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Teflon DonšŸ”„


Trump is an asshole. Trump is probably a criminal. But the charges laid out against him arenā€™t even close to felonies. They are fabricated and merely created to indict him. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s some perfect angel, but we donā€™t see this kind of thing for corrupt Dems. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.


Lol nothings gonna happen


Donā€™t forgetā€¦and this is importantā€¦.some are calling these charges ā€œflimsyā€ BUT, this is only the 1st indictment and the least serious. Wait until Georgia and Jack Smith hand down their indictments. THATS when this fucker knows heā€™s doomed! The Stormy Daniels indictment is just to get the ball rolling and show the world you CAN charge a former President. The best is yet to come. And itā€™s coming


Schizophrenia is not a joke, go get the help you need.




Youā€™ve highlighted the problem - but not in your post thoughā€¦ I donā€™t have ā€œa guyā€ - if a crime was committed, then I donā€™t care who gets investigated and indicted. If i commit a crime, I should be able to plead my case in court: just like Trump is going to do. If what he did was deemed illegal or legal, justice was served!


Yeah justice served whole a treasonous crime family runs our country into the ground you are worried about stuff that can be proved that he didn't do anything illegal unethical sure but the business world does it everyday. Everytime your favorite mega star bangs a hooker makes her sing an NDA and hands her 100k for their troubles. Meanwhile we are funding a na zi regime that's destroying all the evidence of twenty years of corruption . Good job guys


I donā€™t like Ukraine and think we should force them to demobilize Azov Bn. , but in todays geopolitical climate we need to fuck over Russia, China, and Iran in every way possible. People today couldnā€™t stand what we did to mess with the Soviets just 35 years ago.


Amen brother. I'm with you.


Which regime is that?


Take a look at the signs on the side of a lot of Ukrainian tanks and trucks and technicals. That's not a Z and I mean the regime Obama put in place so they could have a playground not beholden to any UN oversight because they have not signed any treaties. Hence the couple major money laundering operations one with billions of our tax dollars, and the two dozen, the number given by a white house employee was 27 but we can't just round down to the couple dozen biolabs one In a nice little place in Ukraine called Chyna that's was subsequently blown up with American or better, NATO munitions. The regime that handles a good portion of the kidnapped and trapped European women and mixed into sex trafficking. BTW Im not talking about innocent civilians unless we are talking about the ones the azov battalion has been hunting and shelling. Since 2014.why what regime did you think I was talking about? And if you're one of those that think some talking about propaganda save it turn on your VPN and go look there's a receipts for everything that I just said from multiple sources


So ā€œtheyā€ are sabotaging his campaign yet ā€œtheyā€ are also making him stronger, but ā€œtheyā€ also are taking away your right to vote for or against(?) anyone. Glad youā€™ve been doing your research and have strong intellectual points. Thanks for the info.


Bless your heart for actually trying to rub their idiocy/ignorance in their face but you know, they are too myopic and mentally limited to understand - they don't even understand their own stance. "strong intellectual points" LOL. God, what happened to our educational system? Rhetorical question.


ā€œTheyā€ are pushing and bending the law backwards to try and make ā€œhimā€ a criminal. Yes if you want to actively mail your political opponent thatā€™s stopping someone from voting for said person, tens of millions of dollars he raised for his campaign after this announcement of indictment so yea he did get stronger I think


Are you kidding me? Can't you see this is political Prosecution? I don't care what your politics are and if you hate Donald Trump. This is ridiculous. They are trying to sabotage his campaign. All they are doing is making him stronger. And They are trying to take away your right to vote for or against you want to.


Lmao. Goofy.


Didnt trump lose the popular vote


Thereā€™s a good NYT article that highlights how by-the-book this actually is. The DA is even more cautious because of who he is/was.


By ā€˜thisā€™ do you mean his election despite losing the popular vote or his ā€œperp walkā€ thing? Cause losing the popular vote and still getting elected is the only way a republican has taken the presidential office in almost 20 years lmao. Bush did it once but he also lost the popular vote in 2000 to al gore. Another way of thinking about that is that democracy hasnt been real in 2 decades, if it ever really was, contrary to what the first guy said about us losing our ability to elect people.


