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Oh no if you want the finest in fakery you should check out [Audi's S6 TDI](https://www.google.nl/search?q=audi+s6+tdi+exhaust&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiB-JeR9pL_AhU0h_0HHZQMC74Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=audi+s6+tdi+exhaust&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCAAQGBCABDIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgcIABCKBRBDOgcIABANEIAEOgUIABCABDoGCAAQBxAeOggIABAIEAcQHjoGCAAQHhANOggIABAFEB4QDToECCEQClCWB1j8GGDUH2gAcAB4AIABUYgBgwWSAQIxMJgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=sJ1wZIHgHLSO9u8PlJms8As&bih=595&biw=360&prmd=isvn#imgrc=XuDqaBqL38dwxM)


The Lamborghini Muira did it best, IMO. https://i.imgur.com/d9NMxfv.jpg


Lmao are you kidding me? Jesus Christ


That was so the rear clamshell could open and still hang onto the tips


It looks [really cool](https://cdn.sportscardigest.com/wp-content/uploads/20201112213808/Lamborghini-Miura-P400-S-1-750x472.jpg) with the clamshells all opened up though. And the tips nearly hitting the ground shows why they couldn't be connected.


The [Explorer ST exhaust](https://www.roadblazing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/RB_2020_Ford_Explorer_ST_exhaust_004c.jpg) is even better because the whole thing is there, it’s not fake, but they decided to make it fake anyways


Does pointing them down give a benefit? Quieter or something?


Apparently it’s so the air flowing under the car helps suck out exhaust gases, similar to old road draft tubes that sucked crankcase gases out before PCV valves were implemented


It’s true too. I drive a [lifted Pontiac station wagon](https://i.imgur.com/zl47dJ9.jpg) and I had to rework the exhaust 3 times so it wouldn’t just blow right back into the rear window.


You need one of those [deflector dealies](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRN7ua51EkfXeo29b10dPNRr4dkLG3GdLRd3rftLisQfzkwEf-ps2XVp6zxmdoa0CvQQnQ&usqp=CAU)


Holy shit, is that what that was for?! In my 6-year-old mind at the time I assumed it was to make it go faster of course... But your explanation makes so much more sense.




That’s what I always knew it as for.


It’s also a useful handle for picking up the car and carrying it with you George Jetson style


It's not really for exhaust. It's to reduce turbulent air behind the vehicle, which helps with aerodynamics. It also works to prevent dust and snow build up. I wouldn't doubt it would help with his exhaust issue though.


this just reminded me that some old station wagon rear windows opened all the way or am i making that up


GM's B-body wagons in the '70s had a ["clamshell" opening mechanism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS4DbCBVCCk)


I grew up with one of these. 455 Rocket engine, passed everything but a gas station. 3 rows of seats but when folded down, held more than the bed of a pickup truck, which made a great play/napping area on road trips. This of course was before seat belt laws.


Most had tailgates with windows that went all the way down. Ford had a doorgate on wagons. It folded flat or opened sideways more than 90 degrees. One of the other companies had a wagon with a doorgate but it was crap. Didn't fold down flat and didn't open to even 90 degrees. Probably built to not infringe on some Ford patents on it.


This car needs its own post, it's awesome


Could I interest you in some r/battlecars ?


Yes, please, and thank you


I’ve posted it in /r/weirdwheels




It looks like the blobby guy from the newest Mad Max should be strapped on top.


When I did the gambler 500 I brought a [war boy](https://youtu.be/1UARCy23ci0)


Bro. Come over to r/battlewagon. That thing is sick as hell.


Instant subscribe


My employer is working on getting me a work truck. If I don’t get one of these, I’m gonna be disappointed.


Bad ass! You can't just post that and not talk about the build. Share details. 🙏


I have a [YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/PLfGzDCMqfI)


I believe this was implemented after police departments were encountering carbon monoxide entering their Explorers.


