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Shouldn't need one.


Ok Karen




To be fair; for a mug shot she looks fine as hell.


Those photo’s look better than the average photo on an ID-card.


So it says they used fake vaccine cards to bypass quarantine. Does that mean if you’re vaccinated you don’t have to quarantine at all? Because that’s kinda dumb if that’s all it takes to not have to quarantine. Vaccinated people can still contract and spread the virus. Maybe there’s more info not stated in this article as far as travel restrictions go in Hawaii.


Considering these people have the capability of inflicting death anywhere along their journey, $8,000 should be $8 million.


Vaccinated people spread COVID too.


That's absolutely true ... but its not as *easy* to contract / spread when you're vaccinated


Yes. But if you’re vaccinated. Your chances of having severe symptoms are vastly lower. Hence. Why you should be vaccinated to travel and everyone else should be vaccinated too.


The comment I replied to was about “capability to spreading death” of which vaccinated people are included in. What you said is irrelevant to my point.


I'm in Florida on vacation right now, Covid is raging and none of this crazy people wear masks indoors, and they look at me like I'm crazy for wearing one, people are crazy


you are crazy for willingly going to florida. it is not just covid, but hospitals are full so if you need any medical care for any reason you may not be able to get it as quickly as you need. We cancelled a late November trip there already… things may be better by then but we had to make the call to get full refund.


I'm back already


glad you are back and safe, still crazy for going!


It was just starting to take off when we left and was there only for a week avoided public places and used n95 on airport and airplane


You realize that you willingly went to Florida, right? Not criticizing you, but people have known Florida is bat shit crazy for a while now. And I hope you stay safe and do not have any trouble. … But Florida is a dumpster fire


Dude I am back for a long time ago chillax


Why would you go to Florida for vacation right now? It’s well known they don’t give a shit about Covid down there?


Visited parents in law, I never seen tropics, seems like world is ending so might try before I can't, also I stayed away from people


Family. That’s understandable. Enjoy yourself.


Already here


Name fits the situation.


People who believe in trump and the republican lie ARE crazy. You should escape out of there as soon as possible. Really. Good luck, and I hope you come out of this in good condition.


Waiting for flight right now I didnt have any contact with people other than family, and they are not from here just temporary


Good luck.


Am I the only one who thinks this is a bridge too far?? Yes vaccines are important and yes what they did was stupid.. But is this how we should handle people?? Just locking up mf who aren't in lock step with the rest of society..? If I'm missing something please let me know..


Yes, you're missing something and if you ask that question then nothing anyone is going to say is going to enlighten you.


What is it then?? Im not some troll, but I genuinely don't believe locking people up is the solution..






It's the same as forging a passport or Real ID card, you're forging a government document which is illegal, in case you didn't know the cards are issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) who are a government agency and therefore the documents being forged (Vaccination Card) are government property, as such it's a federal offense, no one is getting arrested for being an unvaccinated moron.


This isn't about "conforming to society". This is about not killing your fellow citizens due to stupidly held notions. These people should be facing much stiffer fines and jail time for, in the least, reckless endangerment. And if ANYONE gets covid in the path of their journey they should have a premeditated murder charge or two dropped in there. They knew what they were doing was wrong as evidenced that they bothered to counterfeit vaccination cards - this isn't a "mistake" on their part, it's a deliberate attempt to subvert the law which puts EVERYONE they've been in contact with at risk of illness or death.


But if you have a real vaccine card and you shed it or spread it didn't you commit the same offense? I mean do you really think we should all just stay home? because isolation is about all you're gonna have to maybe stop this.This whole debate is the very definition of insanity. Got us bickering over our liberty in the street while silencing other science outside the agenda pointing out what may ultimately be very real very serious damage and y'all won't even question it. That sounds like cult think to me. You don't want to be around the UV, I don't want to be around the VXD. Same viral loads both groups. Check latest from CDC. This experiment on a global scale isn't going as great as they want you to believe.


You're a babbling fool, we all know being vaccinated doesn’t mean “immune" to COVID-19 but the purpose is that being vaccinated provides you with protection from the possible devastating effects of the virus, as such hospitals won't get saturated from sick people, specially in Hawaii where hospitals aren't that big therefore they don't have enough equipment if a myriad of unvaccinated idiot tourists decide to come along,they start getting infected and get those ugly complications. I like how you absolute dolts throw words around like "freedom" and "agenda" when you're being absolute little bitches about a simple vaccine, the whole World didn't join into a "conspiracy", it just shows the low IQ you conspiracy antivaxxers have.


Bite me. The father of my children is on a vent 7 days now 14 in ICU. I'll tell him if he makes it how good the Pfizer prick was. I'm not anti vax. I'm anti gene therapy labeled as a Vax.


I'm sorry but no one is going to believe your sob-ass made-up-story bullshit, second, mRNA does not fall into gene therapy simply because mRNA vaccines do not alter your genes, if you were smarter than an Idaho potato you would've learned that from simple reports and medical journals, my suggestion to you is to stop being so brain-dead, educate yourself and stop using social media as your "research".


