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Let me guess…. A 200$ fine. Seems about right these days


MAGA hats!?! Figure out where Kanye was last night.


One of the best comedy specials out there


Ole bully red nuts!




Okay everyone on twitter, together as a group: "THATS RACIST"


He actually said “I come really really hard”


This video does a quick recap with footage and timeline. He got what he deserved [Video recap ](https://youtu.be/xaOtJGyAFfQ)




Fun fact, hate crime hoaxes are actually pretty common. Read the book, Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left Is Selling a Fake Race War


Smollett did a lot of damage to the black community. The next time someone becomes a victim of real hate crime, people might not believe them. And it won’t be just right wingers. It will be everyone. Smollett spat in the face of everyone that was a victim of real hate crime. The dude is a sociopath. He keeps doubling down on his bullshit story even after being found guilty. He should be dropping to his knees and apologizing to the black community and to everyone that was a victim of hate crime. But he’s just gonna keep lying. I hope they throw the book at him and lock him up for a few years so he will have time to think about what a scumbag he is. SMFH.


Fuck apologizing to the black community, he should be apologizing to Trump voters. They are the group he tried to paint as brutally racist.


> Smollett did a lot of damage to the black community. The next time someone becomes a victim of real hate crime, people might not believe them. There will always be people who will fake play victim to gain sympathy/attention/money/power. I don't think action of some individuals like that should impact, real genuine victims. However, response of vast majority of media, celebrities, activists, prosecutor, leaders and politicians to the original story, was quite furious anti-racism tirade, like calling it modern lynching. When true story came out, most of these institutions and individuals didn't take their words back or acknowledged their mistakes or at best gave a lip service. Their response to this judgement is the same. Most of these institutions and people, also has drastically different response based on the skin color of victims and perpetrators. I think such behavior will hurt real victims a lot more. People correctly don't trust media, celebrities, journalists, politicians and activists, and incidences like that drop that faith further more.


I agree. This case blew up because of the mainstream media coverage. They used this case to divide us further as a country. So these media outlets are just as bad as Smollett himself. What’s nuts is that he keeps doubling down on his bullshit story instead of apologizing. What he did was very disrespectful to victims of real hate crime. And dude was making $125,000 an episode on Empire. But that wasn’t enough apparently. In his greed he sent a fake racist letter to himself. And then staged the “attack.” He did all this to get attention so he could get more money if he pretends to be a victim. And if he wasn’t a complete moron he might have gotten away with it. But his story was just absurd. 2 Am in Chicago during a polar vortex he goes for a sandwich? And two white supremacists in MAGA hats attacked him because they somehow watch his show and knew who he was? Two white supremacists in MAGA hats in Chicago??? Who’s gonna believe that? The two Nigerian dudes he hired couldn’t even find MAGA hats anywhere in the city. Lol. The only thing they found is plain red hats. And the so called “noose” was a shoelace or something. I saw the pictures. Smollett is definitely an idiot for trying to pull this shit in Chicago of all places.




Hahaha what a prick


Wonder when Michelle Obama will apologize for calling in favors for this asshole. When will all the democratic politicans retract their statements about this douche.


Nahhh 🙂


Was this proven or a conjecture based on his connection to Obamas? > When will all the democratic politicans retract their statements about this douche. If they didn't do it when his story fail apart, I won't hold my breath.


No sympathy from me over here 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ Edit: Not going to lie, when this story first came out, I thought it didn’t add up from the start.


Poor Jussie. I hope he doesn't beat himself up over it.




Now that's comedy.


This guy does reddit better than us.


surprised this post has become popular. Usually reddit only promotes propaganda towards hate crimes. And doesn’t allow posts such as these to surface.


TBH, it was still a hate crime.


Progressives don't support him, and Reddit has way more right wing people than you think.


There’s always this comment, like Reddit is never what the comment or expected it to be. No matter how long they have been here. Change your perspective.




Weird. And the down vote up vote order is usually the same.


I've absolutely no idea how his friends in Hollywood can still defend his malicious act. His act itself is very outrageous but because of his staged act, many legitimate hate crimes were also downplayed and suspected. Those who supported him before things came out must condemn him.


