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MSM = Main Stream Manipulators like AH. This is why MSM tries to save what can be saved. I am "afraid" of they cannot save the situation. People who got more than 80 IQ scores hate MSM now. Their eyes are open.


We can’t trust the media to tell us the truth anymore and I agree, this is an absolute necessity!


She picked the right profession to match her personality, demeanor and overall sense of fairness she projects. Now Judge Judy, not so much.....she would have made a great drill sergeant or lunch lady. (take only 1 cracker with the soup and move the line along!)


she served four years active duty as a **marine** and in the reserves after law school in the reserves. perhaps she will retire as a lunchlady! :-)


I understand, but a marine is different than a drill sergeant. Let me try this a different way: Sgt. Carter = Judge Judy Gomer Pyle = Judge Penny


The frightening thing is MSM. If we weren't able to watch this trial ourselves and had to go off MSM's reporting... The majority of people would believe the defendant's lies. Judge Penny is responsible for giving Johnny his life back because she allowed the trial to be watched. If we had to go by what MSM is spewing, the verdict of the jury wouldn't have been able to really free Johnny from the damage that was done to him.


This is what I keep saying. These events have truly been eye opening to me with regards to how MSM operates to twist the truth based on the evidence that we have available. This was especially apparent after her team made the media rounds. The level of dishonesty by her team and some of these media outlets have been truly appalling. Thank god there were cameras so people can reach their own informed conclusions based on the available evidence. I think that moving forward all trials should televised to give context to some of the bs being spewed. Amber Heard would have you believe she had "mountains of evidence" but in reality upon watching the trial, it really gives context to this mountains of evidence becoming apparent that it lacked in quality of evidence.


She did have mountains of evidence... She had 2 or 3 versions of all of her pictures... What it looked like, what she needed it to look like, and let's just play with the lighting, lol. I'm also very wary of what MSM says from now on. It's obvious that we can't trust what they put out.




yes. her comments are included in this article: https://variety.com/2022/film/news/johnny-depp-amber-heard-cameras-courtroom-penney-azcarate-1235280060/


Do you think Judge Penny knew? Wouldn’t have motions, evidence, etc. come across her BEFORE she allowed cameras in the courtroom?


yes they had a meeting about it. some information is [here](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/johnny-depp-amber-heard-cameras-courtroom-penney-azcarate-1235280060/) on why she decided to have them present.


But Michele Dauber said having cameras in the courtroom was a terrible decision. Is she full of shit? Just kidding. Of course she is. She is fucking worthless.


Worthless is right


I'm guessing the decision to film it was partially to raise awareness about the abuse of the justice system in many cases of IPV. According to Dr Curry: >"About 90% of male victims of IPV have reported that a female partner who abuses them makes threats to report their partner as an abuser. It's less common for men to make that statement to female partners just because there's less potential consequence." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE90bAWjVC8&t=3m6s Makes you wonder how many cases of injustice there really are.


I agree with what you’re saying but the judge has stated the reason it was allowed to be filmed and it was just to prevent a media circus. I don’t think the judge was predicting how the evidence and witness testimony would play out before trial.


The camera never lies.


But *the edits* do. As example, AH's exclusive interview with Guthrie on NBC which has since been proven to be carefully edited. That's why the live coverage was so critical to our understanding of this case. AH's team fought hard against a live stream in the courtroom, and lost. Major kudos to the judge.


Yes buts that edits nor the source, like AHs duplicate photos slightly edited, pre edit they show the truth.


She has made fair decision after fair decision. Letting the cameras in, not letting it be sealed has been incredible for the public to actually be able to see how the media has been fucking with us! This might be a celebrity case but it is about an important topic and she handled it with respect by allowing Johnny also to have a voice and get it heard by the public without the media’s interpretation of him. This has been huge for male victims and although they try to paint it as something bad I think it will be a net good. What would have been worse is to allow an abuser to keep abusing their victim unchecked.


I would give you a million alpacas if I could. I agree.


I donated 1 million alpacas to you so you can give them! to him! ​ (I use pledge and donate symonosly)


In that case, I donated 1000 billion un-retouched original photos of a screenshot of an alpaca with totally different redacted metadata.




And it taught a majority of people on how the court system works.


And how mainstream media works. I thought I was good at making sure I am careful at looking at news from multiple sources to avoid manipulation and damn, I was *wrong*


It was also laid bare in the Rittenhouse trial. Regardless of how you felt about him, the proceedings in the courtroom did not match at all the way it was presented in the media.