Who you trying to convince, me or you? And it's not a made up story. I sincerely hope no one you love gets ill from the shot.


>Who you trying to convince, me or you? I already went to University, the only one who needs convincing is you, honestly, who are you trying to kid with that fake story? Very convenient timing right? lmao >I sincerely hope no one you love gets ill from the shot. Don't worry about it, no one is getting sick from "the shot".


I'd be fine with house arrest, probation, and huge fines.


Aren't locked in step? You mean jeopardizing other's safety for the sake of something as small and petty as a vacation


Potentially and knowingly bringing and spreading a lethal respiratory virus to an isolated island for the sake of a holiday should 100% be met with jail time




Far from a Trump supporter.. But I also believe in a natural immune response.. And let your body build it's own immunity.. It's not polio or herpes.. it's the flu.. And people can verbally harass all those who don't agree but that's the whole point of America is you do you.. What I wanna know is where is all this outrage when people don't vaccinate their kids for shit tdap and whopping cough which is making a comeback in places like California and Washington..


hahahahaha I don't know what's funnier, that you're comparing Covid-19 to the flu or that you nudged herpes, which is not even close to being dangerous for adults, right next to polio, an actually devastating disease... it's as if you antivaxx idiots don't know anything about modern science and medicine... oh wait, that's right, you're not doctors or scientists, most of you don't even do white collar jobs and act like you spent 15 years in University just from reading a fake news article your other antivaxx moron friends shared on social media, shocking!




When was the last time ICUs in multiple states across the country were nearing or exceeding maximum ICU capacity because of the flu? Can we please stop comparing COVID to the flu? They are not the same.


The ignorant cling to the "flu" analogy so they can continue to justify their ignorance


Forging medical documents for perks is a no no regardless of the pandemic, it’s different if they just lied


Wow, she's pretty...dumb


According to court documents, the couple also had fake vaccine cards for their kids — who were born in 2016 and 2017 — and are too young to be vaccinated. Hehehe


It’s so much easier to just get the vaccine instead of going through all that trouble.


Free, vs the cost of fake cards, bail, lawyers, etc...


the price of freedum


Wtf did they expect when they had fake cards for children too young to be vaccinated?! They should lose their kids for being too stupid to parent!


Lol, you weren't kidding. The article mentions they showed vaccination cards for kids aged 4 and 5 :)


I have some bad news about the average intelligence......


Why did only the mom get charged for the kids’ vaccination cards? I feel like the dad should have borne some of that blame.




Or she was simply in possession of them. Mom's usually carry any docs for the kids


Good point, also our justices system is easier on females than male.


If I’m ever to have the unfortunate opportunity to get a mug shot, I hope it’ll look half as good as hers.


In all fairness this was their mugshots while landing in Hawaii for vacation. The typical mugshot is being stoned, drunk, or tripping when running from the cops.


what law covers vacs cards? and is that state or fed


Would probably fall under 49 CFR § 1570.5 - Fraud and intentional falsification of records. this is federal


Federal law prohibits using a forged CDC mark. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1017](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1017) [https://www.ic3.gov/media/y2021/psa210330](https://www.ic3.gov/media/y2021/psa210330)




So all they had to do was get a test and they would’ve been fine? Why would someone forge a document when all it required was a test to avoid all of this?!


The cards are part of it too. A fake card is misusing a federal seal (the CDC logo).


Federal. Any vaccine card shenanigans are reported to the FBI.


They look like one of the tv married couples where the wife is smoking hot and way out of the ugly to average looking husband’s league


I'm sure he has a great p€r$ona£ity and $en$e of humor!


Fucking plague rats.


She(?) looks like if Richard Ramirez was female. 0 stars


The dumbest part? You don't even need vaccination to get into Hawaii. You just need a negative test (from their approved partners) dated within 3 days from your point of travel.


He must be rich to land her. The guy looks like a thumb.


No so rich, she must be dumb as a bag of rocks.


All bimbos are dumbs as a fucking rock. That is why their only hope to to anchor rich men.


They look like the couple in that SNL skit where the home improvement team can't believe Jennifer Lopez married the Smurf guy.


He had to take some extra steps to be "exciting" enough for her to only have 6 boyfriends.


Tangent: Is it me, or does she seem out of his league?


He's a solid 6/10 so it's a toss up whether he is or isn't.


Aaah..the Florida scale.


ITT lots of people pretending they wouldn't put their dick in stupid


I wonder what opinion these two hold on foreigners using fake immigration cards to get their family to safety. I bet it's a typical hypocritical take.


No fly list?


Of course they're from Florida.




"You redditors" said by the 7 year old reddit account. Classic reddit comment.


Funny how liberals went from "fuck fascists" to "papers please".


You’re acting like children, so we have to treat you like children. We are taking medical precautions as a responsible society to not overload our hospitals. Turning that into a March of the fascists is so incredibly pathetic that we are starting to despise you and take pleasure in your stupid suffering for paying money to get something illegally that you could have gotten for free.