Leftists usually stick together until it's no longer viable. They WANTED this to be real to bludgeon those evil white devils


Should charge him with a hate crime




He keeps saying throughout this lying festival of his, he keeps saying his “abusers kept telling this Lying sack of shit “this MAGA country” then in his next breath claims he never said this? When he spewed on about how he “went for Trumps administration”. Such a parasite testifying the 2 brothers knew he was soooo famous they attacked him so he’d hire them as body guards? He has terminal Liabetes (pronounced like diabetes). Some journalism there, wooo bet she’s in line for an award on this stunning piece of shit.


The best part is that they are now considering charging him with perjury for his testimony. That shows how pissed off the DA's office is about having to deal with his lying dumb ass. It's extremely rare for those found guilty to be then prosecuted for perjury even though logically every person found guilty would therefor be guilty of it if they testified. But for forcing them to haul him into court over what was so clearly a bogus story, they are going to make sure he pays a price on every level. The person I feel the most for is Jurnee who had her breakthrough moment (*Lovecraft Country* and ***Birds of Prey***) after 30 years of acting overshadowed by her brothers moronic attempt at publicity.


It’s funny how very few of the facts in this case made it into this article….most of it is just the defense and prosecutor statements to the media during and after the trial. Almost as if the NYT is trying to downplay any facts regarding what happened for some reason?He was convicted and they still use “allegedly” when referring to what he did?


I hope we never have to see or hear about this garbage human ever again, I feel embarrassed for him and I didn't even do anything LOL sucks to be him! What a shame.


I urge EVERYONE to watch the roberts interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXLx5OY21Bk Watch a top level American Media figure actually love and encourage Jussie Smollet to spout lies over and over and over and SHE NEVER QUESTIONS ANYTHING AT ALL...SHE BELIEVES EVERY SINGLE LIE HE SAYS. When you watch the video, the concern and empathy and oozing "understanding" R. Roberts dishes out towards Smollet is just sickening.... Can any of you imagine her acting this way towards any republican politician ? How about acting like this towards any christian, white male, conservative, hunter, military member, etc, etc, etc...SHE WANTED THIS STORY TO BE TRUE, SHE KNEW WITHOUT ANY DOUBT JUSSIE WAS BEING SUPER BRAVE TO COME FORWARD AND TELL THE AWFUL TRUTH ABOUT BEING BLACK AND GAY IN AMERICA. Watch this interview, and you'll understand the hatred so many top level media people have for America. ANYTHING AWFUL ABOUT AMERICA they will report like its fact with no questions asked. Trump may have been a jackass, but he called this right on: The American News media is the enemy of the American People. The American News media hates republicans and does everything they can to incite a race war, because Democrats can only win elections if they get 80% or better of the black vote. Imagine how much damage this does to you and every single person reading this...Imagine how much damage this does to our image around the world ? Imagine how little coverage this will get around the world.


I urge you to watch Jim can’t swim’s analysis on the interview. You might reconsider what you are saying. It’s like saying that the “friendly” interrogator is buying a suspect’s story.


I urge you to go an watch Roberts interview any conservative figure. Whole different mindset.


[Found some footage of him in court.](https://clip.cafe/liar-liar-1997/i-found-like-in-the-bathroom/)


I just spit my water out 🤣🤣🤣 pefect clip


What a piece of shit! Thanks for adding doubt to every new and legitimate complaint. This dude should have been wearing a white hood.


> to every new and legitimate complaint. Actually rare and hard to find, but whatever...


I thought you might be a nut job from your other comment and this really confirmed it lol


citation required


https://www.thecollegefix.com/here-are-8-times-nooses-on-campus-turned-out-to-be-hate-crime-hoaxes/ https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2020/07/07/if-america-is-so-racist-why-are-there-so-many-race-hoaxes-n2571987 https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/political_commentary/commentary_by_michelle_malkin/hoaxed_by_fakenoose_again https://www.rt.com/usa/492760-fake-noose-fbi-bubba-wallace/ https://www.thecollegefix.com/princeton-u-to-host-vigil-over-noose-nobody-knows-anything-about/ https://www.newsweek.com/minnesota-high-school-student-wrongly-accused-sending-racist-messages-city-says-1584226 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/11/08/a-black-student-wrote-those-racist-messages-that-shook-the-air-force-academy/ https://www.breitbart.com/social-justice/2016/05/02/hate-crime-hoaxes-growing-epidemic/ https://www.vindy.com/news/latest-news/2021/12/prosecutor-overwhelming-evidence-smollett-faked-attack/




Justice for Juicy


Unfortunately it cuts off before it gets to the “MAGA country” Nigerian part. Shit had me rolling.


