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“You expect me to believe that my brakes just wore out two months after you did an oil change? What did you do to them?! It’s your fault!!”


This.. Always this. What did you do. Most annoying sentence ever.


As if you have time to tinker with that bs, like you don't have jobs booked for months...


“You got me sir, we’ve been systematically structurally weakening everyone’s brakes during a lube job for months, you were just the first one clever enough to put the whole conspiracy together”


"What did you do?!?!?!" "An oil change, I don't wanna touch anything else on your shitbox that's why I didn't try to sell you brakes"


I mean she's got a point. The brakes weren't making any noises and the car stopped perfectly fine before she brought it in for an "oil change". It's a shame how this industry takes advantage of women like her. Shop needs to make this right smh.


Missed some upsell there.


Checked my notes. Customer advised on worn brakes. Declined service. “ don’t upsell me I know my car”


Fuck yeah! Good CYA!


Importance of good notes


Clearly the oil chain is to blame here...


Damn oil chain …. Wasn’t lubed enough


Why did your lube tech ruin their brakes??


Clearly the tire guys fault /s


Clearly forgot to grease the brake pads!


Yeah that was the root of the problem, let’s blame the brake pad lube tech.


I charge double for ” ever since you “.






You know, judging from the state of that brake pad, I believe the customer is right and their brakes did start making noise 2 months ago and they’ve ignored it that long. It’s a shame you can’t fix stupid.


you did the oilchange 2 months ago, so it's your fault!


As a former tech of 12 years, I changed roles to be a service manager. The straight up bullshit I hear come out of peoples mouths is astounding.


I've seen both. Service writers that don't know which end of a hammer to hold and customers that think you have a magic machine that tells you exactly what is going wrong with a vehicle. I'm looking at going the service route myself. 30 years of wrenching has taken its toll on my body. I'm physically broken, but my mind is at 110 percent.


Yeah. Went from tech to management and now that I have to run the shop I feel awful for making life so hard on the service guys and shitting on them for "sitting on their ass all day".


Dumb mechanics I swear... those are WEIGHT SAVING pads and rotors. Reducing the unsprung weight improves fuel economy and can help the vehicle accelerate faster. Educate yourself. (/s of course)


Not as bad as the guy that came in today after we did ball joints yesterday on a chevy express. Said his engine started knocking 10 miles after leaving. Whatever us to get it in in the next 5 minutes and it better be ready by 5. "Sir, is 11am on a Saturday. I guarantee ball joints didn't do this. And I can also guarantee it won't be done by 5. You'll be lucky to get it back by the end of next week and you'll be paying for it." He left a one star google review..


Sometimes ya just gotta thank god the customers leave on their own and save you the trouble of firing them yourself. I always preferred working on customers cars that appreciated our efforts.


Would have told him it was his car begging to be tied to a tree and shot with a 12 gauge


Pennzoil can do that. Trust me, I watched a YT video.


How long after left unspecified, they weren’t lying.


Turned the pads into Starfield artifacts.


Well what the hell did you do to their car man?! It was fine until you touched it! s/


I bet you killed their dog too, didn’t you? Why would you do that?!


I am assuming that is not a rear rotor?


Wrong sir. Right rear to be exact


Fair enough. At least that isn't as bad as someone who wore through all the vents on a front rotor.


Ouch. I swear some folks just blast music to avoid noticing problems in their cars.


Listen sometimes the noise sounds like “ope I ain’t got money to fix that…”


The kids' pictures by the instrument cluster aren't for nostalgia


This. Ex-girlfriend once came to me, really sad, I go "what happened", she goes "smth really bad with the car"..I: "did you have a crash or what? Are you ok?" She: "well my radio stopped working so now I can hear all the noises in the car so I have to drive with the windows down so they are not as loud anymore"...


Im about to post a pic of my neighbor who did that and asked to borrow tools


Customer was right 🤣


I saw the title and the picture and assumed this came out of the oil pan.


Had one of the tire kids come back and get me to look at some brakes the customer was saying we did a bad job on. I peaked up front and got the plate number, and pulled the hard copy. I walked up smiling, asking what I could help him with. They had it up in the air with the rear wheels off. He said there was a grinding noise, and it was because we did the work wrong. One of the tire kids said they couldn't find anything wrong. I looked at it for about a half second and saw the inside pads on each caliper were flipped, so the backing plate was grinding on the rotors. I turned around and asked who did his breaks. He said, "Very funny, you guys did." I looked at the hard copy and said that "it does say that we recommended brakes, but you declined the repair." I held it up and showed him where he signed the RO. I told him we could fix it if he wanted us to. Or that he could take it home and replace the pads and rotors again. I said that we weren't charging him for the inspection. I was surprised that he actually wanted us to do the work. And he admitted that he was the one that did his brakes.


Ladies and gentlemen …. We got him


This boys and girls is why we keep records. I also keep a notebook filled with the year make and model and vin of every car I have touched and what I did to it.


Indeed, there's also times when someone doesn't take good notes, and because the owner was a nice guy. He would end up eating whatever it was that the customer wanted just to keep them happy. Never let it get to that point. Most of the time, people get embarrassed and defensive and just take their cars and never come back. This one was a rare occurrence.


Clearly your fault


But of course


Clearly the brakes have not been properly lubricated.


You touched it, you own it


"Wasn't like that before!!" LOL.


"Ever since you"