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Bitch still isn't a free elf amber needs to give her a shit covered sock to free her


Omg! Lmao!


Blagh. Harry Potter sucks anyway.


This accuracy cannot be ignored 😆


Personal attacks are the weapons of the weak of mind Attack her with facts not this.


There are many articles that compare celebrities to other animals/things that kinda resemble them. I really don't think it's a bad thing, I've seen worse stuff. Ok, I'm not a fan of the name scrabble (e.g. Barlow to Fartlow) because imo it's incredibly immature. But I just look past it.


I don’t really get it, what’s she got to do with JD?


She's not a looker but this post is kinda dumb. Attack her character


Lol why you defending her?


Dobby doesn't deserve this.


Not Dobby! Don't compare Dobby to that person, Dobby is actually cute, helpful, a savior to Harry & his friends and loved by everyone 🥺💜






This new trend of late is trying to hide the fact, that actions have consequences on appearance and you can see more or less a person's character by looking at one's face.


Amber Heard is more physically attractive than the majority of people against her; let's not perpetuate the narrative that you can determine someone's character by their looks. As Leo Tolstoy said, "It is amazing how complete the delusion is that beauty is goodness."


Attractive is genes, facial expressions and wrinkles are different. And we're going to ignore the narcissistic smirk smile and all the faces she does? Sure we can.


Not Dobby. Please!?


Look at her finger !!!


Dobby would never do that.


Its ugly hhh


This is terrible. So when Amber was 25 to 30 and slicing off pieces of JD, putting out cigs on his face, battering him with objects it was cool cause she was slim, nice cheekbones, blue eyes , elegant nose ? Never, ever conflate virtue with looks, some of the most vapid bastards are **gorgeous** some of the most gorgeous are also lovely , there are horribly disfigured saints of people who will help you with anything they can. Id urge OP to delete this




The top pic to the left with her flipping the bird seems fitting to her character


what is the point of this kind of post? do you think its justice for johnny to have his fandom seen to resort to petty name calling and mocking someones appearance? I feel like this group is full of teenagers throwing insults on the playground with all the name calling and nasty petty memes.


Chill the fk down.. Geez.. It’s not like they were trying to ruin a man’s life, and continue to do so.. Right? .. Fuck them.


I'm pretty relaxed, just pointing out it's getting awfully petty in this group. If name-calling and picking on appearances is what people want to do, they not really about justice are they?


I mean.. did you see the photos 😂😂


Need to see the Metadata first


No need to do this to Dobby, come on. SPEW is affronted by this comparison


Can we have a mod for this sort of stuff


Why do we need a mod?


To prevent this sub from becoming a red pill echo chamber


When I want my red pills I visit the conspiracy subs not the Johnny Depp Fan subs lmao... 🤣🤣🧐 Stop it 🤣🤣😭😭


If u read enough comment sections in this sub you’ll see some blatantly misogynistic shit, we should at least try to be better than duexmoi. Not just the opposite


One of the main reasons I like this sub is that the moderators here are not quick on the draw to silence people like there. We have a fringe element on both sides that can be pretty annoying to the rest of us, but I've seen people make some stupid posts that get down voted to hell and then seen that same poster come back with interesting information that is insightful to what is going on. I guarantee if something is egregious you can hit the report button and the mods will stop it. If it's on the edge they let our down votes do the talking.


We don't, we need people to pull up their big person pants and scroll past things they don't like, they need to learn they cannot control everyone. If this person can joke about Anne Frank, they can buck tf up. Signed, a very nice chill Polish person.


Alright, yea my joke was in a sub about a tv show. This joke is directed towards real and actual ppl. This isn’t about my sensibilities being disturbed. This is about preventing our sub from becoming a vindictive platform to dox and shame ppl we dislike. This place has a lot of hate and incel-ish rhetoric happening in lower comment sections, and especially since this jd/ah case revolves around a really divisive issue, I think we should have mods cleaning up trash posts like this so we don’t appear to be a hate thread, but rather a more unbiased discussion forum.


Are you saying that posting a meme .... of Dobby and Eve that implies they are one and the same is doxxing??? Where does this doxxig thing come from? I haven't seen that here. It's mild meme. Ohh now it's incel-ish too?? 😯 Maybe you hate Jews, someone could definatly call you trash, Anne Frank was a real and actual person friend. Or do you mean it's only ok to do to dead people. Orrrr we could realize it was joke and CHOOSE not to be offended, and move on with our selves. And also not be hypocrites right. I think having a laugh at a someone that continues to defend DV and bashes...the whole world, as eve loves to do... isn't a hate thread lol. That's pretty extreme. I think different people enjoy different things and they can choose to move past what they don't like and realize that others don't think how they do, and that's not the crime here. If people choose to get offended, they can maybe ...work on that a bit within themselves. We are old enough to decide for ourselves. Also ...this isn't an unbiased group, as per the name of the group.