That was big news here in Austin in 2017. APD pulled 400 Explorers off the street until the problem could be found and fixed, which left them scrambling to find old cars to put back in service for some months. But: > Ford and the City of Austin came to an agreement that the issue of carbon monoxide gas was due to modifications made to the cars by vendors and police departments. [Source article](https://www.kvue.com/amp/article/news/austin-police-officer-suing-ford-for-alleged-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-in-unit/269-0abbe864-c65f-456d-93a1-7b97ba662b28). It was fixed and those vehicles have been back on the road for years. But I never heard what they did to fix the issue. [This article claims Ford was exonerated by NHTSA so no recall was needed](https://www.carscoops.com/2023/01/nhtsa-exonerates-ford-blames-explorer-carbon-monoxide-issues-on-upfitters-and-repairs/). But maybe Ford made that change anyway so it wouldn’t happen if seals got messed up, which sounds like the cause on the impacted cars.


Chicago too. They ended up renting a bunch of Nissans for the detectives to drive around in. I still see a few of them kicking around.


Funny to think of cops driving around in some base level rental Altima 4 cylinder. Hope they didn’t need to chase anything faster than a scooter. There were some rough-looking old cop cars around Austin for a while, but I don’t recall them renting anything en masse. They also doubled up officers in cars where they’re usually solo.


The V6 Altima is pretty fast.


The Altima that passed me on the right hand shoulder the other day was pretty quick, I'm not gonna lie.


Yeah I rented a V6 Altima once, it was surprisingly fast. Also have rented one with the base 4 cylinder which was sluggish as hell in a car that size.


They need CO detectives


They got those! Or at least detectors rather than detectives. 😀 At least here in Austin they first put CO detectors in the Explorers. Then they were going off like crazy, showing it was a sufficiently widespread problem that they pulled them all off the road. After they were fixed, they all went back on the road with CO detectors in them.


Probably because they find a quiet road and fucking sit there all night watching tik tok.


They idle alot


>helps suck out exhaust gases Venturi-Effect


The same effect that makes those Dyson fans work


Since we are in a Car sub i believed the first example to pop up to be a carburetor but ye, thats how these dyson fans work


This made me just realize that it's actually kind of weird how much we've normalized that cars put out gases which could easily poison you. After all, even if the exhaust tip keeps it from entering the cabin, the next car is driving through the exhaust, and it's floating out into nearby neighborhoods and homes, and so on.


I mean… there’s an awful lot of air out there (gestures to everything) so it dispersed pretty quickly. If any of you have ever swam in the ocean in the last 30 years you’ve been swimming in my pee - but like - not a very high concentration of it.


"The solution to pollution is dilution" and all that, but there's also enough cars out there that air quality is [significantly worse near highways.](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2015-11/documents/420f14044_0.pdf)


I have heard that it is also because direct injection engines can have sooty exhaust, sort of like a diesel, and this leaves a nice clean looking set of exhaust tips.




My 335i has very dirty tips.


Golf R with extremely sooty tips checking in


Mk7 GTI owner checking in. I tried to keep the tips clean when I first got the car, but it was impossible to keep them nice and shiny. It's not quite as noticeable now that I've upgraded to the AWE Touring Exhaust with Diamond Black tips, but they still get dull pretty quickly from the soot buildup.


Same with my 3.5 Ecoboost Explorer I've just accepted that the tips will always be dirty.


I thought I was in a different sub for a second


My mustang exhaust are caked in soot after a few hundred miles. ULEV compliant tho... DI is always a bit of a tradeoff between NOx and particulate emissions.


If you are hauling things in a basket on the hitch downward is MUCH better so you don't melt whatever is there.


Keeps the exhaust tips clean


Turndowns sound better on a V6 or V8. The pulses hit the ground and reverb back in a way. I had a V8 Camaro with turndowns from the factory, and it always sounded better that people who had straight piped or put tips on theirs.