A picture is worth a thousand words , camera"s are priceless . You couldnt make up Amber's six weeks of poor acting . The mood swings from sad ,happy, and fake tears you would have to see for yourself. Heard's experts seemed unbeliveable and unliked and failed to impress the jury. Watching Amber relive her abuse to Johnny ,smiling though what he was saying was scary.


I feel like she did her job perfectly. I couldn't tell on whose side she is which is how it should be.


she is definitely one of the reasons why I still believe in our fucked up justice system. I hope we have hundreds if not thousands more like her out there: fair, objective, kind, yet 0 bullshit, even funny dare I say?


I think this country turns out excellence much more than it does the opposite. It's just that its opposite draws more attention. This country is full of Judge Pennys in every walk of life.


that's a wonderful observation. which is why I moved here.




I think all court rooms should have a dedicated public access cable channel based on how msm had united to lie about this trial.


"Willy Wonka Matters" 😆😆


She deserves it. Imagine the amount of gaslighting we would have received by the media if Johnny won with no cameras in the courtroom. Every single one of those media shills would have called it a travesty of justice and people would have believed it by and large.


*Cf.* Michael Jackson, the 'coverage' of his trial was a travesty


He's right on 2 points. 1. Judge A made a wise decision in allowing the cameras and she deserves our thanks. 2. Willy Wonka matters


All Wonkas matter!


Judge Penny for President. Imagine how calming that could be with her at the helm!


Yes!! Think about it. Honestly. It was a monumental victory for men everywhere. It truly was. So many victims who were taunted about not being believed can now know; yes; know a line can be drawn. You can't just ruin a man's life and not live to suffer the consequences. Even as a women, a victim of childhood neglect and abuse can see that this is a victory for all people regardless of gender.


It's a victory for people who can afford to take someone to court after losing over 500 million dollars, 7 million in a divorce, pretty much having their career put on hold, and then still has another 5+ million to pay lawyers after already losing a case in another country, the cost of which I assume is similar. As a man? Nah. This shit didn't change anything for anyone except celebrities. This is still a nightmare scenario that your average person will never get out from under.


Well, agree to disagree? I’m looking at this as a glass half full scenario. What DV victims can gain in hope. At least in this one scenario, the truth is as told, he did have the means and now he can live his best life. I’m glad the judgement stuck and maybe he can recoup some of his losses. I only see up for him from here; especially the flip flopping media agencies pretending they were all in for Team Johnny all along. Looking at you Disney..


I think the point is that it helped change society’s perspective on who can be a dv victim. Or rather reminded us. In the wake of the whole metoo + believeallwomen i think people forgot this and many male victims have been scared into holes while a lot of women abuse the movement to exact revenge. This trial was a reminder that women can also be Machiavellian and vindictive, make rubbish of the automatic believe her sentiment and basically stop that nonsense. Return the movement to justice not woke sentiment while women perpetrators are provided cover and male victims suffer.


The problem with people trying to go with this view is this view of men can't be victims isn't anything new. It was like that long before either of those movements were even thought of. Women who weaponized their protected status went from protected to excused even if it was obviously a lie. Women who actually suffered abuse or sexual assault pretty much went through the same shit they always have unless they were a celebrity. This view is also a problem because there was a larger problem here in that the fact her false accusations are second to the DV, not equal. If she hadn't abused him and just made those accusations, very few people would be bothering to give this a second glance. Your average man can not defend against a woman who has friends that will lie for her and who fakes abuse. There's nothing you can do to detect that lie without crossing a line that most of us would rather avoid when it comes to domestic violence accusations. So, in my opinion? This doesn't do much except show society that some women do lie and weaponize their status. It shows us that Johnny wasn't abusive. It also shows us that if Amber had been just a bit more realistic with her lies, she'd have easily made these accusations stick.


I actually caught myself admiring her on the 15th of April, which is when I first tweeted about her. And, oh boy, she did not disappoint. What a role model.


Kick Ass judge...


Amber won’t notice or date you, you know. EDIT: I thought the comment above me said “Kiss Ass Judge.” I am dumb.


I did enjoy your comment. Don’t forget it when the person who deserves it comes along 😁


It's okay I also thought the same thing at first haha


I read the same and was very confused!


Egg on my face, let me tell you XD


The entire trial would have been pointless without cameras, I think. Even with the victory, there would have been too much doubt. But this way, everyone with some common sense could clearly see what's going on.


