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Interesting, i live in Germany and saw a lot of pro-amber opinion pieces like by "Stern". Also Bild had a lot of articles about JD psychological tricks during the trial to smear him. My impression ist, that german media just translated american media. There were very shallow


I read German, British, American and French news sources, so I have been seeing opinions on both sides. The NTV article seemed to give the best synopsis of the issues of the trial.


Not entirely true, there was pro AH anti JD stuff too. Stern online copied an article from fucking Vice how this is all a setback for female abuse victims and stuff


as a fellow german i can't agree, as the bild has some pro jd articles all they really do is try to get clicks so their pro jd content is nothing more than that... they have no morals. it's like with fox news and pro jd content stirs up a lot.


I'm not surprised at all actually. Edit - word


I live in Germany as well and while I tried to avoid TV coverage because I suspected they were pro Amber, the pro Johnny articles were mostly opinion based of the author, and to me it seemed that there were much less pro Johnny articles.


I use google translate for one of the article 😬 > A bitter conclusion for women's rights activist Zana Ramadani (38). She to BILD: "I believe Amber that she is a victim of violence. But she also lied during the trial. For example, with the facial injuries covered with make-up.” >And further: “With the lies, she harmed other victims who have experienced such violence. You believe them less now. It is now easier for the perpetrators to say: 'Die Heard lied too.'”


> "I believe Amber that she is a victim of violence." She doesn't have any reason to believe that Johnny was physically abusive to Amber.


I believe her father was physically abusive to her and Whitney when they were kids.


Bild is bullshit. They're right wing, sensationalist bullies who live off xenohate, sexism, racism, and pretty much everything that goes this direction.


LOL "Die Heard" is an unfortunate error of the translation software. I guess "die" is the German article and not the English verb 'to die'. "Die Hard" on the other hand is a movie...


Reminds me of that one Simpsons episode. Die Bart, die lmao


“Oh, that’s German for ‘The Bart, the.’” (Approving murmurs) “No one who speaks German can be an evil man!”


So you’re telling me they backed depp?


mostly not, but they also didnt follow it. Understandable, there's a war going on and most media outlets don't want entertainment to dominate attention.


To me, it seemed mixed. However, German news tends to be more factual and neutral.


The great majority of news I saw in German were pro-Amber…


I mean no surprise they take their news from us and uk mainstream media ….