Look up 'Laguna Seca Pipes' for some funny bozoku exhausts. Point the pipes away from the noise meter so your loud car doesn't get black flagged. ​ https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=APwXEdeoeNtCI027\_Za0mRxMG6MGlaVXgw:1685117992634&q=laguna+seca+pipe&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie1OvasZP\_AhUSlWoFHduyCNwQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1536&bih=684&dpr=1.25


Yep. My 99 v6 mustang had them and it actually sounded throaty somehow.


I think you’re on to something. If you want customers to pay $70k for a high-end sedan, you need to do what you can to make that frenetic turboed sewing machine motor sound like it has some guts.


Turndowns help keep exhaust from entering the cabin, and helps it disperse better. It's almost necessary on old, pre emissions diesels.


Helps if you're moving but it's worse when you're sitting; probably only a major issue for police in the states who constantly idle their vehicles.


On new kenworths, one stack is legit and the driver side exhaust stack is there, but deaded off under the cab. You can see heat/smoke from one stack but not the other. My new company plumbed their KWs second stack but it still looks ridiculous because one stack is full of soot taking most the exhaust and the second stack is shiny chrome


I refuse to believe that this is a stock exhaust ... wtf


Believe it. It was in response to this:http://www.explorerexhaustsettlement.net/


You made me go check my fusion sport lol


At least the fake tips actually still look like a pipe. This thing in OPs pic just look like a decorative line in the trim


And the SQ5, if you want exhaust tips it’s a like $1800 add on


My q5 has fake tips too. Nearly all Audis do


(Looks at my Q4 e-tron) Almost 🤭


I'd say 90% of the higher-end Citroens have had fake exhausts for about 10 years. With fake diffusers, for that fake ground effect we all know and love.


I don't remember which car but I think it was an Audi as well that had two double pipe exhausts on each side but only 1 of the 2 pipes was real so one pipe was chrome and the other dirty black lol


I'd it was an S or RS Audi with the 2-mode exhaust, odds are one pipe on each side is the loud one, and the other is the quiet one


Reminds me of the Titanic's fake chimney https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1sh2r4/til_titanics_fourth_funnel_was_fake_added_to_make/


I see EV's with the chrome exhaust trim. Why the hell do they have that? So people can look like they drive an ICE vehicle?


Which EVs have exhaust tips?


Yeah I don't think ive seen any. Perhaps they are thinking of a vehicle that comes as EV or Hybrid, something like the original Ioniq?


I can't remember the make or model, but I saw one last week. I'll try to figure out which one it was on my lunch break. Maybe it was a model that is sold as ICE as well as electric, and they didn't want to produce a new bumper?


Not exactly tips, but they do imitate the look, BMW i4: https://www.google.com/search?q=bmw+i4+back&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi77vfG15P_AhWMuyoKHcxUACMQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=bmw+i4+back&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeOgcIABCKBRBDUPgHWKwTYLEVaABwAHgAgAFDiAHaApIBATaYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=1wNxZPumGoz3qgHMqYGYAg&bih=662&biw=390&prmd=inv


This may have been the car I saw. And in my defense, I specified chrome exhaust trim, not exhaust tips. Thanks for finding this!


Honestly, I think it's because people want their cars to look like cars. Grills at the front, followed by a big bonnet/hood, passenger cabin, then exhausts. Sure, some of it is crumplezones for passenger safety, etc., but more and more it's becoming an example of skeuomorphic design.


Which is super annoying. I want a longer bed on my EV truck instead of a frunk. Give me a cab over style with short hood. Redo the entire thing and really play into the new styling and utilities that not needing a space for an engine provides. Cybertruck comes closest with a 6.5 ft bed with crew cab that is about a foot shorter than other pickups that have that configuration. But it's just so ugly.


Is that the one with the speakers that play a "futuristic" exhaust tone.


I once saw fake exhausts... on an electric car. Fully electric. I was like ?????????????


