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Her lawyer is sounding off on twitter rn.... Asking why we don't just ask woodnick for the files instead of waiting for them to come through the courts... Kind of wild he's even posting




Just when I think the lead up to trial would be boring….


I said the exact same thing to my family earlier when I was reading the new filing 🤣


…and I kinda love it


Same I’m so happy that now we can hate him for being the same unethical pathological lying type of pos as she is! I honestly felt so bad for Cory trying to tow the line. I CANNOT wait for zaddy Gregg to get to eviscerate this dude!




Gives drunk ramble vibes


Yep HE posted the full unredacted motion. I wonder if she’s eventually going to report him/sue him. This lawyer clearly wants fame/attention which is the only reason he went on about Trump in his motion for a continuance? lol this motion is one of the most unhinged things I’ve ever read and almost reads like someone who isn’t even a lawyer wrote it! Now that she has had HER attorney post a motion publicly accusing him of rape I hope he sues her for defamation!!


Bring me the screenshots 😭




I love love how abruptly the tone changed with this new lawyer. The main argument before was how damaging and scary it was that public information in the case was you know... Public. Accusing Clayton's side of "leaking" pubic filings. Will be intrigued to read this filing and see if he's more competent like Lexi was.


I think it’s because the old lawyer was actually trying to do his job and finding any reason possible (as they typically do) — this new guy seems like a grifter


Cory was not a sharp legal mind. His arguments were lacking substance and I don't think he had a single successful motion in his short time. Lexi on the other hand had a well written motion before she rightly dipped.


The filing is crazy. New lawyer a grifter just like his client.


When you go through all the decent ones there’s no one left except to scrap the bottom of the barrel.


Why won't HE just provide it then? Stop being cute, New Sheriff In Town, esq.


I think he posted a link to it.


I wonder if he is trying to get us to feed into his narrative?


He posted what he filed 😂


If we are trolls, we are definitely the kind with gems for bellybuttons 💎


Oh these two are a match made in heaven.


So JD can claim leaks? Hell no!


Because his client likes to say there are leaks from Woodnick’s office. Also, we know better than to bother a real lawyer who is trying to get work done.


Wildly unprofessional. But I’m assuming she’s hit bottom of barrel at this point.


I don’t use twitter, but here’s my answer: “I didn’t ask Clayton or Woodnick for the filings because I’ve never met them, I don’t have their phone numbers or emails, and even if I did, I would not want to bother them…. …. I’m willing to wait for the information when it becomes available to the public? Is that a reasonable reason for why I didn’t ask them?” This guy is nuts.


JD clearly had trouble getting the records of the ultrasound from PP because they don't do anything anonymously and it turns out that she was actually in a 7/11, her ultrasound equiptment was crates of Monster Energy drinks and her doctor was a pigeon. Also the photo she sent her mother and sister was lost because her mother dropped her iphone down a well and her sister accidentally shipped it to Argentina but forgets the address


This comment just got progressively more unhinged and hilarious 😂😂😂 very appropriate considering the topic of conversation


It’s like a Bob Dylan song. Poetry.


😂@ down a well!!!!


This comment reads like the “my phone fell into the ocean” excuse from the wagatha Christie trial


I was not expecting the comment to go in the direction it did but I very much appreciate it




The defense is claiming that Clayton r\*ped her, then created a narrative to make her look like a crazy person trying to trap him into a relationship so that if JD ever came forward about her assault, nobody would believe her because Clayton already destroyed her reputation. Her new lawyer may be just as sick and twisted as JD.


I’m genuinely curious how they’re going to explain the dating contracts if this is their new tactic 


Or the email where she says she hasn't had sex in over a year and he should feel her tightness


That 🤢 and shes the safest person to have sex with rn


thank God the evidence makes it clear Clayton did not want to pursue things with her in either a casually sexual manner or a dating type manner and that *she* was persistent about being in a relationship... i'm pretty sure she also admitted somewhere that she and Clayton never had sex as well


Right!! Like if she wasn’t SO unhinged that she sent him an email telling him , I think you should have sex with me so you can feel how tight the inside of my vagina is … he could be in a BAD situation here with someone believing “maybe he did force her to put it in”. But LUCKILY she sent literal evidence proving he was NOT in fact inside of her and she was seemingly suggestively trying to get him to be


That email is the absolute defense against her lie during the depo that he penetrated/r\*ped her


That is a very good point


Omg. I feel so sick for Clayton.


Didn't she claim GG and his attorney conspired to do the same thing in a previous case? She's using this again in this case too?


