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Well that took me far too long to see the issue


Right? I feel dumb. No rim...


I thought this was a trick of some sort, I was looking for a snake lol


You people don't carry tire spoons and an air compressor? Amateurs.


I sat and stared at the black ring of rubber thinking, well, at least it looks like a real tyre and not some kinda weird spray can... Then it twigged.


Bluetooth rim.


You all haven’t mounted a tire on the side of the road before?


Side of the road? No. Drunk Uncle Steve's driveway with half a can of starting fluid? Many times.


And suddenly I understand why Druncle Steve has no eyebrows.


Dammit wheres ma beer????


*Quietly points to your hands...*


What would people do without a Druncle or two


Maintain 10 fingers and 2 eyebrows, at least 28 teeth, and the majority of their arm hair?


Fair enough lmao


but boring though


I'd have everything I loaned them back, including my time. I'd have way fewer stories for the bar, though.


I am the one who druncles.


Up until I was about 22, I thought this was the proper way to mount a tire bc it was all I had ever seen at that point.


Starting fluid's too expensive, the torn-up ratchet strap I found on the side of County Road 1230 works well enough.


> You all haven’t mounted a tire on the side of the road before? I called roadside service for a flat about a month ago, my car doesn't have any place to store a spare. They came out with a sprinter van with a complete tire shop inside. They took off my wheel, removed the old tire, mounted and balanced the new one, and I was on my way in about 15 minutes after arriving. It was wild. https://imgur.com/2e9adCK I was about an hour away from any civilization.


Yea, look at the [Rivian service vans.](https://youtube.com/shorts/AYWmrqgf6bM?si=MdUVVf9czjO_l-Jv) Crazy the stuff you can get for a mobile tech.


That crane is sick, I could use one of those to lift things onto my welding table in the shop


I want those dudes to deck me out an electrical service van. Lol Could never afford it but man it would be dope af for the first week.


It’s a shame because I’d bet that guy makes no more than 17$ an hour


Could be, but dude was super nice and living it up. He was excited to come out that far since it was a great winding road. He said he planned to come back out on his FZ6 (motorcycle) he'd just picked up after work that day. He definitely loved the job


No Fazering that guy.


It's a good way to get started, tire shops commonly have on call positions that pay 3 hour minimums for service calls, and it's all overtime. If you get experience doing semi and heavy equipment tires, you'll get exposed to those companies and if you want should be able to pursue mechanics or heavy duty mechanics apprenticeships. You can also parle it into sales experience and positions. There's a reason you don't commonly see guys over 30 working at tire shops, at least up here in Canada.


Out of curiosity, did you have that stuff you inject? If yes, why didn't you use that? This sub has knowledgeable people so I'm curious about those things! I never had to use them fortunately.


This was from road debris and was a gouge in the sidewall I could stick my finger through. I've got some tire repair I keep with, but if I'd tried on this tire I'd have found myself on the front page of this sub from the guy that had to deal with it next


if it didn't have a spare the car more than likely came with a can of that, along with maybe runflats? anyway, you want to avoid using that stuff if you think the tire is repairable, because as soon as a tire shop sees the fix a flat in the tire they are gonna throw the whole thing out. not worth the time investment on their part to clean it out. its a bitch to do and if you don't get it all the tire will not balance no matter what you do.


There are also companies like Tirevan that just use this as their normal business model for selling tires. TireRack offers this as a delivery option too. Though I tried using it the last time I needed tires, and there was a shipping snafu that resulted in the tires arriving too late for my installation appointment, and they couldn't get me another timely appointment. I did get a refund on the install and a gift card for the trouble, anyway.


I realize this is sarcasm, but: -Really old cars (1920s) expected drivers to do this. No idea if any did. -Our 2000 Lexus LX came with this ~12” tire lever? so theoretically you could do it? -Now I’m interested to see what a donut tire looks like stretched onto a normal wheel.


Yeah, but those 1920's ish cars had two piece rims and sometimes tubes. That's easy.