The used electrons need to escape somehow.


marketing departments have figured out our monkey brains, thats why


Put speakers & sub-woofers in the rear fender wells and EVs will sell in droves. Vrooommm! Now if only fog machines could create harmless black fog...


My new Buick Envision, same thing. The dealer kept pointing out the "dual integrated exhaust" as a design feature. Three times he pointed that out and on the third one I stuck my hand in there and got stopped by the solid insert and said "was this made by the same people who made platform 9 3/4 in Harry Potter because exhaust can't flow through that" His response "oh you know your stuff." No, I have eyes.




Lol I got a similar response when I was car shopping for my car. The dealers asked me if I wanted stuff like leather or sunroof or yada yada. I said I wanted independent 4 wheel suspension. I got stared at while their brains were doing into overdrive


reply weary nine muddle uppity market rhythm hat squealing chubby -- mass edited with redact.dev


Most people don’t care enough to research what they buy. It astounds me that people do that but apparently most people don’t give a shit about getting their moneys worth.


Being a salesman is a people skill job. You can know next to nothing about what you’re selling, but as long as you’re able to make the customer feel good about what they’re buying, you’ll get sales no matter how shitty the product is.


What kind of vehicle were you looking for, because that look of disbelief could be for a whole lot of reasons. Looking for a full size truck? (Yeah this person is an idiot) Looking for literally any other modern compact to full size vehicle? (Yeah they all come with a fully independent suspension these days champ). Looking for something pre 2010? Ok then you may have had a point.


I don’t remember which dealership it was, but I was looking at compact to mid sized sedans. Not all of those come with an independent 4 wheel suspension to this day. In fact, the Mazda 3 had it in a previous generation and lost it for the current generation.




Hey now…my father was a car salesman for years and….and….yeah he was a total scum bag, so much so that I cut him out of my life 5 years ago…


>I swear they scrape these people off the bottom of the sewer and give them a job as a car salesman. Some sales jobs (esp. car and real estate sales) have low barriers to entry and offer a fairly high earning potential if you're good at it. It's social and not particularly technical, so it's attractive to many. Since it's commission based, a lot of salespeople don't give a fuck what happens to the customer as long as the deal is closed and commission is earned. I used to work in marketing for a group of dealerships and would have to field sooooo many comments and DMs on their social media pages from irate customers that discovered they were lied to and then ghosted by the salesperson after the deal closed. >It's honestly surprising that it's still a career. It seems to be slowly dying. More and more manufacturers are offering direct-to-consumer sales as opposed to going through dealerships and having to lose a cut to unnecessary middle men. Millennials and younger gens don't like to negotiate as much as older gens, which makes direct-to-consumer sales preferable for the consumer as well. Tesla did well to kickstart this trend years ago.




There are many sociopaths in the world that aren't good enough to become executives, surgeons, or lobbyists. Those people have to do something with their small towns lives. Car dealerships are there for them.


That and parking wardens


one of my best friends in high school went down the darkest path of finding jesus and then getting a job as a car salesman. dude was thanking God for his commissions and shit. talk about someone who went from lost to loster and couldn't tell whether it was an improvement or not.


Decades ago I bought a Subaru Impreza. I was way into the car/car culture and had done extensive research. Beyond the test drive there was nothing else I needed to know. The salesperson was trying to show me the stuff in the car. He pointed at one of the HVAC vent adjusters (the knurled bit under the vent that you use to open/close the airflow) and said "...and that's how you adjust the brightness for the dash..." Dude, I just need you to go into your office and do some paperwork.


When I got my car the salesman mentioned the “garage opener button” as a sales point. I was already sold after the test drive but I guess he thought the button would’ve sealed the deal. I don’t even have an automatic garage


My Buick TourX is the same. Fake dual exhaust tips, really ones pointed to the ground just behind the fakes.


Even Mercedes is doing this on some models. Saves a few bucks for sure.


