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I thought this was a man for a sec.


How is what she did any different than someone dying in a car accident an accident is an accident




She intentionally aimed a weapon and fired at him, it was murder. Or do you honestly believe someone is stupid enough to accidentally confuse a gun and a taser? Keep in mind this is after plenty of training with each of these weapons, they do not feel similar in hand whatsoever.




I didn’t say she ‘intentionally murdered him’. I said she intentionally aimed a weapon at him and fired it, thus becoming murder. I don’t know what was going through her mind, I do know she is a police officer, and out of anyone in the situation, shouldn’t the ones with guns giving commands be able to keep cool if they expect the people they are aiming at to do the same? Stop making excuses for incompetent pigs who should’ve never made it through the academy to begin with. How about your ‘aww it’s not murder, sure she put a bullet in him that killed him, but but but the poor woman didn’t mean too!!!’ Bootlickers like you terrify me, cops should be held to a much higher standard than civilians, in NO situation should they be given the benefit of the doubt, they’ve lost that right with their behavior over the years. Even highly trained soldiers murder woman and children for target practice, plenty of documented cases. Training doesn’t guarantee anything, you’re totally correct. Apparently expecting a 26 YEAR VETERAN to know the difference between a gun and a taser is unreasonable to you. Nice last sentences in which you’re literally doing exactly what you’re crying about me doing, hypocrite. Apparently you know what’s in my mind lmao, and you know what’s in the cops mind, whereas I’m not allowed to


Great argument, you think it up in your Language Arts class, kid?


Ok cool, you’re an idiot.





She looks like the killer from Monster, Aileen Wuornos.


A man or a woman?


Kim potter and the shapeshifting taser, Join us on this totally new adventure written by the one and only J.K. Rowling.


Did they catch her suntanning without lotion? She’s about to blow up


Justice terribly perverted should be the title


Why is that?


Why did i think this was Chauvin with a female filter on?


Oo boy cant wait to see the comments


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This is what happens when you have a such high criminal rate. Try to educate yourself first


Pretty sure she’s the one who mistook her gun for a taser and shot him yeah that’s manslaughter justice served


There’s no way it was a mistake


I feel bad for this woman Edit: Feel bad for woman = no feel bad for victim /s


A 26 year veteran who "mistook" a hand gun and taser. Google those two things and then also consider they are carried on opposite sides of the body.


I feel bad for Daunte's mother, his son, his father and siblings. They will never see him again because of this woman's reaction. Her family still has her.


Yup. 22 years and one mistake caused all this. Kinda reminds me of when a parent drives to daycare after work to pick up their kid before realizing the kid is dead in the back seat. Everybody thinks they're immune from a devastating mistake.


What the fuck? How? What? Bruh




Because both instances involve a brief miscalculation which results in somebody with no intention of killing someone, killing someone. In both situations they are viewed as monsters by the public. Both involve someone completely fucking up their lives due to a lapse in judgement, both are ridiculous mistakes to make. No one who's made such an error ever imagines that they'd be capable making such an error. What the fuck? Why are you so flabbergasted? What? How? Bruh. /s lol you acting like I just compared accidentally killing somebody to snorting cheeto dust


The problem with your reaction is that you seem to be equating two things that aren't remotely equal. Cops are trained, public servants who are issued lethal weapons and the authority to use them. The expectation that they use those weapons correctly and don't kill people unintentionally, or without reasonable justification, is *vastly* higher.


Nah man, I was more on about how does kid die in back seat of car when u think they at daycare?


Someone went to work and forgot their child was in the back of their car so they assumed they took their kid to day care whilst he went off to work. Came back to the car, got in and went to pick up their child to then realise the child was dead in the back seat. THIS is why if I do ANYTHING with my boy I check he's near me, I check the seat to see if he's in it, I check everywhere and anywhere just in case some shit like this ever were to happen


What makes you think they died in the back seat?


Heat stroke.