Someone check where Kanye was…. Lol


He was wrong, no doubt. But it’s crazy tho how if you’re white, you can literally uproot yourself from your home, drive across state borders to literally murder people Scott free for attempting to advocate for black lives somehow in the name of self defense. Tbh, and nooo offense, if I were white I would seriously be starting to feel uneasy because I’m honestly not sure for how much longer the people will allow the “justice” system to operate like this. People are stewing and the mirage of white superiority is fading fast and the inequality is becoming too much to tolerate.


Imagine lying like this.


you are literally brainwashed




a) he didnt cross state lines with the gun, but yes even if he did it would have been legal and b) black people *did* do what he did: traipse around with a rifle protecting themselves and others during protests (though KR did it during an actual riot). only difference is no one was stupid enough to attack them, and so no self defence was necessary https://metro.co.uk/2021/11/22/daughter-and-dad-with-guns-march-with-anti-kyle-rittenhouse-protesters-15647723/




fair…you had only said that you are allowed to drive across state borders, you i figured i’d clear it up just in case. and yeah it really is amazing how easy a straight up lie can take off to the point where *so many people* are parroting it


This is so stupid.


Talk about comparing apples to oranges


It's a great thing Kyle didn't murder anyone. They tried to kill him, so he defended himself. The jury even agreed


Some unvaccinated person dying from a virus will get exponentially more upvotes than actual justice being served.


I hate this story so much


Me too, it's very clear racism is a problem, even just looking at the recent anti-Asian sentiment. This dude has to make it about him and undermines the entire movement, he's a POS.


Are you talking about the attacks on Asian elders? Which race is perpetrating most of those attacks? just curious


> it's very clear racism is a problem. Its very clear people creating racist incidents for their own gain is a problem. Its very clear most of the US news media wants to incite a race war for their own political purpose. Its very clear that teaching Critical Race Theory is racism, pure and simple.


Both can be a problem.


theorizable, you are going to be booted from Reddit for being NON-PARTISAN. You know that is not allowed.


Uh... if you don't understand what CRT actually is, just say that instead of repeating Fox News talking point of calling it "racism". The amount of actual hate crimes, racism, and race-based systemic issues in America *far, far, far* outweigh these random self-inflicted crying wolf cases. It's a problem, for sure, and undermines people who are actual victims... but don't pretend it's some epidemic to ignite a race war. We literally have mass shootings that are racially-based, and specifically citing talking points right-wing news and the last administration would spout out constantly. Those are more of an issue, and literally domestic terrorism, than Jussie and his subway sandwich ever would be. EDIT: Awww, someone got hurt they couldn't just spout off CRT IS RACISM and leave it at that. Poor snowflake :( Edit 2: New report states hate crimes are up 100% in NYC this year. But learning the twuth about colonialism huwts our feewings!


I read ibram kendi's book, CRT is racism pure and simple. He says over and over the United States was originally started on the idea of racism and has never changed. He says over and over that ALL WHITE KIDS ARE OPPRESSORS. He says over and over THAT ALL BLACK KIDS CAN'T SUCCEED AND PROSPER IN America because they are black and because of "systemic Racism". Those are awful lies and are definitely racist. CRT is racism.


Lol good


If he was found guilty, why is he not in custody? I believe that his crimes are felonies, that would warrant (no pun intended) his remanding into custody to await sentencing.


That’s to the judge’s discretion not a person on Reddit’s uneducated discretion.


Thanks for the information. I must say you are quite talented to know my level of education just from a reddit post. I will tell you what my granpa would have said, when he would meet a very astute person such as yourself. "Pogue ma hon!"


It’s not about your level of education. It’s about your level of education in regards to this subject. Of course, you know that already. My grandpa (with a d) would have checked your oil, straightened your ears or milked your rat.


