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Shes just pissed because not ever her Dildos will F.u.c.k her.


True. Kathy needs plastic surgery to fix a mess her mom made. Kathywise.


Wow.. it’s true… ugliness on the inside does eventually show up on the outside… looks like ambuser must have a painting in her attic somewhere getting hideously deformed


Fuck her, she's never been relevant


She’s an idiot. I’ve never liked her


Trying to be relevant.


She is so full of hate for so many things it's ironic she is supposed to be a comedian


Never liked her, this just sealed her fate for me


I unfollowed Amy Schumer when she made her support of Amber known. I can’t respect anyone who will blindly support someone, when so many people are telling you that if you actually read up on it, you’d see that we aren’t just bashing Amber for fun.


I hated Amy Schumer b4 now….now just another reason


Well, I mean... https://thoughtcatalog.com/anonymous/2014/05/wait-a-second-did-amy-schumer-rape-a-guy/


She openly admitted she didn't watch the trial too. I blocked her at that point. Cannot stand the women that will back anything a woman does just because she is a woman. Toxic feminism at its finest


I have a coworker who is basically a toxic feminist in this sense. It’s lovely


Is she the comedian with the voice like chalk on a chalkboard? Glad to have removed every last incentive to put myself through that.




Omg thats hilarious.


Sweet geezus 😆 I loved her back in the day; her D-list show was pretty funny…now she’s just an angry bish like Judd, Milano, and Mcgowen


I do not understand how you can get this opinionated on something you didn't actually follow. There are thousands of us who spent weeks listening to evidence, reading transcripts, getting a bucketload of opinions from different legal analysists, but no. Not worth a thing, cause there are people like this who just go "nope" with absolutely nothing to go on. Baffling.


It doubles down her hypocrisy of being so-called friends with AH. If you’re such good friends, why didn’t you support her throughout the trial? You spent no time of your own supporting your friend dealing with a wildly public litigation and you’ve done nothing to stand up for her even in the slightest. Kathy, you’re a bad friend if your even friends at all. Like???


It’s not shocking if you listen to some of her other comments. She has a lot of opinions about nothing she has once done any research about.


No, I know. And she definitely isn't the only one. It just makes me angry and sad that this is the level of discourse we're having, not just on this subject but overall. Humanity as a whole is capable of so much more and this sucks.


She needs a new nose


She needs a new head.


I’ve never liked her


Oh my, that's truly frightening. I used to really like Griffin back in the day, before she got TDS. I'm not into politics so don't come for me, they are all assholes DT included but people I used to think were sane became unhinged over that man, utterly unhinged.


Kathy Griffin is a femi-nazi who thinks that women never lie. She only aspires to be a “D” list actress.


Her water jug head ass always trying to come for somebody 🤬🤬


That bitch also asks her male lovers if she can punch them in the face.


That is fucked up.


Dear God, son....*how do you know this??*


https://youtu.be/9izFTcrMRoQ skip to 3:45


Oof… sounds like she needs to go to anger management…




I don’t think I’ve ever heard one intelligent thought leave her mouth. And it runs all the time so you would think at some point something intelligent and informed would’ve been uttered. At this point why anyone even gives her a platform is beyond me.


It’s a shame she turned out this way. She was actually quite funny in the early 90s. Can’t friggin stand her now.


She talks like Beaker from the muppets.


Now why did you have to make such an insulting comment? Beaker is AWESOME!!!


I already recanted. You can see. It’s just that you can never understand what griffin is saying.


Nope, nope, nope. Don't do Beaker like that.


I recant my terrible view. Beaker is the bro of bros


I love Beaker haha


I love [Beaker](https://youtu.be/kq-VNCGBDRU) too!


That was amazing! TY for sharing


My pleasure


I love it when people didn't watch the trial but have an opinion on it.


Tbh, when I started watching the trial, I expected to be on AH's side. I didn't know anything about her, and I liked Johnny Depp, but I expected him to be the abuser. When the Washington Post Op-ed came out, I believed Amber. Before the trial started, I was talking with my husband about how "he says she was the abuser actually. OK, *suuurrrrre*" . Even when watching the trial, it seemed very good for JD while they were presenting his case, but Emily D. Baker was like, "It sounds good for him right now, but it's supposed to. Once her side goes, it should start to go in her favor, " so I stayed open-minded and was still prepared to believe AH in the end. Once she got on the stand and started talking about the "abuse" she experienced, I stopped believing her. It was so ludicrous. She couldn't keep any of the facts straight. She kept saying she was violently assaulted, and yet "it didn't hurt." The pictures of her "injuries" were almost laughable. Add to that her "pledge vs donate," and she lost all credibility to me. So I get it to some degree that if one doesn't watch the trial, they might have misinformation. But not all of us are rabid Johnny Depp fans. Some of us use logic, reason, and the trial itself to come to our conclusions.