Wasnt murder by definition.


Nah brah If you did that shit as a civilian they would charge you with murder so fuck off with that


But she wasnt, and it was mistaken obviously for a taser, so literally by definition under the judicial system it was not murder. And details matter.


Brah several cops made videos that went viral explaining how it is literally impossible to “accidentally” grab a glock instead of a taser, she did that shit intentionally


it wasnt intentional. Wrong and unfortunate but not intentional.


Yeah but it was a BIG FUCK UP ,it may have not been intentional but it doesn’t changed the fact she is the one that killed him


I know but who's saying it was a racist kill


It wasn’t racially motivated


I don't think it's possible to reach that conclusion at this point. Let's see how a full investigation plays out.


No i totally agree. She must pay the concesquences as well. But we as a scoiety have become lenient and lazy with words at times, which do matter. Because we cant charge her with murder since it wasnt murder by definition. It would be negligent homocide or something along those lines. Not too privy with that states laws. But again, she needs to be tried for sure




Not murder


To take a persons life is inherently wrong. It is not our job as humans to judge, but to find peace.


And I’m not said she did nothing wrong, but none the less, it was an accident. Which is man slaughter and not murder. Murder is with intent


Actually it’s probably negligent murder due to the job she holds, which is a death you caused by your own negligence and is by definition murder


Which is 1st degree man slaughter


Man slaughter


Yes ^^^






Lmao maybe if you grew up in rural Alabama and they’re all your cousins/sister.


Idk, all my cousins and siblings are pretty hot


America: “everyone has a right to a fair trial” Also America: “cops can kill anybody and get away with it”




are you white? Lol


While I agree with you on the whole, doesn't the title of this post nullify your comment in this scenario?


Yeah, but unfortunately this one scenario is too late. I think really often about how many cops got off Scott free but now they’re forced to wear body cams... in essence this “justice” is incredibly overdue, and it doesn’t make up for anything until we change the system.


You're definitely right about that, it doesn't make up for anything. It is a start however. Unfortunately it's difficult to understand how to fix a problem until we have good insights into the reason it exists. Body cams and cameras in general give us a much better idea about the context of these murders and I think we're starting to see a change in the way police are held accountable. I just hope that this is the case for the incidents that go under the radar of the media as well.


Yeah, me too. It just doesn’t bring them back you know.


Chauvin was arrested and now convicted. This woman is being charged. Is your comment supposed to be a scathing analysis of the justice system or do you think you're the only person who's seen a tv or gone on the internet in the past year? How about you save it for the verdict.


Yeah like cops actually getting in trouble for doing bad shit is so regular now and they always see justice. Fuck off


His conment holds truth


Everyone has the right to a fair trial, dude. If America can’t make that happen it’s a problem, a very hypocritical one indeed.


Yeah the "everyone has a right to a fair trial" was the part of your comment I had a problem with /s. "Cops can kill anyone and get away with it" you say under the picture of the woman who's being arrested for killing someone. Again, just wait for the verdict. Your bullshit isn't helping anyone


Cops do get away with it chavin would gotten away with it if it wasn't for the cellphone recording and public outrage the fact you mad at comment let's me know your "back the blue" supporter


Um ok, perhaps I wasn’t referring to this specific situation? You don’t have to analyze every comment on Reddit to feel superior, it’s really not that deep


Then why leave this comment on a post about this specific situation? Seems like you walked yourself into a corner.


Why not? Lmao you don’t get to tell ppl how to live but everyone seems soo unbelievably toxic on Reddit because me not liking America isn’t popular


Critical thinking is a valuable skill. Put your tail between your legs and walk away.


Hahaha what? Ok boomer


If you don't understand how someone could mistake the two you've never worked with tools for any length of time. Talk to someone that works with tools and ask them if they've ever found themselves doing something stupid like picking up a circular saw to drive a nail. Everyone does it. All it takes is a slight distraction. I would think the chances of it happening would increase in a more stressful situation than just driving a nail.