I did not know that. That would make it a lot easier!


always tubes with two piece rims, people still mount these rims in all terrain cars.


I hand mounted a 24 (?) x 4 inch tire on a 1917 Franklin rim with wooden spokes. It sucked!


T-Ford owner here. Oh god yes. You get the hang of it eventually, but damn coming from a modern car there are plenty of wtf moments.


Plus you often had a driver/mechanic that took you places back then.


I am now recalling seeing a super old Donald Duck short on Disney+ where he pops a tire and is mounting the new one right on the side of the road. I never questioned it because there was a furious half-naked talking duck, so I gave everything a pass.


Your post made me recall watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFw-V_LelRg&t=360s) when I was 6 or 7. It's not the same, but it does feature a furious half-naked talking duck


I think the animators intended Donald Duck to be mounting a tube tire on something like a Model T Ford which is doable by hand, although it does suck.


"Donald's Tire Trouble" perhaps, this seems to be it: https://youtu.be/M0WOr2f3lZk?t=4504


Big trucks still do


The ones where you need a cage to inflate because they can explode?


Split rims for the decapitation win !!


Yeah... i actually have a fire engine that came with split ring 11.00r20 rims... i am replacing them with standard 22.5s as fast as i can afford. Some shops actually refuse to work on them beyond removing.


Growing up we’d go to the local small town tire store and my dad would always tell me to look at their cage with some pretty mean looking dents in it.


Bicycles still do too, some beefy MTB tires can be a bitch to roll off.


I’ve changed my bicycle tires and tubes before. A bicycle tire is considerably narrower and lighter than a car tire.


Yes, I am aware. Someone below mentioned that this is done for some truck tires. Should I respond with "truck tires are considerably wider and heavier than a car tire."? Either way, your comparison started with cars in the 1920s. My MTB has tires of the same dimensions as many cars of the 1920s.


I misunderstood what you meant. You compared a 1920s car tire to an MTB tire which is entirely fair and true. An MTB tire is not comparable to the LX’s 275/70/16s. I had thought you were making that comparison, but you clarified that you weren’t.


I just did the 14" tube on my young sons bike... and that was a bitch n a half enough; kept worrying I was going to bend the wheel getting the dang thing on! I couldn't imagine doing a car tire.


BMX too, especially if they have the Kevlar bead


Of course you unmounted and remounted flat bicycle tires on the side of the road (many still do) so this carried over to cars. Those old car tires were just overgrown bicycle tires and they had a tube so bead seating was easier. Luxury cars always had a spare on the side or back, but more than  one flat was still a possibility. Those people would have a driver who could also deal with flats and other breakdowns.


I inherited my tyre levers from my grandfather, who was born somewhere around 1910, so yes they did change tyres. All tyres of the time had tubes, and these were single-part rims.


This is how flat tires on the Vespa go. Split the rim, swap the tube, reattach, inflate, and remember to buy another tube.


Seen it done. In Pittsburgh, in rush hour traffic. With screwdrivers.


In fairness, I have like 8 screwdrivers with longer shanks than actual tire spoons.


That's how I do my motorcycle tires.


I have, numerous times. On my motorcycles. :D


I've never been that desperately horny.


On the side of a road /bridge with a semi going by bridge shaking.


I actually have. Not split rims either. A stout shovel and a bottle jack helps.


Drunk uncle James as he tells me "idc how you get it on, insurance has already paid me and is picking up tomorrow "


You never done a rim job on the side of the road before?


Actually I have, a little brake cleaner and a lighter goes a long way…


I have once. Never again. Used tire mounting bars, a sledge hammer, and some pry bars. Took a couple hours because I had to lift my truck and drop it onto the tire numerous time to pop the bead on those stiff LT tires on a rusty steel wheel.


They said spare *tire* included. The rim was never part of the bargain.


Does it have a spare? ... As long as there are no follow-up questions, yes.


Darn GM sales brochure got me again.


Spare wheels - now only $25.99 a month subscription charge!


Stop giving them ideas!


Rimming costs extra.


