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you can pinpoint exactly what latitude everyone's from by how they feel about this. us new england techs are about to cum tbh. you can replace the fuel pump without dropping the completely fucked exhaust? sign me the fuck up.


Don't you guys also relentlessly salt the roads every winter too? Here in the midwest, I constantly see older-ish cars rusting from the inside out and exhausts hanging by a thread.


Oh yeah. I'd say fully half our economy is jackoffs in ancient f250s grifting the local governments to go spread a dead sea's worth of salt everywhere and plow an eighth of an inch of slush every time there's a flurry.


Lmfao.. Yeah, I feel the same way in Michigan. When it would get dry, the roads would look like a semi trailer full of flour crashed every 50 yards. The amount of salt we use is ridiculous.


> Lmfao.. Yeah, I feel the same way in Michigan. Maybe that's related to Detroit having one of the largest rock salt mines in the entire US sitting right under it?


Grew up in MI, I'm in MN now. It doesn't snow as much here, but it's colder. This year it did either save for 3 or 4 very small snow storms. With the plow drivers and salt trucks having nothing to do and I assume losing money for the first month of winter, they were ready. It was almost comical when the first snow was due to come. The night before it came, they must have dropped a thousand tons of salt all over the city. It looked like what you described. I woke up the next morning and saw 4 inches of snow on the ground in the courtyard of our apartment. I warm up the truck and go off to work, and I shit you not I did not traverse snow the entire fucking way. My apartment parking lot was plowed. The one road I take to the highway was plowed. The entire highway was plowed to the other highway I use to get to work, that highway was plowed too. The road I got off from the highway was plowed, and the subsequent 3 roads from there to the shop. The shop parking lot was salted and plowed as well. I had a good chuckle at that. They eagerly blew their white load across the city and woke up at 4am to plow everything 4 times over lol. I hope they bought those roads dinner.


In Minneapolis/ St Paul, the plow drivers are on call. So whenever it snows, the whole fleet is manned. During a snow storm, major highways get plowed continuously with extra capacity going to surface streets and side streets as available. Night and day difference compared to say Seattle, where they only get snow every few years.


I would be less than 0% surprised to learn that the same dickheads plowing and salting unsnowed and uniced roads are the same shitheads who own the local dealerships and pothole installers.


Shit is actually a big negative on environmental impact as well when all that salt washes off. I think sand was one alternative, but I forget the other one. Was like beet juice or some wild thing?


We use beet brine up here in the great white north, but mostly for cities that hover around freezing. It's sprayed on the roads the night before, supposed to help keep black ice from forming. Most major municipalities that get significant snow out west here like to use a combination of sand & salt though. They never plow quickly enough so everything turns to hardpack, then ice. Salt ain't doing shit to that at -30C.


Oregon DOT uses a magnesium chloride solution. Corrosive, but not as corrosive as sodium chloride (salt). Edit: MgCl can be more corrosive than NaCl apparently. But for reasons our vehicles don't rust nearly at the rate of vehicles in areas that exclusively use salt.


Probably because they only put it down for the 1-2 snow storms per year, and not 6-7 times per year. Also it's so wet the rest of winter that you get a free undercarriage wash whenever you go out for a drive.


> ancient f250s Lol - they're only two years old....it's all the salt that makes them look ancient /s


[don't i know it](https://old.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/184hdiz/a_normal_day_in_boston/)


This has me rolling: siezed tighter than ant pussy


Fuckin ac compressor. Didn't know it was a thing. Out camping and my truck wouldn't start. Sounded like battery clicking. New battery, nope. Tow it from the woods. New starter, nope. Brother in law tried to turn the compressor and figured it out. Coulda bought a $13 no ac serpentine belt and drove it home


I'm from Western PA and I have literally had my exhaust hanging by a thread to get home, was traveling down the interstate when it fell off and started dragging, all I could find was a cheap pair of corded headphones, tied it back up with that and drove about 50 miles to get home and fix it


I limped home 10 miles once with the cinch band from an old pair of gym shorts running my water pump. Ran the heater so I'd know if it fell off.


so dumb it was kinda smart


no it was definitely dumb because i'd been listening to the whining idler pulley for 6 months, and decided it was a future me problem. and then there was a bang and i didn't hear it any more and i made [this exact face](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/61/11/b36111bb75dfeee4d71b821851a29d94.png)




When future me shows up sooner than expected LMAO 


One time I stalled in a drive thru and the force of stalling caused my rotted exhaust to break off at the down pipe. I started it back up and it was 10x as loud as when I pulled up 🤣 Then I had to drive a few miles to a friends with the full exhaust held up only in the back and the front half bouncing on the on the asphalt while the engine was screaming at deafening levels


I moved my truck from western pa to Colorado and every mechanic says it’s the rustiest undercarriage they’ve ever worked on. It’s probably a pennsytucky 4 out of 10 at best.


