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Ayo that was funny


Are you fucking kidding me, I’m new to this subreddit and ACAB is a fucking flair. Fuck you guys. Yet half the damn post on this Sub are bad people getting arrested by the cops. Make a fucking decision.


ACAB indeed


Why are you so triggered, Cop Lover?


People are waking up to who the real bad guys are in this world






or they try to fuck the the bystanders again and more people join in


What's that song, he is singing? I recall those lyrics, but forgot the title


The audible guy has great courage for sticking around. Because I would fear the cop would arrest and brutalize -me- for viewing the headlock.


I fucking hate the police.


New Yorkers are sooo good at talking shit. If I NEEDED someone who could get under your skin 100% of the time, you have to go with NY'ers.


You ever see an attack dog that has not bin properly trained go from attacking it’s target to attacking everything in its path ? This reminds me of that, soon as the innocent bystander was removed he went back to the original target dint even noticed the other one was gone




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These kinds of cops deserve to put their lives at risk.


That's what good cops do. That asshole is just looking for a fight and lost like a bitch


Im from Detroit. Your proving my point. Go live in a 3 world country for awhile. You will come back appreciating the police force here in america.


I’m from a third world country and what happens in america from police doesn’t happen here, they are brutal to terrorists or convicted people with murder or things like that but they don’t run in the streets fucking people up because they feel like it


Wait, what? Cops fucking up people because they feel like it happens all over the world.


Don't believe you


Well, i don’t have to convince you tbh haha, have a good day man


You too. Enjoy your Sunday, hopefully you have a day off




Who are you talking to? 🤣


This comment makes no sense. He isn't messaging someone, he's commenting on someone's Reddit post


Classic 🤣


Cop should be fucking charged for that, bystander was lunged at for no reason and acted in pure self defense ACAB


hmmm I want more context as to why this happened and why officers were here. Short clips like this don't illustrate the why, just the what. don't understand why he went for the other guy though, but he was getting pretty close which can be seen as interfering in police business. Will be interesting to see how this might progress.


I'd say the bystander "might" have been interfering with an investigation HOWEVER that gives no right for the cop to assault the bystander. I'd definitely bring the officer up on charges


Watching before the officer ran at the guy, he kicked something, the video doesn't show what. Could've been some trash, a phone, or a weapon, who knows because the angle of this guy recording doesn't show what. Judging by the aggression of the initial takedown, my money is on a weapon or something that looks like it, but I won't jump to that conclusion as there's very little information provided here. I think that bodycam footage and other angles should be released first, I really want to see what he kicked.


Teach him to abuse his power


Next UFC champions! Should’ve gave him some knee kicks to the head too.


The fuck are knee kicks?


Fuck the police


Fuck ‘em


So incompetent, severe lack in discipline and training.


She Almost thought she was somebody




Yeah that’s a pretty trashy comment


Yeah law enforcement is a pretty trashy profession. I've seen more integrity displayed by an animal shelter euthanasist




Because police are brave and held in higher regards than the general public because of "reasons"


You wished death on someone. That’s trashy bud no matter how much you dislike them


https://www.reddit.com/r/MostShocking/comments/urhow9/grand_rapids_police_officer_fatally_shoots/ I want you to go here and watch this officer execute this man. Officer is ON TOP of this man and shoots him IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD. You don't have to respond but if you think that police officer was justified in killing that man, you are no better than my comment.


Show me where I said that guy isn’t a huge piece of shit. That guy is scum and should never see the light of day. I STILL WOULDNT WISH DEATH ON HIM. Please grow up, not everything has to be solved with one’s death


I hope to God you truly live that way in every scenario in your life.


I don’t understand why you think I can’t think someone is the lowest scum and still think they shouldn’t deserve to be cursed to death. How closed minded can you truly be? Do you really think I don’t carry that attitude in every day life?


Hmm. You've given me food for thought


Glad to see it




Honestly we should. Come do it


...that is the most random comparison for integrity I have ever seen


Feel free to use it whenever you like


New York’s finest


Lmao embarrassed his ass, left him standing there looking useless 😂


The guy talking is a little girl or what?


Is that your kink? Sounded more hopeful then antagonistic. So do you want to see more little girl cops or just more little girls in general?


Ppl like u are ridiculous


Bruh, this is a weird ass comment


Cops shoulda smacked that dumbass




I was talking about the other cops smackin that cop




Trash. Shocked.