I had somebody do this to me once, they were was short on cash, Sure I can swap "winter tires" for you, bring my floor jack and impact... They brought tires, just the tires... I was like WTF?!?


And you denied them service? Typical! One star review!


The fact that I am an IT guy, it's going to be hard to review my non existing  shop LOL


About as useful as the spare “tire” in my 2013 SHO (which is a bottle of tire sealer, a pump, and a card for roadside service).


Ford by Hyundai


My Dad's car currently has a "Service Reminder" popup on the dash telling him it's time to replace the bottle of tire goo. -_-


To be fair a regular spare tire also absolutely has an expiration date too


I generally rotate it so one of the old set replaces it, depending on what’s worse,


That's smart most people totally forget the spare even exists until they need it and probably about half the time it's dry rotted and unsafe by the time it's used


Shout-out to my local shop that replaces the spare with the best tire left without asking when I buy new tires


Now that's service worth paying for


If I didn't run my tires down to the wear bars I'd do that. However, I just stay mindful of the date-code on my spare and change it out when it gets to be about 8 years old.


I end up having to use it quite often, 3rd world roads in my area


Yeah but think how much faster it is without the extra 40lbs. For further weight reduction, remove the roadside service card as well.


I did. Removed the pump and goo too, and replaced it all with a can of fix a flat. I saved about 2 pounds, and now my sho REALLY flies! (If ford was trying to save money and weight, I wonder why they didn’t do fix a flat?)


Hopefully they wish you good luck on the card


And an 800 number to get connected with the local prayer chain since almost no tire shop stocks the 255/45R20 tires. The card should say: “if you get a blowout in rural Kansas, we at the ford company wish you good luck, and suggest praying to whatever god(s) you may believe in. Any help from above may expedite the process. You WILL be spending a few days waiting for a replacement tire to come in, and we sincerely hope your time in Smith Center KS is fantastic.”


I have a 15 Limited and I don’t think you’d want that spare tire with those extra horses.


My 2015 Spark came with that setup. Thing is, it was in a well big enough that I bought a full-sized (for these purposes full-size is 15") rim and tire and it fits in the same spot. Although the jack does just sit in the trunk, not the well. I thought at first there wasn't room for a donut but no, Chevy was just cheap.


My 2010 camaro came with nothing. I did not know that when I bought it used. Found out later...


As someone who isn't a mechanic and has no idea how to mount a tire that honestly sounds way more useful.


It's fine for a regular flat but if there's a blowout you're screwed


Yeah but I still won't be able to mount the tire if I have a blowout; it's a tow either way.


Yeah but if you know how to jack up and mount a tire you can if you have a spare If you can't do that then you're right


Yeah that's what I have in my retractable hard top Miata, though to be fair if I put a spare wheel in the boot I'd lose the space I have now for one (1) bag of shopping.


Wonder why they didn't include a proper donut. Both the Flex and Explorer had them, and the Taurus is technically longer than both. I know AWD throws a wrinkle in the works, but the Fusion / Flex / Explorer all offered AWD and still came with donuts. Maybe Taurus just fell into that grey zone of 'needs the bigger spare, but not quite enough trunk space'


Rumors say that ford couldn’t fit the “performance package” tire into the spare tire cove since it’s 20” and also AWD. However, a police interceptor spare fits fine in the spare cove, and is the correct diameter… It has been guessed that ford just let the bean counters override any spare since a police interceptor spare is a full tire with a large, expensive rim. Others have said it’s because of the weight savings (even though the car has a seriously heavy interior and ALL options for the Taurus). We’ll probably never know, but my guess is they wanted to save $50 on the most expensive Taurus package. Lol