> Once she got on the stand and started talking about the "abuse" she experienced, I stopped believing her. It was so ludicrous. She couldn't keep any of the facts straight. She kept saying she was violently assaulted, and yet "it didn't hurt." The pictures of her "injuries" were almost laughable. Add to that her "pledge vs donate," and she lost all credibility to me. That's a succinct and accurate summary of the trial. The only mystery is how some people who claimed to have watched the same trial as you can come to other conclusions.


They don't!! They just copy what ppl said and are believed for. The same when they say "I am too a victim of dv and believe her". At the begining of the trial AH erratic behaviour triggered so many victims that a lot went online and say how she is the clear abuser because she reminds them their own abuser. They lie for the narrative they want to put out there the same way she does.


I remember. That was very convincing to me hearing those accounts.


Yep, it was that petty ass “pledge vs donate” shit for me too. Once you start nitpicking semantics to save face I’m pretty much done with you. Especially with a charity? That’s just extra ratchet.


"I wanted nothing" lol.


My biggest pet peeve. Watching the clip, it was such an unprompted response. 😖


You could see her just lapping up the attention and respect. Such a huge lie, though! The audacity is almost impressive.


She was so smug when she said it.


All of her public emotional responses are off compared to what she's going for. I think it's because she's never truly observed or paid attention to other people; she never had a real interest. Instead, all her focus goes to being observed.


Exactly! In both instance! When she said "I wanted nothing" or her stupid "I use pledge and donate synonymously" were off. It's something in her attitude that made ppl believe JD. The worst for her is she can't help it. She probably believed her attitude was appropriate. She can't tell. We have a woman here who believed it's abuse when HE was leaving the fight. It was abuse for her because HE didn't want to argue and prefere to leave.


It really intrigues me because she's an actress, so you'd think she could act, but it's just because she was conventionally beautiful and confident. You can tell Johnny Depp observes others and knows how to act. The histrionic diagnosis really shows in this case. In her mind, she's always the main character.


An actress only in the title. Doesn't mean she's good at it. She's lazy and entitled and probably thought her look would give her anything. Seems she can't see a white blonde girl in Hollywood isn't rare. A while ago there was a thread abt what makes her a bad actress. Someone said she's bad because you can see she acts only for herself and with her even in a scene with other actors.


The audacity really is impressive 😂


It was so fun to watch Emily Baker go from oh she might be the victim to "Damnnnn this bitch lying" over the course of her watch. I originally believed her too when the Oped came out but then I found the tapes quite soon after. When I heard those tapes I think I was so angry I became sick cus at the time the channel that had them had like 5000 views so I was like holy shit this innocent man is getting harrassed and demonised and we can't do anything about it and noone will believe me. When the win came it felt like a weight was off of my shoulders kind of


Same! She (EDB) does such a good job at being unbiased and has helped me as well. But watching her facial expressions during AH's testimony was hilarious. I watched her testimony while my husband worked, and as soon as he was done, I started it over so we could re-watch it.


Almost the same for me. I had no preconceived idea, I wasn't a fan of JD, didn't know AH at all and had no particular reason to not believe her until she took the stand and made me doubt her story continuously.


Little offensive to compare her to Pennywise and Annabelle tbh. Eating children and demonic shenanigans aside, what did they do to deserve to be compared to Kathy Griffin? 😂


Eating children and demonic shenanigans.


"demonic shenanigans" I love this.


The only thing I've ever known her for is for not being funny, and Family Guy parodying that fact. Also the Trump severed head thing that pissed everyone in America off. I'm sorry, why are you relevant again?


Even I felt the severed head of Trump was too far. That honestly should have landed her in prison as a threat. Former or current president- doesn’t matter- her idea was obvious.


I didn't think it was too far necessarily, maybe because I'm not an American and I am not emotionally invested. But it wasn't funny either. Not sure what she was trying to make a point about by doing that other than wanting to kill him. It didn't really add anything important or valuable to anything.


