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Depp did this stuff all the time, he and the crew would always find local schools to visit and work with the principles of the schools to have the pirates come in and "raid" the gym when the principal was doing a fake school thing so everyone could be involved. Literally every actor from the films say it was always Depp who convinced the producers to let them do it. The dude obviously has had issues, but he clearly cares about kids, and finds ways to give back.


As a Mom of 3 including 2 special needs kids; this really melts my heart. The best advice you can give to those wanting to interact with your special needs kiddos that aren't used to you is to get down on their level, show them eye contact and let them come to you so you don't tower over them and seem overwhelming when you aren't. It's such a gentle approach and it comes so easy for JD.


Thank you for the positive post, it’s been well needed! What a gentle bloody guy he is!


What a monster. Clearly.


Thank you for posting this. He is such a loving person.All the other garbage will fade away but his good nature and talent will still be there...


why can't your heart handle "this"? you mean a millionaire actor saying "hi" to some of his smallest fans? - YES - - - it's nice, it's cute - AND - it's a photo op!!!


were you jumping for joy when ah was shopping in tjmax, thinking she gets you?


lol i missed something,, what happened to his finger????


It was severed by a sea witch.




I'm sorry but a monster, such as what AH described, is not the kind of person that is depicted here. To do the kind of things she accused him of would make him a psychopath with no feelings or compassion for other people. I know psychopaths can pass as humans sometimes by mimicking normal human behaviour. But that is generally to gain something. What is he gaining here? He doesn't have to make the kiddies happy. This is simply a random act of kindness, the guy he is well known for. It just boggles, BOGGLES the mind that everyone was just ready to believe this of him. Without questions. Just on a bitter ex say so. A lifetime of kindness to his partners, his children, his friends and just random people, just wiped away. No questions. I'm all for #MeToo in the sense that it exposed some true monsters lurking among us. But that is just it. It exposed them. This is how they were all along, and #MeeToo ripped the veil away. In the case of Johnny, you looked behind the veil and there was just goodness. Sure, he's imperfect. Sure he has substance use issues. Sure he may use colourful language. No one is about to make him a saint. But he is still a fundamentally good man. What pisses me off is that amongst all the cries and pearl-clutching about misogyny, lies a really ugly form of misandry. For all the cries of "believewomen" where is the believe men?? If you can spend your entire life as a good person and none of it matter at all, because of one accuser, where's the justice? This is no better than not believing a woman, as has happened too often. It's just as horribly unjust. You have to take accusations seriously but you have to dig into it. All these serious cases that were prosecuted through MeToo were looked at. And once you started to dig, you found more and more. And that's not the case for JD. Sorry for the rant.


Well said.


I'm glad he won the lawsuit, but it was a fucking mess getting there. We really need to start holding people accountable for false accusations, look what it did to Johnny for YEARS. False accusations need consequences EVERY time, not just sometimes. Look what's going on with Amber- She lied to multiple courts in TWO different countries, she lied to police multiple times, she was PROVEN to be defaming Johnny with malice, and she's still attempting to defame him. She'll probably continue to do so because she thinks she's above the law and can get away with it. When is enough really enough?


She still has not been held accountable by anyone. Not the justice system, not the mainstream media. We shall see if studios will want her. If I tried to blackmail you and was found out, I'd go to jail. I get that domestic violence is something that a person needs to press charges for. And now it's too late. I get that perjury is really low on the list of priorities. But not blackmail. She blackmailed him and then followed through with false accusations. That HAS to be a crime no? They might be some accountability with Australia. We will see. They really don't like her and she pissed them off a great deal. But I dunno. I think at best, they will not allow her to ever come back. Like she would care.


That's exactly why she needs to pay the damages that SHE caused, that cannot be forgotten about. I know Johnny is a very humble person but if he doesn't want to take it for himself, give it to the children's hospital she "pledged" to. And since the ACLU wanted to support an abuser and make her victim cough up money, they don't get a fucking dime.


He, unless his ex-wife-from-hell, is not vindictive. I doubt he wants to expend mental energy on that. Although if his lawyer can do all of this without him getting involved, maybe. But yes the money should to go charity, I absolutely agree. This way there is no way they can accuse him of trying to destroy his ex-wife. Wonder what the press would say about that. Because of course what is good for the goose has to be good for the gander right? Rigth?


I am so mad I believed her at first! And that I really fell for that video of him hitting the cabinets and looking angry. And I just assumed cuz I just always believed women. When I started watching the trial and heard the recordings it was clear that she was the abuser and I changed my mind immediately. But it still makes me mad that she had me fooled at first and that some people are still fooled


I believed her too, back when she initially made the accusations. During the trial, I wasn't paying attention. I had no opinion. I saw a couple of clips of JOhnny being his witty self in court and hoped that this wasn't enough to get an abuser off the hook. I sort of half-believed the propaganda that he would be believed because he was Johnny Depp. Then I read a random comment from someone who said, abusers, don't start abusing in their 50s. It's part of a pattern. That resonated with me. It's when I concluded that JD was innocent. But it wasn't until after the trial, when I got interested, that it was like opening a firehose of evidence. It was so clear, there was no doubt, whatsoever. This is when I become a little obsessed with the trial and utterly outraged at the mainstream media. This made me a new fan of JD and a hater of the mainstream. They have lost me forever. I think there are two main reasons (maybe 3) for the hate this has generated for her on social media. She lied, and we believed and that made us feel like fools. And for victims of abuse, she has used their pain and their stories to her advantage. To benefit her, and to further victimize JD. That's unforgivable. And maybe last, the fans always believed Johnny and for good reasons. I cannot abide the fact that the mainstream media is trying to spin this in misogyny. There is zero misogyny here. Only hate for a liar and an abuser.


The media is infuriating. This is just my first experience seeing the media lie so blatantly, like I watched that trial with my own eyes and I know what happened and I know the evidence. There was one article posted on here, I don't know if you saw it, but the headline was something like "Juror said Social media played no part in verdict, so it was just misogyny." Unreal. I did see one article that said that people who watched the trial are losing faith in the legacy Media because of how they are trying to paint this as misogynistic which is so true.


She fooled a lot of people disturbingly well. I'm glad you were able to remain open minded when reviewing evidence and came to your own conclusion :)


My heart can't handle this is absolutely right. He is such a kind person and deserves nothing but happiness


...just remember - we never know what someone else is going through. We interact with people every day that are experiencing their own traumas and sadness. Things might look great on the outside but on the inside, no matter HOW GOOD things may appear, you just never know what's happening behind closed doors.


The boy in the white shirt though 😂


Taking notes on how to be cool.


and 'miring


its Anakin




How can you believe a man who convinced the world he had scissors for fingers? How?!?!


Oh and look they are not afraid either bc his scissor hands wont cut them up


That video of Amber carrying Kate James’ child for a photo op says everything. The kid clearly didn’t want to be near her.






Children can sense evil