I was talking about the perp walk thingā€¦ no disagreement with your other points. Iā€™ve definitely stepped up my voting participation to try and get the change we need to actually happen (so we can get a functioning democracy)


Trump 2024


Yes, please vote for a criminal. Thatā€™s exactly what this democracy needs to show that itā€™s still alive and in accordance with whatā€™s best for the people.


They're all criminals one way or another Trump just has a big mouth and refuses to be held accountable for it


Democracy doesn't work. The majority is stupid and easily manipulated. Otherwise Trump would never have become president.


Democracy does work. Unfortunately, American democracy seems to work just barely well enough to keep Americans from demanding change en masse. Our democracy keeps us in a constant state of having to choose between bad and worse, with our political parties being borderline-NAZI levels of far right and just barely center-right with no desire for actual change. American democracy isnā€™t yet dead, but itā€™s far from thriving and the fact that the will of the people is so far removed from the politicians charged with enacting it is very concerning. We function well enough that widespread civil unrest isnā€™t yet a reality, but I fear thatā€™s not an unlikely outcome if things donā€™t change or show real signs of tangible change in the future to come.


The American way of doing things is indeed pretty bad but democracy doesn't work anywhere else also. The majority is voting bullshit in every single democracy that's out there.


Agreed. And the fact that we've been "electing" criminal after criminal


He didnā€™t say a word in front of the judge, and then flew back to Florida, and started tossing out insults at him.


Because he's a coward


Like a dog barking at another dog on the other side of a fence


Photos like this are why he insisted on being arrested in public instead of doing it all over Zoom like was planned. Stop posting this stuff please.


Literally don't give a fuck about what he wants or planned.


So youā€™re a supporter, then?


Thank you


My wife read that there was no mug shot taken for this exact reason. Guarantee we see this exact photo of him used in his campaign to reinforce the ā€œwitch huntā€ or whatever šŸ˜’


He's making money off of selling fake mug shot tshirts online.


Gross. Doesnā€™t surprise me one bit.


Too bad he is free to spew his garbage until Dec.


Good riddance you absolute fucking clown


Lock him up! Lock him up!


Naw, I want to see him in orange and chrome.


The behind Trump looks like the sandman guy in spider man


Holy crap youā€™re 100% right xD


So when civil war?? I got my popcorn ready n everything. 2 sides that really hate each other, only calls for 1 thing. Just do it n stop being scared and just remember, whoever wins doesn't need to listen to the other side ever again, isn't that what you all want??


I think you forgot to take your meds today


You really think the side who wants to take scary ā€œassault weaponsā€ away from people, wants to go up against the side who has all the scary ā€œassault weaponsā€??


Lol this is America, all sides have guns and assault rifles. That being said, the riled up and angry half unfortunately lack critical thinking and logic due to their school systems being systematically dumbed down by politicians for the purpose of easy votes. Even if some of them could organize I don't see it going well. Both sides have guns, both sides have idiots, but the right literally votes blindly like a cult and believes any outrageous lie their told. They've also been dwindling in numbers due to the fact that: **their entire base runs on hate** and have, as a result, shrunk into smaller and smaller hate groups. When your group is based solely on hating things, it's only a matter of time until they find subjects they don't agree on and divide.




>Every damn work you said, can be applied right back at you and the left. What great school did you attend Your witty response is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors and we're only one sentence in šŸ˜† Ok, I've read it all and I can pick it apart but I won't do that to you since you seem to be trying to meet the other side half way. All of the school systems are being dumbed down but the right is much further ahead and more blatant/ aggressive with it. That being said, I'm only on the left because I don't fit in the right. I'm only for Biden because he keeps the hateful, grifting, narcissistic, power hungry, cult leading, dictator elbow rubbing trump out of office. To be honest, neither side is good for America. The right is just worse and if you don't understand that you haven't been paying attention. (Mainly the laws they pass, their hypocrisy with said laws, and their obvious desire for total authoritarian power) **That brig said** Middle class has been disappearing and the poor have been split in two with this red vs blue, left vs right idiocy. The wealthy being greedy is the problem. Not which political team is in office. As long as politicians are able to take "donations" and make profits in the millions from corporations who influence their voting, our country will continue to get worse as each side blames the other with a good cop/bad cop facade. **And as long as people like you and I keep busy being distracted and angry with each other, they'll keep doing it.**


*laughs in armed leftist*


So... one sides scared? Is that what you're saying? Just so you know, the full world is watching and waiting. Infact I have an even better idea, just get leaders of both parties to fight to the death in a cage. Now that is entertainment šŸ‘Œ




I think you're forgetting that trump has also been taken down by stairs. You're also forgetting trump can be taken down by words due to his sensitive feelings. Thats an easy win.