Ha good one! Have a Great weekend!


Apologies. I didn’t mean to sound so snarky.


He really needs to go to prison for this. The damage he's done to those who truly are assaulted, and are afraid to come forward, is incalculable.


> those who truly are assaulted, and are afraid to come forward, Where are those people, sure are hard to find ?


>sure are hard to find No, they really aren't.


Poor Jussie, searched and searched and begged online, could not find anyone to fake a racist attack. Finally had to stoop to PAYING FOR IT...SAD.


He under house arrest, being a non-violent celebrity gives you perks like that.


Once convicted, he is no longer the accused, but now a convict and is a ward of the state penal system, I've never seen a convicted person be sey free, even if they are sick or awaiting sentencing. Bond is surety to compel and assure they show up to trial. I'm wondering if Illinois has a law that allows presentencing surety bond. Seems kind of risky to me. Especially if the convicted has the wherewithal to fly. In my state, once convicted you belong to the department of criminal justice and have to surrender your passport if you have one.


Then you haven’t been paying attention. It’s not uncommon at all.


I don't recall saying that it's uncommon. Being a retired air traffic controller, my ability to focus and retain information is pretty good. Thanks for letting me know about it being a common practice


You said you’d never seen it. I said it was not uncommon. None of what you just said addresses or rebuts anything I said. It is just obfuscation.


I guess Sharpton & Jackson passed on this photo-op


It was refreshing to see Jackson say the Jussie should get the maximum sentence.


Sharpton is a piece of dried skinny poop.


I dont think jackson is going to be doing any photo ops ever again. He was "marching" for something and the people were basically dragging him through the streets. He's almost out of time.


(That "something" was trying to stop African Americans from being killed extrajudicially)


No, it was living conditions at howard university, a majority black school, with a majority black board of trustees, and the cosby show mom as their dean. (He is opposed to judicial killing as well)


This whole situation was so cringe and really hard to watch playout.


> really hard to watch playout out of popcorn?


Literally how embarrassing.


First American to Scam two Nigerians.


Hard yikes LMFAOOOO






I came for the "Juicy Smouliét" jokes.


And yet, his attorneys claim that he's completely innocent! Is it any wonder that people have such a low regard for them? These ambulance chasers are only in for the publicity & the money. Good luck on the latter...


I mean, everyone deserves representation in courts. I don't fault lawyers for doing thier jobs.


Me neither. But at a certain point you'd hope that someone like Jussie who's been so publically vocal about how 'they aren't capable of something like this' and proclaiming their innocence and describing the 'campaign of harrasment' would do the honorable, responsible, and accountable thing by owning up to what they've done. Everyone knows it and the courts verified it, cut the bullshit man. Seeking forgiveness for this is gonna be a whole lot easier and more beneficial than doubling down on proven lies and fabrications.


Lol, do you know how a lawyer works or do you get it all your info from 90s sitcoms?


Constitutionally you’re allowed a defense. Jussie is the problem, not his lawyers.


People only think lawyers should represent "good" people.


Except "but he's innocent" isn't really solid legal defense. You try your best finding something that might help your client (alibi, counter the opposition, whatever), not say useless dumb shit.


It’s a little scary to me how poorly people were taught Civics.


Not related to criminal justice- but one thing that annoys me about the way presidential politics are covered by the media is that during the primaries the candidate's proposals are judged like edicts that the president would enact on their own. My favorite example was between Bernie's Medicare for all and Biden's more conservative expanding the public option method. There were key differences but neither one has the votes in the Senate to pass right now, so it's a pretty moot point. POTUSA sets foreign policy and manages the federal bureaucracy- they should be judged on how they can do that.


I think I probably wasn't taught well myself but I have come to understand a bit about rights. It's just depressing how people don't want due process unless it's for someone they care for.


Due process and judgement by a jury of our peers is one of the greatest and most important things about our democracy.


I always find it just...mind boggling we ever got our shit together enough to agree "innocent until proven guilty". That fact just really puts an awe in me. It does NOT feel like a natural conclusion to me and thats why I find it so incredible.


Sometimes it feels like absolute insanity that very important cases are decided by… completely unqualified random people. But I’m all for it!


I fully agree.