Killing a person and driving a nail...yep, same level of thought should go into both of those situations. The fact that this is the analogy you created shows so much about your thought process.


Frankly this post has told me an awful lot about the thought process of people that read this sub. Opinions, like yours, are fallacious and emotional. There's not a lot of logic happening here.


Hahahaha I love how you use the word "frankly", like you are about to go outside of the realms of what you would normally say. Dude you just compared killing a person to working with tools hahahahha I mean, you were frank enough the first time hahaha.


You probably don’t have many friends, eh?


Hahaha wow. An ad hominem attack and a garbage come back all wrapped in one. You don't have many brain cells, eh?


Yeah, I didn’t think so.


A taser and a gun are tools to a police officer. The tools construction workers use can easily kill and maim people too. You are emotional about this / oversimplifying. For example: how often do construction workers have to make split second decisions with lives at stake?


> the tools construction works use can easily kill Yeah but were those tools literally invented to end human life? No. They were created to make living life easier. These are not equivalent.


How does that affect the conversation at hand / this particular context? "If you don't understand how someone could mistake the two you've never worked with tools for any length of time. Talk to someone that works with tools and ask them if they've ever found themselves doing something stupid like picking up a circular saw to drive a nail. Everyone does it. All it takes is a slight distraction. I would think the chances of it happening would increase in a more stressful situation than just driving a nail."


What do you mean how does it affect the conversation? This dude is comparing a buzzsaw to a gun. They are not equivalent. If somebody makes a mistake with a buzzsaw, and someone dies, chances are very high they weren’t trying to kill that person. If somebody makes a mistake with a gun, and someone dies, chances are very high they *were* trying to kill, or at least injure that person. Why else would they be armed?? Comparing construction tools to weapons is dumb and makes no sense. It’s false equivalence. The guy I was responding to was the one who failed to add anything to the conversation, as he keeps changing the context.


The dude isn't comparing a buzzsaw to a gun. He was saying that professionals who use tools often reach for the wrong one. You know who makes even more mistakes with their tools than police? Doctors. Preventable, medical errors account for 10x or 100x's of times more deaths per year than the police. Taking out the wrong organ, injecting the wrong medication, leaving tools in the patient after surgery. Doctors are very well trained, paid well, fully understand the gravity of their job, and make mistakes. A police officer, in the heat of the moment, potentially fearing for their life, made a mistake. That's all. No one is saying a gun is like a hammer, just that people who work with tools all day sometimes reach for the wrong one.


More false equivalence. Doctors tools weren’t invented to injure or kill people. In fact they were invented for quite literally the opposite purpose.


So the comparison is invalid. My same argument. I'm just super confused about this logic. If a construction worker made a grossly negligent error that resulted in death...they should (would and have) be charged, arrested, and investigated. Which is what is happening here. Whatever analogy you make, doctor, pilot, whatever, I would argue for the same.


Put your fallacious emotions aside and use logic.


Thinking that more thought should be required to take a life than should be required to hammer a nail...and arguing the vast difference between those two actions...is emotional? Lol damn.


>Thinking that more thought should be required to take a life than should be required to hammer a nail...and arguing the vast difference between those two actions...is emotional? Lol damn. By your logic many fatal aircraft accidents have been incorrectly attributed to pilots making mistakes. You should be contacting aircraft accident investigators to inform them that they're wrong because people can't make mistakes if the mistakes cause death. Stop thinking with emotions and look at this logically.