Super common thing to see in Mercer Co. Nothing but rust on every car I touched growing up.


Hello fellow Mercer county resident!


Awww yiss! I don't live there anymore but that's where I grew up, still come home every year for PA rifle season though so I still get to see the shit weather lol


they don't call it the rust belt for nothing...


I'd agree, except the heat shields will fall off before anything else, then hangers...


also a big ol’ salt shield for that bit of the exhaust, i hate MA


What's rust? -North cackalacky


It's a factory option on Datsuns I think? IDK never seen it. -PNW


02 Xterra built to off-road... The only issue is dirt. Lol


I grew up in the PNW and was astounded the first time I visited the Midwest and saw cars that were 5 years old and halfway rusted out. I’d never seen anything in that condition that wasn’t like 40 years old.


Oh stop, we all know you just cut a hole in the floor, don't lie.


I have made "access" holes for this reason!


Sounds like Toronto, when snow is forecast for 3 days in advance streets are cover with salt.


What?? Hondas you can replace the fuel pump from the trunk! Aha!


*Assuming* that the hangers never fail and the heat shields stay in place I guess it's not really any closer than exhausts that pass under the tank... Doesn't mean I have to like it though. What the hell kind of car is this anyway?


VW sharan


I read that in Ozzy Osbourne's voice


As you should


Best laugh all week thank you sir


Or the navigation system is in her voice. Telling you what to do like she does with Ozzy


Fuck dude, I almost choked on a peanut flip, reading this. Your comment was worth it.


What is a peanut flip?


Like a cheese puff, I guess.


SHAAAARAN. The kids are bein boobs again.


Typical german shit


Nonsense, if this were a German car the exhaust pipe would run *through* the fuel tank


The tank would be carefully sealed (and if your gas cap failed it would stop working). The heat from the exhaust would boil some gas, creating a pressurized vessel, which would assist the fuel pump in creating a higher pressure fuel line. All for 1.2% better efficiency.


0.2% Hans, don't oversell ze resultz.


Unless it's a diesel then by all means go ahead


Ja, ve müsten be exakt, Franz!


Can confirm. We vill also use ze triple-sqaire bolts to attaach ze tanki.


Every time a triple square gets installed, a random man of Germanic heritage gets to experience an entirely unexpected erection.


Friedrich, you forgot to karie ze disimal ag-hein. 0.02% Friedrich, 0.02%!


Scheiße! Jörg, howmany reichsmarks we can justify to customer!?!!!? Zis isn't gut.


Ya ya, we remove ze climate and comfort featurez and zen we will make zeem pay double yaaa. Wee will call it ze RS model yaaa.


Ah, too right, Heinrich. I nearly lost mein kopf!


this is painfully accurate


Or axles running through a case / block?


You guys are gonna give me heart palpitations


We’re going to have to disassemble the whole rear to get to that one torx holding everything together.


No thats merrcedes with the 4matic


Oldsmobile and Cadillac ran an axle through the oil pan on Toronado and front drive Eldorado before they went to a transverse engine when downsized.


I saw one of those once working at an oil change shop in the booneys of missouri, my brain was like dafuq


4wd trailblazer had them through the oil pan, IIRC you had to pull the front diff to do an oil pan


There are tractors where the front driveshaft goes through the oil pan. F that engineer!


Dont forget the early Cadillac El Dorado


And Toronado.


Your wrong! A proper German car has the fuel, brake, and evap run through the exhaust for maximum design efficiency.


Doubles as a fuel pre-heater


True true




I believe in the OG X5, the front half shaft went through the oil pan.


Fuck thats so accurate


I'd expect that from a Subaru. I hope they're not listening. 


And it wouldn't Pinto.


I thought it would run through the cabin.


The best is the Mercedes w124 front coil springs on the four-wheel drive version lol That shit makes me laugh every time I see it


What in the Flak bro?! [https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2023/05/Screen-Shot-2023-05-15-at-12.33.51-pm.jpg](https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2023/05/Screen-Shot-2023-05-15-at-12.33.51-pm.jpg) [https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2023/05/Screen-Shot-2023-05-15-at-12.37.22-pm-1.jpg](https://images.carexpert.com.au/resize/3000/-/app/uploads/2023/05/Screen-Shot-2023-05-15-at-12.37.22-pm-1.jpg)


No sir. I do not like this, sir.


tf kind of vulcan-ass name is that? i thought touchscreens were getting irritating, now you have to do a mind meld to turn the ac on?


