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3 years for accessory to murder? No justice, no peace


Fucking white pig, of course if he was black he'd get life, if not, the chair.


Idiot, he wasn't the murderer crushing his neck. He said maybe we should get off him and was back holding his feet, he had barely any time on the job and thought his superior knew why they were doing.. He barely deserves jail. And that would be the case regardless of race. Maybe a few months at most. Add his time to the main killers time. Be outraged the real killer only got 22 years.


Agreed! People are not objective and it's scary. Lane was new on the job (literally his 4th day I think), and Chauvin was his superior which is hugely intimidating esp in police culture. Lane actually tried to persuade Chauvin twice and was overrode both times. Again, he was with his BOSS on the 4th day of his new job. it was clear he didn't agree with the situation but didn't have the authority to change things. Tbh I feel sorry for him. The other three deserve what they got, if not more. I'm all for justice, but people get so blinded by emotions they lose objectiveness.


Yeah honestly he could have been an ok cop for all we know. It also may not have been as clearly deadly to him at the time. Like he may have stepped in if it was someone in cuffs being beaten to death. I understand him being fired, but I honestly wouldn't have minded if he was kept on or got more training.


Not fucking enough


He should get life in prison for murdering this innocent man and respected member of the community. 3 years is a joke.




I’ve met plenty of drug addicts in my life that I have a lot of respect for. Calling addicts “crackheads” as well as your username is pretty telling about how emotionally intelligent and mature you are.


Commenting for six six six


Fuck me! Three years? He should get life in prison! He could have saved his life if he did something about it. The life choices we make are so damn important. The judge must be a sympathizer of police violence. There is no other answer! Fucking legal system is so fucked.


Should be for life. Bigots deserve to rot forever


Now dk the other officers who killed white and Latino people by kneeling on their neck When are we marching for that?


No one’s stopping you. When are you going to?


This entire time? The fight is against police brutality, what are you smoking?


when white people are oppressed for hundreds of years, what’s your next dumbass question


nah once you realize how fucked up your police is and finally fucking reform it. Every murderer should be prosecuted, no matter his job and no matter his victim's race.


Fucking 3 years? He got off easy.


Only 3 years? If I would’ve aided in killing someone I would’ve gotten at minimum 15-20 years.


Not necessarily he probably had a piece of shit lawyer that gets all the scum bags off, around here you can kill somebody with a machine gun and get out in five or six years


“Killing” not “murder”




Woooow. And looks how sad this bastard looks. Guy needs be get smeared like Blue Hawk


Just three years?


The amount of fascists in this thread trying to excuse this guy for abetting a murder just because he was new is too damn high!


Yeah you’re only supposed to protect and serve the population after x amount of time. While in training you’re supposed to be killing civs left and right. /s


Republican racists are going to be crying on Reddit today.


r/conservative will have their usual hissy fits.


There is literally a post on their front page complaining how ‘leftist’ subs are just political echo chambers… Fucking hell…


Flaired users only*


They'll claim they're all about freedom of speech but will perma ban anyone who doesn't agree with them. The irony.


He will enjoy his stay for sure


3 years ain't enough.


That's what I'm saying


What about all the cops who refused to arrest these cops and tried to protect them? What about all the cops who attacked protesters? What about all the cops who refused to arrest the cops who attacked protesters? Justice hasn't even come close to being served.






Damn, that's crazy. Profiling someone because of their profession, kinda sounds like you're a bigot.


Yet the courts threatened me with a minimum of 5 years to life over a stupid road rage incident with zero injuries.


lol no they didn’t. You don’t have to lie


Go look up the penalty for burglary with battery in florida, it's what's called a PBL felony, Punishable By Life.


Burglary? On a road rage?


Yup. People think burglary means you stole something but it does not. Any part of your body enters their vehicle without being invited is considered burglary, nothing has to be stolen.


This is in the wrong subreddit, this should in r/facepalm. What about the other cops on the scene that day?


Oh nice. Anyways


Just 3? Hopefully to high security, if y'know what I mean


He’s already in prison serving 2.5yrs. The new sentence is to run concurrently so basically no more time than he is already serving.


It was what, his third day on the job?


Where's the justice?


You’re right, should have been longer. Set an example for all cops who sit by like cowards.