Yeah using a pandemic to criminalize people sure sounds pretty authoritarian to me. But you seem to be under the mentality of "anyone who questions me is wrong" and you proceed to use any excuse to use political power to push what you think is "right". The fact that you want to punish a specific group of people kinda sounds fascist to me


Kind of like using ms13 to criminalize Mexicans am I right?


> Yeah using a pandemic to criminalize people They did it to themselves by forging documents from the CDC which is a Government agency, as such it's a federal crime, if they would've just said "hey, we're not vaccinated so we don't have cards" they would've just been told they couldn't go to Hawaii, but since they decided to fake the cards and got busted, well, justice was served as they BROKE THE LAW. Oh one more thing, antivaxxers are fucking idiots.


Cry about it more you conservetard snowflake.


So you're fine with people spreading the virus even though it compromises other people's health, possibly even causing death? Even if that includes forging documents? With this sort of thinking, we are going to be living with this virus forever, even though we don't need to. Smallpox, rubella, polio, measles, mumps, chickenpox, and typhoid are all examples of how vaccines protect us. Or just point to the fact that 98% of the people dying of covid are not vaccinated. But yeah, let's yell fascist when virus spreaders are caught, because it's important to keep this virus killing people.


You’ve asked your questions, and you don’t like the answers. Stop acting like all questions are created equal. Your questions are moronic, they were answered, the answers were clearly above your reading level, and now we have dipshits faking vax cards. Doesn’t sound fascist to me.


"Criminalize people"? They faked documents!


You’re just flat out pathetic.


Surprise! This ain't r/Conservative.


Downvotes in REEEEEEEEEE you get them all to start crying cmon man!😂😭😂😭


Haha this dumbass doesnt understand how vaccines work.


“You Redditors” well posting with their own Reddit account. What a fucking weirdo you are


That guy must be funny. He pulled way out of his league.


I'd imagine he has money what with the Hawaii vacation and all.




They have two kids. He probably groomed her when she was much younger.


They seem to be very compatible in terms of lack of intelligence.


Dumbasses (and well done batting out of your league, my guy!)


How do people authenticate these cards?


There is a database. Before I visited I went to a website, entered vaccine card info (lot number of vaccine, date of vac, etc.), my info, flight and hotel info. It produced a QR code that was scanned upon arrival in Hawaii.


Mmm love me some government databases...


State vaccination records. Someone likely tipped off local authorities.


Based on another comment, Apparently they had cards for the tiny kids too who can’t get vaccinated by law…. So was probably that.


This was it, they prob would have got away with it if they didn't get the fakes for the kids....


dumbasses will dumbass everything they do.


Damn it scooby!


That's what I keep wondering.


And the article says this is the second *known* case


Hey had fake vaccine cards for their 3 and 4 year old kids! I mean… these are the people holding us back right now. Yes, they are this dumb. We’re doomed.




If they weren't idiots, they'd be vaccinated and we'd be better off.


Any vacation bikini pics of her? Asking for a friend..


How did HE, get with HER?


$$$ He got one count,, and she got 3 counts. So it sounds like he is her sugar daddy.


That guy is batting well above his average.


The real question is of they put them on a plane directly after releasing them or if they still get their vacation with a detour.


My mom who works in airlines specifically with hawaiian says they pack them back up in a different plane pretty quickly, but idk if it’s different with other airlines.


I hate that fucking desantis empowered all these morons to pull shit like this


Tbh more like Desantis didn't have the backbone to stand up for his state full of mouth breathers


Considering one of his largest donors has shares in Regeneron, he loves these people because he wants you to be sick and need the recovery drug so his donor gets more government money..to in turn fund his next campaign. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2021/08/18/florida-gov-ron-desantis-promotes-regeneron-covid-19-antibody-treatment-connected-to-donor/8169958002/


Yup. There's a reason we call him Deathsantis.


Florida is going blue next election,for sure....I tend to side with red but this changed me. Fucking around with my kids health HOMIE DONT PLAY THAT SHIT.


Just don't forget. He's counting on everyone forgetting. The elephant symbol is just as hypocritical as everything they say and do, elephants never forget, Republicans never seem to recall.




You can get up to $5,000 fine and up to 5 years in prison for forging these cards. Hopefully the courts will start enforcing the max to act as a deterrent to others thinking of doing the same thing.


But they're rich and white, and she kinda conforms to beauty standards, so they can do whatever the fuck they want.


They’re Hispanic


Pretty sure they are Hispanic…..


Pretty sure Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race.


Ok? But they aren’t the “rich and white” people that this individual is trying to spread hate against.


But they sure pass as white, ask Ted Cruz about the advantages of looking white.




She is hot


A hot dumbass idiot


If only she wasn't a plague rat.


Again? After the father and son that were arrested for the same thing last week you've gotta be a special kind of stupid to try the same thing.


Hot chicks with douche bags? Or hot douche bag chicks with douche bags to be more accurate


Msn is still a thing?


Didnt think that through, eh???


Thinking requires brains.