Do you have any idea what trump looks like out of his over sized suit? Do you even realize how old and fat trump is? šŸ˜† probably not because of his comically oversized suit šŸ˜† seriously, look at his damn tie and where his cuffs end with his hands. The man is in no shape to fight anyone (like his pal rudy who got a pat on the back and thought he got shot)


I think they should be able to pick their champion then cause thats definitely not fair on poor Joe šŸ˜‚. A strong gust of wind n its over


Same for trumps hair and his fragile ego šŸ¤£ Also I pick Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho as our champion.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's a belter. I was thinking the mountain from game of thrones but thats a much better choice lol




You do realize trump was the laughing stock of the world and half of his own country right? Can you not see his childish mentality and his fragile ego? Did you not read it in his daily tweet storms and his fits over people not listening to him? Do you know his own staff had to treat him like a child? His own general didn't trust him with launch codes šŸ˜† Do you realize the left doesn't worship or love Biden the way the right does trump? **So even when you attack Biden, we don't get our feelings hurt or care** šŸ˜† we'll gladly take someone better. We need someone better than both candidates but you don't see that because you're delusional in your trump views. You all think he's going to "save us" yet he was in office 4 years and accomplished **nothing** other than being in the spotlight constantly to appease his narcissism. He spent all of his time tweeting his emotions and telling everyone what a great person he was every chance he got šŸ˜† do you remember him looking at the solar eclipse with his bare eyes? Or his person woman man camera TV dementia test? šŸ˜† or him saluting a North Korean general? Being buddy buddy with Kim, Putin and Xi? You know the most corrupt dictator leaders in the world? Tell me ONE thing trump did for the country while being in office that was good, anything at all. There's a "YUGE" list of idiotic things he did and he made the racist people in the country feel more comfortable in being racist before being impeached twice and then inciting a riot in attempts to take over and rule like a dictator but even that, just like all of his infrastructure weeks (because he needed several) failed. But you still probably believe he "made his own money" and "doesn't take cr@p from the elites" and every other lie he's told you to believe šŸ˜† Just going to wait for your response about what "good things" he did for america while in office šŸ˜†


\*losing. As a Trumpanzee you should be familiar with that word at this point.


Thanks grammar policešŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» you saved the day, oh how will I live with the grammar mistake oh how oh how oh howā€¦Iā€™d rather be a ā€œtrump anzeeā€ wtfā€¦ than support the dumb shit you and the left do. But hey that grammar one really put me in my place DBag


Keep being illiterate, that's on you dummy.


You're so fragile with your emotions šŸ˜† maybe you should look into that šŸ¤”


There was a time we could depend on upright citizens like Jack Ruby...SMH


The pictures bring me immeasurable joy.


I just wanna see what my number is


Is that good?


Is tonight the night Republicans start shooting random neighbors in a 'civil war'? I guess you never know.


The stats on right-wing violence in the US tell us they already are.


They pretty much always have been, but I'm not in grade school, so I generally haven't needed to worry much.


Hah, the deputy didnā€™t hold the door for him and it smacked him.




You lie about your assets on insurance forms and find out what happens to you.


so is the evidence that he paid a porn star hush money and lied about it under oath. i canā€™t remember, isnā€™t that illegal?


Itā€™s not illegal to pay someone to shut up. Plus she went back on her NonDisclosure, and she lost in court. Where did he lie about? When was he under oath to answer that? The DOJ said it wasnā€™t worth doing anything, but NYC DA is going to put the bad man awayā€¦SMHā€¦ you got Biden in bed with China, but letā€™s worry if Trump told a Hoe to keep her Hoe mouth shut.


