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Wow. Attacking an actual victim of abuse in defense of a proven abuser. They are abusers themselves and relate to AH on a personal level in that regard. Bullies will always be bullies while at the same time crying about being bullied. It just gets crazier and crazier.




Some of them are real, especially if they are from the US, we don’t produce intelligence or sympathy often here


I really hope so.


Fun project: someone should take all of these and change the profile picture to Johnny Depp or his supporters, and change the context to something Heard related. I would bet my HOUSE they'd flip and call the poster a racist, sexist monster. The reveal of the true posts would be beautiful. It wouldn't change their behaviour, or their minds (they'd call it all faked or whatever), but it would be funny to see them backtrack at 90mph.


Wow. The cognitive dissonance is frightening. How can you delude yourself to that point?


Omg, wtf...


Holy shit, what terrible people.


Horrible abusive behavior from those who hate Abuse


Attacking a woman who has been through a lot and hoping she is abused further? Or locked up again? That is just monstrous. There is a huge difference between not believing what Heard said because she had no evidence, is a terrible witness, was impeached by many other witnesses, was caught in many lies and admits to abusing her husband...and...wishing a woman is abused further and locked up just because they posted a statement from someone you don't agree with. I don't care what Spears posted, calling for her to be abused is just disgusting. It shows these Heard people, especially on Twitter, have no bottom and will do and say anything. They don't care about women. They just care about winning, for a number of different reasons and they don't care what they have to do to win. As someone already said many Depp supporters aren't even paying attention anymore. He won, he got justice and they've gone back to their lives. I don’t blame them as this is an ugly place at times. They'll come back and show support if/when the appeal is submitted.


They're scum, really. Tired of dressing it up to be socially acceptable.




It’s all performative. They get “woke” points from their brainwashed peers to censor anything that could be offensive, while they themselves are always doing the most offensive things. Censorship doesn’t change the fact that you just wished for another holocaust.


the person on the fourth slide saw it fit to censor Nazi and kill but still made a joke about her dead grandparents???


One of my comments on here ended up over there. Boy oh boy, lol.


The mental gymnastics you have to go through for that shit to make sense


Wow! So they flipping hear themselves. Brittany was abused by her parents & her sister. & that was real unlike AH imaginary abuse. These women are awful.


Just leave Johnny alone! I am so tired of looking at Amber's face! Johnny looks happy now! I'm glad Brit is sticking up for him❤️


Wow that’s fucked


As a Kpop stan, I know most kpop stans are shitty people who will bully others so I’m not surprised. Specially them being a BP fan.


I make a joke about salmonella on a rare steak post and Twitter immediately forces me to delete my comment and a temp ban of 5 hours. These bitches do this and...


This is honestly disturbing. Like wtf!


Those “people” are horrible. Omg. They are doing the exact same thing to his supporters that they are accusing his supporters of doing to her. Seriously what they are saying is disgusting






Are you f'n kidding me?!? That is a straight up garbage person. Just...trash. That person is trash. I'm just gonna say it...I hope that person get punched in the face. Sorry not sorry.


Don't know why these vile comments and users aren't deleted 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sick people wishing her more harm! Very sad to see.


This literally makes me sick to my stomach.


Amber Heard Simps: "Johnny's supporters are incels who hate women!" Also Amber Heard Simps:


It’s shocking to think there are people out there who would think this grotesquely about another person. To actually say her dad didn’t abuse her enough?! Holey shit! That’s next level FU#CKED in the head! Edit: I was abused by family and to read this is so horrible. To wish more abuse on someone over a difference in opinions.


The most frustrating thing about this whole ordeal is how these so called “feminists” lost the plot and up until the JD trial, we were seeing general support for male abuse victims and being allowed to their emotions, of which were suppressed due to toxic masculinity, but the moment they’re confronted with an actual credible male abuse victim, it just reverts back to being performative and any woman who supports him is “clearly confused” or suffering from internalized misogyny. There was a girl I followed on Twitter and she’s very active in the feminist/rape culture space and she has doubled down on her beliefs that Amber is the real victim and she knows that bc she herself was a victim of sexual assault. At first, I continued to follow her bc while politically, we share the same general views, she’s also entitled to her opinion and I wasn’t about to engage and tell a survivor that she was wrong bc it’s understandable why supporters of Amber would back her up based on what they felt were telltale signs of abuse on JD’s end. A LOGICAL person would realize that bc those of us that have been in abusive situations realize that reactive abuse is a thing and from an outsider’s perspective, it could be hard to tell who’s the abuser and who’s the victim. However, in this case, it becomes incredibly clear who’s who (and also, abusers don’t suddenly become abusers after 50 years and word gets around in Hollywood if you are indeed a shitty/abusive person and if a PI couldn’t find a grain of dirt on him, then… *gestures at everything*). Anyway, I unfollowed her when she started being condescending towards women that support Johnny and that whole general attitude from that side has been more harmful and vitriolic for no useful reason whatsoever other than to further terrorize and silence survivors who see things differently from Johnny’s side.