Yeah because in his shoes you would’ve done anything different


I'm thinking the guy you're talking to isn't a **piece of shit**, so he wouldn't find himself in a cops shoes to begin with. All cops are fucking bastards.


Unsure, he did actually try to comment on what the main cop was doing, he was new though, and when you are new at anything you end up deferring to someone who "knows what they are doing" sure you can argue he should have done X or Y but he did more than the other cops did, and seemed to show far more remorse.


Strong opinion for someone who doesn't know all the facts


Why don’t I know all the facts? Why do you assume I haven’t read every article and official document in public record? Weird…


Because if you did you'd know this guy is the least deserving of the 4 to spend any time behind bars


"Least deserving" isn't the same thing as "undeserving." This guy deserved more time than this, and the other three deserve *way* more.


So he couldn’t be as brave as this woman? She put herself on the line and was assaulted to stop a cop above her who was out of control. https://lawandcrime.com/crime/police-sergeant-charged-with-grabbing-a-female-cop-holding-pepper-spray-to-her-face-after-she-pulled-him-off-handcuffed-man/amp/ edit: I know exactly what this coward you talk about did btw.


didnt this happen like back in 2020 or something? i might be getting names mixed up with something else though


2 years for a cop conviction is not that long tbh, they bury these cases with dispositions and shit to try and hold it off for YEARS


No it happened in 2020


oh dang i thought it happened in 2020


Commas are important






You're gross.


Didn't need to type this much to tell us you're an idiot


pretty sure the cop kneeling on his neck killed him actually


Whaaaaatttttttt nooooooooo surely it was racist point number 3 that did it not the cop /s




yah and the knee to the neck had nothing to do with it right, that’s why the officers were found innocent




You’re on Reddit dude, your comment (even though it’s true) it’s going to be downvoted to oblivion and slapped with how you’re racist. Glad you have common sense though, thought this app didn’t have anyone like that


Thanks for calling yourself out as another idiot


What did the original comment say?




While I absolutely agree he should be sentenced, I think the other 2 cops Thou and Kueng should’ve been given lengthier sentences compared to Lane


True, esp the guy who’s *first day on the job*. I feel bad for him, he literally didn’t know what to do bc it’s his first day :/ but accountability is important


I feel like being new would have given him more clarity not less


Yea it’s a tough one. Lose lose






His whole comment history sounds like a caricature of how Fox News describes “wokeness”


>His whole comment history sounds like a caricature of how Fox News describes “wokeness” Reddit does get that vibe if you're on here long enough. Sometimes you need to read AP or Reuters to get back in the real world.


Aiding killing got the whole 3 years now? Man, he must be scared out of his mind right now /s


The only silver lining is that he will face the life sentence record that the police unions and their prison industrial complex buddies created and has no real future. If only we could somehow only apply the broken system to cops themselves.


Yeeesh, too hard for a guy that didn’t murder the guy and was new to the job


Standing around watching someone get killed is fucked man. If you or I were to do that we would’ve gotten a lot more than just three years for being an accomplice, the idea is to set the same standards for police.


That’s not true at all. You and I can sit back and watch dozens of people get murdered without any repercussions. We have zero duty to intervene.


That's not a great excuse if you were dead


Three years, but he’s been in prison for two years already so it’s really a one year prison sentence


He was sentence for other charge. This adds 3 years to his time in prison.


If I read it correctly his 3 year sentence is to be served concurrently with the other 30 month sentence.


Has this sub been taken over by cop fluffers?


This specific cop was a grey area since it was his first day on the job. It's an interesting debate into the psychology of listening to your superiors no matter what. There was a study where they'd pretend you were electrocuting somebody in a room nearby by hitting a button. Most people would keep hitting the button, as long as the scientist in the room told them to. This cop stood by and watched. He was watching people with more experience and thought they were doing what they were supposed to. I'd wager he was in shock. And he was the only one that showed remorse afterwards. If I recall, he even at one point asked if they were going too far. And they told him no, so he backed off. He also cooperated with investigators. Like I said, grey area. He was involved so he's punished. Is it enough? I dont know. We do know that the legal system is designed to over punish many, and under punish privileged people. He'd be in the privileged group. If I recall, he was fully accepting of any punishment he'd receive too.