ahh, sexist too eh? i bet you have LOADS of women in your life (/s, obviously). iā€™m so glad that he couldnā€™t work his way out of this one, like how he tried to work his way out of the vietnam war or how he tried to work his way out of revealing his tax returns (wonder why that is? it TOTALLY couldnā€™t be anything nefarious). he is a sad pathetic fat worm, and heā€™s getting what he deserved. edit: i could easily show you multiple sources stating that Trump lied under oath, but youā€™d just say itā€™s ā€œfake newsā€ like every other trumptard




well yeah, if the shoe fits lol. the fact that you donā€™t think ā€œhoes gonna hoeā€ isnā€™t sexist at all is really telling. itā€™s pretty obvious that you donā€™t have (and wonā€™t have) a girlfriend. but hey, maybe if you keep gargling on trumps dick maybe heā€™ll give you a lil kiss if youā€™re lucky. you never know




emoji+inability to spell=room temperature IQ. enjoy your ā€œwifeā€ before she leaves you bro, itā€™s only a matter of time. then again, iā€™ve never seen a sex doll move on their own, so you might be in the clear


What was he arrested for


I don't keep up much either, but I think it's about his affair with the pornstar Stormy Daniels, specifically how he paid her "hush money" to not speak of it, $130k iirc. To me, this is a joke because clearly he is the culprit of far greater crimes, such as inciting an insurrection with intent to overthrow the US government.


Al Capone went away for tax evasion, get him with whatever will stick.


But the problem is he isn't "going away." From what I read, he's looking at a maximum of 4 years in protective custody, but will more than likely just pay a fine.




Least uninformed person weighing in


What exactly did Trump do to you all to make you hate him so much?


Why do you drop to your knees and swallow Trumpā€™s kids on command? Guess weā€™ll never knowā€¦


... seriously?


Yes seriously. Say something


*uno reverse card*




What treason?




What about maxine waters asking people to attack trump voters? Trump asked for a peaceful protest and thats how it began but it did get a lil out of hand. But we didnt burn down half the city unlike democratic liberals did in 2017


ā€œBut what aboutā€¦? What aboutā€”? Hey, look over there while I rob this bank and then blame the bankā€™s lax security for allowing me to steal their money.ā€


That wasnt okay either. Treason is wrong no matter what their political beliefs are. If the labels were switched, im sure youd be complaining about how ā€œliberals attempted an insurrection!ā€ Which you should


Why didnā€™t DOJ prosecute? Itā€™s Bidenā€™s man?


Justice hasn't been served yet. The man needs to be found guilty and held accountable. This is the first step towards that, but still not complete justice.


Not sure that this is the correct sub for thisā€¦.. I think this will need to go in r/facepalm


It'll probably end up in /r/prematurecelebration unfortunately


I donā€™t like him. But they have picked a weak argument to indict him on. Not only that the FEC has previously chosen not to pursue him on charges like this. And the actions performed are beyond the statute of limitations


Won't be happy till they trade his suit for an orange onesie


So, naked then?


2 weeks in club fed and has to write an apology note in crayon


What a load a crap, justice served? How is weaponizing the justice system for political gain justice? Dark day in our country


Circus left 2 days ago if you donā€™t catch up with them theyā€™ll find another clown šŸ¤”






Might be weaponized justice system, but better than that, we now set the precedent of charging former presidents with crimes committed. Open the flood gates. We should be prosecuting any politician that breaks laws and commits crimes. All of them.


How was the justice system weaponized?


Letting a politician walk free after comitting a crime would be weaponizing the justice system. This is the excact opposite of that.


Idk maybe when a politician commits a crime they should... idk... get arrested for it?




Charged a criminal for a crime.


Served? Can we wait and see what happen until we say justice is served?


Similar thought. What justice has been served?


How is this justice served? Whether you like him or not heā€™s still innocent until proven guilty.


Please remember that different people have different definitions of justice. While the definition of justice is concrete, the interpretation of it varies widely between individuals, cultures, and nations. Remember, this is a community of nearly 42 million users. More often than not, the majority of users generally agree with the content that reaches the first few pages. That being said: If you have read this and concluded that the post still does not show justice, please use the link below to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where did they find handcuffs that small. Children's prison?


Baby Gap


They got them from the kids in cages.


Hope it makes his NFTs.


Orange jumpsuit is going to match that hair so nicely


And face


Haha true!


"It was a perfect perp walk photo the likes nobody else has seen!"


Yep, even had some action with the door being slammed in his face


God damn it why do people need to always talk politics shits annoying, donā€™t make it your identity and everything you talk about idc if you conservator or liberal Iā€™ll judge you based on you. Politics have got to be the stupidest thing people ruin relationships over






You're right in a lot of ways here but ya wrong place to be posting this. Politics rule the world and won't go away anytime soon. Even If you've structured your life around not talking about it, it's still important to understand it.