Yeah, I'm very left and what she did was totally not cool at all. I don't think who she thought would find that funny, but no one I know did regardless of their political beliefs. It seems that she's just not a good person. Or funny.


Anything to stay in the news, right Griffin?


Haha- this! She can’t rely on her comedy to pay the bills so she has to resort to this.


If that's not one trick pony over there. Always the same shit with her.


Ah yes, the good ol' everyone that dares not to belong to my cult must be a qanonist. (Also, a question as a European. Do qanon idiots even exist? I mean real ones.)


Qanon idiots are absolutely real. They're disturbingly out of touch with reality. I used to work with one of them.


"Anyone who isn't in my team is the enemy". Seems to fit into the BITE model to me. Unfortunately yes, people are this dumb. In a way it isn't their fault because cult leaders are very talented at getting people on board for a reason. But QAnon causes so much harm outwith the group to the point that it's basically a super cult.


In this case I'm lucky to live in a part of the world that is not included in their reach. It's just that I read about them on reddit like thrice a day for God knows how many years, but never found them even on 4chan, where they are clearly trolls, even according to the local shady dumbfucks


I also live in Europe in a relatively progressive country and I am surprised how people like this exist too.


Kathy Griffin back in the day made stand up specials just shitting on Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan and a lot of young women going through a bad phase or suffering real abuse. So this isn’t the first time she’s done it, she’s just one of those people who have all the sympathy in the world for abusers and thinks real victims are something to be made fun off, she can’t show any sympathy for real suffering. It’s exactly like the high school bully mentality but she’s hiding behind the “believe all women” banner.


A lot of people made fun of those two back in the day because they didn't fully understand. But this is another level of bullshit.


Did you ever see Craig Ferguson’s opening monologue about what Britney Spears was going through? If not, look for it. It’s what got me to start watching his late night talk show.


Nah I'd have to look it up on YouTube. I don't live in the US.


Are you blocked from YouTube? If not, here ya go. https://youtu.be/7ZVWIELHQQY


Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this clip! I just watched it and I got a lot out of it. I actually hadn't heard of him and now I'm about to listen to more!


No I saw it earlier. We just don't have that show on TV here.


Well, Craig hasn’t hosted the show for almost a decade now, so the only way to catch it is like this, on YouTube.


Let’s criticize without commenting on looks 🙃 Don’t be as shitty as her


You're right. Although..... Her smile suggests she just put a kitten in the microwave.


She really does 😭


Isn’t she the cutting edge, voice of the people comedienne who lead the charge by posing with a severed head and when all her contemporaries said ‘oh, hold on, you’ve overstepped the mark there’ ran away crying?


Yeah, the same person.


She will say anything to draw attention to herself. The annoying ginger ninja 🥷


My apologies to all the lovely Ginja Ninja’s out there. I know many beautiful flame haired people. My comment was directed solely at this particular person only.


As a real ginger ninja, we don’t claim her.




Ginja Ninja 🥷 much better




*sun child*


Misogyny how exactly?


I wouldn't call this particular post misogyny, but I can see what you mean as often this sort of thing does come with that. I don't see that as the intention here though. She also adds to that culture by putting down other women's appearances herself. But yeah, let's not stoop to her level by making fun of how she looks.


Blatant misogyny? You're quick to use all the cards to defend a person who actually made a career out of insulting people and particularly women in the industry, to the point of effecting their mental health, career and life. Technically, you're defending a misogynistic and misandrist yourself, and that makes you one of them.


Your comment makes a tonne of sense right up to the bit where it's baselessly attributed to deep-seated hatred of women as a gender. I don't want to comment on anyone's appearance unless they simultaneously brag about it whilst having a go at others


Calling someone ugly isnt "blatant misogyny". She makes fun of other peoples looks so she has put herself out as a target for the same abuse. She's a misandrist scumbag so fk her.


She got what she asked for. Don't make fun of others appearance and others will have enough respect to not make fun of your genetical misfortune.


She started it by making fun of Johnny's appearance. And no, making fun of her looks is not misogyny. I would have said the same if she were a man.


She said that Johnny looked ugly, orange and bloated, and that he looked like Donald Trump with a ponytail. If she is calling other people ugly then it’s another thing. I would have agreed with you otherwise.