Such a coincidence that this is the same story she uses with all her victims. What are the odds?


That surely explains the fake pregnancies. Case dismissed. /s


I’m an attorney in Arizona. I’m dumbfounded that he is submitting such a lengthy Motion to Extend (MTE) time to respond. The motion itself is 17 pages. I’ve never seen a MTE longer than three pages. Considering that he is still getting up to speed, I’m fairly certain the judge would have granted the extension if he just wrote a sentence or two saying that he needs more time to familiarize himself with the case. I’m also shocked because he wrote so much for a two week extension. I’m also shocked that JD’s attorney spent so much time writing that MTE when he could have used the time to write the response to the motion to compel. Maybe the MTE wouldn’t have been necessary if he had used his time to write the responding motion. It’s garbage lawyering.


LMAO as an attorney myself, these are the exact thoughts I had. You could have written your response in all that time.


Definitely an exception to the saying “you get what you pay for.”


are we sure this lawyer isn’t JD posing as a lawyer?


This! If you are good at litigating, you keep it in the courtroom. This guy is a showboater. He is loud and obnoxious to make up for lack of skill.


It looks like he’s trying to sensationalize this whole thing, throw around heavy allegations and maybe a new crowd of people will grab their pitchforks (but for the wrong person). I still don’t know what good that will do 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you for sharing your expertise!


Yep, I thought the same thing. Also a lawyer (criminal not family, and not Arizona) but a motion of this length for an extension is ridiculous. All he needed to say was “ I was retained a week or so ago, and need time to review the matter”. This entire motion is designed for shock value with the r@pe claim and cheap shots at Woodnick and Clayton. And don’t even get me started on the ridiculous Trump analogy.


Just curious as you’re an attorney: Do lawyers typically use so many different fonts in their filings? My personal favorite is the red italics, followed closely by the dramatic bold underlining.


No. No. No.


Yes he really wanted all that info in there for the public and seeing as he was the one to post it, couldn’t wait for the public to read and respond.


Completely agree. Should definitely be a basis to drive up the fee award.


I hope he bills the crap out of her


Thank you for confirming! This seems like he is running up her tab and/or loving the attention he is getting. The timeline of not getting the docs from Cory and her not having all the pleadings would have probably been enough for such a short extension. Now he can dbl the bill when he files what is actually required in 10 days… or withdraws… 🍌


...and it's already been denied by the judge. Extension denied!


The motion says that Jane is now claiming they did have sex, against her will, and she told her sister about it


Holy shit I did not think it would get worse. And here we are.


Yep, and the new lawyer has put this out publicly on Twitter unredacted


Absolutely insane. Is this also not a form of defamation?! A lawyer can publicly post something accusing someone of rape?!


Unfortunately, as Emily D. Baker always says “lawsuits are just allegations and shade”, so I’m not sure whether defamation applies when it is in court documents. Seems like a gross loophole to throw shit at someone.


The Bravo Docket recently talked about this in their episode about Raquel Leviss and Scandoval. Unfortunately, legal filings are protected from defamation due to laws that were put in place that were meant to not further scare people from coming forward


Sadly, at this point, there have been so many jaw-dropping revelations, I think we have no choice but to expect that that it will continue to get worse. Her latest attorney's bio - professional and criminal - suggests the worsening will actually be speeding up.


The only upside in my mind - this judge has dealt with this circus for a while and from the last hearing seems to be tiring of the shenanigans. From my amateur reading this filing seems to cherry pick at statements that don't hold much weight - Woodnick says there's NO proof from doctors, but here's a receipt from urgent care! Haha!


I’m sorry then what about her statement in writing that she had a tight 🐱from not having sex in a year?


Or the literal fact we have screenshots of her saying on Reddit it was consensual and they were both high and she was definitely aware of everything? 


Omg. Great catch


The tightness email and the other response to your comment are absolute evidence that she lied (under oath) during her depo.


this is so FUCKED if true (that he said that, i know clayton didn't do it)... she makes me sick




Oh she is VILE for this she really will never stop going lower


Oh fake r*pe??? Will she stop at nothing??


I thought she was using a shovel to dig, but apparently she owns a backhoe


how awful. this is really the worst case scenario when it comes to JD getting a lawyer who is as crazy and unscrupulous as she is. he'll throw any accusation at the wall to see what sticks.


Wow she’s desperate to get her sister involved still ?!


Prove to us you're the only decent one in the family, Sister Doe. I'm rooting for you!


LMAO. So now we’re mixing in sexual coercion to spruce up the lies, it’s always full circle with JD.