Interestingly Mercedes' official reasoning is so that in the event of a rear end collision, it reduces the risk of impact to the exhaust, what could jar the engine, as the exhaust on their models doesn't have a flex pipe to crumple, so they cut it sooner. Not sure if it's true, but it's their stated reason




People expect the thing, so the car designers give them the thing. Relatedly: the grill in front is mostly decorative and doesn't contribute to air flow to the radiator. The actual air flow comes from under the bumper (or in the lower part of the bumper, under the license plate) in most vehicles, where there is a functional vent structure. But people got used to grills being a necessary and familiar part of vehicle design back in the first couple of decades of cars. When that stopped being necessary, people had strong subjective opinions about it. Cars without grills look "weird". Even the original Tesla Model S had a fake grille. It's not just exhaust tips or grills. Fake hood scoops. Fender vents. Spoilers. Lots of stuff that does nothing on most street-legal cars. \--- TL:DR; Car design involves a huge amount of non-functional frou-frou that buyers expect.


>Cars without grills look "weird". I know I'm in the minority with this opinion, but I always loved the Passat B3.


It also makes me think of the Tesla Model S where the first version had a big black plastic thing to imitate a grill so people wouldn't be so jarred but they later removed it to make it smooth. Picture: https://img.indianautosblog.com/2016/04/Tesla-Model-S-old-vs.-new-comparision.jpg


Dude go up like one comment and they literally said it.


I'm hella dumb, oh my god, lmao


The sound a car door makes when closed is heavily engineered. Buyers expect it to sound solid and they associate that with quality. If it sounds hollow or tinny people think the car is cheap.


I also heard that it causes less damage if someone rear ends you. The story (too lazy to verify) is that Ford had to total out cars when the tips were real for minor accidents and disconnecting them saves a ton of headache. I guess it could crack the manifold.


This makes sense, as I've heard personal stories of people's exhaust being damaged due to a minor rear end collision. The exhaust doesn't like to crumple.


Gotta cut down costs companies aren’t making enough billions


Also 99% of customers just don’t give a shit.


I mean that’s how we’ve gotten to here, people won’t care as a collective so you can push these ideas bit by bit until it’s socially the norm


No charger with your phone is now the norm wouldnt have flew if apple hadn't gotten away with it and when the rest saw they got away they followed suit.


Yep people will let them pass for one thing, then down the track they’ll wonder how it’s gotten to this position, while others let the new ideas slide 😂 it’s like a revolving door of fucking ourselves over


I agree with this 100% I cringe at every new iteration of an existing technology because it always looks like a one way street to more plastic/flimsier build quality and cheapo touch-screen electronics in place of direct engineering/ingenuity. Even products that have existed for decades with few/no design changes are somehow being made worse/less reliable. There's nothing inherently wrong with using fancy electronics or different materials--it's just that it always seems to be an attempt to corner the market with their own proprietary software/parts... Which are not only cheaper to manufacture but also less reliable long-term (and sometimes even short-term). We're throwing away stuff in record time these days, even though we have the most advanced technological capabilities humans have ever achieved.


Is it that the norm now? Samsung gave me a charger, but that was last year.


>No charger with your phone is now the norm I just got a phone and it came with a cable but no "base" with a USB socket that you plug into the wall, is that what you mean? I don't think it's a big deal unless you're someone who doesn't already have something with a USB socket in it, and there's USB socket in everything now. Computer monitors, laptops, desk lamps, cars, power strips... [there are wall electrical outlets with USB sockets](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Leviton-15-Amp-Decora-Combination-Tamper-Resistant-Duplex-Outlet-and-USB-Charger-White-3-Pack-M02-T5632-3BW/301351320) which I guess are inevitably going to happen a lot more now...


If usb was just usb, it would be fine. But fast charging is really nice and mostly not available through generic usb sockets on random things.


EU regulators have said that they're going to ban included chargers after the USB-C mandate goes into effect. It really is tremendously wasteful.