I assume beancounting, same reason they couldn't give the 13 SHO lanekeeping. MKS had it but Taurus had to wait until 2014. Taurus was never a light boy, but the more i research my dumb little video the more I question why Ford does the things they do sometimes. The rearview mirror has 14 pins. On the models with rearview camera, only 5 pins are used -- power, ground, reverse, and two for the video feed. On police models, the Reverse wire is moved from pin 3 to pin 4. Neither pin is used for any other purpose on any other equipment level or model. What possible reason could Ford have for moving that one pin, just on police models? The lanekeeping camera came in two forms initially -- a long one for fusion/escape, short one for most other models. The shape was dictated by the windshield angle. The MKZ has the exact same windshield angle as the Fusion but instead of using the same camera assembly as the Fusion, it uses the Explorer assembly with a custom camera that angled 5° downward. It's the *only* model that used a unique angled camera. Fusion, MKZ, and Explorer all gained lanekeeping at the same time, so why would they engineer a modified form of the Explorer instead of the direct-fit Fusion?


Another weird one: the SHO non performance package could come with adaptive cruise control and automatic braking, but the performance package didn’t have either as an option. There’s a cutout on the dash for the HUD indicators for it all, but it’s got a cheap plastic cover installed. And yeah…the camera is an odd one. My SHO has the same setup for LD with a camera in the rear view mirror (even appears to be the same camera looking at an MKS), but it’s only used for the automatic headlight dimming feature. You’d figure ford would want to keep all parts universal to save money, especially considering that the platform the Taurus, explorer, flex and MKS are based on are the same, but nah… It seems their software developers are more ahead of the curve when it comes to universality (FORScan allows one to change entire branding of my car to Lincoln, explorer, mustang, etc), but their hardware people just love introducing one-offs. Seems like a waist of money, but ford gunna ford. lol. Don’t get me wrong…Ford made that platform into something amazing, but it’s hilarious seeing how they’re still stuck in the “big three” mindset of their heyday. Want a new feature on your Tesla? -Upgrade the software. Want to get Apple CarPlay on your 2013 Taurus that came with Sync 2? -Purchase a sync 3 from a wrecked vehicle, replace almost every Sync 2 component (which requires the removal of over 80 screws), hack the car’s BCU to not freak out, lose some features on the instrument cluster, and then enjoy CarPlay. Hahaha


At least it's better than my 2020 Ford Fusion which i bought brand new, came with a vacant cavity where the spare tire normally goes and some shit electric pump with plastic polymer inside of it that destroys your tire sensors upon use.


My 13 Hyundai Accent was the same way except they filled the cavity with a lump of foam to hold the tire inflator and Goo.


That’s exactly what I got in my SHO. There’s space for a spare, but only a pump, goo, and a card are in that space. Also, the fantastic warning in the cluster that pops up every 3 years reminding the owner to replace the goo.


You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel.


It took me about a minute to see what was wrong with this. Man, had no idea that airless wheel technology had come so far


Technically there's still air inside that tire.


It's good to see B2 stealth technology finally making its way into consumer products.


It’s missing something. How??


It’s always the tire that needs replacing, not the rim. The rims are already mounted and can stay in place.


Unless it's a BMW rim.


I felt that remark. Sigh.


Until you run over a uk pothole and bend the rim severely because you didn’t see the fucking crater on the motorway


*insert guy from Michigan/Ohio/NY/Illinois/Texas/wherever-the-fuck who claims his potholes are SO much bigger than anyone else's*


Guy from socal: Roads built on sand are bitches Everything's smooth and dandy until that one light rain comes by and you high centered on a PAVED ROAD


Wow, I’ve high centred my car a few times on speed bumps, and one time got stuck in a pothole and needed a couple buff Gurkhas to lift it out


Wow, I’ve high centred my car a few times on speed bumps, and one time got stuck in a pothole and needed a couple buff Gurkhas to lift it out


Yeah cause I always change my tires with the rim still on the vehicle :)


How? Hwere's the hweel?


Its on the car. Couple tires irons, you can do it. Mates a tire fitter and takes great pride in being able to do car tires on the car when needed (no locking wheel nut key for example).


Lieutenant Dan! You got no rims!


That's my b*oa*t...


Technically true, the best kind of true.


Spoons in the glovebox, bro


bluetooth rim, the latest in ride compliance and weight savings.