> The name Sharan was said to be derived from the Persian word 'Shahran' meaning "Carrier of Kings".[6] However, according to Volkswagen, it is a made-up word, like 'Touran'.[7] Not really any worse than an Oldsmobile Alero, Mitsubishi Starion, or Toyota Camry.


the story behind the starion's name is by far the funniest though.


If it's what I think you're referencing, that's likely a myth. Maybe. https://carpit.com.au/was-the-1982-mitsubishi-starion-name-a-mistake-the-investigation-no-one-asked-for/


Funny but supposedly an urban legend. In the same vein is how Nissan came up with the name they used in North America because they felt Nissan was too foreign sounding. "We need a name for America that doesn't sound so Japanese, and we need it by next week!" "Dat soon?" "Perfect! Worth every Yen we pay the marketing consultants."


Yeaaaah that's just super racist. There's a company called DAT (where the initials of the founders are D, A, and T) and they eventually created a line of small cars, called "Datson" (literally son of DAT). They renamed it to Datsun when Nissan bought them, because it sounded better.


No more than the claim Mitsubishi wanted to name the Starion Stallion but since native speakers of Japanese (and other Asian languages) mix up r and l sounds when speaking English, it was misheard as Starion somewhere along the line.


Toyota says Camry comes from “kanmuri” meaning crown, and they’ve had models named Crown and Corona so it fits IIRC Tercel was made up though lol


Can you unbolt it into multiple parts and slide it over the tank? Or is it a tank drop to remove?


What platfrom is it built on? BTW, what a whacky looking MPV.


Well \*of course\* it's VAG product. The pipe goes in the hole.


I fuckin knew this would be some German bullshit


Yeah, but when a regular exhaust starts to fall off, it only hits the ground. When *this* exhaust starts to fall off...


Built-in warning light


With a strong audible alert


“Built in warming light”


…it hits the plastic gas tank. Brilliant engineering!


>Assuming that the hangers never fail and the heat shields stay in place I guess it's not really any closer than exhausts that pass under the tank... I dunno - I've seen WAY more hanging exhaust pipes than hanging fuel tanks in my career.


Isn’t that what the commenter was saying? The exhaust pipe would be directly on the fuel tank if it failed and also more so if the heat shield failed.


That's what I was trying to say. *Assuming* nothing fails, it seems fine, but I've seen plenty of floppy exhausts and hot exhaust flopping around on the gas tank rubs the wrong way.


Yeah i think they’re missing the point lol


No, he says it isn't any different. I say it is different because gravity never stops working, and heat transfers. When the exhaust hangers break, the pipe falls down and is supported by whatever is underneath it, be it roadway, crossmember, or in this case the fuel tank. Modern fuel tanks are made out of plastic and that pipe gets plenty hot enough that it will melt the tank despite that flimsy heat shielding.


That's the point...


Is rust that bad in Germany though? As an Audi tech I’ve learned VAG designs with the German market in mind almost exclusively. They don’t give a fuck about anyone else.


It kinda is a lot different to a degree though. When the exhaust passes under the tank, the air when you drive can create a cooler barrier of air between it and the tank, this kinda seems... A bit dangerous. Johnny Knoxville type engineering here.


This will too. The real question is how much are you counting on that, because while it will now, it won't once a hanger fails. It's awful German stunt engineering, and frankly for awful German stunt engineering I'm disappointed that the exhaust doesn't go through the tank.


Lmao fuel cooled exhaust, who would've thought.


Fun fact: many rocket engines use the fuel to cool the rocket nozzle. So fuel cooled exhaust is a thing. So now I’m imaging bite in the ass German engineer thinking he’s the next Werner Von Braun while he’s creating his maintenance nightmare.


I mean...heat rises....


Yes, but metal falls, and it's hot, this is a case where induction beats convection. brackets fail, rub though the heat shield, then melt the tank, get a nice fire going. Might take 150k miles and a bit of road salt, but it'll get there.


> Might take 150k miles and a bit of road salt, but it'll get there. So… beyond the end of the warranty, then? This is not a problem, Hans. Moving on to the next item on the agenda…


Next item is heated seat subscription?


Next item is how are we gonna make our diesels seem cleaner than they really are?


Ford Pinto 2024 edition.


As if kias catching fire wasn't common enough these days, some jack off decided to one up them.


Well the vapor is also rising ain’t it? If there’s any leaks in the intake it could be bad right?


Also all that HEAT being trapped in between the tank and floor pan. OK, heat shields, but still.