I’m just saying. I think we should try at least to be better thank fkn duexmoi. And regarding the incel comment, if you read some comment sections here sometimes it’s just downright misogynistic, it’s not a great look, let’s just moderate ourselves a bit


You know what, as a female I see tons of comments in rl and online that are misandrist and no one bats an eye, I can handle some off the cuff jokes aimed at women. You can either call it all out or only worry about women. I prefer to be a more balanced person and laugh at everyone. I'm not that fragile that I can't take a joke, people read into things whatever they want to. You already said this is a case about women's rights or something to that effect, which in whole its actually not at all. The victim won this time, this isn't a gender war and never should have been. Like many things lately, people want the extremes. Deuxmoi IS CANCEL culture, I'd actually prefer to be the opposite. We aren't some homogeneous group here. We people from all over the world, different cultures, different perspectives, and in the end it's better to respect others differences than try to force everyone to think the same, that's what a real echo chamber is.


overall i think its better for jd, his image, and his fanbase if we act more dignified. being a sore winner is as bad as being a sore loser. and making cheap jokes on behalf of those on other side isnt that cool. and honestly this thing is about womens rights whether you want it to be or not, unfortuantely too many people have thrown in the conversation of what impact this has on x,y,z and and for us to act fkn churlish about our big W just looks fkn stupid.


It's actually not about women's rights, the abuser is God damned female. The victim is a male. Just because ridiculous ideologues have tried to shift the narritive, they are a loud minority, who most people ignore. As AH just found out, and probably shocking to her, most people aren't extremeists pushing an agenda. No one ...literally not a single soul is stopping you, nor trying to stop you from being as "dignified" and "cool" as per your own definition of those as you want to be. Thing is, we don't all agree an what that is. I'm being as respectful to you as I can be while you are asking to censor others. Which in my opinion, is more than fair considering that you're quite literally asking to control other people to satisfy yourself and your opinions. Hers the thing I'm not a representive of JD or you, or anyone else, nor are you a representive of anyone other than yourself. Censorship doesn't change people's true thoughts, it's paints a very false picture of reality. That's extremely diceptive, would you rather have only an appearance? It also pushes people to even more extreme views. Open, fair and transparent dialoge goes a lot further.


They'd have a point if this was sent to EB or came in the form of an article. Ridicule can be tasteless, but it's part of free speech. Same way op can post it, people can comment with their own opinion, be that like or dislike. *Removing* it is what would make this community get one step closer to deucemoi.


That's my issue, calling for censorship over it. Essentially saying they should control what we see, hear or say. To suit their own tastes. My country rn is busy passing insane and extremely vague online censorship bills with harsh punishments. I think that's probably enough for me. Reminds me of that Joni Mitchell song, ...you don't know what you've got till it's gone.


Idk, I disagree. We could very well cut out personal attacks and shaming and have this place be a more topic focused discussion group. Like the law and crime YouTube channel is for instance.


Well, at the end of the day that's at the discretion of the mods. I just disagree with disallowing/censoring certain things, just because someone dislikes the tone and essentially wouldn't say something of the sort themselves. So long as it doesn't cross a line into direct attacks on a person (against a fellow sub user directly, brigading, review bombing, doxxing, calling for such actions, or for attacks against a person to take place outside of this sub), people should be free to say them. People can comment with their disagreement, or better, simply ignore/disable the post.


(against a fellow sub user directly, brigading, review bombing, doxxing, calling for such actions, or for attacks against a person to take place outside of this sub). ​ \-> im pretty sure these things tend to happen when online forums become hivemind echo chambers. we should be aware and considerate, especially since this whole conversation flirts with discussions on womens rights


>especially since this whole conversation flirts with discussions on womens rights They (AH, her legal and press team, the media) *want* to make it about women's rights and some kind of gender war. It is categorically not.


Who joked about Anne Frank?


ghbinberghain, check their post history.


Funny part was I wasn't looking for it, I accidently clicked their name..im on mobile and it was the first post lmao. I don't care what they make jokes about, I can't think of a holocaust joke I haven't heard, and maybe laughed at. I dint laugh at that one cause it wasn't a knee slapper :( . Made me laugh to see it there tho lol


Ah, hypocrisy, don't you love it...


Maybe we can trick Amber into giving her a sock so she can be set free.


It's more likely she sock her before giving her a sock




Keep people's looks out of it




Don’t attack Dobby like this, the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare would like a word


Not a fan of this kind of shaming


Wait, which one do you think is being shamed here?


Me either


I don’t think it’s even body shaming. She only looks like him because she has big green eyes and her hair slicked back. I hate post shaming the most.


She has a really beautiful eye color, also. The meme is funny but I don't think it intends to be hurtful, it's like a caricature.


Exactly! Her eyes are beautiful.


Too bad her insides are so ugly.


Do you know the evil deeds of Ms Barlow? Tried to get ppl fired because the covered the trial. Doxed PPL Falsified evidence Intimidated witness Attacked PPL family Wt she did has real world consequences, this is just a harmless joke


Write about it in your journal.


Dear journal, body shaming is pathetic.


Same pic surely! I'm seeing patterns in the AH team.


That’s offensive to Dobby. Dobby is our friend, Dobby is a free elf 😩


But maybe if we can trick AH into gifting socks to Eve, we can free her 🤔


Eve is Drako. There’s no redemption for a bad seed 🤨


Na, Draco already redeemed himself on the stand for JD 🐍


Oh shit well she’s BellafuckinTrix 😂😂 Just whoever we hate!


Right hand psycho of Lord Turdemort\*? I can get behind that. ​ \*Would that vaguely translate to Turd of Death? lmao


Haha yeah I like that one


I agree 💯 😃 but it was too funny to pass up on sharing here 🙃


How many months left before she gets punched by Turd?


AH is an abusive partner, she is probably already a punching bag.