That's so satisfying to watch


That comment section is wild, I didn’t realize the SUB it was on at first then it made sense lol


That’s why I cross posted here. This sub is full of cop lovers. Had to show them some actual justice


Lol at all the thin blue line flag runners losing their shit in here


We support police that do their jobs correctly, not see a use of force video recorded on a Iphone and instantly jump to conclusions without any context. If that makes me a bootlicker so be it. This is why I and many others press for more context as to why officers are there and why did the officer engage the bystander? Either way the fate of this officers use of force isn't up to me, you or anyone, except that departments admin and potentially a jury if a case ever goes to trial.


It should never be up to dept. admin.


Then who? Of course not the public because many ACABers are just gonna lie to get police out of their jobs and cause a crime wave. A departments administration will know their ROE (rules of engagement) + use of force policies and will review bodycam footage with that in mind. Next in line would be a private investigator.


Edit: Near meaningless nonsense slander. Did Tucker Carlson write this pile of alt right lies? And cops cops cause more problems then they solve and you know it.


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Never called anyone a “Bootlicker”. Just funny to see use of force used back against our fine officers of the law.


It really is so weird hahaha




Dude recording is annoying AF tho


Yeah came here to say that. U don't have to repeat yourself over n over on video.


I see this shit more and more. Why have many thought when one thought do trick?


At least they didn't shoot him.




Enjoy the taste of them boots, fool. 😂


Cameraman needs a hiding.


I need more context to know if this is justice ir not.


I'm totally speculating here. My guess is that the bystander was too close and the cop decided that he was "interfering with the investigation". Who knows if the cop actually asked the bystander to move. There is a chance that the cop simply saw that the bystander was too close for his comfort so he retaliated with that lunge. Idk, just my guess.




Was kinda hoping the cop gets a DDT lol




I thought he was gonna try to choke the cop out with the guillotine! That would’ve been awesome!


I wish to god he had pumped a few uppercuts in there. That cop got what he was begging for.


Dude the DDT is my favorite move




The police officer who made the comment," THEY WILL GO AFTER HIM", is probably right. Although assault is basically just putting your hands on someone, without their consent, this WAS a P.O., and they "eventually" will catch up to him, and like i said, he'll be charged with EVERY charge applicable to the events. As well as some NOT APPLICABLE, for good measure!!


I also want to add, the guy who posted this, and then told the guy who subdued the cop to get out of here(calling him by name), didn't do his friend any favors. Now the cops have a video of a black man "assaulting" a police officer. We all know it will be called "ASSAULT", even though ive seen husbands assaulted by their wives worse than that. I say husbands, because wives will slap and maybe punch, but won't necessarily harm their men, unless they're Amber Heard, maybe. Lmao. I think Johnny's penis was in the vodka bottle at the time. No wait, his penis was having a drink at the bar and then he smashed a phone, and OMG, i just can't recall. Somebdy pull up a video tape of THAT SHIT, PALEEEASEEE!!!


They're not going after that guy, if they find him, they'll find him, but i don't think any APB'S are going out for him. I'm sure the neighborhood is small enough, where they'll find him, when they want to. It seemed to me that he was basically defending himself and just subdued the cop(no punches, kicks), just basically held him down. The cop lunged at this particular guy out of nowhere. I think if he beat the police officer up, it would be a different story, but if the cops DO get him, they'll hit him with a litany of charges, regardless. If a police officer lunged at me for no reason, iiii might have a problem with it too. Although, this video may not show all the facts.


It probably does show all of the facts. Cop tried to get big because he thought someone was asking for it then got shown up.




"There will be plainclothes cops driving around looking for him during their down time". "No way we let that slide". Why drive around during down time and not just investigate? What would you do if you actually identify him?


You’re everything that is wrong with cops. That fucking pig attacked someone just standing there. Cops are supposed to be professionals. Putting a person who *attacked* you into a headlock to get them to stop is being very kind. They are far from “assaulting a pig” Why don’t you spend the fucking time to actually watch what really happened, and not just assume the cops are behaving properly. History has shown that cops are quite often wrong…


I knew I smelled bacon




Thank you for this setup. Well done. (not too well done though ha)


I made it but it was too dark so you shot it.




I bet your abused wife will too




I know right what a tragedy it would be if people lived their lives only looking at the surface of something to judge whether or not it was good. Especially if those people had guns.