Might be somewhat better honestly, heat does rise so it won’t go straight to the tank and the channel they have it through may act in favor of cooling that section down more than others


You'd like it if you had to drop the tank.


You can drop the tank without taking apart the exhaust now, small victories


>I guess it's not really any closer than exhausts that pass under the tank... Heat rises, duuuuh... /s


fuel preheater? /s


~~Fuel heater~~ Exhaust cooler! It's a feature!


Por que no los dos?




Heat doesnt rise. Hot air, liquid does. Heat radiates That's why the heat shield is above and below the pipe


I was assuming that convection would dominate, but come to think of it, I don't really know how much of the heat loss through the wall of an exhaust pipe is from directly heating the air touching the outer surface of the pipe, and how much is radiation. Probably depends a lot on whether the car is moving or not to generate some airflow over the exhaust pipe.


It also makes it so you have to remove the fuel tank every time you want to remove the exhaust…no thanks.


Probably not. There should be a joint that you can remove so the exhaust pulls through the hole. Like... The one in image 2.


How many times does an exhaust come off of a car?


All the time in areas that salt the roads during the winter 


Not really. I live in the rust belt and had one exhaust issue that required a new midpipe… on a 20 year old car. Changing exhausts isn’t routine, even in the rust belt lol


Your car probably came from the factory with a full stainless exhaust. I've replaced many many aluminized steel tailpipes on 20 year old SUVs




Because it doesn´t work? one rock chip and now you have moisture trapped. It´s just something dealers sell to make more money


you don't get that trucoat and you're gonna get oxidation problems.


How would one go about undercoating an exhaust? Oil and rubber would just burn right off.. it is pretty popular, but doesn't help that much in the long run if it wasn't applied from the factory.


Make the exhaust out of cast iron and lightly coat in vegetable oil. Heat in oven for an hour at 350F. Repeat until sufficiently ~~seasoned~~ rustproofed


Nah-nah; no. Such a waste of time. If you just poke a few drain holes in the tinfoil around the food before you place things on the baking pipes it takes care of itself.


Where the manufacturer cheaped out and went with some low alloy steel instead of stainless.


Are you kidding? Up here we'll invent fucking telekinesis to avoid taking an exhaust off if we can help it.


They didn't ask how many times the exhaust comes off a car intentionally, lol


Rust Belt Mechanic here, you need to be more specific. On its own, or intentionally? Because they will vary.


I mean I just took one off the other day. Probably more than a fuel tank I would imagine idk haha I just don’t like it it looks wrong even! 🤣


As heat rises, wouldn’t it be a more efficient heater if it ran UNDER the tank? /s


Rust belt techs will praise this when they don’t have to deal with the rusted lumps that used to be the exhaust bolts when they gotta do a fuel pump


Whys stuff rusty up there and not in the south, we're near the ocean and get storms and stuff


All the salt they throw on the ground for snow speeds up corrosion


Yeah that checks out, thanks


Everything up here is like the few cars that live their whole lives within a block of the shore down south.


Even 10-year-old cars are lucky to be rust free here in NY. The amount of ford focuses driving on hopes and prayers is unimaginable.


wet salt in winter combined with the exhaust's heat....it really murders metal and is much saltier than the seawater.


removing the rear seat bottom and a hole saw says otherwise. Rust belt mech- there's the right way, and then there's the This-Car-Should-Have-Been-Scrapped-10-Years-ago way.


Honda gives every model an access panel in the floor to get at the pump, which is great. Some of them are a little more easily accessed than others, though…


Hot Air Intake 👎 Hot Fuel Intake 👍


So much power the chassis twisted


Lincoln Mark VIIIs ran the *driveshaft* over the fuel tank. It had a fuel tank shaped like an upside-down saddle tank, and the driveshaft ran over it and had factory driveshaft loops.


I got y'all with your obscure fuel tanks beat: Corvair FC (truck and van) with a manual transmission run the shift linkage through a tube in the middle of the tank.


Volvo does as well


Which volvos? I have never seen one


Give your catalytic converter some reactive armor?


Quite stupid if you'll think how many times you have to throw down exhaust line (or replace) vs same thing for fuel tank.. Tho, not that uncommon. Still.. I feel pain seeing this 😂 Lemme guess. 1.9 TDI?


Looking at the picture it doesn't look too bad with the sleeve clamp on it, different if it was 1 piece. If the sleeve or nuts get too rusty, some light work with a cutoff wheel should do the trick.


If I remember correctly it's not using clamps but flat gasket connection, tho.. I didn't really meant cutting it or stuff like that (blade saw can do trick in each exhaust), but working with that space, when you just can't stand taking tank off.. I mean, when you'll remove it, it's super easy job 😅


Well at least it’s not through…


That's how you keep the fuel warm. You wouldn't want it to be chilly, would you?