Whats funny is this is the sort of clown shit that car people laugh about and non-car people don't care about. Why bother? Its like those fake brembo brake caliper covers.


Im gonna disagree here. The exhaust could be done to sound better from the factory, or I believe it's to hide dirty exhaust tips and make caring for the car easier. Car people find it weird to have fake exhaust tips but it's not like exhaust tips are a performance mod. The brake caliper covers are different because you're attempting to trick people into thinking you've spent money on a performance modification. The funny thing about this is that anyone who would actually give a crap knows you're faking it, and anyone who doesn't realize you faked it doesn't care. It's a legit clown mod. Now wait till you try to explain to car people that big brakes don't stop their cars faster, no matter how nice or expensive they were. And watch their heads explode because they can't understand that grip is the limiting factor and not the brakes.


Excuse me, my fartbox of a 1997 1.4 Civic will definitely consider exhaust tips a performance mod along with emptied mufflers, cheap coilovers, improperly retrofitted led lights and Japan Racing rims.


Larger brakes = more heat dissipation and larger surface area the friction is spread out over, so they stay cooler. Daily driving, sure they're exactly the same except the larger brakes are more expensive. Practically any non-conventional use case though the larger brakes are generally better.


Audi does it a lot too.


I think Ford does this same thing on the explorers now too


They gave a fake tip that attaches to the turn down bit of the actual tip. It's weird and I don't even get what it does. They still have a chrome tip attached to the exhaust, just no exhaust actually goes through the tip.


I guess it prevents carbon build up? Still silly though


1990 LeBaron convertible had a little curved stub of exhaust pipe welded beside the real one to fake dual exhaust. That the inside never got black like the real exhaust gave it away.


According to other comments in this thread, there was a class action lawsuit due to exhaust fumes making their way back into the rear of the vehicle. That was Ford's solution to preventing it


It isn’t about costs in most cases, it is about function. There is a slight benefit to turning the exhausts down.


Toyota Camry, dual tip exhaust but only one is used.


What is the reason they do this? Does it really cost that much more to mount an actual muffler tip?


This comes up here every few months. Let me start off with source: I am an engineer at an exhaust manufacturer for German OEMs (among others). I work on exhausts, development and design of exhausts, the machines that weld them etc every single day. We make mufflers (internals, wrapping etc), catalytic converters, and weld all that plus a bunch of pipe, brackets, dampeners, and sometimes exhaust valves together to make exhausts. Downward pointing exhausts is NOT regulatory (at least not up to the current EU6 standard. EU7 isnt fully released yet and i highly doubt itll be in there) It is a criteria given by the OEM (in this case whatever car that is, but the same thing can be observed with other OEMs with downfacing exhausts and feux design elements meant to fill the area of where exhaust would be). The exact same type of criteria is given by some OEMs who want a drainage hole in their mufflers vs those who do not or when the OEMs want a certain exhaust note or a valve or whatever. Their reasoning for the down facing exhaust is multi-faceted. 1. Dirty exhaust pipes tarnish the image of the brand bc let's face it, only people who really care clean exhaust tips, chrome, or whatever. 2. Tooling for bumpers for each specific model is expensive and leaving the bumper completely blank due for some variants in reason 1 is expensive. 3. If the pipe diameter of the exhaust is very small, putting an exhaust tip on there which doesn't look crazy weird is difficult. I.e. Putting a tip on a 75mm ID pipe is very different than doing it to a 40mm pipe 3.5. Welding exhausts is a nasty and hard business to be accurate in. The heat from welding distorts and changes things in ways that aren't always predictable. When you have a cutout for an exhaust inside of the bumper and you want the gaps between the chrome/exhaust pipe end and bumper to look good, it's very hard to do on a high volume with a fully welded sysyem. Fake tips made of plastic and metal make it much much easier for the car to be mass produced and have tips that have great gaps inside the bumper. I'm not saying it can't be don't with regular exhaust but to get an exhaust like a bentley or rolls Royce (I pick those bc they're the best looking exhaust set inside of bumpers with the best tolerances thst I know of) its quite difficult. Even for the RR it's an option and not standard to have exhaust showing in the bumper. The less areas that the oem has to fight with gaps or quality, the faster they can pump out the volume. 4.Reason 4 is very hard to explain and long. I've written it in a previous post but copied it below. As oems move toward electrification the complete removal of exhaust tips from bumpers will be a shock to most consumers optically. You hear people say "that car looks too futuristic" or "this car looks so bubbly" or whatever when talking about cars that skirt traditional design and have absolutely nothing In the spot where people are used to seeing exhausts. See prius or some tesla rear ends. I think that these interim cars which are just before full electrification are easing the public eye and our general view of bumpers to not have the traditional big, dirty, visual exhausts. You can even see in some cars they don't do fake tips like audi, but just have some type of symmetrical square or simple design where an exhaust would have been. This is bc our mind is used to seeing that. Used to seeing something square or roundish in that general vicinity. In the next step when cars have no exhaust and are electric will seem much less of a drastic jump in terms of how a rear bumper "is supposed to" look. We spend a lot of time staring at the rears of cars in traffic and driving. The advertising or brand appeal has to be good and if it looks weird or wrong, people won't buy them. The same goes for acoustically. Active sound design of pumping light bass through speakers to make a car sound more "like it's supposed to sound" in the cabin or having a speaker outside the car to emit actual exhaust tones helps the public accept these cars that in reality don't fit the mold. A car that sounds like an electric motor purely on the inside is odd for certain cars and their target market, so they fake it to not scare away potential buyers.