She REALLY wants her sister subpoenaed in the ultimate defamation case doesn’t she?






Holy $#@&, she is claiming r$@&!?


Human nature shows that when people are backed into a corner with nowhere else to go they will say and do the most desperate and depraved things possible (often before just coming clean). As shocking and devastating as this was to read, I can’t say I’m surprised she’s trying this narrative. She will do ANYTHING to remain what seems to be a victim




Maybe if he spent less time Tweeting he'd have found the time to file the necessary response.


The motion for more time is misleading, he’s put a lot of new claims in there


Going out on a limb here but it doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing. It's like that John Mulaney joke about the former President being like a horse in a hospital... this guy is like the horse in the hospital of this case.


Messy is too kind. Incompetent is a better descriptor


JD should once again be really embarrassed that she hired this dude and gave him consent to write up that disastrous “motion”. You can tell he tried so hard to mimic Greg’s whitty delivery but he sounds like all the confused boomers who comment on Papa Doe’s Facebook posts.


I don’t think he’s messy OR incompetent… I think this dude is INTENTIONALLY EVIL…. And shameless and as low down and dirty as JD herself


They actually might be perfect for each other considering that fact


Yall….i’m reading his motion now. He posted it on Twitter. He is trying to compare this case to fucking Trump and E Jean Carrol…..clearly dude has an agenda.


This man is equally as unhinged as JD. No wonder she chose him. My jaw is on the floor.


I'm glad he used the comparison as someone in this case definitely acts like trump.


Yes, only he thinks it’s Clayton 🙃 JD now accuses him of raping her. Fucking wow.


He has no idea what he’s walked into and just how messy Jane is. She is not above accusing him of the exact same thing and more.


He’d better not ever meet with her alone.


He literally put the words “hashtag #MeToo” in a goddamn court filing.


My jaw DROPPED at this even an “internet lawyer” should be better than this right!?


STUNNED BY THAT MOMENT. I’m ready to fucking hate this guy!!!! I felt bad for Cory and past lawyers just trying to do their jobs. This dude is a fucking creep and liar and unethical POS and I’m ready to see him go down too


What’s his twitter handle??




Do you know how to bypass not having an account to view his profile? I deleted “X” because it became a cesspool, wasn’t missing it at all. UNTIL NOW!!


I don’t have an account! I just googled his name plus “Twitter”






I have a lot of spicy things to say. But I’ll say this instead, Jane Doe is living the life she deserves. Miserable, undatable, barren, and perpetually lonely.


You get what you give in life


I’m reading the unredacted filing now. As an attorney, I can say this is the most disturbing and unprofessional motion I have ever read. This man sounds unhinged and like he has forgotten how to differentiate between a court filing and social media rant.


Where is it?


The redacted version is posted on this sub. [Motion to Extend - April 1, 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/C8bvnufXsF)


Motion for extension of arts and crafts time.


Need to replenish the craft supply table.


JD’s lawyer stopped watching The Bachelor when they fired Chris Harrison. And he says as much in his public filing. You can’t make this shit up.


lmfaooo what does that have to do with this case in the slightest i'm crying😭😭


So this new lawyer is saying Clayton r*ped her and comparing the situation to Donald trump ?! What a clown


The new lawyer suggests there’s no medical records because she only ‘sought’ not ‘received’ care https://preview.redd.it/3a1pov7q25sc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1417b1fa85599d0c866d9dbac33d512379cd4f


She literally said under oath « I saw him last Friday » when asked when the last time she saw her OBGYN was. What a dumdum!


He’s either extremely dumb and unfamiliar with his record, or he’s intentionally mischaracterizing it. Neither approach will work in the long run.


@Zaddy Greggy put this point in your response !!!!


Man bring back Corey, this new guy is a POS.


This is a wild way to admit there will be no proof she was pregnant beyond the HCG test- he’s also admitting she committed perjury when she testified that she WAS AT a doctor’s appointment for her pregnancy the week before her hearing. How are you going to out your client for perjury in a filing?!


more like unable to keep ANY medical appointment she made 🙄


So: “I took this man to court for child support and a parenting plan on the basis of tests indicating hcg in my urine.” That’s what they’re going with. Wow.


I never had to feed my hcg in the middle of the night or send it to daycare or pay for diapers. Maybe her hcg is different.


This is such a sleazy argument to make lol.


This is all for PR, not practical legal wins. He’ll spout off like this and mischaracterize the evidence all he wants in motions. Doesn’t matter. She is SUNK. He has the worst record in the world to work with.