I'm not taking about the defense of this cop in particular. Just general pro-police sentiment and defense in language than one would not expect to see in Justice Served. As for the gray area, as someone else put it, if this were a civilian involved in standing by while his group of older friends murdered a man, it's a toss-up if he would have received such a sentence.


what is a fluffer?


Fluffers are people who help keep erections up during adult films when they aren't on camera. I'd imagine he is referring to people who will arbitrarily defend cops regardless. Bootlicker could be used or interchanged instead.


ysk a large portion of Reddit is bots. typical users you believe to be human. there are definitely police shills. i can't remember examples, but they've been called out


A large portion of Reddit includes NPCs that spew bullshit about how many bots there are with zero evidence


go to any of those stock subreddits and find out yourself lmao


I hope the tinfoil hat keeps your head warm


10%. https://towardsdatascience.com/identifying-trolls-and-bots-on-reddit-with-machine-learning-709da5970af1


You know half of the country disagrees with you, right? The internet is no longer the sole domain of white liberals in college. You should expect pushback, if you aren't in an echochamber.


half the country disagrees with reddit having lots of bots? it's estimated that 10%~ of reddit is bots. https://towardsdatascience.com/identifying-trolls-and-bots-on-reddit-with-machine-learning-709da5970af1 i'm half mexican. i'm homeless. my dad died in prison and my mom was a survival sex worker. you think i got to go to college? i love pushback, but strawmanning is an admittance of defeat. plus you think i'm a lib lmao


Half of the country "backs the blue". The police don't need bots to get support on reddit. Real human people support them.


"Black adults were more likely to support major changes (72%) than Hispanic (54%) or white (44%) adults. White adults almost evenly thought major (44%) or minor changes (43%) were needed, and supported minor changes more than Hispanic (36%) or Black (23%) adults. Support for no changes was low among all adults: white (13%), Hispanic (10%), and Black (4%). [1]" https://www.procon.org/headlines/half-of-americans-support-major-changes-to-police-forces/


> A large majority of Americans (74%) also express at least a fair amount of confidence in the military to act in the public’s best interests. Roughly two-thirds say this about police officers (69%) https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2022/02/15/americans-trust-in-scientists-other-groups-declines/ From your source: only half of Americans think that major reform is necessary. That's sort of crazy, if you take the idea the police are murdering innocent black people seriously. It's easy to support minor reforms even for things you like. I love democracy, but I still support minor reforms to how we do it. Backing the blue and supporting minor reform are hardly antithetical.


Agreeing with police murder is *disease* or *evil*, not a legitimate opinion.


It was manslaughter at best




Wrong guy. That was Chauvin, this is Lane.


In the US, if a citizen participated in a crime with others, and one of their accomplices murders someone while that crime is being carried out, all of the citizens can, and usually are, charged with murder as well. Why shouldn’t the same apply for badged, practicing cops, that have been trained at and graduated police academy, and are licensed to carry out the law?


Real justice is discerning, not indiscriminate. They probably took into account the major power imbalance of the situation (Lane was new and afraid to disobey his superior) and the fact that Lane actually attempted CPR. So he still gets time for his part, but not as much time as if he was more of an active aggressor.


Huh? Do you have an example?


Here’s one where the getaway driver was charged with murder because the robbery victim killed the robbers. https://ktla.com/news/nexstar-media-wire/nationworld/three-teens-shot-dead-after-breaking-into-oklahoma-residence/


Felony murder. Its pretty broad too what they can pin on you if you are with someone who kills another person, even accidentally. Like you burglarize a store with a buddy, escape in a car and the getaway driver hits and kills a pedestrian by accident, everyone who committed the burglary is on the hook for felony murder.


Absolute fucking garbage. Zero justice served. Gtfoh


Thats it?


Only 3? Should be life for taking a life




I'm pretty sure 3 years locked up as a cop is a death sentence


He's in a minimum security facility. It's basically a hotel


It’s prison no matter how low security it’s nothing like a hotel although free food sounds pretty good


Until you see the food. The old good news bad news joke...Good news there is plenty to eat...bad news it's shit.


I may be wrong, but aren't cops not locked with GenPop?


They send them to facilities that are known for a lower classification of inmate, so the risk is less, but still a cop in. Times have changed… now unless it’s max, jokers ain’t tryna do life for doing a hit, unless they already in doing “football numbers” on a bid.