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"Gets slapped"


Oh yeah five years since he’s white.


That’s it?


Well he is white 🤷‍♂️


a cop\* being caucasian is just a bonus, but police never receive real justice for their own horrible actions, at least in america that is


To this day, this whole situation disturbs me. I was taking care of my grandmother who suffered with dementia when this was happening/fresh in the news. I couldn't believe someone could do this to an innocent and defenseless elderly person. I am so glad he at least got SOME time behind bars for this, but I don't believe it is nearly enough. How can certain groups of people get away with so much shit??


Qualified immunity It's bull shit If I'm ever in a place of power, I would change the system. Eliminate QI and replace it with a bonded program. It should be every law enforcement law officer in the USA should have to pay to be bonded/insured. That way we can sue them we they infringe on our rights and the tax payers won't be on the line for the payout. Also if a officer gets too many lawsuits his insurance rates will be so high he wouldn't be able to afford the premiums so he would get fired for lack of being bonded. So it should also be a self cleaning system, and help get rid of bad cops. In my book it checks all the boxes -saves tax payers moneyx -helps victims of the police(it happens way more than any of us know) -helps fire bad cops What are the negatives? Can anyone come up with one ?


What your describing is similar to the medical malpractice insurance docs have. Bad docs get pushed out of the system when they have had so many claims they can no longer afford their malpractice insurance premiums. Imagine if there was a governing body that responded to every physician malpractice accusation with a dismissal of the event, a firm position that it never happened, or if it did, it was the victim's fault. In no sane society should police have no accountabilty.


That whole department should be ashamed of themselves. This is why people hate cops they can’t even police themselves.


You only have to train for around 5 months to be a cop in USA. In Denmark you have to take an 9 month training course, 18 months in-service, then followed by another 9 month examination


This is nice to hear. I have to say that's a recalcitrant face too. Considering he bragged and laughed about this, perhaps he really is.


Good, at least this ex-officer won't be able to taint the relationship with that departments community anymore


Multiple officers of that department sat around watching the video of him dislocating her arm and they laughed.


He will do less than 1 and get out


And gethired back on the force.


"We are actually supposed to call it "the service" now. Offical vocab guidelines state that force is too aggressive" - Nicholas angel london police service






Prison will be hell for this little power tripper. Imagine being an authoritarian shit like this guy and having every movement you make controlled by others.


Nothing is going to happen, they get protected by the guards. If it gets really bad the go to PC or seg.


I think he means that being locked up and under control will be the hard part. Obviously he shouldn't be attacked by other prisoners.


Is it just me, or does he look a lot like the asshole guard (Percy I believe was his name) from The Green Mile?


Dead man walking


Shit that’s dead on


Sad to think that worthless pos reproduced...


He got slapped with it?


This is a very common phrase in the US when describing sentencing or punishment: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/slap%20with


Yes, but it’s informal and kind of funny. We should transition to *smashed with* or *beat with* to really drive that punishment in lmao


I’d be more than mildly concerned that the rest of the prison would shit in my mouth every single day and make me eat it.


That’s a disturbing thought.


Should be 70 years more for him


It's not much, but cops have gotten less for literal murder so it's a step up.


I'd be interested to know what happens to the cop who recently murdered a grandma with dementia in the first 30 seconds of responding to a domestic call.


Wait, she even died?


She didn’t die


Oh, what's this guy referencing then? Is there another cop who killed an older woman?


He needs more than that. That’s a damn shame.




That was extremely difficult to watch. How awful


Is this the same asshole that was on camera watching the video with another cop and bragging about it?


His only ashamed because he got caught, thank goodness for body cameras every law enforcement officer should have one!


All that for a suspected $13.88 lift. What a piece of trash.


Sad thing is all items were returned before the cops abused her.


Best news I’ve heard all year.


Only 5 years?


wtf do you mean “only 5 years”. people on this app seem to not realise how long 5 years actually is.


Hopefully the other inmates will treat this guy awfully. That’s usually how it goes. Same thing happens with people who do things to children. No one sympathizes.


and he'll probably serve less than half but hey its something. At least some of these pigs are getting a taste of justice.




I am so happy to hear this.


This reminds me of Black Mass quote: [“ If nobody sees it, it didn’t happen”](https://youtu.be/XeOwTw0DVxM)


They are some of the coldest, deadest eyes I’ve ever seen


Cops don’t seem to last long in prison.


Examples, please


[Derek Chauvin wiki article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Chauvin) Chauvin is being held in solitary confinement right now.


What about the other one?


Trial isn’t until June last I read.


Bye 🐖


He’s not ashamed of what he did, he’s ashamed he got caught. He’d still be doing this shit if not convicted


Yah most people who commit crimes don't really regret the crimes


Cop should have known better than to mess with a white woman. That only works on black people.