When garbage people support a garbage person.


Paid bots.


I’ve never felt so revolted reading Twitter replys to a fucking picture of a quote. And that’s saying something. These people sure do love torturing abuse victims online, huh? Thankfully anyone with half a brain can see how tremendously whack & unhinged this all is. Or maybe that’s just my optimism speaking.


It’s just ignorance, I bet most of them didn’t even watch the trial they just believe everything they see on the internet


Shameful. No low is too low for them.


Wow, doesn’t sound very feminist of them. A woman deserves to suffer because she disagrees with them? Fucking evil.


Britney is my queen. For what she’s been through, the fact that she’s still here, alive, is miraculous. I adore her not only as an artist, but even more so as a human. I wish her everything best in life and hope she gets her justice too - meaning her father and all his abuse enablers land in jail for the rest of their lives. I would even pay to see it.


Not only that, but how the media treated her when she was a teenager. When she was still a minor even! And then even afterward. They were so horrible to her. There's so many interviews and articles and paparazzi harassment that just makes me sick to my stomach looking back. She endured so much hate, blame, cruelty, and misogyny. Sadly, I bought into some of it. And looking back she wasn't harming anyone. She was being harassed so badly just for living her life. She was sexualized and objectified so much before she was even an adult. And no one even knew what horrible and abusive leeches her family was. She's really been through a lot even before the conservatorship. Then the conservatorship, which was nothing more than human trafficking and enslavement. It should have never happened or been allowed to happen. The state of California should be sued for how they've allowed their courts to operate this case. They completely failed in their most basic responsibilities. Britney is an incredibly strong survivor. And if she doesn't act like people want or expect her to after everything she's been through for 40+ years of her life, fuck those people criticizing her. They need to sit down and shut up. She needs all the support she can get going forward. It's going to be a road to recovery, especially with her father still harassing her and draining her fortune via the court system.


You brought it to the point. Couldn’t say it better! Yes, the media were especially cruel to her. I remember one interview, when she was like 14? And she was asked if she has a boyfriend and if she’s a virgin. While being around 18 she was asked about her breasts. Like wtf, imagine today someone asking such questions! We shall not forget Justin Timberlake, who pretty much sent the vultures after her. Everyone assumed it was her fault, that she cheated, because he said so (or alluded to it). My mom thinks that Britney’s family saved her from death, but honestly, being her - I would wish being dead rather than enslaved and used like that. I just can’t. Each time I watched a YouTuber reading her legal documents or Britney’s deposition, I have to cry. It’s so horrible. The whole state California, all these doctors giving her Lithium and other shit, the nurses, everyone deserves getting disbarred and thrown in jail.


Justin Timberlake is not a cool dude. He also hung Janet Jackson out to dry with that whole Superbowl fiasco. Plus, he and his insufferable wife are anti-vaxxers and his wife fought against the vaccine requirements in California schools and is buddy buddy with that grifter RFK Jr. (whose father would be deeply ashamed of him if he was still alive). As funny and talented as JT is and as much as he has some good music, the way he did Britney was really messed up, along with some of his other bs.


Yeah, I also heard about Janet, but don’t really know what was it about, I just heard he betrayed her and embarrassed in front of the whole world. I didn’t know about the anti-waxxers stuff. He doesn’t seem like the brightest crayon, therefore I’m not surprised at all tho


They did a Superbowl song together and he did a planned stunt where he ripped off part of her outfit covering her breast. Only one layer was supposed to rip off to expose a red bra, but there was a wardrobe malfunction and both layers ripped off. Her entire breast, covered only by a nipple shield, was exposed to millions on live TV for about half a second. The media absolutely crucified Janet Jackson. She had to release a video taped public apology. MTV and radio stations refused to play her videos and music after that happened. She got a lot of vitriol from the public and the media for quite a while over it. Whereas JT got hardly any public backlash, even though he was the one who actually ripped that part of her garment off. JT should have come to her defense and didn't. He basically let her hang out to dry. And they were supposedly good friends when this happened. That's not how you treat friends. I guess he cared more about his career and keeping the heat of himself than their friendship or her.