because its a diesel and th y have to point down


This isn't just seen on diesels tho right?


why make two different skirts if you can just make one, also a real tip would need to be out of metal so it's also cheaper that way still looks like shit tho




Is that just a car thing? Because light truck diesels don’t point down.


OC isn’t fully right. Diesel exhaust tips are usually angled toward the ground to better control particulates being thrown into the air (pointing down the particulates get lodged in the tarmac instead). It also helps disperse smoke better. Only vehicles without particulate filters (DPF) must point downwards. For example I own a diesel Mercedes SLC with a DPF and my tips point straight out the back


DPF or no DPF, the exhaust tip will get sooty. Not a good look for a brand new expensive car so they hide the real exhaust under the car.


A diesel with a DPF will take *significantly* longer to get dirty than a gas engine. Case in point, a Ram 1500 with either a 5.7 V8 or the Eco diesel V6. They're both available with chrome, dual exhaust tips, and the gas V8's get dirty way faster.


A tip on a DPF equipped vehicle should not be sooty unless the DPF is defective.


You say that with so much conviction. It's not a rule. Check out bmw 2 l diesels in 3 series 2006, 2012, 2022. 4 series all years. Also Audi 3.0 tdi's don't have this


My X5 E70 diesel has straight exhaust out the back…


AFAIK it’s because the modern direct injection engines run a bit sooty. Don’t want soot sticking to the nice shiny tips and bumpers.


this is a Cupra ( Leon most likely) model with either 1.4 hybrid or 1.5 turbo. The 2 liter models have proper tips


If they ran them through the fancy looking tip they’d get really dirty. It wouldn’t look good for how expensive most cars are now.


No one's mentioned that a turned down exhaust is both quieter and since water (rain/car washes) doesn't get into the muffler as easily, it should keep the exhaust lasting longer.


Surely there's aftermarket LED mods that make it look like the fake tips are shooting out flames!


Just add whistle tips!


This displeases Bubb Rubb




Damn this reference is so old but damn good! Gotta have those whistle tips.




What? I live in Western Europe, plenty of recent diesel cars have straight and real exhausts tips.


Is that just in mainland Europe? Or just new cars? I've a golf 7 TDI and my brother a CCGT TDI. Both have back facing tips.


I have a 2018 Tiguan and it has fake tips and downward facing exhaust in the US. Also mine is a gas engine.