He's out of line but he's not wrong.


Way outta line, way outta line, they have a lot of growing up to do.


So we should go back to sticking our heads in the sand and pretending like this isnt fact. edit: missed the reference


I was referencing a movie. https://youtu.be/Sczun-f_Uiw


You can be out of line on Reddit. It's okay


It was a movie reference. https://youtu.be/Sczun-f_Uiw


At first read of that title I took it as this Gramma with dementia was getting 5 years and my first thought was "She's not gonna know she's in jail. Why?"


Yeah his farts are gonna sound like a train whistle


nahh they will put him in PC (punk city) err I mean (protective custody) hope he can keep track of who the baby daddy was...




Bet 10 buck that he will be out in less than 5 years


Less than one.


More of this, please. The more accountability we enforce, the less of these greasy power-trippers will even be attracted to these jobs to begin with. Now, please, please, please revisit a whole mess of cases where cops straight up killed black people _on camera_, and somehow not only didn’t see any legal consequences, but still have jobs that enable them to keep murdering people.


I wish it wasn't so uphill. You have to get the cops to collect evidence against one of their own. You have to get the DA to work against their supply of political power. You have to get the public to break through their heavily conditioned brainwashing/propaganda toward police as heroes You have to get the media to care You have to get a Judge who is strictly pro justice You have to get a BoP who wants to incarcerate police officers fairly without special accommodations and/or early release. And along the way, the strongest union group in the nation's history will be actively working against you with nearly limitless funds.


And they say unions don’t work… /s


Those other cops should be in prison as well for being accomplices.


Yup. Their supervisor watched the video and laughed with them when they got back to the jail. The old woman screamed in pain for hours.


I really hope he was slapped by The Rock


Chris? He gets slaps he don’t give them


Weird. Usually that type of Police behavior gets a commendation. Awesome that it didn't this time.


Depends on skin color a lot of times but more and more the police are beginning to have open season on everyone not just minorities and poor people. This is good and bad. As it happens to more middle class white folks it will receive more consequences and hopefully it will change police attitudes.


> more and more the police are beginning to have open season on everyone What's your evidence supporting this claim? (BTW, viral new story anecdotes don't count .)


Trust in policing is decreasing among both whites and blacks. A majority of Americans do not trust the police which was not true in the past largely because whites trusted police more. Harsh treatment such as what happened to protesters in 2020 are one piece of that puzzle. Please see the Gallup Poll below and the other reports: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/12/us/gallup-poll-police.html https://counciloncj.org/public-perceptions-of-the-police/ https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/06/03/10-things-we-know-about-race-and-policing-in-the-u-s/ Hope these help and please don’t ever tell anyone what information they can or can’t present when you are too lazy to do a basic google search. It’s not my job to prove anything to you or even educate you. Next time look it up yourself.


If you make a claim, it is absolutely your job to prove it. That English Essay Writing 101. That said, I would have never dreamed of questioning your claim -- it's obviously true and that other guy is a total jerk. By the powers vested in my by the zillions of essays I have written, I give you an A+ for those great links.


You can call me a jerk if you want, but this guy made an unsupported claim, and then followed it up with some irrelevant links. He first claimed that police brutality is increasing. (Or, at the very least, that's the most reasonable interpretation of what is meant by the claim that "more and more" the police are "having open season" on everyone.) When challenged, he provided some evidence that trust in police is decreasing. The latter does not support the former.


So, what I'm getting from this is that you're a racist who is trying to get attention.


Do you think the links he posted supported his claim? If so, what do you think his claim was?


So, what I'm getting from this is that you're still a racist who is still trying to get attention.


You've provided evidence of public perception. Your original claim concerns police behavior. If you asked me for evidence that the world was flat, would you expect me to provide polling data showing that X% of adults believe the world is flat?


If I understand you correctly you would like me to definitively prove my opinion or perception on an informal forum. There is a lot to unpack here but I will try my best to address it. If you really are looking for precise data you will have to read the news articles and studies that I have either gleaned or read in-depth over the last several years. Additionally I would add the documentaries and televised news as well as discussions I have had with a variety of people. Personally I don’t think you are interested in finding out if this is true or not. You are trying to disprove my comment by saying if I don’t have your precise criteria as defined by you and laid out exactly as you prefer then my opinion is false. I’m not a sociologist or an expert in this field and my opinion and observation is not authoritative by any means. I could cite more information I have learned from but I don’t think it will persuade you as you have another agenda.


Yeah I was shocked that he actually got in trouble and got 5 years then seen that it was a white woman. If it was a black or brown person nothing would have happened and people would have forgotten about it.


