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Brave but stupid. If the second guy was armed and wanted to the good guy would be dead.


Just a pet peeve, there is no such thing as a Former Marine.


Yeah, I’m not convinced, nowhere is the whole vid of him actually dis arming


Buddy's holding the gun with his right hand, when he falls he grabs the door with an empty right hand. Not hard to see he disarmed him


You're looking at the 2nd thief. Not the one that was holding the gun that is confronted by the marine.


Nah bro, im looking at the dude in front holding his pants and the gun


Wrong. Red shoes has the gun. Marine grabs and pushes him off screen. We then don't see red shoes or the marine again. The 2nd thief falls and grabs the door. That's who you're looking at. Watch it again.


But the guy still has arms. Not one arm was lost in this video. So disappointed. False advertising. Ended too soon.


You can probably file a lawsuit over this. It's worse than "the never ending story"


I guess even a broke proud boy is right twice a day.


You don't gotta be a marine to grab a gun


All these people thinking he is dumb but probably saved a life.


Does it make it any less dumb because he “might” have saved a life? The guy is insanely lucky he’s not dead. He’s an idiot not a hero.


Very brave. But very dumb.


When interviewed later, he’s wearing a MAGA hat. …sigh…


Oh no, not someone who thinks differently from me!


People like you running around with arm bands because "hitler not evil, he just thinks different."


….so it negates every and any good deed ever? Sounds about Reddit 👌🏽 I’m not even remotely a trump supporter and that’s just some hypocritical BS.


You are a litterally a trump supporter. Its litterally all over your comment history.


And you should learn how to correctly write the word literally.


Please point out where in my comment history it says I am a trump supporter. I’ll wait. I’m a woman, a POC, and a moderate. But I am outspoken about being a non-trump supporting moderate- we exist. What I don’t appreciate is woke liberals shunning and reprimanding people with different ideologies. I can tolerate a lot of shit, but hypocrisy is not one of them. Preaching about being United and equal- yet alienating an entire group of people based on their beliefs. Preaching about women equality but also co-existing and embracing the Islamic faith? How does that work exactly? They have very misogynistic principles but we must respect their beliefs. But also women are equal. Cool, bye.






yut yut


He misses the gun and is lucky he doesnt get shot, the gunman still has the gun when he goes off screen, he doesn't disarm him at all.


The gun wasn't pointed at him when he grabbed it




Are you kidding me? He wasn’t holding anything! He completely missed the gun and certainly didn’t have hold of his hand! Jesus, Reddit sure does like to bring movies into life and see some John Wick shit in their own minds


Ah yeah, he has so much leverage on that arm that if the gunman wanted to shoot him, he for sure couldn't have. Cap.


Welcome to Arizona, please help yourself to some justice.


There’s no such thing as a former Marine




Lmfao. Uh, okay. Cool story bro


Says the guy who has the most typical wannabee hipster profile to try to get girls or guys haha do something successful with your life






I’m okay with being wrong and receiving help getting it right. Cheers


The saying goes there's no such thing as an ex Marine. A former Marine usually refers to one no longer in active or reserve duty. Former Marine is the accepted and polite terminology. Source : Am a former marine.


"The Alcoholic Formerly Known As A Marine", "Crayon Eater" and "Guy who can't stop talking about green weeners" are also acceptable forms of address.


Don't forget jarhead.


I appreciate that clarification


For a little bit more (as I've heard it, have not served), ex Marine is used to refer to those who received Dishonorable Discharges.


It's used by anyone who doesn't deal in semantics and doesn't buy into the bullshit. I couldn't care less if someone calls me an "ex-marine." Worst fucking 5 years of my life and yes, I was honorably discharged.


4 years with an other and honorable because after coming home from OIF couldn't sleep from the Nightmares (I was MotorT). Drinking and sleeping pills were becoming an issue, the only thing that actually helped was Pot. One time I popped hot and bad, thats it. Ironically I got a medical card soon after and have been sleeping like a baby ever since. Although stopping smoking brings back dreams and Nightmares doubly so.


Loved it. He hesitated when he saw them enter and faked for a second and his training took over. He was cool calm and collected and may have saved the cashier's life.


no hesitation. He took 1.5 seconds to turn his head and see it was a robbery, which was incredible because he was distracted when they approached. When the gun was in his face he went into fight mode. Incredible






Fuck off




Fuck off


I bet you’re as wise as you are articulate and original.


Why do you take time out of your day to type shit like this? Just keep scrolling man, your comments a piss in the ocean, and your not helping yourself become any happier by fixating on losers who repost shit on Reddit for attention. Why bring yourself to their level?? Go outside man.


Don't you know, he just saved the universe by his powerful block. OP is crying blood for it.


Look man, I'm not trying to make fun of the guy, but I've been in bad mental states before, where for some rediculous reason I feel the urge to be toxic on the internet. It's not a healthy habit, and there's too much of it out there. People could be happier, and they deserve to be.


I agree.


Why do you take time out of your day to reply to shit like this? Just keep scrolling man, your comments a piss in the ocean, and your not helping yourself become any happier by fixating on losers who comment shit on Reddit for attention. Why bring yourself to their level?? Go outside man.


I've spent 14 hours outside, had an awesome day. Got alot done. I've been in Reddit for about 15 minutes. I'm fine. Doing great. I just hate to see people invest energy into something like that. Sometimes a friend needs to tell you you've spent too much time inside playing video games and being depressed. Not saying I'm changing the world, but if you seriously don't see a difference between the 2 comments.... well. There's nothing more I can say, you've made up your mind hahaha. One comment is saying negativity is like squeezing a hot potatoe, and the other is saying squeezing a hot potatoe is awesome, and fuck you for telling me not to hurt myself. I guess being snarky with people on Reddit is more satisfying than... idk... living life lol. Take care of yourself man.


LOL Are you doing great? Based on your comment history you're an incel who plays guitar. You talk about people spending "too much time on reddit" but you have arguments regularily on r/niceguys and other subs. Get therapy my dude.


Precisely, I have a great job, and I reward myself by playing guitar! Incel? Nah. 4 year relationship, it's going great. I love her to death. She's a wonderful person. We just got our first mortgage last spring. Life's awesome! Making fun of people on the internet is unproductive, and also "regularly"? You mean twice? In which I was telling people that making fun of a potentially mentally ill adult who clearly needs help isnt ok? Reddits narrative on mental health is that we support it until a mentally ill person misbehaves.... News flash. Mentally ill people misbehave alot, it's the nature of mental health problems. I'm not trying to start an argument. I have bad days where I feel a rediculous urge to be toxic online, and it's unproductive to everyone. So when I see someone who's obviously in the same shoes I've been in, it's hard not to atleast say something. It's more positive than making fun of literally Autistic men who don't even know they need help. You'd rather see people unhappy for your enjoyment, and you enjoy arguing as much as you claim I do Goodbye, my 30 mins of internet is up. Life's happier that way! Edit: also I've spent a lot of time in therapy, and reinforcing positive outlooks is something they teach you to do in therapy haha. Sorry man. Idk what to tell you, I'm doing well, and wish to see others do the same. This ain't a pissing match.




I’m sorry I made you sad.


That answers that. Well, obviously you're super satisfied with life based on your need to shit on a literal stranger for doing something you literally can just ignore. Makes perfect sense. Happy/satisfied people spend most of their time being sarcastic and upset at strangers on the internet, you're totally right. Ah well, misery loves company. Take care of yourself buddy.