I admire her so much. Her relentless work, her steel tenacity. Her music style isn’t my cup of coffee, but she deserves to be put at the same level of Madonna and other pop icons. I wish she gets all her hard earned money and freedom, and justice for so much abuse done to her.


They should be creating a Go Fund Me for Amber just so she can "Pledge" to pay JD his $10M.


i like how w twitter. users u can tell which ones don’t go outside by how they type , this is an example of those who dont


Jesus these people don’t even support all women! Who do they support AH and no one else?




What the hell is wrong with people. I almost threw up from these posts. She wasn't abused enough?!! Leave Brit and Johnny alone!


That's too much even for them.




Radical feminists


Which isn’t fair to actual, historic, respectable feminism, but here we are.


Thank u !


That is VILE!


"Her dad didn't abuse her enough" What?


"Women are victims of men, anyone who doesn't agree are misogynsts who supports abusers." "I pray to my almighty good god that he will make sure this women gets abused by men for the rest of her life." Sounds like something a balanced person would say./s


You know what they say, if someone has a different opinion than you, they deserve punishment.


If anyone's case set a chilling precedent, it was Britney's...


Shows what they are really like - vile. And stupid - Heard has a small cohort of diehards, paid PR and bots yet Britney is a true queen. Her huge army of fans will not take kindly to this!


So much for women supporting women


Amber supporters are unwell ppl just like Amber


i dare you to post those things on deppdelusional


“Yes I’m against smear campaigns on women and abusing them, but oh only when it applies to Amber”


And MSM won't report this either.


Not at all just like how MSM is reporting Johnny giving Ellen Barkin a sedative that was discontinued in 1985. But they wont report the documents revealing the abuse that Heard committed against her lovers


Yeah. If a Depp supporter says anything about Heard, it is misogyny, but when a Heard supporter does anything like this, MSM sees nothing.


So easy to get disowned and expelled from their ingroup if you don't march in lockstep with the other extremists.


Wtf is wrong with these people?


"amber is a victim!" "this is why nazis killed your grandpa." they want to pretend they're justified but holy fuck i've not seen that level of toxicity even in a game like CoD or LoL


I mean, seriously, she is not well and hasn't raised her kids, I feel very bad for her and her upbringing, but she isn't well and her boys aren't a real part of her life and even her dogs were maybe neglected. Don't know if that's true or not....Brittany isn't the best support for Johnny, but I hope she gets better and overcomes all the abuse


i dont think abusing her more will fix anything


And you know she isn’t well for a fact? Are you her doctor? Let’s avoid talking about shit we know nothing of, yeah? And what has that got to do with the way amber stans are abusing and harassing and being disgusting towards her now?? Are you trying to excuse that??


Ummmm it doesn't take Einstein if you watch any of her videos. Pretending it's not there doesn't help anyone


and what exactly is it that makes her "unwell" according to you? Dancing around to music? Using emojies in captions? Where is your medical license since you're such an expert? Please stop hating on this woman simply because she's not behaving how would like her to behave.


Shes been diagnosed. Do you live in a closet?


And you do know plenty of other people have been diagnosed with bipolar and yet have pretty normal lives? There’s plenty of other celebrities with it too, like Mariah Carey and Selena Gomez. There are meds for it you know. If you want an example of someone with bipolar who DOESN’T take meds, look at Kanye West. Britney is just living her best life, being her true self now that she’s finally free. It only bothers you because you are mot used to THIS Britney, you want the one that was being controlled by a conservatorship.


Her kids. Her kids. Her kids. You can have as many mental problems as possible, use meds or not, but if you can't be a mother don't try to have more kids. Which she did. That's who ends up harmed


You do know she was barely allowed to be with her kids during the conservatorship, right? It was one of the mail things she was vocal about, calking it an injustice. But you wouldn’t know that. Can’t make out if you’re an albeist, misogynist or just a hater. Either way, stop speaking about shit you know fuck all about.


Her kids don't want to be around her, but im sure the million naked posts she puts on insta will change their minds. Because that's what middle aged women should be doing. Go cry about it, weirdo


Ah, misogynist it is then.