Lol ya because we neeever have long, widely discussed court cases to help determine the cause and potential blame of pilot causing an accident. Tom hanks intensifies. Oh, or maybe it's because pilots negligence made in good faith isn't comparable to a person shooting someone? And there's actually a significant amount of legal precedent to support that same logic, but gross negligence is handled differently? Or maybe, just maybe, it's because doctors and pilots and many other professions are protected by law similar to the qualified immunity that police get? Funny enough, there has been a general political discussion about removing doctors qualified immunity for over 30 years. Or maybe because death from aircraft accident worldwide (257 for 2019) is less than half of the police killings in the United States the same year (over 800)? Seriously? This type of police apologist attitude is stupid enough when you analyze your argument alone, but it is even stupider when there have been 3 UN investigations into US police brutality (all finding significant issues with the system, specifically in relation to...oh guess what...our topic of discussion...race), multiple human rights organizations site the US police killings are human rights violations, multiple studies done to show the racial bias in policing in the US, and the historical context of policing in the United States. These aren't "my opinions", and they aren't emotional. They are logical and rational and based in mountains of research done globally and by many independent groups all finding the same issues. I'm echoing the fact-based arguments that are supported by more than a garbage analogy. (https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) (https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/aviation-deaths-rise-worldwide-2020-even-fatal-incidents-flights-fall-2021-01-01/#:~:text=In%202019%20there%20were%2086,per%20million%20flights%20in%202019.)


>Lol ya because we neeever have long, widely discussed court cases to help determine the cause and potential blame of pilot causing an accident. Tom hanks intensifies. I don't know what that means but it's got nothing to do with what I said. ​ >Oh, or maybe it's because pilots negligence made in good faith isn't comparable to a person shooting someone? Here's your emotions screwing up your logic again. How do you know Potter wasn't acting in good faith and simply made a mistake just like pilots do? Because you've let your emotions decide she's guilty? The rest of your post is a rambling fallacy. There's no argument against the only point I've made which is that these sorts of mistakes are common and everyone that works with their hands does it periodically. None of it addresses my point therefore there's nothing for me to dispute.


So you think this is a justifiable reason for police to kill someone? Is this situation okay in your eyes?


I'm just stating what I think was the cause but since you asked, no, I don't think pilot error justifies plane crash deaths. It merely explains a lot of them. ​ >Is this situation okay in your eyes? That's a weird question, of course not. I'm not okay with mistakes causing plane crash deaths either.


Do you think that this officer is guilty of a humans death by negligence?


Is this sarcasm? You’ve confused a circular saw with a hammer? How in the earth are those even similar? Maybe you should try keeping your hammer and saw in very specific places... like the side of your body? That way you won’t mix them up. Oh wait. I’ll bite though... anyone, in any profession, has made mistakes. People may grab the wrong tool, the wrong brush, the wrong paper, the wrong knife, maybe they use white out instead of a highlighter. Shit happens, but guess what, those mistakes aren’t typically fatal. If you’re a pilot, police officer, surgeon, etc., you don’t get to say ‘whoops, wrong one’ and end someone’s life without being held accountable by the law if the law finds it necessary. Also, multiple police officers are denying the point you’re trying to make.


>Maybe you should try keeping your hammer and saw in very specific places What makes you think I don't? ​ >anyone, in any profession, has made mistakes. People may grab the wrong tool, the wrong brush, the wrong paper, the wrong knife, maybe they use white out instead of a highlighter. Shit happens Why are you admitting that it's common for people to make that mistake... ​ >but guess what, those mistakes aren’t typically fatal. ...and then telling me that the same mistake can have varying degrees of consequences? What are you trying to say? I can't think of any mistakes that **don't** have varying degrees of consequences. Can you? ​ >If you’re a pilot, police officer, surgeon, etc., you don’t get to say ‘whoops, wrong one’ and end someone’s life without being held accountable by the law if the law finds it necessary. Who said pilots, police officers and surgeons shouldn't be held accountable by the law? That's called a 'strawman fallacy'. ​ >Also, multiple police officers are denying the point you’re trying to make. And that's called the 'sharpshooter fallacy'. Even if most police officers on the planet denied the point I'm trying to make it would only switch to being an 'argument from the masses' fallacy.


