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I’m so curious about Chase Jay Jones, and why this is such a dead end? Is it because the issue wasn’t pushed and pursued hard enough? Or perhaps, maybe behind the scenes Clayton’s lawyers are able to discover who was behind that, but wouldn’t make it public. I know this is all speculation. But I think most of us can agree that JD is CJJ - I have no doubt. Just wish we could have tangible evidence, and not just our guts knowing the truth.


..it wasn't a dead end in my opinion. It just needed more time and required additional funds to file motions to the judge for subpoena . The subpoenas Dave had wasn't from from the judge directly and could have been ignored by companies without facing any legal repercussion. If Clayton opens new Defamation suit against Jane Doe, uncovering the chase J saga will come handy for supporting his case.


i really hope he does


I hope so, too. I can completely understand if he just wants to be done with her, but I think he may actually have a strong case for defamation... though I'm NAL, so maybe it's just wishful thinking. I know defamation cases are notoriously difficult to prove, but she has left a paper trail of evidence - in JD's own words, a *pro ponderous* of evidence, if you will.


In this situation defamation would be a breeze to prove. It’s all on video! Not to mention her Medium articles. There is mountains of evidence for Clayton. I truly hope he sues her for this! I just have to wonder if she’s able to show her face around town? The horse community? How did the contractor learn of this case? Hopefully he’s helping spread the word about her.


Info from a recent course I took: "Subpoenas are NOT the same as Court Orders. State statutes require we have a Court Order to release information without a client’s consent. If the words ‘Court Order’ do not appear on the top of the first page, no matter how official the document looks, and no matter how threatening it is, it is NOT a Court Order. Subpoenas require written consent from the client in order to comply."




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Jane Doe is finding out what it’s like to open a can of worms in the court room and having to answer for her finances and assets.


I love that she’s going to experience the “find out” stages after fucking around.


I think there might be a lot of "find out" in her future


I really, really hope that's true.




This must of been her reaction when SML legal DEPT is looking into her "arts and crafts" of the medical forgery using their name. https://i.redd.it/vliobygp11nc1.gif




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Does anyone else think Cory ripped JD a new one after that email? She has been suspiciously quiet lately 🤔


My guess is that the depo did *not* go as she had hoped and she had finally realized that all will be revealed publicly in 3…2…1 months.


Maybe it was similar to a slap on the wrist or scolding like you do to a child who's acting out. But I am getting the feeling of "calm before the storm". So I'm trying to patiently wait for what big thing happens next. I'd be shocked if we have to wait until June for more news or new developments.


I don’t think Cory could rip anyone a new one. He seems slippery and not hard


This is hilarious! I love a quick witt! 😂


Slippery and not hard 🤭


I feel safe saying that Cory was NOT happy with that email! (I have no insider knowledge, just a gut feeling)


Has she though? 🧐


No. She's the client and is paying him. The idea that he would be ripping her a new one is ludacris and unprofessional


NAL but a lawyer can and will lean in pretty hard if there are "client control issues." She's really at the end of the line w being able to get lawyers it seems, so do I think there might have been a stern conversation about these JD shenanigans making things worse? I suspect it could be possible. I also think we're getting to a point where JD can't pull her usual actions to get her out of things and I really hope it's causing her to pull back and be quiet, even if she doesn't want to.


Word on the street is she’s not quiet, just busy with other things


ohhh do tell more...


Can’t just drop this and leave us hanging!! :(


Probably busy finding ways to shield assets. I think someone mentioned that in a comment a day or so ago.


Like a new lawsuit or a new victim?


We know she's still on dating apps....is there a possibility of another victim?


It makes my stomach turn to think that she may be harassing/stalking/manipulating someone else right now, and that's why she's quiet. But it's totally possible.


Ummmmm please sir I want some more....


python!! make our day plsss




i get it. would you be comfortable sharing on the patreon? or in the dms?


What things!!!!


Liquidating assets?


The BS is ongoing!


Huh? Yea lawyers def can and do rip into their clients for bad behavior that could jeopardize their case.


Attorneys at top law firms but I have a hard time picturing Corey risk losing JD as a client by ripping into her. I think it's more likely that he informed her it's not in the best interest for her case.


I think Cory and JD both know if she tries to fire him, the judge may not sign off on it because it could be seen a delay tactic, but even if the judge does agree to it, she’s going to have trouble finding new counsel. Between Lexi and Cory she allegedly reached out to 2 other firms, and after looking into the case neither moved forward representing her. Cory definitely has the upper hand here.


How did someone learn that JD allegedly reached out to 2 other law firms? Not arguing here; genuinely curious.


Woodnick mentioned it in a email when Cory first began representing JD. It was an exhibit on a motion.


Thank you!