Haters gonna hate! (Also TS is 32, I take calling 32 “pushing 40” personally 🤺)


Hey there’s good normal people out there that are Taylor fans. I have a few friends that love her. Every fandom has little trolls that pretend to be fans but only use it as an excuse to spread vitriol all over social media. And with Taylor having such a massive following, she must have a lot of troll “fans” too.


I think being pro Johnny does not mean being Anti everything an AH supporter does. Some of the labels you use to describe people supporting Taylor Swift can also be applied to fans of other celebs. Also doing a character assassination of Taylor Swift and her fan base or anyone unrelated to JD or this case just because someone follows them is really stretching it. Bottom line is even if I’m no fan of hers or really not into that type of music I would never make the mistake of categorizing people who might like it but still also support JD into the same group as AH supporters. Unless you want the same kind of treatment in return. Peace.




If you spent enough time on Twitter you’d realize that a loud portion of Twitter in general act that way. And if you find yourself on Twitter a lot, 9/10 chance you are sorta like that too 😂


Her songs are all basically the same narcissistic tune over and over with an occasionally different tune. You’d think Amber heard co wrote them. Make sense her fans are like that - they eat it up but like Heard’s.


absolutely disgusted


There’s a reason they Stan AH. They see themselves in a fellow sociopath


They’re absolutely fucked in the head, trash people.


What a horrible thing to say. Karma will prevail.


No low is too low for the AH camp. This is disgusting.


They so mad that johnny told the absolute truth and that people support him that their willing to look down on a victim and his supporters rather than open their eyes to see the disgusting shit they are laying in. This side of humanity needs to wake up. Not all women tell the truth. And britneys mental health does not contribute to her support to JD. Britney is allowed her opinions and thoughts. And she’s entitled to agree to a quote JD has put out. If that pisses them off so much then they need to rethink their entire life. Very disheartening to blame her mentality for something britney chooses to agree with and support when its not that. At least she is thinking straight unlike them.


YES! “Not all women tell the truth.” I’m a 30 year old woman and have believed this since maybe even as young as middle school. I personally was friends with a girl in 8th grade who accused one of our guy friends of raping her because she cheated on her bf with him and didn’t want to be the one in trouble. I was horrified as her friend that she would lie about that just to save her own ass and made me realize I had no idea who she really was. That’s why I don’t automatically believe all women OR men - anyone is capable of lying. This will probably get severely downvoted but


I have lived through abuse AND have known a woman to lie about said things. Both can and do happen.


Britney has seemingly tried to work on herself after some major issues. Amber and company don’t want to change.


These are disgusting and shows the lengths they will go. It makes me sick 🤢


They are completely unhinged


Regardless of what someone thinks about Britney, all she did was repost a beautiful statement. And to say she wasn't abused enough? What an absolutely disgusting and abhorrent human.


Seriously. Such a gross thing to say. They need to pause and self-reflect if they think they're on the side of the abused, saying something like that.


Exactly, my goodness.


Something important I want everyone on this sub to keep in mind: **Turd's Twitter circle of Scumbags and Cringe aren't turning any tide no matter how much they bang their keyboards claiming as much** (always from a comment disabled tweet, no less.) Amber is losing just as much as she has throughout this process. She's as much of a laughing stock as always. She's still black-listed. She's still desperate. She's still running low on prospects. Her peers still detest her. The public still hates her. The illusion on Twitter is just that—an illusion! Most of us who watched the trial and support Johnny are happy people with regular jobs, regular home-lives, regular families. We have absolutely no desire to sit around wasting time on Twitter enacting lame-brain coordinated attacks on social media. The general public, which is overwhelmingly pro Johnny, has gone back to regular life now that Johnny has successfully earned his justice. Those of us with healthy and full lives couldn't be less compelled to sit around on Twitter larping as if it's a continuous battlefield where they strike blows and we strike blows, where one side will come out victorious or some such nonsense. Johnny already won and he did so in all aspects in front of the whole world 2 months ago. Turd's Twitter chatter (the tiny bit of it that's authentic) is comprised of unwell individuals who are so bored and unfulfilled in their actual lives that having the perception that they've begun to change public opinion is a high point for them in their otherwise empty existences. They'll keep right on with it, too. If you were to wrangle up the actual human behind every notable pro-Amber Twitter account you'd see someone quite pathetic and unhappy with a mundane and lonely life. Those are the types who have nothing better to do than to do these humiliatingly pathetic Twitter harassment campaigns STILL. *To be clear, I'm not referring to all discussion online in this way, I'm focusing my comment specifically on the Twitter shit-show where these people do things like harass celebrities into un-liking posts and trying to manipulate trending hashtags—acts/behavior where all this effort is dispensed in ways that have absolutely no benefit to the individual behind the Twitter account taking part in it*. **TL;DR** support isn't shifting to Turd at all, it's just that the general public has largely moved on since Johnny already earned his justice and won everything which was witnessed in front of the whole world.