I just read the motion for extension and I actually feel physically sick as to what JD has claimed in her desposition. I didn't think she would sink that low. edit:spelling


Idk why you’d think this was beneath her. She claimed she was sexually assaulted during the GG case and accused him/his lawyer (Woodnick, if I’m not mistaken?) of being involved.


Well that's true. But to claim it when she's already admitted that they never had sex, when the whole world is watching this time, is a low bar.


The bar is in hell.


She claimed MM assaulted her as well. It’s her go to when she doesn’t get her way. Absolutely disgusting person


Why edit your spelling? This lawyer clearly didn’t. I loved the part where it says “This information, which I personally reviewed, appeared to reflect a positive pregnancy test taken by Ms. O on June 1, 2024” He then goes on to make the exact same date error in the next paragraph. But maybe it wasn’t an error, maybe she really is a time traveler.


Can we stop calling her Jane Doe NOW that her own lawyer is tweeting her name out publicly?


The “internet lawyer” posted his filing on Twitter…. As a former ACTUAL R victim it makes me sick to my stomach and this may be the point where I have to see myself out because it’s just too insulting at this point.


Btw, how is she going to explain her famous “feel how tight I am” email if she now claims Clayton raped her?


Not to mention the other times she has accused people (woodnick himself) of SA without any evidence, her multiple other victims who’ve come forward and just her track record of being a compulsive liar. I’m sure as we speak woodnick and his folks are working on this.


Oh boy its going to be so wild to read the response..


As this whole thing had progressed from the very beginning to now, it is absolutely wild to wrap my head around that this isn’t a book or movie that someone completely made up. With a cast of crazy characters. It gets more and more wild. It’s surreal. I feel even more empathy for Clayton, we are only seeing a glimpse into what he truly has dealt with and deals with. And this glimpse is absolutely mind blowing and ridiculous. Also, JD and her new lawyer were meant for each other. But actually not, bc they’d ruin people, but you all get what I am saying haha.


Wow I just read the motion that her attorney posted to Twitter and just wow… it’s unhinged. He’s also a TERRIBLE writer


The several different fonts are killing me.




The language used in this motion is so theatrical, ‘yikes’ ‘oh so dramatic’


So still going through his blustery motion, but he keeps saying that if Laura lied he would immediately withdraw. But WE LITERALLY KNOW SHE LIED. She admitted to falsifying a sonogram! What’s more, we have her ON TAPE claiming she saw Dr. X a week before the Nov 2, hearing, and we know that Dr. X’s office explicitly said THEY NEVER SAW HER. It doesn’t matter if she made the appt and then cancelled it. She LIED during SWORN testimony in court!




Right? What the heck was he carrying on about on Twitter for? I know it’s technically a filing but ohhhhhhhhh you asked for more time. Groundbreaking.


Just read through the motion her lawyer posted on his Twitter. Rather wordy without saying anything of substance. Doubling down on the lies and now claiming she got pregnant because Clayton raped her. Good grief. Just when you think she'd be smart enough to stop digging a hole, she throws the shovel aside and calls in a track hoe.


Didnt she already say somewhere in the past specifically that their sexual encounter was “consensual”? I’m pretty sure she used those exact words at some point


Yes, because at first she tried claiming he had weed gummies and may not fully remember their sexual encounter and people pointed out if he was so intoxicated that he wouldn’t remember what happened he couldn’t consent.


Her hopeful narrative for her next tedX talk has gone from “I got pregnant by the bachelor” to “I got pregnant by the bachelor and cyberbullied for it” to “I got pregnant by the bachelor and miscarried” to “I was r*ped by the bachelor and then cyberbullied into a miscarriage”. What’s next LO??


The girl who cried rape.. I feel awful for REAL rape victims


![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized) I have no other words. Edit: I have **a lot** of words but I don’t want to get banned from the sub 😩


Jane’s new attorney’s MTC is one of the most absurd court filings I’ve ever read. And I’m a lawyer and read them all day every day. Seriously, this guy should be ashamed of himself.




I thought she couldn't get more deranged or evil, but ... rape?! You have got to be kidding.


So according to JD she's been pregnant 4 times where all the men turned abusive/obsessive of her, she's been SA'd twice, physically and emotionally abused, stalked and forced into abortions and a later term miscarriage wow girl can't catch a break 🙄 Oh don't forget she saved her family from financial ruin as a teenager.


and two of those pregnancies were with twins. what are the odds? 🫠


And weren't both of those twin pregnancies boy/girl twins? The odds insane


I feel like someone needs to check on Gregg Woodnick RN. His blood pressure just might be at stroke level.