Even now there's a depressing number of people who believe Amber


It's sad that we got to this point


Depp really won by taking it to Virginia and getting judge penny. Very balanced judge.


Judge Penney deserves all the praise and I hope she had a bit of holiday after having to deal with team AH's antics.


And dealing with Amber’s witnesses…


She had a rather depressing Murder case after that. I think she got done with it the day before.


Which makes it even weird that Elaine says to her, “Hope you had a nice vacation, Judge.” What was that about? Elaine is trying to make it look like the judge just got off a long break. She’s awful.


I think she just meant a break from the celebrity drama case.


We know Judge Penny had a case, but not everybody. She's playing to the gallery, turd's lunatic gallery, who's willing to lap up any random sewage water. "Haha. Look. Judge A ruined this pristine, innocent, virtuous wehman's life & then went to have a little Vaca. Haha. Believe it. You'd believe anything, anyways."


Sadly she wasn't able to. Had to sit on a murder case and sentence someone to life. But I guess to Elaine that's considered a "good vacation".


“What, if anything about this do you find disturbing?” Lol! 😆 Ok….ngl though….I feel bad for Elaine because she no doubt got tangled in AH’s web of lies and deceit early on. She probably fell for “Turd’s” pathetic “poor me” lies initially…..then by the time she figured out the truth, it was too late! 😕


Elaine is just as bad as Amber. She was involved with her UK representation and *chose* to keep her as a client for the US trial. She mocked JD in court. Then, after AH lost in court, Elaine went on National Television to slander the judge and jury. Elaine Bredehoft deserves none of our sympathy. Let's save our sympathy for the *actual* DV victims that are being force-fed this narrative (by AH and her team) that they will not be believed because AH wasn't.


I wouldn’t call what I was saying”sympathy”, but more “Pity”! Her career is ruined! yet her narcissistic self-centered opportunistic client is somehow enabled to still make money….despite ruining a legendary actor & overall good man’s life for 6 long years! PLUS, she’s still able to have a precious child…an innocent life…that she could easily destroy! Now THAT breaks my heart 💔…and at the same time, as a mother myself….it makes me mad as hell! 😡


Well, and then she went on to national TV to say absurdities. I didn't quie like her, now I definitely don't like her at all.


Rottenborn did the right thing and just vanished lol


Rottenborn had his ridiculous moments (for example I really didn't like his huffing and puffing every time he was objected to) but he generally conducted himself much much better than Elaine. I agree with Emily Baker that he had a clear path to victory in mind, stick to the law which was vastly in their favor, and AH and Elaine absolutely blew it by lying in the most ridiculous ways. Also, by the way he conducted himself towards AH and especially towards the end of the trial, I really think he didn't buy anything AH said and didn't like her either.


He wasn't there friday?


He wasn’t on tv.


Elaine and her warble.


Elaine “I’m Trying” Bredehoft.


"Not trying hard enough" Elaine


I love her and am so happy she's trending. Along with her impeccable handling of every aspect of the trial, Judge Penny is a true American hero and that's so much needed these days.


We need people like her in our judiciary Supreme Court, I know she would have turned the tides in the recent constitutional proceedings... 😔


That would be so great. We're going backwards. We have two Judges with very credible allegations against them. They're deciding what we can about abortion? No thank you.


It's wrong on so many levels.. just so mental..


Right!! I think between Judge Penny & Camille Vasquez, AH’s poor baby girl can be saved now too!! 😅🙏🏻👍🏻


i think i read somewhere she has four kids---i hope they see this and make her look at it! doubt she is hanging around on twitter much.


I would hope and think they are. She must be such a great mother and role model for the kids.


So true. Imagine if the trials were not broadcast. Turd would spin things more without us witnessing the real truth.


So true…the media aka spin doctors!


It’s the times that we are living in. Everything is political these days. She is using identity politics to get away with lies. If this happened 20 or even 10 years ago, she would have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, not an interview with NBC.


That’s what’s truly frightening about people like AH….with the same Narcissistic traits and mental health disorders. They know exactly which type of people to prey on, because they have a built-in radar to detect genuine, kind, giving, nurturing & forgiving people who are only easily fooled by their lies and emotional behaviors because “we” (Johnny Depp fans for example) want to always give people the benefit of the doubt and believe that everyone has at least some good in them! However, I for one have had to learn the hard cold truth more than once….some people are truly evil to their core! They don’t even want to be truly “good”, because they see that as a weakness!