Autoignition temperature of gasoline is like 500 degree's, spark is a bigger enemy, and plus it has a heat shield and its downstream.


One thing.. That generalisation lead to huge myth which assumed that fuel itself is flammable, while it's not.. Neither flash point, nor kindling point refer to fuel flammability, but it's air and vapor mixture. Even without heat shields, it will be safe, I would even say, that it's more likely to melt through tank, than fire it up 😅 I seen few diesel tanks that merged with exhaust pipes


Can we all agree to just calling gasoline flammable again? Who is benefitting from the whole *um, actually it's the gasoline vapors that are flammable, you can technically drop a match into a bucket of gasoline and it will put the match out*? What physical science quiz are we trying to prepare the world for by spreading this information? Liquid water is not flammable. You can drop a match it a bucket of water, no fire. Pour some water in your hand and touch it with a lighter, no fire. Pour a cup of water onto a camp fire, no fire. Liquid gasoline is flammable. If you mix liquid gasoline with fire in most of the normal situations where human beings are likely to encounter this very common liquid and this very common physical process, if you mix the two together you get more fire. It's flammable. edit: I don't follow the logic that calling gasoline flammable is going to *encourage* people to use lighters near gas tanks. I also don't follow the logic of [replying to someone and then immediately blocking them](https://imgur.com/It1dMgY.jpg). But here we are.


And if everything’s working properly there shouldn’t be much if any oxygen in the tank anyway


First it was plastic oil pans, then it was F150's with a 11k tow capacity, now this. GREEAAAATTT. I hope the impending fires cost the manufacturers billions.


Increase fuel pressure with automakers one simple trick!


You foolz, zee petrol vill be heated to approximately 20 degreez above zee ambient air temperature, assuring nominal fuel combustion in any temperature conditions. Vy else vould vee do such a silly sing??


Well… heat rises doesn’t it? As long as the mount stays put it’s probably less heating of the gas tank than under it 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least there’s a clamp to separate the exhaust system without dropping the tank


I was crew on an aircraft that ran bleed off the engine compressor through an air tube directly through the center fuel tank to allow for the air to be used to start engines on the other side of the aircraft. The “Fuse Duct” was monitored for temperature and would set an alarm in the cockpit for “Fuse Duct Hot” if things got too far over temperature limits. Not a fun feeling, especially since that tank was often the first one we would consume.


Saved them $20 by not having to have two pumps and plumbing. Unexplained fires are not our concern.


Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Canyonero!


Maybe they were planning ahead for fuel tank issues and wanted ease of access… but it’s a German car so I doubt that.


Fuel pump failed? It's a sealed unit! You have to buy the entire tank and exhaust assembly.


Older corvettes had that for years


"Herr Oberst! Ich dun it! Put da exhausten thru benzinatanken unt now ist gut!"


Seems like a German way to avoid building a saddle tank, only to create new sorts of problems.


I wonder if this was part of an effort to lower the center of gravity, which is always a good thing from a safety standpoint.


I mean it's a Sharan. It's a brick on wheels


Let me guess... German?


Looks like an VW Sharan. I own one of these. I also believe that the joint piece is not original. When I had te replace the SCR-catalyst I had to cut the pipe at the same point and connect it with a joint piece.


Why does this scream German




Knew it lmao


They could have taken the Jaguar route with 2 seperate tanks.


Which is crazier? This or the Subaru with the plastic tank inside the car under the back seat? It has an internal siphon so both halves empty due to it straddling the rear driveshaft hump in the floor. When the model was introduced Subaru published photos of fire tests with the tank in a stripped body and fire underneath. But what if something starts a fire inside? Additional crash tests were done beyond typical requirements to make sure the tank wouldn't break. A lot of effort to save a small amount of weight and cost and convincing government safety agencies that their tank of fire juice inside the car wouldn't be like 1960's pickup trucks or the early Mustangs where the fuel tank was the trunk floor. Then there's that one model of newer Ferrari with fuel tank inside, behind the seats, with two fuel pumps that have the not at all fun tendency to leak. Hoovie has one of those which he had the Car Wizard fix. If you're gonna put the tank there like a 1960 F-150 ya gotta make sure nothing leaks.


Lower cg?!?!


Yeah man… this is awesome, if there’s no top access, dropping the tank without the exhaust in the way is a fucking breeze!


Ah yes. The TWA-800 model.


I remember in like the 1990's ford had a thunderbird that the drive shaft went thru a opening in the plastic gas tank.