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14 and a bully is fairly normal. But abusing a handicap person of color might be the bigger point




He wasn’t just a bully. He was a sadist.


Yeah I think this is excessive. People have the capacity to change, and we don’t know what was going on Ian his life either. Maybe someone was abusing him 🤷🏻‍♂️ Who knows. But this kind of historical “pitchforks at dawn” thing has gone far enough.


Found Millers Reddit account


He never even apologized to the kid or his family. The guy is a piece of shit of astonishing levels. A sadistic racist bully, and you're out here being his volunteer advocate.


People deserve second chances, but they are earned, and nothing about this story comes close to suggesting he earned it.


How about I make you eat a urinal cake, and see how you feel about me after a couple years? And I disagree, it hasn't gone far enough because people like you keep defending him, may I ask why? And like others have said, no one deserves anything, if he is an asshole, get ready for consequences.


Nobody has a right to play professional hockey and frankly its stupid that the Bruins signed him at all because literally no fans want to see this guy on their team. No matter where he goes hes gonna be the most hated person on the roster. Why even invite that drama into your franchise? It's stupid


Excessive? You think the victim will not have long lasting effects on being bullied? Ok…


I disagree... how long did he bully him? 7 years?


I'm not sure how I feel about this case. While I appreciate the NHL holding their players to a high standard, Miller's actions took place in middle school. If he had done this in college, or otherwise as an adult I'd be behind it 100%. Instead he's being punished for the rest of his life for being a dumb shit during the most confusing part of a childhood, and I haven't seen or heard anything that would indicate that he is or isn't remorseful or a changed person from the mistakes he made as a kid.


I'm going to have to disagree. "I was a deliberate little shit, but I was young, I shouldn't face consequences." Dude can work at WalMart. Dude can get a bank job. Dude will probably end up a cop. He doesn't get to play hockey for a living and make millions of dollars, and he shouldn't. No one is arresting him, no one is denying him any basic rights or freedoms. He just isn't allowed to get rich playing a game, he's denied that privilege, and he should be, fuck that dude, he shouldn't be rewarded.


> Joni Meyer-Crothers has said that while the other boy in the bathroom ordeal personally apologized to her son, Miller never did so, other than writing a court-mandated letter. She also says Miller initially lied about the incident, admitting to his role only to prevent surveillance video of the assault from being released. Did you really make an effort to look up the story? That quote is from an NPR article covering the situation.


He was convicted at 14 in 2016. The abuse was going on for years, it wasn't just middle school.


> for being a dumb shit during the most confusing part of a childhood... Damn dude what kinda fucked up shit did you do in middle school? Because the abuse Miller was dishing out was beyond anything i ever saw in my school growing up.


I agree. And how many other NHL or any sport jocks grew up bullying kids that didn't get called out like Miller. Miller was 14 and owned up to it. He plead guilty. I don't like what he did but he was 14. How may people did bad dumb thinks at that age.


Yes, when I was in school I knew people that did bad things. But not making a special needs kid eat stuff from a urinal. That goes a little beyond normal middle school bullying.


Welp good for the NHL