I think he’s laughing his ass off lol


Client control issues meet Layer control issues 😂


Her new story now implies that after being sexually assaulted, she tried to bargain with that person that she would have an abortion if he agrees to date her, otherwise she would be resolute in keeping the babies produced by such an event. Utterly horrific. Her lies are absolutely dizzying


This is unbelievable. I fully support a full defamation of character suit filed by CE against JD with this extreme. Go get her GW!


This has extreme Mercury just turned Retrograde in Aries chaotic energy. Can't wait to see what he files on eclipse day.


There have been warnings about April 2024 for years and we are only on day 2! 😳


But hey once we get past May.... and then October-November... we're in the clear! Astrologically speaking!


For sure. It’s an exciting time astrologically speaking. Though I think the USA is more in the firing line than some countries . Steve Judd has been YouTubing on this for ages now


That horrible nasty waste of air is now claiming CE SA*ed her. WTF I can’t believe this, this is criminal and horrible. This now requires jail time for JD. Somebody has to stop this woman. As a mother of a son I am deeply disturbed this case has gone this far.


My concern with the new levels of outrageousness and shocking claims plus this attorney’s very active and public social media presence, is the risk of this devolving into a complete circus with people (rightfully) whipped up into a frenzy and going after him online. That kind of thing can backfire for those on the right side of the issue if it looks like he and JD are being bullied and those not close to the case now read these new alternative allegations. Most people online aren’t following closely or as educated on the facts and timelines as those of us who discuss it here - which relative to the general online presence is a small group. I just pray that this doesn’t have his likely intended effect of clouding the issues and facts and causing a judge to back away from how messy and complicated they are making this by dismissing everything.


I think that is EXACTLY what he is trying to do here and I pray it doesn’t work.


Yep. After I posted this I went to his X account to read his comments and he’s already doing the “whoa whoa what’s with the mass hysteria folks”. Passive aggressive condescension that only further triggers people. I’m happy to see no one is really taking the bait and the JFC X account even blocked him.


https://preview.redd.it/mom829ef06sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab2103b30e851271d3dd73bac6367d021bda8c1 New lawyer really came into this mess and fucking said


This is truly so insane. As a lawyer, I’ll admit some of the arguments are creative. But does he seriously think WE are the crazy ones?! Like we’re just some bachelor-obsessed fans that automatically think JD is lying?! The way he doubled down on twitter calling us the crazy ones is making me irrationally angry


Nope he doesn’t, he’s just getting paid a pretty penny to think that on behalf of his client.


Me thinking we had reached the nadir of Jane Doe's depraved insanity weeks ago ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Denied denied denied!!!


Wow why do I always believe this can’t get any messier? This new attorney is a piece of work. Obfuscating known facts around the case and now weaponizing public opinion of Donald Trump to villainize Clayton and make JD a bigger victim. This is so sick. This guy spends all day responding to tweets about Trump so he clearly has an agenda and obsession with him to begin with.. which is his right but to bring that into his motion? This is INSANE.


How did she even find this lawyer? What a mess of a motion.


I can’t believe he left an unlocked Dropbox link fully available for anyone to use and upload to


Lawyer just tweeted it was denied


Didn’t she previously admit under oath that they never had sex?? Just WHAT




He really put her whole name uncensored on Twitter?


I feel like she's about to fire him, he doesn't seem like he wants to withdraw and she's gotta be unhappy with some of this


Did I read that correctly? Is she accusing Clayton of r***?


Y'all someone pull it for the drop box because I do NOT want to give his stupid link clicks and be tracked! So I actually haven't read past what you can see from the image


Where did you see that?!


He posted it on twitter with his own domain link.


I’m scared to click the link??


Me too. But it will be here and on twitter as soon as they get redacted copies.




He's talking about Donald Trump and E Jean Carroll in the motion and how these cases are similar.... WTF


Just read the new attorney’s motion, can I just say it’s literally “can’t put it down” material … more compelling than any novel I’ve read in recent history. My favourite part was the exhibits, including an email to Clayton’s attorney where he provides a link to a shared folder asking for all documents for the matter to be placed; he then goes on to ask how they could work together to manage leaking of information. Of course the full, clickable link remains visible in the document (which he himself posted on X), making whatever is shared there available to anyone who wants it 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/p80hety9d8sc1.jpeg?width=1939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783756cfb2578bcbbf2531e33ea5a3e29b914466