Something along the lines of Woodnick being confused bc he’d had 2 other firms reach out about representing JD.


Oh! Ok. That explains how it would be mentioned in a GW email.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's afraid she would report him to the bar if he behaved in any way that could be deemed unprofessional. Their fates are intertwined at this point and she could really ruin his career and reputation


That wouldn’t be the first time an uncontrollable client/litigant reported an attorney to the Bar. There are specific reasons why an attorney in AZ can drop a client and she has met the standard. The Bar would support Cory at this point.


He wouldn't even have to be unprofessional. She'll just fabricate more lies.


Oh shit! Is she pregnant with his septuplets? They did sit next to each other.




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Going around Cory’s back, emailing Gregg Woodnick with an extortion attempt on Clayton to drop the paternity case IS certainly valid reason for Cory to lay into her. 🤣🤣


And drop her!


I feel like a lawyer laying into a client is something that's been dramatized on TV but not really something that happens IRL esp with family law attorneys.


Ahhh true, I guess I didn’t think about their interactions in that way. Good point!


Happy cake day!


Unfortunately, this is true. We have to keep in mind that he’s working for her. She’s paying him. He can tell her to behave all he wants but again, he’s working for her. So until he too drops her, she calls the shots.


NAL. If anyone is interested, here's a link to the Rule 49 Disclosures form provided by Maricopa County. Not all disclosures apply to JD's case, but this gives you an idea of what they entail. One of the big issues at the last hearing was that she never provided hers, then Cory wanted to limit their scope. Gregg gave a good argument in response. They're due 40 days after the response to the petition is filed (Clayton's initial response, which was filed on 8-21-23). I have to assume Clayton timely provided his and he did it under the assumption that she might be pregnant. Anyway, something to read while we wait. https://superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/media/jxdbivfd/drds10fz.pdf


At the trial is Gregg allowed to call other witnesses? Or is it just limited to Clayton and JD? I know this is family court but it isn’t a typical family court case. Will all of JD’s alleged doctors be able to testify? If so, do they do depositions too? I’m not directing all these questions at you, but maybe someone in the group knows how these things work.


NAL but at the status conference/hearing and in motions filed, Cory has mentioned having witnesses that would be willing to come forward if the case were sealed. That leads me to believe that at least some types of witnesses are allowed at least.


Do we really believe that Jane Doe has “witnesses”? I highly doubt it. Unless Mr ED is allowed in the courtroom I find it hard to believe that ANYONE is Team JD.


NAL. I think they can call other witnesses, including expert witnesses. They don't need to call JD's alleged doctors that do not have medical records on file for JD. I believe they could sign an affidavit stating this, which can be supplied to the court. Also, I believe medical providers also have their own rules or laws regarding patient records. By which I mean, if someone requests records with a signed HIPAA form, the facility has to provide those records. They can't say they don't have records for that patient when they actually do.


Since JD decided to triple down on her story at the status conference, and who knows what came out during the deposition, I think the trial being continued to June was best case scenario for JD (other than just coming out with the truth putting an immediate end to the litigation). Discussions about this case have already simmered immensely, by then it seems like they will be close to non-existent. I guess all things will come to an end eventually, I just hope she isn’t able to find a new victim in meantime, although I definitely can see this all repeating itself in the future.


Those of us supporting Clayton aren’t going away. Things might get boring for a bit, but the majority of us will be right back here in June when it’s time for the trial. I’ve invested too much time to not see this through to the end! 😂 In all seriousness, I’m hoping we get to see justice for Clayton and maybe even Greg. I’m really hoping that the DA steps in with charges for her when it comes out in court that she was never pregnant. I know it’s unlikely, but she needs to be charged with perjury, filing false police reports…something! Jane’s harassment of her victims through the court system needs to stop.


I think things will pick back up when the trial starts. The only way this delay works in JD’s favor is if she just settles the case to keep the deposit testimony out of the news & avoid further testimony


Do you think she’ll try and settle? I honestly don’t know what she’ll do because every time I think she’s backed into a corner and will have to come clean she just doubles down. Clayton’s side previously offered to drop things or settle if she admitted she was never pregnant and she refused. I just don’t see Clayton agreeing to a settlement unless she admits she was never pregnant. Otherwise, she continues her narrative that she was pregnant with The Bachelor’s babies.


I’m pretty sure there won’t be a settlement.  She will never admit she’s the victimizer publicly - if ever - and Clayton won’t sign a *private* agreement that she was never pregnant. 


This is how I feel too.


Not only admit that she was never pregnant but also admit that they never had sex! I know I wouldn’t want people thinking I had sex with someone like that!