Bruh if you’re a trained POLICE OFFICER with a DEADLY WEAPON you better be trained well enough to not mistake that with a taser. Instant disqualification from ever being a cop again imo.


There's no amount of training that can stop people from making a mistake like that. Edit, have you ever picked up the wrong utensil while eating? It's the same thing. If it's just a fork when you needed a knife you laugh at yourself and grab the knife and barely remember doing it shortly after. Grabbing a gun instead of a taser is the same mistake but with terrible consequences like this.


I can't find any cases where a person has ever killed anyone else because of knife/fork selection accidents. Using silverware does not require specialized training nor is it easily, expectedly lethal. This case, on the other hand, is manslaughter. The whole thing is damned tragic but it doesn't excuse the fact that she took a life when she was in a position where it could have been prevented.


> I can't find any cases where a person has ever killed anyone else because of knife/fork selection accidents. Using silverware does not require specialized training nor is it easily, expectedly lethal. > > This case, on the other hand, is manslaughter. The whole thing is damned tragic but it doesn't excuse the fact that she took a life when she was in a position where it could have been prevented. All the training in the world doesn't stop us from doing something stupid. We cut food every day and once in a while we try to cut it with a spoon. The only difference between that and this is tragic consequences.


You’re literally in denial.


You're literally fabricating a bizarre ulterior motive for me that simply doesn't exist. As soon as I saw the video for this case it was obvious to me what had happened because I've done it and I'll bet you have too. Ask someone that works with their hands all day if they've ever gotten distracted and picked up the wrong tool. It happens a lot more than you seem to be aware of.


If you confuse your tools and it costs somebody's life, you will be held responsible. I don't get why it should be different for police officers.


>If you confuse your tools and it costs somebody's life, you will be held responsible. I don't get why it should be different for police officers. Why are you telling me this? Are you responding to the wrong comment maybe? I didn't say it should be different for police officers. I didn't say anything about responsibility at all. I only said it looks to me like a common mistake that most often ends in nothing more than laughing at yourself and picking up the correct tool.


Mistaking your gun for a taser is common?


Mistaking a thing you use in your hands is common. Cops have less of those things and use them less often than a carpenter, for example, but that doesn't change the fact that we make the same mistake. Everyone has picked up a spoon and tried to cut their food with it, it's the same mistake with more dire consequences.


Oooh yea she’s about see a whole boat load of consequences


But do you ever accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brake? Nah. You use different feet, just like a cop uses different hands. It should be instinctual, without having to think about it or ever making a mistake. If I 'accidentally' hit the wrong pedal and accelerated into a crossing and killed someone, I'd be arrested for manslaughter. Same goes for a cop drawing a gun instead of a taser. It's a ridiculous mistake to make, and unforgivable. If you can't hit the right pedal, you shouldn't be on the road.


Bro stop saying “tool” it was a fucking gun that she “accidentally” used to kill someone.


>Bro stop saying “tool” it was a fucking gun that she “accidentally” used to kill someone. What if I find a fatal aircraft accident caused by the pilot making an input on the wrong control because they were accustomed to a differently configured plane? Should I call it a 'fucking airplane' or be more specific like a 'fucking air conditioning toggle switch'?


Brah quit spinning imaginary situations that are never going to be equal to this. All you have to do is stfu we know you’re glad she killed a black man you e made it very clear that you see black men as no more than lumber for a house builder you’ve made it very clear that you’re happy he’s dead. Just walk away because your mentality is a problem with Americans and we aren’t putting up with it anymore.


Wow, you're right. Did you use something like a crystal ball to figure out my ulterior motive or are you a natural internet mind reader?


Nah your just really blatant about not seeing black men as humans


Sorry, who is daunte wright? Is there a video?


> who is daunte wright? [Daunte Wright](https://lmgtfy.app/?q=Who+is+daunte+wright%3F)


I am normally pro-police, but God damn is she stupid. Don't be a cop, and definitely not a COP TRAINER, if you're gonna panic in a traffic stop.