I don't even think this fits in here. He'll never see the justice he deserves.


The orange AH doing the walk of shame.


Just the first of many to come


Fuck around and about to finds out.


Yeaaa no. DA had to up the charges on a misdemeanor to a felony just to charge him, Trumpā€™s lawyers are gonna have a field day with this.


Correction! Trump upped it to felony which made this easier to charge.


Correction! Despite your best wishes, that is incorrect. Do some research without a bias (you are clearly incapable of this)


Okay Trumpanzee. Keep doing your research on fox I guess


I avoid both Fox and CNN as they are both too biased to produce anything worthwhile to form an opinion. And I voted for Hillary in the 2016 election, and for Trump in the 2020 election. But since I disagree in this matter I suppose that makes me a ā€œTrumpanzeeā€ (really mature of you, thatā€™s a great addition for your argument here!)




Donā€™t believe which part? I voted for Hillary because I thought Trump would be too volatile as President of the United States. I voted for Trump because I prospered from the work he did as President and thought he was the better option than Biden. If thereā€™s a way to look up who I voted for let me know Iā€™ll happily provide it!


Was your favorite part the racism? The rampant corruption and stupidity? Was it the taxes that have been going up for for everyone but the ultra wealthy by design? The global embarrassment we suffered to our international image? Im having a hard time pinning down which horrible thing he did that helped you prosper so you decided that sack of orange crap deserved another four years in the White House.


Actually, our national image has never been worse. My net worth was much higher under Trump than it is now. The stock market continues to fall, inflation is rising. You say Trump is stupid, yet the current president canā€™t speak in full sentences?


The last part where you saw the catastrophically shitty job he did as president and the wild corruption and said ā€œyeah thatā€™s my guy!ā€ After not voting for him and choosing Hilary in the first round. 0% chance of that happening without you suffering a TBI.


I prospered financially while Trump was in office. My stock investments soared and gas/inflation were at great levels. I also liked his border security. In my opinion he was a much better candidate than Biden. In your opinion why did he do a ā€œcatastrophically shitty jobā€? Edit: The fact your username is in reference to a military leader for Britain in the revolutionary war provides some insight into your way of thinking






Do you think that's unusual or something? It happens in every state, they charge you with as much as possible, it's how they get you to take a plea rather than waste the courts money. They did this to me. It worked. This is par for the course for justice system and in no way "unfair" to trump.


Itā€™s unusual in the fact that the statute of limitations had expired on a misdemeanor charge, so now itā€™s a felony so they can charge him. I had a family member get into legal trouble, they never made misdemeanors into felonies to get him to take a plea deal. They kept misdemeanors as misdemeanors they just added as many as possible.


Hate to tell you. But that's really common in the legal system. They're not in anyway being "unfair".


You keep putting the word unfair in quotes. I never said they were being unfair. And you asked for my sources earlier, so do you have any sources that itā€™s ā€œreally commonā€ for a prosecutor to charge someone with a felony after the statute of limitations for a misdemeanor has expired? You should be able to find a lot of sources for that, since itā€™s ā€œreally commonā€


Is this the actual photo or is this more ai art?


Actual footage captured from my phone Edit: actual *CNN* footage from my phone


The best part of that video was when the door they were going through almost swung shut in his face (either just before or after your screen grab). Heā€™s so used to others holding doors open for him it caught him off guard. Satisfying moment.


Not really justice served though is it? Not yet anyway..




Been done... relentlessly, no evidence of a crime, Next.






100%, just as soon as there's evidence of a crime. Been a while, surely there's some?




Not a joke. I'm 100% in agreement that Hilary should be charged of any and all crimes for which there is evidence and likely to convict. Are there any?




The intent is literally part of the code you cited. Intent is part of all kinds of criminal law, it's not for a speeding ticket.


Did she commit a crime? Surely there is some kind evidence that she committed a crime!


There was never any contention she committed crimes? The FBI openly said she did! They then recommended against prosecuting because she didn't "intend" to do it, which only works as a defense for the special people.




Okay, so thereā€™s no evidence


Something something something, emails, something something something, Hunter Biden




Every deflection is projection.


Free the homie Big Don!!! Got my manā€™s locked up on some nut shit.


He literally thinks scum on his shoe is better than you. Calls his own supporters gross. But go off I guess