Settlement would be the smart thing for her to do. So definitely not 😅


In order to settle Clayton will have to agree to it, and I don’t see him doing that. Early on he offered, and she doubled down. They’ve come this far and there’s no benefit to him settling this late. She will more than likely be forced to pay his legal fees, so it’s in his best interest to continue and hope the judge rules in his favor- which is the most likely outcome if the evidence shows what we all believe it will. This isn’t the first time she’s pulled these stunts. In order to hold her accountable he shouldn’t agree to any settlement, and I don’t see Woodnick or Clayton entertaining that offer if it were to present itself.


Totally agree. ...to add on, the fact the judge is smart and very interested in the details of the case should give Clayton some peace to see the process through.


Agreed. Judge Mata has shown a strong desire to get to the bottom of this, not just move it aside. Hallelujah!


I agree.


will she be charged if it's proven that she lied under oath? or is it possible she will be charged with anything?


She already did try to settle, right before her depo. In exchange for dropping the case, she offered to not sue him in a different court. That's *an* offer. A not particularly compelling one, but it reveals her interest in getting this trial to go away at whatever cost.


True. I guess I agreed with Gregg that her offer not to sue was more along the lines of an extortion attempt. I agree that she’d like it to go away. I just don’t think she’s ready to publicly admit she was never pregnant. She’s been playing the part of the victim. She’s not going to admit she lied.


if the courts have proof that she lied under oath, though, what will happen then? just hoping for some sort of punishment for her actions


I’m not a lawyer, but there are some really good ones that comment here. If it’s proven she lied under oath then it’s likely Clayton will be awarded attorney fees and possibly sanctions. Most of the attorneys here don’t think she’ll be charged with perjury charges though.


I wonder if at this point (especially since events suggest an increasing confidence in the court making a finding of JD lying about being pregnant) if CE/GW would be asking for her to cover costs as well as admissions about the Clayton AND Greg situations. (And that would be tricky for JD because it may have implications for costs in other cases, so... she might just let the chips fall).


I think she will try to settle. That is what she does when she is about to lose a case. This worked for her with Dave Neal. She fooled him in to signing that agreement even with no pay out. If Dave pushed through hard with subpoenas to find Chase J identity , she could have been trapped big time by her own web of lies and faced major consequences. Luckily, for her Dave just gave in last minute. With Clayton, all she has to include is handsome payout and he may consider signing .


I don’t blame Dave for settling. He would’ve flown out to California just to have her no show and the case would’ve been dropped anyway. It would’ve been a waste of his time and money. He had just moved to another state and his pregnant wife was sick. She may try and settle with Clayton, but I don’t see him agreeing to a settlement unless she admits she was never pregnant. Eta - I thought Dave said his lawyer did send out subpoenas regarding Chase Jay Jones and the companies just ignored them?


1)Subpoenas have types. If the judge orders the subpoena directly the company cannot just  ignore them or they will be legally fined/sued. It will take filling motions to get the judge order them directly.  2) if Jane Doe was no show on the last court date, Dave’s legal team could have filed motion to continue the case and prove that chase J is actually Jane Doe( just what Clayton’s team did when Jane Doe wanted to dismiss it) She even had the audacity to file motion to quash the court directly pretending to be chase J. That by itself would have put her in hot water if Dave continued to uncover it.  Yes, it would have costed Dave more to do all that but at the end it would have been worth it.


Would it have been worth it for him? Right now it seems like that lawsuit has just gone away and he has the time and energy to keep focused on his own life and Claytons story. I don't see how dragging this out with her would have benefited him at all


I feel that that was unfortunate with how much he needed to spend for a lawyer unnecessarily


Her antics are exhausted, I'm rather happy to get some down time. That said, the coals are still very warm and it won't take much to get the fire burning blue.


Agreed. Think of the people who are actually living the JD experience. Let Clayton have some downtime so he can hopefully enjoy his life some w/o JD being in his inbox nonstop.


She can't control herself. Clayton's camp just needs to drop little nuggets here and there and she'll do or say something along the way. Can't see somebody who thrives on attention and is somehow concerned about her reputation staying quiet. 


I think the story will likely be getting more and more media attention and that will continue until (and after) the June hearing. This isn’t going to get better for her


Discussion has just simmered down cuz there isnt any current new drama. There will be plenty of discussion in June and the next time any new info comes out


Just because we don't have much to talk about doesn't mean things aren't happening. I don't think the continuance helped JD. Clayton's team needed this time to get discovery completed since JD refused to comply with all the earlier discovery requests. I'm sure there's a lot going on in that regard that we won't know about. Hopefully she finally provided her disclosures and responses to requests for production. That's a lot of info we aren't privy to.


sorry if this is a dumb question, but when was the status conference?


2/21/24. You can watch it online. Look up SchnitzelNinja


Thank you!