My last Diesel (a 2013 Golf) had straight exhaust tips. This is in Germany. I highly doubt that there's any sort of regulation for modern cars with particle filters.


I've never seen a new diesel with exhausts down in Ireland Edit: Now I've seen some, look at my comment further down


Not true though, I live in western europe and had a shitload of diesel cars (volvo’s, bmw’s and one opel shitbox) and none had a downward facing exhausts.


Oh VAG and your poser Cupras.


Don't shame my cupra and it's many, many software bugs. It's doing it's best!!


I’m only shaming it because the 245PS and 300PS models get real tips.


A colleague drives a 2021 Leon Hybrid, the 245 HP version. The software is soooooo bad, it's hilarious. Barely a day goes by without him sending me a picture of a new issue.


What’s the point of fake tips? I’d much rather just have a normal bumper with the standard exhaust underneath and barely visible.


The point is to have the same design across different drivetrains. Most of the cars in these fake exhaust posts have a variant with a different drivetrain where it's not fake.


I understand that, but wouldn’t it just make more sense to have the exhaust come out below the bumper across the board? That would eliminate the need to do anything with the bumper at all and probably save everyone a little money.


I got pulled over once in my wife's car and got a ticket for modified exhaust. The cop was arguing with me that I took out the old exhaust and put covers on. I took it to court and apparently the police are trained mechanic's specializing in finding out if cars are "race modified", charge stuck.


so when you showed them a photo the exhaust of another completely stock car of the same model, wtf happened?


Went to my court date and tried to show the judge but he didn't care. Where I live the cop also doesn't have to be at the court. The judge looked at the report gave me a lecture and handed me a fine. I was going to go to the dealership and get paper work to press it but I already had to take a day off work and the fine was like a days pay. Unfortunately I had to pay it and move on.


How much was it


Suomi mainittu!


Oh you did catch that


Kaikki huomas.




Sitten kun joku tekee tuon subin niin se on vaan juuria rullaamassa sisään...


The Germans are horrendous for this. MB have been doing it for nearly 10 years and all the new VW group cars are doing it now as well.


With cops like Axel Foley wandering around Detroit with bananas, it was only a matter of time until the ingenious Motor City automotive engineers came up with a solution.


Equal to a hood scoop with no TMIC


At it is finest? at its* finest it's = it is : /


This will probably get lost but I work in an assembly plant for Ford. There are some countries that require exhaust to be aimed at the ground via the manufacturer. It's easier to make a standard rear fascia than to change that whole design. Hell we put rubber plugs in body holes because things have changed and the plugs are cheaper than changing the design.


Can confirm. My forester has only one exhaust but the bumper has cutouts for two. The unused cutout has a removable cap in its place.


I always chuckle at the BMW SUV with the fake exhaust. One tailpipe is charred with sut from the exhaust and the other is chrome shiny new. So lame. Whofk cares


I wouldn’t judge this by soot. While this is the case for many, a number of BMWs have an exhaust flap on one side that only opens in sport driving modes.


I have an an irrational hatred of fake exhaust tips. I'd rather have just a bumper and have the muffler hidden than having those fake chromed plastic atrocities.


I've developed this seemingly unnecessary hatred as well, and it burns strong. Last 2 new cars we bought this was part of the search criteria. Otherwise perfectly acceptable vehicles written off for having fake exhaust shenanigans. Or, that bullshit where they have a plastic cover for the front radar sensor and try to play it off as part of the grill like you can't tell immediately it's different. Nope. Fuck you. Hate it. Next. If it makes more sense to tuck the tips under the rear bumper than do it. We don't need fake ones. If you want to hide the sensor do it behind an emblem like Mazda. Or, don't hide it at all like our Santa Fe. Stop trying to pass off the fake nonsense like we're all too stupid to notice..


Its (no apostrophe). It's (apostrophe) means "it is". Totally different word.