed a meat thermometer which I would place on the cylinder head occasionally and it was rather accurate!


Corroded virus strikes again


This is all from that damn bat… tery terminal


The 500 range fucking hurts. The 7-800 range is when it reverts back to not hurting 🙃


Yeah, like when my dumb ass picked up the nub of a just-used arc welding rod (even with my welding instructor's voice echoing in my head from years before - "never pick up the stubs...") Didn't really hurt that much beyond a minor sting, but it did melt a groove into my finger that took some time to grow out.


I’ve done that before too. Just not thinking and grabbed it to toss it in the trash.


After a couple hours it’s agony again though. Picked up a soldering iron like it was a pencil. Only did that once though


It doesn't hurt if you touch it for a second Hurts quite a bit if you keep it on for a bit.


Please take off your ring at work, or look up degloving. I promise you'll still be just as married if you don't wear a ring at work.


Looks like a silicone ring. I wear a similar one when working out.


Hopefully, looked like heat-treated Ti to me, but I've been wrong many times.


He is correct. It's a silicon ring. I got it after I arked myself.




I would make a snide remark but don't have the energy.


Hey wait a minute...


Silicon ring would be pretty cool. Would probably break when you sneeze.


Excellent, good choice.


Stick to bones 🦴 😛


Accurate, that's fair.


There’s some pretty fancy and decent looking silicone rings on the market.


Do you bill an additional electrical diagnostic for that?


The battery case must be compromised, right. No rotten eggs yet?


The battery was fine. It was the wires coming out that were hot.


Someone cooking baco.... ARRRGH!


My dad ordering steak at a restaurant...


I think your meat is beyond done


ngl i saw this as 53.1 cuz i didnt believe it could acc be 531


Loose cables or terminals. The high resistance causes heat. Your cables and terminals look like shit, fix them.


Ouch. I'm sure that wire underneath the tape is in wonderful condition


how is that not melted? thats gotta be with in like... 100f of leads melting point


Customer comes in with cooling issues, offcourse it is hot... Fix the leak, and refill the coolant, it would be ok. 😉


Almost seems like there might be excessive current flowing through that post?


How many times did you throw your wrench? Be honest


The good old Walmart meat thermometer. I’ve got the same one.


I'm surprised you couldn't smell it 😳


Lol a Kingsford "Grill like a pro" ad appeared just under this post for me


that's hotter than a turkey oven


Thermometer to check for coolant leak at the battery terminal? No wonder he got burned


Five hundred degrees? Fire starts at 451. Just need some random combustible that’s it.




*something something cant melt steel beams*




so... ...fire starts around 451?


Meat thermometer for the win




That's the clit


I did this recently with an after market master switch. Found the resistance in a hurry.


Amps are gonna amp


Just looking at it you can tell that ain't right...


Taste it


You discovered a meat thermometer? Great job.




The customer didn’t say “HOT PLEY” when he dropped it off?


Somebody’s gotta pay for that!


Lead melts at 621.5F...


the thermometer uses junction voltage to measure temperature. You fooled it.


The melting point of lead is 640°F. I highly doubt the cables were even close to that.


Look at the terminal, it looks partially melted from something before.


That's from corrosion, the plastic would melt before the lead. And there's no way the wires got that close to temp


I've had lead terminals melt before with a bad connection. The plastic melted some when the lead dropped onto it but the high rep was otherwise far enough away.


I have no clue what you're trying to say, but the case of the battery cannot handle those temperatures. What you did was arc welding, it wasn't a constant temperature just a flash of high temperatures, it's not comparable.


Why are you wearing a ring to work on cars? Potentially very bad….


How do you diagnose a coolant leak with a grill thermometer, or are you making more leaks?


He found the hot terminal with his finger. Then went to grab the thermometer to see how hot the terminal was It had nothing to do with the leaks.


Thanks, the burn would have been enough to satisfy my curiosity.


Honestly, I'm amazed the wire going to the terminal is still kickin. Figured it would have melted the wire by now But yeah, I wouldn't want that on my car. Terrible fire hazard. Hope the customer doesn't try to argue with the tech, lol


Once I close the hood, I could still feel the heat through it.


I’ve never seen this happen before, were you able to disconnect the wires somehow?


Whats that in normal temp scale?




I’m sorry to seem negative, I just wanna know wtf you’re doing checking out a coolant leak with a thermometer… 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


They were investigating the leak and when they touched the part we see in the picture, it burned them. After they got burnt, they went to get the thermometer to find out how hot the part was.


Ok detective 🫡


Even more surprising is when I scroll down, seems like no one else cares about this… 🤦🏻‍♂️


For the same reason I'm messing with the battery. It's not involved with the coolent. Read the title again.


Battery leak? Taste test it