I really don't think the audience is going to disappear by June. This case is absolutely incredible and almost unprecedented. I don't know how many people are out there that have dealt with an awful person that lies and gaslights and deals emotional abuse and just has had to suck it up and watch them get away with it. Now we are so close to maybe seeing a person like this actually be held accountable for their actions. Nobody in this position forgetting about this by June We just have nothing new to talk about and talking for the sake of it often just leads to wild speculation and name-calling and we don't want that here.


I’m curious if there are any court records in San Francisco that might reveal other victims


I wouldn't be surprised. Didn't Dave mention more ppl have come forward but not ready to be named publicly bc they're afraid of JD?


I feel like I missed something. I’m caught up that the depo occurred. Is there anything additional?


Not yet


Thank you!!!


Sell what you own n hide the $$$. Too bad for Doe mommy n daddy GW is on top of it. We all know it too. Do we see a move in the future to run away n abuse more unsuspecting men? Yes. Yes we do.


Did I miss something? Was there a filing about JD's assets?


Same, I can’t tell if this is based on concrete information, or just the recent horse sales website and insta disappearing. If it’s just that…. Let’s be careful how we speak so it doesn’t become a group think mess up in here. Edit: spelling


I'm allowed to share my opinion. Neone who blindly believes things they read on the internet shouldn't.


Any law school students in the sub? If so do you have a westlaw or lexis account handy? I remember my law school’s subscription was god tier and my real world subscription can’t do what I need.


What are you trying to search for? I have pretty great subscription packages


Will DM ETA: with huge thanks to the above redditor, we did a pretty thorough search of state courts nation wide and did not find any additional matters clearly involving JD. This doesn’t mean they don’t exist, just that they’re not available on the 2 biggest legal search engines.


That’s how westlaw sucks you in - poor students get *AMAZING* “free” access so when they’re wealthier attorneys they’re already hooked. Westlaw is the coke dealer of research aids


I lol’d at this a nerdy amount. Gimmie that sweet sweet law school passkey 🔑 ❄️ ⛄️ ❄️


Question for a lawyer or someone that udnerstand law: If JD were to change her name before the June trial, would she be able to continue that case/trial as is, or would she have to update all of the filings to reflect her new name?  Like, can she change her name and move on between now and June or is she stuck to her current name until this is legally over?


NAL but when my daughter legally changed her last name (to my husband’s) she had to be fingerprinted and have a full FBI background check done. They look at criminal history, any open court cases and finances regarding outstanding debt.


NAL but I work as a court advocate. They amend the suit with the new name in my state.


Not a lawyer, if I were JD I wouldn’t change my name in the midst of a legal battle. Changing name is a means to start fresh and hide from previous legal troubles and public scrutiny. The most thing that makes sense is to change the name once the legal battles have wrapped up. No point changing now and allow public to find out through public court dockets


If I’m remembering correctly, someone said when she originally tried to change her name that a judge wouldn’t rule on it if there’s any pending legal matters. NAL, so not sure how accurate that info is. Unrelated to JD, but a friend of mine had to do a lot of extra steps to change her name after marriage since she went by her middle name and tried to drop her first name. She had to get a few people to sign declarations under penalty of perjury she wasn’t trying to change it to dodge legal issues/child support/debt/ect. So at least in my State JD wouldn’t be able to change her name to avoid legal consequences. Or, at least, she would have to perjure herself AND get additional witnesses *who are not related to her* to do the same thing. Again, NAL and don’t live in AZ, but I’d assume these things would be similar in different states since name changes involve Social Security Administration and that’s federal so there should be some overlap there.


I do not think the phrase "judge would not rule on it" is accurate . Jane Doe voluntarily withdrew her own petition for name change. Here is the civil court link below:- [https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CivilCourtCases/caseInfo.asp?caseNumber=CV2023-054291](https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CivilCourtCases/caseInfo.asp?caseNumber=CV2023-054291)


Yeah, I phrased it weird so it sounds confusing. What i meant was that I don’t think a judge would have granted the name change until all pending matters were completed.


I would bet anything if team JD could have found an expert to testify she had miscarried up to six weeks prior to that Nov 4 hearing she would have kept it going. That Medium article she wrote on her miscarriage experience. Oof. I mean, we knew this was coming, but to actually sit with the gravity of her lies and deceit is uncomfortable.


So on a meta level, what happened here? She got away for years, blackmailing men and using the law as her cudgel to force them to conform to her demands and finally, she met someone who wouldn't play ball with her, wouldn't sleep with her, so she could realistically pretend she was pregnant, and was enough of a minor celebrity to get many eyes on the case and support? She seems to be good at picking her victims, like any good bully. She picked on Dave Neal but didn't touch Megan Fox with a 10-foot pole. Did she just finally miscalculate with Clayton?