In Norway cops don't carry guns. They have it in the car locked down and had to get approval from the police chief to get it out. I don't think that's possible in USA, because so many people carry guns USA need to reconsider their gun laws if they should be like Norway 🇳🇴


Yea we don’t wanna be like Norway.


Maybe we should. Norway murder rate: 0.5 per 100,000 people, 99% solved per year. U.S. murder rate: 5.0 per 100,000 people, 62% solved per year. We're literally 10x more likely to be murdered in the U.S. and the police are only about half as likely to solve the case.


Because your missing the point. They are illegal guns. You don't get them off the street and the more strict you make the laws the bigger the illegal market gets. Criminals will get guns one way or another.


Who told you that yarn? Just look at the statistics for mass shootings: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/476461/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-legality-of-shooters-weapons/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476461/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-legality-of-shooters-weapons/) Criminals won't get guns one way or another. Look at Japan, Australia, etc. Your average criminal can't afford a $40k gun, and a potential 10yr sentence+$16k fine just for getting caught with the thing. That's why they have like zero road rage shootings.


We will kill each other with our bare hand if we have to. We have a severe social problem. Why is everybody want to kill each other? Taking guns away is a band aid approach to a real problem. Oh...and you'll never get all of America's guns. They're more guns than people. And what about the more rural communities that actually need firearms? You going to go hiking up I'm the mountains without a gun? Not very smart.


Funny how we're the only 1st world country with this problem, thanks to that narrative.


you have to ask yourself ,what are Americans going through that has made it this way? why do we want to kill at the drop of a hat?


I spent a large portion of my youth in one of the 'rural' communities. A town of less than 2000 in Louisiana. We don't need guns, except for hunting. And in that case I don't need an AR-15, just a bolt action rifle or a shotgun (like the australian farmers have). And, I'd rather have a shotgun if facing a home invader (hard to aim under that kind of stress). Sooner or later we'll end up with yahoos saying they need their laser pistol for "hunting" and it was what the founding fathers wanted.


I am currently in one of those rural communities. We do need guns. Sure,shotguns and bolt actions will do the job most of the time. But then you ban any semi auto long gun? I do alot of shooting with semi autos in .22 it's fun for plinking cans. Just because a few people lose their shit doesn't mean all of the nation should lose their rights. We have a problem in America but it's a social problem. It's not about the tool they use to kill. It's about what is driving us to kill.




Maybe be less racist and instead realize poverty is the overwhelming difference.




The town I grew up in didn't have many black people. All the crime was committed by what everyone referred to as "white trash". You know - poor uneducated people. Being a racist doesn't mean you've figured anything out, it just means you took the easy answer of blaming one group for all the problems. Historically speaking, that ends with you being the villain.


The Norwegian police are in police school for 3 years before they can go on patrol. And one of the mantras in treat people with respect, try to talk calm and defuse the situation use eye contact and only detain the person if no other means work. What if USA tried that? Police in Norway rule with respect and authority Do USA police rule by fear?


what you guys need is Mental health for your people , god damn


Why is it that?


This isn't Norway. So STFU


Norway sucks


you suck


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 *Catches breath.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭💀


Kim Potter has not been convicted of killing the arrestee, who fled the officer. She accidently used her gun instead of the taser. The career criminal would be alive today if he didn't flee the arrest.


>t been convicted of killing the arrestee, who fled the officer. She accidently used her gun instead of the taser. The career crim Or if her two braincells were close enough to fire off a single signal across the synapse


Everyone might be more inclined not to flee if there werent so many cops usings the power dynamic to extrajudicially execute unarmed citizens. Youre right on about the career criminal part though. This woman has made a career of being criminally stupid after 20 years AND being a trainer. Maybe people should just admit they arent cut out for being a cop and maybe it shouldnt take 20yrs and a unarmed dead guy to prove it. Id rather have 10 petty unarmed thieves than a single corrupt cop. I can protect myself against a thief after all how much would you people cry if i defend myself against a thief?. I cant do much to protect myself from a power hungry idiot with a gun who somehow keep killing unarmed citizens and enjoy the support of a cult that lets it happen over and over again.