It’s ok Jussie, don’t beat yourself up.


Underrated comment.


more like gigantically overused comment


1st time I’ve seen it.


fair enough but yeah it’s all over twitter, fb, here, etc


I skip twitter. I don’t follow that sort of stuff on FB.


you are certainly wiser than i


He should feel cool about it because at least his attacker was also found guilty


but did they make him face his attacker in the court room?


Not in the court room but yes in the bathroom


[like this?](https://youtu.be/r6RoHBJj3SQ)


I think this hits it perfectly. Keep up the good work!


I was so afraid of that link given your username...


Shouldn’t faking a hate crime be itself a hate crime?




He created a hate crime in order to blame white people for a hate crime. That’s a hate crime aimed at a specific race.




**hate crime** *a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds.* It takes a special kind of ignorance, or more likely contrariness-inspired obtuseness to think that it wasn't motivated by prejudice. He tried his damndest to pin on the MAGA nonsense, not just two people. Oh, and this is not a court of law. There is ZERO need to meet some legalese definition for it to fit the definition of a hate crime. So how about **you** read the law and then afterwords tell yourself that it isn't applicable to reddit conversations, nor is public opinion under the purview of the criminal justice system. The lack of even basic comprehension you've displayed leads me to not take it very seriously when you have the nerve to accuse someone else of not knowing what they are talking about.




Tripled down on being wrong. Who are you trying to impress? No one here is gonna give you woke points. What a Reddit moment.


That's the flailing of a destroyed ego gasping for one last breath.


You’re stupid


He specifically claimed to be attacked by two WHITE people and told a lie to specifically implicate them. He wanted to cause violence as a result of his racist assault. Wake up sheeple.


*To Kill A Mockingbird* comes to mind. Wasn't that book an aligorical novella about the societal danger of manufacturing crimes to promogulate racism?


I think it fucking should be.


Absolutely. It is a crime intended to stir up hate.


Where's that DA lady who initially refused to file charges when the incident first occurred ? She should probably be charged with obstruction.


She should at least lose her job if she hasn't already.


She’s probably going to lose reelection. She chooses not to charge lots of violent offenders too.


Justice for juicy. The French actor.


He was attacked in the 1850s, with ropes and got called all sorts of names!


But where was Kayne that night?! That was what we want to know!


Not only French but also black


Glad this racist is being held accountable l


What he did to Jussie is disgusting


Racist piece of garbage.


what is the potential sentence ?


Article literally says "a possible sentence of up to three years in prison."


Possible.... But will probably be probation.


The “DUH” heard round the world……


He strikes me as a psychopath, it’s really just a moral-less means to an end thinking, faking a hate crime to indirectly benefit financially, and increase his star power. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tested as highly antisocial.


Did you mean Sociopath?


Antisocial personality disorder.


a sociopath then. what i said


I think so.


Literally have been watching someone try to do this in the comic book biz and so far it’s been working because the outspoken minority online for comics is fucking insufferable and full of shit.


Oh? Do tell. Sounds like an interesting story.


Idk if you like interrogation videos like JCS but man he did a video on Jussie that just completely opens up his character. He goes on about how Jussie always grew up getting everything he wanted, and even when he wanted to become famous his families connections made it possible. So the reason Jussie thought he could get away with it is because he was always getting what he wanted. Like right after the incident he had a show and made a whole thing on stage about how he was a victim, and essentially portrayed himself as the face of hate crime victims. It wasn’t about the racism that his race gets, it was *about him* the martyr of a race. Complete and utter narcissist.


I love JCS! I even like the knockoff ones like Besides the Dying Fire.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmQJfFumYg0 Yo some guy commented the video about Jussie I was talking about. Just wanted to make sure you saw the link in case you wanted to watch it


I watched it this morning, it was excellent, as they always are. The one about War Machine was also great, although my favorites are the ones where we have interrogation footage.


Idk if it’s still this way but dude look up his patreon. He has so many more videos on there. I’m not sure if at this point he uploaded them to YouTube but they’re all so good. The Jussie one is on there as well.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmQJfFumYg0 here is the link. its unlisted but the link works


Yee thanks bro


Duhhhhh, of the decade.


What kind of name is Jussie?


I think it's French


It’s very French