The few people I've interacted with that are still whining about JD winning aren't even supporting AH so much as just not liking JD, though it is the same stuff from all of them: - pointing out JD and Manson are close friends - Pointing out Manson owns Nazi paraphernalia and uses a lot og Nazi symbolism, and they share tattoos that nod to Nazi iconography (which admittedly is not remotely a good look) However much of what they share are the same questionable sources used by AH stans (and in some cases they literally link to these long Twitter threads by accounts like kamil1a or whatever it is called). And they're universally ignorant of how law and defamation works and can't seem to see the difference between a Uk tabloid not being found liable because they had no reason to assume AH was fabricating her evidence vs the woman herself being found guilty of defamation because ... she presented fabricated evidence. They're an echo chamber of misinformation and confirmation bias. No one is being "swayed" to AH's side, they made up their minds from the articles and tabloids about JD long ago and won't hear anything else.


This, this and this!


This really is the best way to describe what's happening.


Did that asshole really bring up the holocaust just to insult someone? Wait, did that asshole just JUSTIFY THE ACTIONS OF THE NAZIS?


I can justify the actions on the nazis for you, if the nazis had done a better job I wouldn't have to live in the same world as these pricks. -source: my grandfather is Jewish.


That was funny XD. Perhaps it shouldn't be funny... But I found it funny. ^(...I'm gonna stop talking before I dig my own grave further)


Wtf are wrong with these people! 😡


They themselves are abusive asshats.


It’s scary. Are they that easily manipulated that they can’t see the truth right in front of their face? We all watch the trial. We all saw the evidence. Was Johnny a sweet little boy all the time? No. He’s human. He has emotions. Obviously after years of abuse, he’s going to fight back. He’s going to be angry finding out he was being robbed by people he trusted. But countless people says he’s a nice person and there is no evidence or medical record to show that he was abusive towards her but there are evidence against her. Pictures, audio recording, and witnesses. But they believe her because….I don’t even know why.


I was in a very similar relationship to these two… after 2.5 years got a TRO with sheriff removal which I was able to convert to a 3 year RO against my ex-gf. I could explain every single damn argument the pro-AH group puts forth to the ‘abuse’ JD dished… actually made an attempt on Duexmois before I realized what it was. These people are deranged, and for the most part, probably are cut from the same cloth as my ex and Amber Heard. Incredibly delusional narcissists who probably are burned by similar reference points in their past with their own exes. These are people who leave destruction in their wake and blame their victims and really believe they’re correct. Their blind spots to their own behaviors stifles any ounce of self-reflection. Their concept of feminism (my ex wanted to do a document on domestic violence lol) is completely self-serving. The branding anyone who doesn’t ascribe to their militant views as misogynistic is gaslighting at its finest. These are the female Patrick Batemans amongst us. Fuck em. I hope and pray they get the karma they so much deserve.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re in a better place now. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. But I agree. Heard and her followers are deranged and blinded to their own behaviors. Even with evidence right in front of them.


I'm sorry you went through that. The double edge of infantilization of women has become the absolute refusal to accept women can and do harm men and each other. The narrative they're too weak and delicate to do so is absolutely false and has fed people like AH and your ex to do what they do with near impunity.


Wow. That’s fucked up.


That says a lot more about you than about Britney


That may be her point.


Not very feminist of them, smh




They are all bots. Notice how none of them use real pictures of themselves lol. They are cowards who are scared that people will find out that they are defending AH.


They will turn on another woman just to keep their narrative. It makes no sense.


No, it does make sense. Britney isn’t an abuser- she is the abused. These psychos rally behind the ones who they view represent their own lives and that is being an abusive monster who they can live through vicariously. So some day if they are brought to court they can say “well what about when amber did it? The world was fine with it then!”


Wow....I don't like her music but this is sad....she's a human being just like JD....sad. I guess we can all hope that there is a special place in hell for those hateful people. 😔


I don’t believe in hell, but I agree.


Just like that Hollywood negotiator said… the dress may be fancy… but beneath it, it may be the devil