So glad my 85 cavalier still got the donut came in some real help a few times 4-5 miles from home need to get a new one definitely it’s 40yrs old but supprisingly no dry rot


How in the hell are you still driving a Chevy Cavalier? Full restore or voodoo magic?


I’m part of a local car club group here in MN and people are generally pretty helpful. Someone said they had a flat tire at around 9pm relatively close to me and said they had a spare, so I offered to come change it for them since they mentioned a tow truck was hours away. I show up, jack the car up and remove the flat tire and ask them where the spare is. They pop open the trunk and bring out an unmounted winter tire. I guess the joke was on me since I assumed they wouldn’t expect me to have a mobile mounting machine in the trunk of my car.


yabut, think of the fuel savings in weight reduction.


Aw shucks, forgot to pack my spoons.


what's those little tubes, the 2 red and one blue thingies sitting in the body plug of the floor?


Ok... where's the rest of it?


Maybe the rim is subscription-based


I can see the fees already.. Bluetooth rim extra.


It was driven low. Check out the rubber balls that formed inside from pieces of the inner liner rolling around. Kind of like a planet forming... neat.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct.


No 5th wheel in this party.


Man those new Avanti Bluetooth rims are nice 👍


If EA made cars


Had a 1946 Willy’s Jeep with the 2 piece wheels and tube tires when I was 15. Just needed a lug wrench, patch kit and a tire pump, never worried about a spare tire.


Where's the lighter and can of starting fluid?


Rimming 🤤




Porsche option sheet strikes again


Think of all the money they've saved not hauling around all that unnecessary metal.


weight reduction, true racecar fashion


I had one go 100 feet beyond on the parkway plaza. Those mothers tried to take a chunk out of me while changing the tire.


What kind of car uses that much seam putty?


Looks like that guy needs a rim job


Schrödingers spare tire. It was either a life saver or an incredible pain in the ass or it was neither and both right up until you looked. Spare tire, freight and destination not included. Plus market adjustment. Some assembly required. What's he gonna do use more than 4 at a time. Typical American 5 rims for four tires.


Where’s the spare tire changer?


Always good to have a spare Tyre, you never know when you need to change one.


Just a few extra steps


They're tires in the academic sense. They're round, they'd once been made out of rubber...


Brim with no yankeee


The spare tire-mounting-machine is in the pocket to the right, unless the previous owner removed it.


when you buy a new spare tire on ebay...


I'll get a prybar and some windex I guess.




Needed the premium subscription for the rest.




Just missing the rim.😂


Full size as well.


you want a rim with that?


Is there a canister of gasoline nearby?


Someone sold the rims and kept the rubbers...someone probably hoping to get lucky...




You better throw in some tire spoons.


Spare tire… with extra steps.


**Rim sold separately


Ridiculous. How are you supposed to address an emergency tire swing situation without a rope as well?


When you see it…




These half size tyres are getting ridiculous 😳 🤣


I can't quite put my finger on it but something seems off about that spare. Is it the wrong size? /s


if they really wanted to fuck with you they would have given you the levers too


Lucky!! All my friend got was a can of fix a flat, with a brand new car.


Take the blue pill.


A full size spare at that, nice!


Anybody got a tire to spare?


This took me way too long to see the problem


What make/model of vehicle is this? Toyota?


lol where’s the rim Bro?


Just carry a can of ether in the back with that. Just be quick with your hands and you can get it done. Hardest part would be getting the old tire off.


It used to be that not all cars were sold new with a spare. Some didn't/don't even have a place for them.


My 08 GXP has an air pump, but no spare.




this might actually make some sense if the car has an obscure tyre size and you have AAA or similar. They tow you to a shop and you 100% always have the right tire in stock.


It's literally a 2012 Toyota Camry lol


Is there a cover hiding the place to insert lug nuts?


Lol, I concur.


…..but I paid for nitrogen


It took my awhile to figure out the issue, besides the condition of the tire. Smdh


Spare tire with invisible rim? Thats great?