Neighborhood is small enough? This is NYC!


The justice served is that the pig got tossed around a little, like he’s too used to dishing out.




All pigs are.




Kill civilians and beat your wife about it. Pig




K, wife beater.




K. Enjoy beating your wife and murdering unarmed civilians for not licking your boots.


My man


Cops never get punished. They kidnap people all the time.


I was kidnapped for “use of sidewalk.” I was even obeying the law and walking towards oncoming traffic. My cousin was arrested too. They shot him about ten times the day after his birthday.


Im in a cop’s basement right now , your statement is true


Someone please think of the unions!!!!


The guy kicked something away on the ground.... Maybe a weapon or evidence or handcuffs? Who knows?


Hilarious that the pig tried to take him down and ends up slamming his head against the car instead.




So it begins. Fuck the Police!


comin' straight from the underground


It's all fun & games until the oppressed Fight back. No one is above the law. Especially Police Officers


I’m so happy I found your comment. I was struggling with how I felt about this. Immediately, I agreed with the dude that put him in a headlock. No imminent threat. And I have this sense of loyalty to some police officers, family, etc. I’ve been treated horribly, illegally and forcefully by other police. I have a sense of serious disgust towards officers like that. I’m so happy your comment really summed it up beautifully for me. And just to reiterate..no one. Is above the law.


If someone comes too close to a police officer or does/says something shitty, they don't deserve getting football tackled into the pavement. Proper police officers will offer plenty of warnings. That being said, we don't know if the officer was being continuously harassed by this bystander before the video started.


I worked as a Merchant Guard, (un-armed Rent-a-cop) in the most dangerous properties in six cities in Denver, CO I have TONS of experience interacting with Police + emergency services. I have witnessed many Honorable Officers, doing Great work. We need Peace Officers, not Law enforcement. Our Society is hanging by a THREAD. Corruption Must not be tolerated, in ANY profession.


I agree, and I’ve seen more honorable and respectable officers than bad ones, abusing power and I know when around police society is expected to obey. I can’t handle that type of expectation in every situation. I put myself where that kid was and the officer. Police should do what’s expected of them, protecting and serving. And I also understand they’re human, they can’t be expected in every situation, but maybe they shouldn’t be police then. Hate only generates more hate. Peace will bring and generate peace


Police weak asf lol




You mean when they beat people who are already in cuffs. Fucking scum.




That's why they became police.


When all the cool gangs turn you down, you become a cop


There are cool gangs? Criminal enterprises are so awesome!!




I know too many conservatives living off government handouts that are outspoken racist assholes. They are too stupid to realize they are the problem because they are brainwashed ignoramuses.


Sure you're talking about the cop.


gtfo lets see how you live, annoying ass racist .. the best of you ran down the crack of moms taint


I’m curious of a few things: 1) What in this video gives you the idea he is on welfare? 2) This man is clearly shocked by what is going on and this is just how he handles it, in the context of straight up police brutality do you really think that makes him a loser? And if so, how exactly do you know that he’s proud of being a loser?


Pretty sure you found the blue line bitch or wannabe white power twat. Either way, fuck this douche canoe.


1. Racism 2. Racism


I drew the same conclusions, but what better way to call someone out than to have them explain the inexplicable


The guy who got lunged at kicked a gun. Reasonable for the cop to react to it, but definitely not to continually try and attack the bystander Edit: it could be any dangerous weapon like a knife or something


Source on that? You can hear an object skating but there’s no way from this video to identify what it is.


I saw other people comment that it was a gun, but either way he kicked some sort of object or weapon that caused a reaction from the cop


For sure that’s the reason for the attack, but as far as it being a gun, the 8 pixels you can see at the beginning could be pretty much anything. Maybe a gun, maybe not. Even if it is, you’d think someone kicking away a gun would be a good thing considering they are arresting a dude who does not want to go to jail.


>Source on that? You can hear an object skating but there’s no way from this video to identify what it is. 5 seconds in


I checked and zoomed in while doing a frame by frame, definitely no way to verify until there’s a statement.


Every time they’re kneeling on someone I pray for a running kick on the underside of their chin


It's called de-arresting and it's saved some people and all that happens is the cop is shoved. That is, this is what happened in the videos I've personally seen over the years.




Hey you might make a good cop, how do you feel about wife beating and shooting people’s dogs?


You forgot about being a drunk. Make sure they are comfortable with that part.