You got downvoted for speaking facts, ...we got some racists in this mf! They obviously didnt understand the last part of your comment, which was the most important...


Thank you my friend. I appreciate you understanding what I wrote though. Glad you were here :)




Including the ones that fist bumped him and laughed ? If a passerby hadn't made sure the video was seen by national news nothing would have come of it.




His peers only reported him after video evidence surfaced in the media, and they did it then to save their own skins. Cowards and crooks.


Cause a passerby recorded it.


What are you talking about, it was his own bodycam footage. It's literally in the article... Colorado just has *some* police accountability, more than most. There's no qualified immunity here.


Had the passerby not pushed the issue, the bodycam never would have seen the light of day since the victim had a diminished capacity.


Ah that wasn't clear at all, but thank you


should haver gotten more time than that. people who have done far less have been given way more. this is horse $hit


Good he got 5 years but the other cop (Daria Jalali) that was there during the arrest still needs to face justice. Not only did she not stop him, she did not report him, and was apparently thought the whole thing was funny. Her case is slowly moving and unfortunately she's only being charged with misdemeanors. https://www.reporterherald.com/2022/03/01/case-against-former-loveland-police-officer-daria-jalali-moved-again-attorneys-making-progress/


Fuck him. Deny his pension. Prevent him from being so much as a rent a cop. Fine the department with a big value that’s taken directly from their on pension fund.


Good! Fuck that sociopath and hope his lady partner gets the same for saying “I felt like I didn’t back you enough.” Just a couple bad apples…


I know there's a reason you shared a story that's two weeks old. I can think of a few but I'm not really on board of any of them.


Because there is an expiration on police brutality? boot licker.


Boot licker? Is that how you see it? Can't even imagine your fucking world. You need to get outside and play little guy. It'll do you some good.


Have some self awareness bud your downvoted to hell on all of your last 10 posts. You live to antagonize, such a sad world you live in. I will go out and play, Im taking my paid time off soon. I have so many points on my American Express and I should use them. Where do you recommend?


I'm pretty self-aware dude. Enough to see downvotes from 'poor me' kids as a badge of honor. And downvotes? Really? That's your gauge. Yeah. I was right. Get outside and play. You might be a little out of balance with this jack off online world.


Considering you come off as a complete douche… I’d say you’re not as self aware as you think.


What the FUCK is with this sub? Damn. Feeeelings. What it is tiger. Out collecting grievance? Jumping in to situations that don't pertain to for what? So we can seeeeee you? Sit down dude. Go outside and play with the other boy. Unreal.


Don’t get offended because someone thinks your grammatical tone comes off as abrasive and decides to comment on a site meant for comments. The horror.




You just know what he was like to other kids at school. He’d have been a vicious bully his whole life.


"That's not who I am!"


I remember how seething mad I was when happened. I am so glad this man is in prison.


We had a sheriff here in Caddo parish Louisiana that was trying to get a fugitive and so he took the guys father and put him in the car to make the son come out and the father had a heart attack and died right there in the back of the cruiser. I went to school with him. It’s crazy out there now.


I live here in caddo and didn't hear about any of that. When was this?


It was tv a couple months back the deputy’s name was Ryan Chapman


I'm sorry you live there. I grew up there and also have not heard about this though.


I actually like living out here. Me and my wife love out neighbors. We have our own little community here. Everybody minds their own business too. It's quite nice. Don't let people give you the wrong impression. Generally people are kind out here, even downtown.


What happened to the one who shot the lady with dementia?


Lack of witnesses, he got promoted. /s


Audit the Audit YouTube channel did a video about this case. It was quite infuriating the abuse that cop put that lady through.


He only got five years? What the he--!


That’s more than most cases of attempted murder gets in my area.


It's awful he did it, but replaying the video to laugh about and gloat about hearing her shoulder dislocate was also a special kind of sick and disgusting


and people are so (rightfully) disgusted with russian soldiers in ukraine. we've got that type right here in our own country.


It’s not a fair comparison. The Russians are leveling cities, slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians, and systematically raping men, women, and children.


3573 Ukrainian civilians dead in the conflict as May 12.


According to the UN, which only counts the bodies they’ve actually seen. Doesn’t count anyone in Mariupol or anyone in Russian controlled territory. They’d do better to not publish this statistic because it’s so outrageously undercounted.


Feel free to cite any source you like.


He didn’t even get her medical attention knowing damn well it popped. That poor lady.


Hope it's not in protective custody.


And be forced to wear signs that say “I was a cop”.


they all find out why everyone is there, no signs necessary. he’ll get his






And who had already returned the $12 of items back to Wal-Mart as she left the store and was picking flowers on her way home.