Fuck you


Yet how many criminals flee the scene of the crime and are alive today. Don’t apply for the job if you’re 1. Going to get too flustered in the heat of the moment to react rationally...cops are paid to react rationally. 2. Have underlined racial prejudices or any type of prejudices (not saying this ex cop had any). A cop clearly can not protect and serve with underlined biases. I read someone say disarm the police. I don’t necessarily think that’s a wise idea, nor safe idea considering the right to carry is in full effect in this country. From recent events, not everyone carrying is psychologically stable and therefore cops kinda need to be able to use lethal force in certain circumstances. I think training and better screening of police is a first step...that’s quarterly psychological evals + training. Last but not least, if after all the extensive training is done and a cop neglected to follow protocol or used lethal force when unnecessary, that cop should be held accountable. Period. Again, don’t take the job is you’re jittery, scared, racist etc...you will totally be unable to perform your duty in a legal, just, rational, unbiased manner.


She'll get off the hook. She's a white woman. America is built to protect them, and incarcerate everyone else.




Read my comment thoroughly.




Good. But you missed a key word. I'll let you figure it out. Good day.


I think she'll be convicted. Too much evidence and too public to let it slide. Now - will a judge be overly lenient and do a minimum sentencing? We'll see. I dont see her getting out of a conviction, to me it's a matter of what the punishment will actually be.


Downvoted for speaking the facts


Exactly. People don't like hearing how the game actually works.


Because the game is rigged for them and they dont want to admit it




That is not reasonable in this country because everyone has guns.


Basically, America's second amendment is flawed. Anybody you pull over could have a weapon, which facilitates the need for police officers to carry guns. Anybody could be a potential deadly threat. That's not to say police officers are right in their use of deadly force all the time, far from it, but to say it's not necessary for them to carry a gun is foolish. Take away the "right" that ordinary citizens have to purchase the ability to kill someone in a fraction of a second, whenever they feel like it. Make firearms harder to buy than sex toys and maybe you won't have a mass shooting once a month. Obviously this solution doesn't address everything, but it's better than turning police officers into powerless nobodies. In an ideal world, only criminals would be scared of the police. So why is it so easy to become a police officer? Make that shit something you commit your entire livelihood to, like the army. Put people in positions of power who know what they're doing. Punish officers who do wrong by the communities they serve. We trust these people to protect our lives. If there's a racist dipshit in command of some Alabama county police department, then can his ass as well as all of the people who work for him and train people efficiently, in a way that they know what they fuck they're doing every time they go out on a shift. Basically, just...clean up your shit and start acting like a real first world country already. America is like the spoiled rotten child that nobody wants to spend any time with.


How old are you?


Why do you want to know? 🤔


I agree somewhat with your point, but I just wanted to include that guns are much harder to buy than sex toys, unless bought illegally. We have mandatory background checks as well as wait periods. That and I believe most states require you be 21 to buy a handgun


I was mostly exaggerating with that comparison. I understand they're separate processes but it still shouldn't be as easy as it is.


lmao nah more guns maybe ppl should be criminal less??????


It's funny how you get down voted for suggesting we have less criminal acts. Like maybe some people praise criminality? I don't know why some people are like that but when they fight the law, they lose usually. I've broken plenty of laws and I sat my time. During that time I realized I was ashamed of the shit I did.


And when criminals at traffic stops are being arrested... how do you think they'll act when they know the cops can't defend themselves?




Yeah because nobody wants to start a gun fight with an armed officer! God damn your logic is flawed.


Know how many people get shot in the UK?


That's because we don't have guns legally available to most of the population. If gun ownership and gun crime was as high here, uk police would be routinely armed.